The festive atmosphere of Christmas was felt throughout the entire gathering. People from various countries around the world attended and watched the Christmas celebration in honor of the One who changed the course of human history! The One whose birth changed the lives of countless people, for with Him was born hope for the entire world!

Every heart was transported to the events and atmosphere of that holy night of the Savior’s birth, by singing hymns of praise and worship.

The children of the Sunday school presented their own special program and proved to everyone that it is never too early to make a difference in your world! They started with a “storm” of Words of Wisdom, leaving the attendees speechless! They continued with some Christmas carols and ended with a mime depicting the spiritual warfare between the physical and spiritual world. This powerful message showed the congregation how to manage their emotions. They vividly stated that problems arise when emotions and senses change and only our relationship with God and His Word can help us control them!

Later on, the play presented by the evangelists, the workers and the youth of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, pleasantly surprised the congregation, as it led them all on a highly educational journey to the Bible! The participants, with inexhaustible humour, through the trials of David, Daniel, Peter, Apostle Paul and Silas, showed us how the heroes of faith played their role and managed to overcome their problems, writing a positive story! Their life reflects the genuine faith that every believer should have and teaches us that faith is on three levels. In the knowledge of the truth, in the acceptance of the truth and in the devotion to the truth. To have a complete faith, one must possess all three levels of faith. And when one has them, everything is possible!

So, if this Christmas you realise that you do not have a complete faith and you are overwhelmed by the situations that come your way every day, learn from the examples that God uses in His Word, by taking a trip into the Bible! In other words, learn from David, who courageously stood before the giant Goliath, saying: “My God and I are a majority. ‘If God is with me, who can stand against me?’”.

Learn from the hero of faith, Daniel, who in the midst of trial, when his own life was in danger, he confessed with faith in God, saying, “It does not matter what you go through, but how you go through it. You have to involve God in your matter, because if God is involved in your case, it does not matter who else is involved!”.

Learn from Peter who walked on the waves during a time of uncertainty, believing that for a man of faith, every problem is designed for his progress and purpose in his spiritual walk with the Lord!

Finally, do not forget the voice of Apostle Paul and Silas, who, although in prison, saw the power of God breaking every chain that kept them bound, because of their genuine faith. Their attitude in prison is tangible proof that in whatever situation you are in, you must show your genuine faith. When you do something through God, He will strengthen you and encourage you in your trials!

There are people today who continue to write good history, as God continues to send His people to strengthen us and guide us towards the right path! Miracles still happen, because people of faith still exist today!


Mr. Davor Bosanak from Croatia came to The Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki seeking redemption for his soul and healing for the wounds caused by a painful past. His many years of prayer were not in vain but were answered when the Lord Jesus Christ came to meet him, through a prophetic word given to him by the man of God Harry. The prophetic word was this, “You must allow the pain of the past to go, because I see you have received too much pain in the past right from a young age! Please, forgive and forget! This pain of the past does not allow you to move forward and trust anybody. In order for you to move with your life now, you must forgive and forget about the pain. As Jesus has given you a second chance, you must give them a second chance also”.

Awe and emotion flooded Mr. Bosanac when he began to confirm the words given to him by the man of God. He opened his heart and gave more insight on what exactly the prophetic word referred to in order for him to become a channel of blessing for all those who suffer from similar situations.

From an early age he grew up in a house with an alcoholic father, from whom he received a lot of rejection. When his father drank, he would become aggressive towards his mother, but also towards Mr. Bosanac and his brother. His father’s behavior stigmatised him later in life and he was filled with a lot of hatred for him. He was aggressive, full of rage and his hatred towards his father was so intense that for many years he even wanted to kill him! The experiences he lived through from his home were very negative and afterward, although he knew the negative effects of alcohol on both the drinker and those around him, Mr. Bosanac also became an alcoholic! The bad life he lived led him to prison for three whole years and because of the environment there, he learned not to trust anyone in his life!

When he realised how much his life was being ruined by the destructive emotions that dwelled in his heart, he tried to forgive his father and leave the past behind, but he never succeeded. Although his relationship with his dad changed over the years, Mr. Bosanac often recalled everything that happened between them in the past. This stigma, however, affected not only his behavior, but all the areas of his life…. Although he is 42 years old, he never got married, he was facing financial instability and could not manage his money properly in order to do something good for himself and his family.

A final end came to every pain and every wound that haunted his life, immediately after the prayer he received from the man of God Harry! Forgiveness gave way to the peace and love of God, because God does perfectly everything He does! Rejoicing about the freedom he received, he promised to walk in the way of God and become a true follower of Jesus Christ!

As children of God we must always remember that we need to forgive, because we also need to be forgiven! Therefore, we must not hold bitterness and unforgiveness for anyone whether we are right or wrong!


God honoured Mrs. Bekelu Tafa’s faith as she travelled from Norway to meet not the man of God Harry, but the Holy Spirit working through him, giving freedom, healing and blessing to those in need!

So, as the man of God Harry approached her and prayed for her, the root cause of her problems came to the surface with a prophetic word that was the answer to the many questions that tormented her. “I see they gave you food in your dream. This is an attack! What you ate is poison, since you ate it, it’s moving inside your body, everywhere. That’s why you feel pain in different parts of your body. Sometimes it goes to your head, to your leg, to your stomach… Because there is a different way the poison is moving. This is a spiritual attack! The doctor can’t find anything. Spiritual damage requires spiritual repair! The doctor can handle physical damage, physical damage requires physical repair. Doctors can handle that. But what happened to you is not physical, it is spiritual, what you have is spiritual damage. They want to kill you. Don’t worry, all this has happened for the glory of God! Today is your day of deliverance!” said the man of God just before he prayed for her. She pointed out that the moment the man of God put his hand on her head, she felt something very heavy, like a heavy stone touching her head… Right after that, the man of God Harry declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

With a smile and a completely different mood, Mrs. Tafa confirmed that everything the man of God said is true! She explained, that long ago she saw in her dream that she was given very delicious food to eat and since then her life changed for the worse! Suddenly, she started feeling pain in different parts of her body and while she visited several doctors, none of them could find any pathological problems. Her right leg was swollen, she had difficulty moving it, and she even put a pillow under it when she laid down. She had been bleeding every 6 months, the bleeding lasted for 2-3 weeks, and the colour, as well as the smell of blood, was very strange, to the point that she felt bad about herself and avoided sitting next to others. Furthermore, she felt something growing inside her and when she visited her doctor, he told her that she had something like a lipoma, but because it was too small to be operated on, she would have to wait for it to grow first.

She also heard a voice telling her that she was going to die! The voice was coming from an entity, a creature, which she could not see… Her situation worried her very much, as she could not understand where all these problems were coming from! She confessed, she lived a life of emptiness, meaninglessness and was always unhappy…

After the prayer, and with a broad smile on her lips, Mrs. Tafa testified that she now feels light, comfortable and happy. More specifically, she said that this is how she wants to live the rest of her life in Christ Jesus. Finally, she pointed out that there are not enough words or actions she can say or do to thank God Almighty for the deliverance she received. Lastly, she promised to worship Him until she dies.  

There is nothing impossible for Jesus Christ! No weapon formed against you shall prosper if you maintain a good relationship with Him!


It is the will of God to bless His children and deliver them from every demonic chain keeping them bound. Therefore, when His people come to Him in genuine faith and humility, He cannot but listen to their requests attentively and do His best!

God listened to Mr. Mercuri’s prayer who joined the prayer line asking God to reveal His opinion regarding his situation. That is exactly what God did! The man of God Harry, guided by the Spirit of the All-Knowing God, gave him the following prophetic words, “There is something you did not write here. Apart from all these, satan also uses depression to attack you, to make you depressed. If this is not treated now, if you hadn’t come for this to be exposed, that depression could have led you to commit suicide. You would have put an end because if someone does not have any reason in life to live, then he cannot see any reason to live. He is likely to put an end to his life. Thank God you are here because all this is minor compared to what I am telling you. So, take heart, Jesus loves you, He has not rejected you, He has not closed the door in front of you. The door of opportunity is in front of you! It is over to you now to start walking in the way of the Lord. I will pray for God to manifest His strength in your weakness, so all weakness will turn into strength now”.

Astonished by the wonderful prophetic message he received, Mr. Mercuri wanted to confirm with joy everything the man of God Harry revealed. He mentioned that it all started at the age of six years old when his parents separated and he experienced a huge sentiment of rejection and sorrow. Although his mother remarried and the man she married took him in and showed him a lot of love, their marriage could not last because his step-father was an alcoholic. Hence, his mother ended their relationship and as a result, he once again felt abandoned… A few months after their separation, his mother informed him that his step-father had passed away… The news made him feel alone and without love. After a few years, his biological father came back into his life, unfortunately, a while before he also passed away as well, since he was suffering from 26 different illnesses! He had schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Mr. Mercuri decided to forgive him for his past mistakes because he knew he really loved him.

After some time, he began feeling mentally ill himself as he was affected by this whole situation. Consequently, at the age of 16, he was admitted to a psychiatric clinic and he had to take a specific medication for an entire year. Despite the medication, he kept feeling sorrow and depression. He had no social relationships since he could not find true friendship or love. At the same time, he was facing the problem of unforgiveness and thoughts of death. More specifically, he remembers that at the tender age of seven, he once used black colors to sketch a man with long dark hair hanging… Back then, however, he did not understand why he drew such a thing!

After the revealing and deep prophetic word he received, Mr. Mercuri feels happy and shocked all at once! He feels ready to fully trust God and he promised to follow Him and obey His Word!

Truly, those who make God their source of their joy, will find Him to be all-sufficient and their joy will be permanent!

In the following pictures, we see people from all over the world receiving their own miracle, as the power of God remains the same yesterday, today and forever. His power and does not stop changing the lives of people for the better every Sunday through the man of God Harry.

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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