The service was yet another testimony of God’s eternal glory. The lyrics of the hymns sung by the worship team became words of prayer, creating a wonderful atmosphere of faith and belief that Jesus Christ is still Alive.

Then the message titled “FAITH IS A WAY OF LIFE” was brought forth by one of the evangelists, in which valuable lessons where offered to the attendants. He told us that in life there are various situations that can affect our ability to believe. The consequence of these situations is not having a victorious life in our walk with the Lord because of our unbelief. He said that no one can defeat the problems of this life without faith.

As God’s children, we have been created so that what we speak, happens. But we have failed to develop the divine faith that is required for it. The evangelist, therefore, stressed that Divine faith is a force that has God behind it for its accomplishment.” When we have this kind of faith, we will be able to deal with the adverse conditions and difficulties that will arise in our lives, as God will support us and what we say will be fulfilled. In order to gain this kind of faith, we must return to God so He can transform us according to the character of Jesus Christ and be willing to change our way of life because faith is a way of life! Living a life filled with whining, complains, negative emotions, thoughts and actions, is not a way of life in faith towards God. Therefore, after reading James 2:18-26 the evangelist pointed out that it is not enough to believe, but according to the faith we have we must have the corresponding works and trust God always. “Proof of our faith is our absolute trust in God for everything!”. As Christians we are called to God’s kind of lifestyle. This is a lifestyle of positive thinking, positive talking and positive acting. The evangelist suggested that we change the way we live our lives by incorporating prayer, meditation and reasoning of the Word of God in our everyday life. Then, and only then, can we progress and overcome with the divine faith given by our Heavenly Father!


Mrs. Arnaut Lyubov from Ukraine, a resident of Thessaloniki, was grateful to attend the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to thank Jesus Christ for the salvation she received from certain death, by sharing her testimony.

It all started at the age of 12 when Mrs. Lyubov woke up in her sleep with intense pain in her body and bones. Her father took her to the doctor to undergo medical examinations. The results of the tests showed that she was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. She was taken to the hospital for 40 days, where the doctor informed her that this illness is incurable and she will have to live with it her whole life. The pain was unbearable, so she was given prescription pills and injections of cortisone. After receiving the necessary treatment she came out of the hospital but the pain quickly returned leading her to be hospitalized again for another 40 days. After she was released from the hospital she would cry because the pain was still unbearable! This caused her to be unable to participate in school activities like the rest of the children. While growing up she was not able cope with housework either.

This is the way her life went on. She had three follow up doctor visits a year, while following medication regimens and took thermal baths but nothing gave her a solution, nothing gave her results! At age 33, Mrs. Lyubov had her own family and came to Greece. During this time she noticed that objects began falling from her hands. So she made the decision to visit the doctor and undergo new examinations. These results showed that she was suffering from osteoporosis and as she was informed, not only is it incurable, but over time can bring total paralysis to the body. Therefore, the doctor gave her medication for osteoporosis and told her that she should not lift any weight. In addition, Mrs. Lyubov began experiencing migraines, insomnia and became very irrational. All the nerves in her body were affected, this lead her to have difficulty even getting up from bed. She could not play with her grandchildren, she always cried and preferred to die, rather than being disabled and turning into a burden for her family.

Later, at the age of 50, when she went back to the doctor to undergo a medical examination, the results showed hepatitis C. The doctor informed her that this is an incurable disease as well, which leads to death. Mrs. Lyubov had already begun searching the internet for solutions until she found several videos of Prophet T. B. Joshua. Her hope revived as she watched videos 19 hours a day, videos of healing and deliverance that took place at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in Nigeria. She wanted to visit Nigeria to find a solution to her problems, but wherever she asked people around her, nobody knew the right information to give her. She continued to search the web once more and this time found videos of the man of God, Harry in Thessaloniki. Immediately her heart was filled with joy!

In a miraculous way God led her to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki! At that time, Mrs. Lyubov entered the line of prayer, where the man of God, Harry, prayed for her. Immediately, she felt heat on her head all the way down to her toes. After the prayer, she repeated all the medical exams for her illnesses and glory be to God the results turned out to be negative! Surprised, she asked the doctor, “Do I not have rheumatoid arthritis in my bones? I have no osteoporosis? I have no hepatitis C?” and the doctor replied, “You seem to NEVER have had all this!” Let His holy name be glorified! After the prayer, all the illnesses that have plagued her all these years simply disappeared! So Mrs. Lyubov came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, full of gratitude towards God, to testify the salvation she received from certain death. Everyday misery, migraines and insomnia have disappeared! The pain is in the past and the evidence is indisputable!

Now she gets up easily from her bed and she can work and enjoy her grandchildren! Moreover, she testified that, she and her husband often fought because she had unforgiveness in her heart, and now the fighting has stopped and the unforgiveness has disappears and they love each other more than before! Healed and joyful, she advised anyone who has the same illness as she did, to come to Jesus Christ to be healed! Finally, she promised to follow God for the rest of her life.

As God’s children, we know that the time of miracles has not passed! The One who works miracles is among us and He is called JESUS ​​CHRIST! Whatever your problem is, bring it to the feet of Jesus Christ, for He has the solution!


Mrs. Athena Mavridou came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations to confirm the prophetic word that was given to her by the man of God, Harry, and to testify to the deliverance and breakthrough she received because of this prophecy.

Throughout the duration of the prayer line, the Holy Spirit revealed the root of her problems through the man of God, Harry, who said: “Why is your picture in front of a witch-spiritualist? Not that you did not do anything in your life, but the satisfaction of life is not there! The event I am talking to you about happened 22 years ago… I want to shed light, so you can understand exactly what happened. You had a disagreement with a woman that you know and she knows you… You were persistent about something and so was she, and she told you, “You’ll see what will happen to you!”. She found a picture of you, took it to the witch-spiritualist and asked him to bind you so you will not be able to do anything! That’s how your problems started! Now, that it has come to the surface, it is over! You are free of it!”. Then the man of God prayed for it and broke the demonic bonds in the name of Jesus Christ!

Upon hearing the prophecy, Mrs. Mavridou was in complete shock but very happy that the Spirit of God located her and so she confirmed everything that the man of God said to be true. Indeed, 22 years ago she was working with her husband as a merchant in public street fairs, all the while God blessed them and their business flourished and always grew. At some point a relative wanted to benefit from Mrs. Mavridou’s success, wanting to use her business license illegally to sell things as well. She denied this relative to use her license and the events the man of God described took place. Even though God blessed Mrs. Mavridou and her husband and they were able to buy two houses and three cars, the satisfaction of life was absent! On a daily basis she felt burdened, nothing filled her and she continually cried. As time passed illnesses began to appear.

After the prayer she received she testified that she feels the precious peace of God in her heart! She is filled with indescribable joy! She is revitalized and wants to do new things in her life. She began to see and think differently, completely different than before! Burden, sorrow, dissatisfaction, and negativity have disappeared! She has forgiven things of the past and the women who gave her photograph to the witch-spiritualist, she declared that she holds no grudges against anyone! Lastly she advised us to move towards God no matter the situation we find ourselves in and promised to be forever thankful to God for everything He has done for her life! 

The moment you release forgiveness, you will be released from the destructive emotions of bitterness, hate and revenge towards others. A heart that forgives, is a blessed heart, it is a prayer room!

In the following photos, we see people from all parts of the world taking part on the prayer line, believing that God will put an end to their problem. We see the power of God crushing the bonds of darkness in their lives. Destruction, restraint, stagnation and sickness cease to have power in the face of God’s anointing!

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