The service of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica took place in an atmosphere charged with the holy presence of God. The divinely inspired hymns helped the faith of those who were there to receive all that the Heavenly Father had prepared for them!

Following, evangelist Maria Sachpazidou shared with the congregation a message entitled “FACE YOUR GIANT”, in which she revealed a different point of view, from the well-known story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:43-51). As the evangelist explained, both confessed faith, but David’s words were in harmony with the Word of God and for this he had the desired effect. Words spoken in harmony with God’s Word work wonders. So, as David faced Goliath the giant, we too, as God’s children, are called upon to confront our own giant, which may be poverty, sickness or any other difficult situation we face. The evangelist stressed that we should not run away from our problem because of fear, as our problem cannot kill us, but the fear of the problem can.

Then, referring to the disciple of Jesus, Judas, she explained that his giant was the love for money, which eventually led him to betrayal and brought him out of the presence of God. Therefore, our situation cannot stop us from the presence of God, but our weakness can! As we come closer and closer to Jesus Christ and spend more time with His Word, we expose all our weaknesses, even those that are very well “hidden”. After that, it is up to us whether we will continue to approach Him by confronting our giant, our weakness, or whether we will move away from Him because of fear. So, depending on the decisions we make for our lives, we will determine whether we will overcome our weaknesses and our giant!


Ms. Irene from Skydra, Greece, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to share her incredible testimony of deliverance that Jesus Christ granted her from the spirit of suicide after the prayer she received from the man of God, Harry. About six months ago Ms. Irene began having suicidal tendencies. There were voices she could hear, which would tell her to hurt herself. She began, closing herself off, fighting with everyone and experiencing panic attacks. This triggered her to be on edge all the time, causing her to reach the point of screaming and hurting herself. All the while she had nightmares in which she was being chased with the intent to be murdered. So, in order for her to fall asleep she began taking pharmaceuticals to calm her down. Her life became a nightmare! Her mother and those closest to her began to worry about the road she was heading down and the outcome of her future. She realized she was not herself and that inside of her was an unclean spirit which manipulated her. During the span of her day there were only a few moments when she felt herself; every other moment she felt her mind and body were being controlled by the unclean spirit. She became especially frightened when the panic attacks began because she feared she might hurt herself and others, including her dog, without wanting to. She thought she was crazy!

The spirit of suicide continually filled her mind with thoughts of ending her life and pushed her to end her life. That’s when a friend of hers suggested she visit the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessaloniki, so she may find the solution to her problem. Indeed, Ms. Irene decided to come and take part on the prayer line, requesting the grace and mercy of the Lord! When Prophet Harry touched her, she felt a huge weight lift off of her and leave, while the peace of God flooded her heart.

After the prayer line, overcome with joy, Ms. Irene testified to all the wonderful changes that happened in her life. She no longer wants to end her life nor has panic attacks! She regained herself control and has a new zest for life! The nightmares seized right after the prayer and she now feels completely free! Everyone who is closest to her cannot believe the huge change in her life and outlook, while they give all the glory to God for delivering her. Ms. Irene advised us to never give up no matter our situation because God is always next to us; all we have to do is have faith in Him. Finally, she promised to follow Him and serve Him all the days of her life.

Changed lives is proof that Jesus Christ lives and works in our lives as long as we call on Him and believe that He is Able to change us, heal us and deliver us with His resurrecting power!


Mr. Chigozie Ekweiwu from Nigeria, resident of Thessaloniki, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, believing that Almighty God would provide a solution to the failure he had experienced in his life for many years. When the man of God, Harry, prayed for him on the prayer line, he gave him the following prophetic message: “There is an idol they are worshiping, from your village, and sometimes they ask for hens, goats, to be sacrificed to this idol. When you were young, they took you to a native doctor and he wanted to make some kind of “protection” for you, to “protect” you from an accident, illness or death. That was out of ignorance! Your family did not know that the things this man did to you are those that holding you back today and you find it difficult to prosper in your life… They begin to invoke that spirit to always be with you, to guide you and direct you, to protect you and show you what you need to do in life… So this is why till today you have nothing to show from your life and you find it very difficult to make it… You go from one country to another. Your journey did not start here in Greece, but you went to other countries before Greece… No matter what you do, if you are not delivered and disconnected from this idol that your forefathers worshiped, there is nothing you can do in life. You will always try and fail…” Then the man of God prayed for him, and every kind of demonic influence and curse that kept him prisoner all these years broke in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mr. Chigozie returned to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to confirm the prophecy he received from the man of God Harry. He said that he always felt that something was wrong with his life, but he could not understand what that was, until he entered the prayer line and received a prophetic word from the man of God, Harry. He was recently informed by his family that when they were young they went to a wizard for protection. Growing up, he left his country, and indeed he went from one country to another to find a job and open up his own business. His disappointment, however, was great because things did not go as he wanted. So, he went to Lebanon from Lebanon to Turkey and from there he decided to come to Greece. Eleven years he struggled and tried to do things to make his life better, but every effort failed.

When he made the decision to ask from God, he received prayer from Prophet Harry and immediately came out from the cycle of failure in his life as he was delivered from the idol of his ancestors, which caused him backslide and failure. Evidently happy, he testified that God gave him much more than he expected and his life is now a successful one! His life has progressed and after eleven years, he has finally started his own business! Moreover, he testified the miracle that God did in his mother’s life. His mother’s health situation in Nigeria was not good, and when he spoke with the man of God, Harry, he asked for prayer for her because it was difficult for her to communicate with him. So the man of God prayed and she received her healing despite the distance! As children of God, we know that distance is not a barrier to the anointing of God! Furthermore, Mr. Chigozie advised us to believe that Jesus Christ has the solution, no matter what our situation. Finally, he promised that he would always be grateful to God and would do what is needed to glorify Him in his life.

When we realize that our problem is not from normal causes, we should seek the face of God and we will see His hand work in our lives! Good is not enough, but the best is yet to come!

In the following photos, we see the Spirit of God, through the man of God Harry, moving among the believers granting abundant healing, deliverance, blessing, joy, peace and all that His children need.

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