During the Sunday service, the worship group of the Synagogue, Church Οf All Nations in Thessaloniki, gave the Lord of heaven and earth all the glory and praise, creating an atmosphere of faith and hope in the hearts of the attendees.

Then, Prophet Harry delivered a message to the people of God entitled “DISCOVER YOUR REAL VALUE”. In this message he stressed that, while God considers us to be valuable to Him, we become doubtful of His love and interest in us, because we are confronted with difficult situations on a daily basis.

Reading from Genesis 39:10-21, he explained that from an early age Joseph experienced rejection and hatred from his family, but never lost his hope in God. He always believed in the dreams God showed him and knew that one day he would become great, despite the difficulties he faced. He had discovered his real value and saw himself the way God saw him, and not as others. The man of God added: “If you do not see yourself the way God sees you, you will not see your real value. And if you do not see your real value, you will not be able to fulfill the purpose which God has created you for.” He also pointed out that while Joseph was going through his trials, he stayed faithful to his vision and was not worried about his present situation because he knew God was more concerned about his future. In this way, he managed to fulfill the purpose which God had created him for, knowing that to a man of vision, no matter what happens, no matter what comes, there is always a future. In closing this encouraging message, the man of God advised us to make the most of life, following Joseph’s example, because life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting value. 



Mrs. Deni Simeonova Chonkova and her husband came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, from Bulgaria to share with us the miraculous intervention of God that truly transformed their lives!

From an early age, she experienced difficult situations in her family because her mother suffered from chronic depression and repeatedly attempted suicide! Many times, instead of love and affection, she received hostile behavior from her mother, who considered her to be at fault for her condition, which in turn made Mrs. Deni feel very sad and lonely. This rejection led her also to her first attempt at suicide at the age of 10, and in the years to come other attempts were made! At school she could not concentrate on her lessons due to the situation she faced, thus reaching the point to give up and stop her studies. She also experienced difficulty in sleeping while at that time she was troubled and often saw nightmares. Eventually she met her husband and married him, thinking that this way she would take a break from this difficult life she had lived. However, the problems did not stop; instead they worsened because the feeling of rejection and lack of love and affection followed her even in her marriage! Even though her husband, tried every way he knew to show her love, she always thought negatively because of the depression that had overwhelmed her.

Being unable to find a solution to the misery that prevailed in their lives, they decided to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, and ask for the grace of God. So, about two months ago they joined the prayer line where the man of God led by the Holy Spirit gave Mrs. Deni the following prophetic word: “The same problem your mother had, is the same problem that wants to come upon you, but now you are free!”. As the prayer was happening Mrs. Deni felt something come out from within her and immediately she felt free, happy and loved by the people around her. The depression that followed her all throughout her childhood has now become a thing of the past. The peace and joy of God have taken its place! Now, the feelings of love in her family are mutual! Her suicidal tendencies disappeared and is now a new creation, all for the glory of Almighty God!

Indeed, God is Good and Mrs. Deni’s miracle is just the beginning for her family. Her husband also received a divine solution for his problem of chronic headaches. He realized that from the day of the prayer line he never again needed medications for the chronic headaches that tortured him for 23 whole years! Even the medication he was taking could not alleviate the headache that he suffered from daily. Yet, right after the prayer line he literally forgot his medication since the headache disappeared forever! Happy and united, Mrs. Deni and her husband advised us to never lose faith and promised to follow and praise God always in their lives!

We live in a world where the enemy of our soul does not want the purpose of God for our life to be fulfilled. But those who make God their source, will find Him to be all sufficient and their joy will be permanent.



Mrs. Evriklia Apostolidou, a resident of Thessaloniki, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to honor God by testifying before all His wonderful intercession in her life.

Mrs. Evriklia suffered from mitral valve deficiency since 2005 due to prolapse of this valve. This problem caused limitation in her daily routine because she easily felt fatigued and often experienced tachycardia, even during her sleep, while in simple daily activities she would pant and have difficulty breathing. During the course of a certain activity she would stop to get her heartbeat back to normal. Therefore she grew accustomed to living a lifestyle in which she had to count every activity so that she did not burden her heart more than it could bare. The doctor recommended that Mrs. Evriklia be very careful and follow the instructions she gave her, as this problem could worsen and would require surgery to replace her heart valve. Over the years, she followed the instructions of the experts and took the medication she was given but the symptoms remained.

So, she decided to surrender to Jesus Christ who can make everything new… She registered for the prayer line and received prayer from the man of God Harry. About a week later, she noticed that she was not tired anymore, she was not gasping and she no longer had tachycardia! When she visited her doctor again, she underwent medical examinations and the doctor confirmed she had no mitral valve deficiency and that her heart function was perfectly normal! Mrs. Evriklia is already full of joy and hope, that she can meet the needs of her family and now she is able to follow them everywhere, even walking long distances! Joyfully, she advised us to have faith in the Great Healer, Jesus Christ, and we will receive what we need. Finally, she promised to offer her new heart to Him and to build the character of Jesus Christ.


Mrs. Rumyana Mihaylova and her husband Mrs. Rosen Mihaylov from Bulgaria shared their testimony with the congregation, to thank God for the child He gave them after five years of infertility.

Mrs. Rumyana and Mr. Rosen were married seven years ago. Over the past five years they have been trying to conceive a child, but their efforts have been fruitless. Then, they decided to visit a specialist and underwent all the necessary medical examinations to find out if there was a health problem that prevented them from having a child. The results of the tests showed that both were perfectly healthy, so there seemed to be no reason, at least medical, to justify their problem. The problem of childlessness caused them to have a very bad state of mind and because of this situation they became antisocial because they found it difficult to associate with friends and relatives who had children.

As doctors could not help the couple medically, Mrs. Rumyana and her husband decided to involve God in their situation. They visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, and registered for the prayer line, believing that God would open the way to their dead end! After the prayer, Mrs. Rumyana had the assurance that her dream would come true in God’s time and that she would acquire the child she so much desired! So it happened! After a few months she became pregnant and brought a beautiful and healthy little girl to the world! Now she can boldly confess to all that God has done in her life so she may encourage everyone’s faith that is dealing with the same problem. She and her husband are now very happy. Sorrow and frustration are now in the past and have been replaced by joy, satisfaction and gratitude! 

Mrs. Rumyana advised couples who have the same problem, to involve God in their situation because He has the solution and will bless them in His time! She also promised the Provider of her blessing that she will follow Him forever to the end of her life and raise her daughter by admonishing and teaching her the way of the Lord. Mr. Rosen, on his part, advised us not to be disappointed because our God and Father is very Rich and is Capable of giving us the desire of our heart!

Our God, our Lord, Jesus Christ is a good Father who likes to give good gifts to His children! In any situation you find yourself, glorify and bless God. Do not give up! Your problem will not last long when you are under the protection of God. When you stand in the trial, the solution will come in God’s time. God’s time is the best and in God’s time everything is beautiful!

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11)


In the following photos we see visitors from different parts of the world receiving a divine touch on the prayer line through the man of God Harry. The name of Jesus was glorified, satan’s plans were destroyed and with faith the people received what they were looking for!

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