The choir spoke words of encouragement and sang hymns which touched the hearts of the congregation and led them to glorify and worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ!

Then, evangelist Maria Sachpazidou in her message, “CONTROL YOUR CHARACTER”, said that every day we all face difficult situations that we do not know how to handle. In such cases she said, Learn to control your character if you cannot control your circumstances. After pointing out that everything in life has to do with our choices, she added that if we handle our hard times with care, they will soon turn to good times.

Then she exemplified Apostle Paul and Sila, while reading from Acts 16:19-26, and reminded the congregation of the way in which the Apostles of God handled the difficult situation they faced. While they had not done any harm to anyone, they unjustly ended up in jail! Yet they did not cease to glorify and worship God even in prison. In this way they overcame, remaining steadfast in their faith, glorifying His name and for this their sorrow was soon transformed into joy! As God’s children we were called to stand in faith. But faith is not a panic button to push only in times of trouble; it is the result of our relationship with God! In conclusion to the message, the evangelist emphasized that our heart must always be filled with the Word of God. Αs we meditate on God’s Word our heart will be active, strong – which means equipped with the Word – and alert as it will be able to distinguish between God’s thoughts and the thoughts of satan. As Christians our heart must be active, strong and alert; if not, the enemy of our soul will take hold of it and begin to manipulate our thoughts. That is why we should control our character and stay firm in our faith when passing through challenges, because the quality of faith is not measured by our attitude to God when things are good but when times are hard – when our fate seems to hang in the balance.


Mr. Kouao Marcel from Belgium, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to thank and glorify God for the wonderful healing he received in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mr. Marcel was infected with the hepatitis B virus when he was still living in Africa 20 years ago. Because of this illness, he could not work because he constantly felt tired. Doctors at the hospital recommended medications, but clarified that there was no permanent solution to his problem. In addition, 12 years ago he suffered from colon cancer, which later spread to other parts of his body. The constant sense of exhaustion and pain had him in confinement! Doctors at this time prescribed him several medications, many drugs but nothing helped him.

Thus having realized that no man could help him, he decided to turn his attention and hopes to Him who does not have a beginning and an end, to Him who every sickness and disease bows down, to the Great Healer, Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever! So he visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, where he joined the prayer line, asking for God’s grace and mercy. When the man of God Harry prayed for him, he immediately felt better and peace flooded his heart! Two weeks after the prayer that he received from the man of God, he repeated the medical examinations and both hepatitis B and the cancer disappeared and along with them every symptom! Glory be to the Living Jesus Christ!

He no longer feels exhaustion or pain, he does not take any medication and he can do everything he could not do before! The quality of his life has changed, as he can now work and rejoice with his family! Having received his healing directly from the throne of God, Mr. Marcel advised us that our heart should belong to God because He is Almighty and he promised to serve Him until the end of his life.

The principle of life says that nothing happens for nothing; nothing comes by chance. If you understand this principle, you will always reflect on life itself, rather than the situation you are in.


Ms. Bola Bello, a resident of Germany, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to glorify God for His grace and intervention in her life.

Her problem began a few years ago, when she suddenly began to experience incontinence at the age of 53 and could no longer restrain her urine, which is rare at such an age! After visiting a doctor to figure out exactly what was happening to her, the doctor diagnosed that she had a uterine prolapse and explained that this was the reason why she had urinary incontinence. Although she followed the doctor’s advice to exercise and this temporarily stopped the problem, it soon returned. Her daily life and the quality of it was dramatically impacted. Because of this problem, she had to go to the toilet often, many times running to make it, during the day and at night. She needed to visit the bathroom at least three times in one hour, this is why when she left the house she made sure beforehand that there would be large shops in the area that would have a toilet available for the public. Her performance at work was also greatly influenced by her having to leave her work to visit the bathroom. She was forced not to drink water during her work hours, as well as when she was in public places.

The whole situation affected her psychological state and created feelings of shame, diminished her self-confidence and caused her insecurity for the future. She felt helpless and suffered silently with this secret that no one else knew beyond her children. Then, she learned of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, and rushed to come with undeniable hope to Greece to register for the prayer line. The Spirit of God located her, and the same day that she received prayer by the man of God Harry her urinary incontinence stopped! While she had to wake up at least 5 times to visit the bathroom before, she slept that night without having to interrupt her sleep at all! In addition, her daily life is now quite normal, she drinks as much water as she wants and “forgets” to visit the toilet! Her children, seeing the change and healing of urinary incontinence, entrusted themselves to God who took away their mothers “shame” and began to meditate on the Word of God, something they did not do before. Happy, healthy and grateful to God, Mrs. Bola advised everyone who faces similar problems, to leave behind their shame and run to God so that they may receive their healing. Finally, she promised to follow God with faith for the rest of her life.

No matter the hardship your problem may cause you on a daily bases, do not suffer silently and do not despair. Look to the cross where the price was paid for the healing, deliverance and blessing you have been searching for! Remember, «Whatever your situation it cannot embarrass Jesus Christ because He has the solution!»


Below we see snapshots from the prayer line. Visitors from all over the world have brought their requests before God, recognizing that His grace is sufficient to receive what they have come for.

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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