Once again, the songs of praise and words of exhortation from the worshipers of the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, encouraged the believers to look with faith beyond their current situation, knowing that the everlasting Word of God is able to transform every circumstance and answer every question!

Later, the man of God Harry preached an eye-opening message, titled “DO NOT DOUBT YOUR FAITH”! Reading from the book of Genesis 3:1-7, he mentioned that the snake, which was trying to persuade Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, was a temptation. In the same way all of us, at a certain point, come across temptations in order to make us doubt our faith in the Word of God!

What made Eve eat from the tree in the middle of paradise was the fact that she doubted her faith in the Word of God, who said: “You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die”. From this, we can understand that doubt is not a sin but it can become sin if it leads us to unbelief – that is why it is necessary to overcome doubt from the beginning! Continuing, he mentioned that Adam and Eve had everything they could desire while staying in paradise, as well as a close relationship with God! However, they focused on the one thing they did not have and forgot all the things they had! In the same way, many times instead of focusing on all that we have and thanking God, we focus on what we do not have, we are not satisfied with our lives and begin to feel sorry for ourselves. Therefore, anytime we begin to feel sorry for ourselves for what we do not have, let us consider all we do have and thank God!

In addition, the man of God Harry emphasized that doubt always seems to go together with impatience! In combination with impatience, doubt made Eve reach out to the forbidden fruit without a second thought. If we observe our own life, we will realize that lack of patience is the cause of our greatest mistakes! The man of God pointed out that doubt is not to overcome us but to sharpen our minds and strengthen our relationship with God. For that reason, he advised us: “Whatever situation you find yourself in, do not doubt your faith; doubt your doubts because they are unreliable!” Concluding this critical message for our lives, he encouraged us once again not to doubt our faith in the Word of God because one day, heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God will remain forever!


Ms. Katerina Nikolaou and her mother, Mrs. Chrisoula Kourtoglou, who are citizens of Thessaloniki, attended the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to share their wonderful testimony with God’s people. This amazing testimony proves once again that Jesus Christ never said goodbye; He is the same yesterday, today and forever, always ready to make a way where there is no way!

As Ms. Nikolaou explained, everything started one and a half years ago, when all of a sudden she started having abdominal pain, which was gradually getting worse. Also, she was vomiting a lot and as a result could not hold food or water inside her. At the same time, she had a severe swelling in her abdomen which looked like she was pregnant! This situation affected her mood in a bad way. She did not want to go outside of the house, to go to college in which she was studying as a beautician, resulting in her performing poorly, not attend the classes, leading to a lot of absences and losing jobs. At the same time, she was feeling constant insecurity and she also was feeling that everything around her was falling apart. The doctors she addressed advised her that her symptoms were due to irritable bowel syndrome, so it was nothing particularly serious. Also, the only thing they gave her were some dietary guidelines and painkillers for better conditions. However, there was no improvement in her situation. Until one day the pain suddenly became so severe and sharp, that she had a hard time breathing and she lost her sense of her surroundings! Then, she was urgently admitted to the hospital and immediately began general examinations. The first results did not give a clear outcome and the doctors of various specialties who, concerned, followed her, they referred her to the gynecologist who asked for an ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed that she had a cyst on her right ovary broke open, was bleeding and her hematocrit was falling really fast. The liquid was diffused, which was very dangerous for her life! Continuing, Mrs. Kourtoglou stated that the doctors informed her that if they did not proceed immediately with surgery and removal of the right ovary, which was in a state of decay due to its cyst rupture, her child’s life would end in a few hours at most! Finishing the surgery, the removed formation, measuring 13 x 10 x 5 centimeters, was sent for biopsy.

The results showed that it was a malignant tumor (cancer). So, the doctors decided to do chemotherapy sessions immediately, as any delay could lead to an escalation of the problem. The oncologist who took over Ms. Nikolaou deemed it necessary and decided, based on the numbers that the tumor markers showed, to order three cycles of chemotherapy and a total hysterectomy! Shocked, Mrs. Kourtoglou thought about how to handle the situation and talk to her child, who did not know the severity of her condition. So, she announced to her a part of the truth, that is, she had to do some chemotherapy sessions for completely preventive reasons, fearing for her already damaged state of mind. At the same time, she suggested that she should come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and enter the prayer line. Ms. Nikolaou agreed, wanting to hand over her problem to Jesus Christ before entering into the process of chemotherapy, as she was convinced that Jesus Christ would change her life forever!

So, as she attended the prayer line, just one touch from the man of God was enough to bring immediate healing and peace in her weary soul. The insecurity of what would happen with her health, with her life and with her future all disappeared! Full of peace and certainty that all will finally be well overwhelmed her!

With their hearts overflowing with gratitude towards the Great Healer and their faces shining with joy, Mrs. Kourtoglou and Ms. Nikolaou came back to the SCOAN Thessalonica and showed the congregation the examination results after taking part in the prayer line! According to Ms. Nikolaou’s testimony, the doctor was shocked and told them that the scheduled chemotherapy and the hysterectomy were called off because the cancer was gone!

Her blood tests turned out normal and there was no sign of cancer! As if not all this was not enough, the next day she received a job offer to a beauty parlor in Germany, whereas she also had the choice to continue her studies there! The Great Provider brought full restoration in her life!

Mrs. Kourtoglou and Ms. Nikolaou advised all those who face the same trial not to despair and give up, but to put their hope in God, with whom all things are possible! They promised to thank, glorify and follow Jesus Christ for the rest of their lives!


Mrs. Vivian Onyeje from Nigeria, resident of Thessaloniki, visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to take part in the prayer line. The problem she was facing was a constant abdominal pain. Even though she had visited the hospital many times and she was put through a series of examinations, the doctors were never able to find her problem.

During the prayer line, when the man of God Harry stretched his hand towards her, Mrs. Onyeje felt a burning sensation all over her body and shouted in a loud voice. Next, the man of God gave her a prophetic message: “I was looking at blockage. There is a blockage in your system there. But now God has delivered you. You are free! What I am talking about has to do with your menstruation. Now, the thing that was blocking has come out. When you go to the toilet you will see something come out!”

Later on, Mrs. Onyeje, free, light and happy, confirmed the prophetic word she received. She mentioned that her menstruation was not normal. She had her period for three days, it stopped and then and continued for another two days and so on. As a matter of fact, that sometimes happened twice a month! Consequently, she suffered from ongoing pain in her stomach. Yet, it never occurred to her that the pain was connected to her period. Neither the medical exams were able to show it. The Spirit of God was able to locate it though! Full of gratitude that the anointing of God revealed the root of her problem and brought the solution, she promised before God to always thank Him with her life!

When God heals, He does so effectually and for the salvation of your soul!

Below are some photographs from the prayer line. Locals and foreigners traveled to attend SCOAN Thessalonica because they believed that a touch from the anointing of God is enough to change the course of their life!

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