The voices of the choir along with the voices of the congregants of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, united, creating a heavenly atmosphere, an atmosphere ready to welcome the Spirit of the Living God.

Then evangelist Maria Sachpazidou preached an eye-opening message entitled “DO NOT HARBOR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS” while giving practical advice to the attendees. She began by saying because we live in a negative world, we are confronted with negative thoughts every day. Reading from the Book of Daniel 4:27-33, she stated that king Nebuchadnezzar could not even obey a simple instruction in righteousness given to him by the man of God, and that is why God brought judgment upon him. The instruction was to return from his sin and begin to help people. But the king was proud and he continued to enjoy his possessions. As a result, he forgot who the Provider of his blessings was, he lost his sense of logic and his kingdom was taken away from him. Instead of meditating on the thoughts of God and the instruction given by the man of God, he harbored the thoughts that the devil put in his heart. Thus, the evangelist emphasized that a man is what he thinks about all day long; the level of the thoughts of his heart determines his life, just as in the case of the king! Negative thoughts will come for sure, but there is a solution! We must remember that our foundation, defence or answer is quite simple: the written and eternal Word of God.

She then explained that there are three stages of the thought process. The first stage is the conception of thought, that is when the thought enters our mind. The second stage is hatching of that thought; during this stage, we decide whether to accept the thought or reject it. If we accept it, the more we think of it, the more it grows and strengthens. Finally, the third stage is the stage in which we act on what we think. She added that the lifestyle of a Christian is of positive thinking. If we want to have success in our lives, we should think positively, talk positively and engage with positive people. When we do that, we will find that there will be no room to accommodate negative thoughts in our hearts! In closing, the evangelist made clear that the first place to be victorious is in our spiritual life and in our mind because victory does not start around us; it begins within us! She advised us all to be filled with the Word of God, which is the only way to overcome every negative thought.



Ms. Tetyana Podobyed from Germany attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God, Harry, and to thank God for the wonderful changes that this prophecy has brought to her life.

Ms. Tetyana’s problem started from her childhood as she was confronted with many unpleasant situations at school. She would constantly bicker and quarrel with her classmates and her teachers because she was under the influence of her anger, which continued to attack her throughout her adult life. Ms. Tetyana works as a production manager in a well-known automotive industry, and the spirit of anger tortured her even during her job, resulting in it greatly affecting the relationships with her associates and even her superiors! When someone offended her, she would try to defend her position and her rights, which made a cooperation with her too difficult for everyone. Her psychological state was affected by this situation and she was always sad and upset; everyone avoided her because of her unacceptable behavior.

Ms. Tetyana decided to bring her problem to the Almighty God, by taking part in the prayer line. There, the Spirit of God located her and the man of God, Harry, gave her the following prophetic message: “What I’m seeing and I’m praying for, is that there is a strong connection with the spirit of anger… You are not possessed, but this demon comes to influence you. You may be very quiet, very happy, but at some point, something happens and you start to change. You begin to get upset and angry… This is not from you, it’s an attack and you need to be free from it, cause because of this you have lost many people around you. Many people around you suddenly became busy. When you want to go with them, they say: ‘We are busy’”.

After the prophetic word and the prayer she received, Ms. Tetyana, full of joy and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ, confesses that there have been many permanent changes in her life. There are no longer any quarrels or controversy at her job since the spirit of anger has no more power over her! When people try to “offend” her, she automatically blesses them, asking God to forgive them. Collaboration with her colleagues has changed and those who were against her, are now in favor of her by the grace of God! She has been astonished while witnessing the hand of God working in her life so wonderfully! Happily, she advised us all to believe in Jesus Christ, because He is our Deliverer, and when people attack us we must ask God to forgive them and then God will use them to bless us. Finally, she promised that she would follow Him for the rest of her life.


Mr. Jerome Kinkela and his wife Mrs. Francine, residents from Sweden, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to thank God for the breakthrough they received in their careers.

The couple lived in South Africa, where Mr. Kinkela worked as a doctor in a hospital. After some events that took place, they were forced to move from South Africa and be transferred to Sweden. Things were extremely difficult for them, as they had left everything behind and made a fresh start in a new country without knowing the language. For two years, the state provided them with financial aid so they can devote themselves as much as possible to learning the language in view of finding a job. When the state subsidy ceased, they filed applications with different companies, but all to no avail. They faced the tough situation of unemployment for one year without being able to meet the basic needs of their family. Throughout this situation, various negative thoughts passed from their minds about their marriage and their future.

They then decided to bring their problem to God’s able hands; so they visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, where the man of God, Harry, prayed for their situation on the prayer line. As soon as they returned to Sweden, they resubmitted their applications for employment to one of the companies that had dismissed them in the past and received a positive answer! The company immediately recruited them, putting an end to 2 years of unemployment! Now without even being asked to, they are able to help other people who are suffering financially! After the professional breakthrough they received from God, they advised us not to have negative thoughts in our minds about our lives but to leave all our affairs in His hands as He is aware of our situation and will respond at the right time. They also promised to the Provider of their blessings that they will make sure that God holds the first place in their hearts and that they will serve God’s work for the rest of their lives because there is nothing more satisfying than someone serving the One and Only Living God!

Let us not harbor negative thoughts about our lives and about our situation. Let us play our part as Christians, walking through faith. “Because we walk by faith, and not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

In the following pictures are the people who came to the prayer line to expose their problems in the light of God, knowing that they would soon return to give their testimonies.

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