A medida que los creyentes de todos los rincones de la tierra se reunían al servicio de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica para recibir una bendición, una atmósfera de prΑofunda fe llenó el lugar. Un poco más tarde, el hombre de Dios George, predicó un mensaje alentador y optimista a los hijos de Dios…
Evangelist Katerina Otamere then proclaimed a message entitled “LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF YOUR CONSCIENCE”. With this message that concerns each of us on a personal level, she led us through a process of self-examination. She explained that many of us today pray and ask God for guidance and direction, even though He speaks to us constantly and directs us every moment through the…
On Sunday, the man of God Harry preached a message entitled “FEAR NOT; JUST BELIEVE”, in which he gave us the key to face one of the greatest problems people have to deal with every day, fear! More specifically, he pointed out that fear comes when we cannot see beyond our immediate situation, because we look at the problem with the eyes of the body…
The man of God Harry preached the first message of the New Year, entitled “NEW YEAR; NEW CHALLENGES”, highlighting the fact that the New Year comes with uncommon blessings. However, we must prepare ourselves for uncommon challenges because uncommon blessings always attract uncommon challenges. After reading a proof text from…
The last service of the year took placε at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. The voices of the worship team sang in the Christmas atmosphere for Jesus Christ who came as a man on earth to bring love, hope and salvation to people…
The Holy Spirit was present in the church during the Christmas celebration. People from all over the world traveled to attend this special Sunday Service in which the Savior of the world played the main role. Every part of the celebration stated an unquestionable message: “Jesus Christ was born, He lived and He died on the Cross to restore…
The wondrous hymnody to God lifted us to a higher level of communication with Him, filling the atmosphere with spiritual fragrance. Hearts were touched by the Spirit of God, and His presence was felt in every soul. Everyone received heavenly strength and renewal, which equipped them with courage and faith…
At the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, the choir called on the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of the believers. They allowed the worship to take the place of their problems by creating an atmosphere of faith, which makes it easier for miracles to happen…
An atmosphere of faith prevailed at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, where all the believers in one accord gave honor and glory to the Lord of heaven and earth! Then the man of God Harry gave a wonderful message to the congregation entitled “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?”…
Βelievers from all around the world came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and joined forces in prayer and worship to give the Almighty God all the glory, honor and praise He deserves! The atmosphere was electrifying as God’s presence was intensely felt, while the Lord’s angels prepared the hearts of the faithful…
The people of the Living God united and gave all the glory and praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ; to the One who knew no sin, but sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins, so that we could live freely! Then the man of God Harry preached an eye-opening message to the church, which led each listener to examine themselves. He began his message…