As it was, so it is! Jesus Christ still empowers His disciples to change the world today! The vision and goal of the Apostles 2,000 years ago was the salvation of the Gentiles, preaching the Gospel of the power of Jesus Christ to all creation, with signs and wonders confirming the genuineness of their preaching! The deaf heard, the blind saw, the demon possessed were delivered and the dead were raised to life, in that name – Jesus Christ! The book of Acts 5:15 says: “…people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.”

As it was then, so it is today! As the Word of God was preached in the squares, accompanied by divine power, on Sunday, 24 July, the city of Thessaloniki experienced that same anointing in a revival with the man of God Harry in the heart of the city! The people of God gathered in Aristotelous Square where they received the Word of God, became witnesses of miracles in the name of Jesus Christ and awe filled the atmosphere!

Praise and worship was offered to God by the worshippers and the Spirit of God penetrated the hearts of the people so that they were ready to receive His Holy Word!

A great message was preached by the man of God Harry entitled: “GOD’S OPINION ABOUT YOU”. In his message, he spoke of the way God sees us, and that is the way we need to look at life as well! He noted that the first thing most of us notice about a person is their outward appearance. This is because we humans tend to look at the outward appearance, but God, who created us, always looks at our hearts! Then he gave an example through God’s Word by taking his biblical text from 1 Samuel 16: 6When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.’ 7But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”

Through these verses he explained that Prophet Samuel looked at Jesse’s son, Eliab, and based on his outward qualities judged him worthy of God’s calling. But we see that God was not focusing on the outward appearance in order to choose, but what He was looking for was something far more important and far deeper, a heart in accordance with His will. Thus, the man of God emphasised that we can tell how men look, but God can tell us what they are! That is why we need to ask God’s opinion about our lives and about every aspect of them!

He then took his next biblical reading from the Gospel of Matthew 13: 53 When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. 54Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?’ they asked. 55‘Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?’ 57And they took offence at him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home.’ 58And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”

In these verses, the man of God explained that people noticed the human origin of Jesus Christ: His countrymen noted that Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary, that He was the son of a carpenter and that all His sisters were in their midst, but what they did not notice was that Jesus Christ was the Son of God! Because their focus was misdirected they missed the point, which is why they later crucified Jesus Christ, because they could not accept His true, heavenly origin!

Hence, the man of God added, without God’s perspective we will not be in His will, we will make mistakes and fail. Without God’s opinion about our business we will go bankrupt, without God’s view of our partners we will be deceived! Therefore, we should not be in a hurry to jump to conclusions, but should always ask God first what His view is on every issue that concerns us. Finally, he advised those in attendance to examine what they hear and to hold on to that which is good!


Mrs. Jasinter Mulilo left Denmark, her country of residence, and came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica with the purpose of giving the glory to God Almighty for His wonderful actions in her life!

She began her testimony by saying that the reason she decided to join the prayer line was severe back pain and depression. Wanting to be more specific, she mentioned that she was in a car accident. Because of this, her back pain started. She was taking medication four times a day and had to keep her back stable, however, the pain would not leave her. She also consulted a physiotherapist, but there was no improvement. Having no other human solution, the doctor told her openly that she would have to learn to live with the pain for life…

As it was normal, Mrs. Mulilo was devastated by the above and the combination of her physical pain and mental pain led her to depression. She wanted to be alone at home with no contact with her friends and she did not spend quality time with her children either since depression sapped every ounce of energy she had. The only thing that the medication against depression achieved was to cause her to have negative thoughts because she felt tired and had no reason to live. To the extent that she even considered suicide! She also consulted a specialist who recommended “light therapy” to her. During this therapy, Mrs. Mulilo was in a room with a lot of light which was supposed to make her feel well and full of energy. However, she waited in vain for her condition to improve, as this method could not help her…

In addition, she had trouble sleeping. There were periods of three days when she did not sleep at all at night! Although she did not feel tired, her skin was beginning to change because of the insomnia. To solve the problem, she again resorted to pills which, unfortunately, could not give any real results. During the last seven years in general, she tried many pills so that she could enjoy some normal sleep, but after a short period of time, her body got used to them, so there was no permanent and real solution to this exhausting problem.

Fortunately for her, her family was aware of the challenges she was facing and suggested she visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, Greece. Mrs. Mulilo grasped the opportunity and the Lord honoured her faith!

Now, her life has been transformed! Her back pain is gone, her sleep has been fully restored and, of course, depression is a thing of the past! The changes in her appearance, her energy, her mood and her attitude are so evident that people around her tell her that she is glowing! Finally, she advised the congregation to continue to trust God in the midst of their trials and promised to serve Him for the rest of her life!

As a child of God, it does not matter what you are going through, but how you are going through it because, just as the Lord has promised in His Word, no weapon formed against us shall prosper!


Ms. Khadija Bouguattaya travelled from Luxembourg to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to receive a divine touch to resolve the issues that were bothering her.

During the prayer line, when the man of God Harry, was praying for the people participating, an unclean spirit manifested through her, saying: “Family idol! I destroyed everything! I tried to kill her, but I couldn’t kill her! She doesn’t want to serve us! She’s stubborn! She wants to serve Jesus! She’s destroying our kingdom! She will go to save souls! She has to serve us! I destroyed the family. They cannot marry! They have no finances! I took everything! I stole everything! I destroyed all of them! She has a great star. I destroyed everything, marriage, finances, health… all! But she’s stubborn. She wants to serve Jesus! Why? She wants to serve that man up there. She’s mine!” The man of God, after rebuking the unclean spirit, said to her: “God has set you free today. You and your family are free! Now you can serve God without any problem.”

Wanting to confirm what happened to her, she said that her ancestors were idol worshippers. Specifically, her grandmother worshipped idols and her grandfather had been involved in mystical idol worship. To please these idols, her grandmother and her sister went to offer a sacrifice to them every year! More specifically, they would go to a place and offer chickens or whatever they had to these demons. Ms. Bouguattaya was not personally involved in her family’s idolatry. She made the decision to give her life to Jesus Christ and leave her country, believing and expecting that she would escape from all the darkness her family was involved in. Even though she moved to another country, the problems didn’t stop…

The family idol destroyed her finances, her health, and her marriage. Her finances were unstable and she got divorced twice. Her sisters were not unaffected either, as they are also divorced and facing various health problems. In fact, two of them died: one died in a car accident and the other from leukemia. Furthermore, everybody from her family background were dealing with health issues… They had allergies and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Another way Ms. Bouguattaya experienced demonic influence in her life was in the form of a spiritual husband who would come over at night to sleep with her, which was very unpleasant for her. The demons tormented her to such a degree that she wanted to commit suicide, since even the doctors could see that she had no psychological problems and therefore advised her mother to visit a witch doctor to seek help! She pointed out that the idol tried to kill her several times. For example, last year, on December 24, she was involved in a car accident. Her car was wrecked, but God Almighty saved her from sure death. After that, having in the back of her mind that she might be killed, she changed her car every two years so as to protect herself!

Glory be to God, because in the midst of the setback, He intervened in her life, in her case and now all the unpleasant issues that tormented her are things of the past! Filled with joy, she promised God Almighty that she will serve Him with all her heart all the days of her life!


Mrs. Gajanthi Thiruchelvam travelled from Switzerland to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to experience the Mighty and Powerful hand of God!

Thus, as she took part in the prayer line, the Spirit of God located her through the man of God Harry and told her the following: “Sometimes something moves in your stomach. You feel some kind of movement and usually, it bites you as well. It doesn’t just move. It’s like something is there and it bites you, sharp pain and then it goes away. Do you know how this started? This thing started in the dream. You were given food, meat and rice, in your dream. Since you ate it, this thing started. You don’t know what it is. Sometimes you think it’s God, the Holy Spirit! It’s not the Holy Spirit. You have to free yourself from it, and if you don’t free yourself […] this thing can grow into a disease. That’s another way that satan attacks people. He gives you a dream, he gives you spiritual food to eat, and when you wake up, you think it’s just a dream, and that food you ate is poison, spiritual poison, and it starts to affect your body! If you don’t receive prayer in a living church, where there is the power of the Holy Spirit, it will grow into sickness, and that kind of sickness because its origin is from satan, no matter how much medicine you take, it can’t solve your problems. That’s why there are two kinds of sickness today: let’s say you don’t eat normally for many years, and then you get sick because you don’t eat healthy food. This is of natural origin. The spiritual origin of disease has nothing to do with how you eat, with your diet. Even if you are an athletic guy, eat the best vegetables and fruits daily, and exercise daily, you can still get sick. This kind of sickness, with a spiritual origin, no matter how much medicine you take, it will not stop, it will not go away, on the contrary, it will get worse! Today this thing was exposed so that you can be free once and for all!”

Wanting to confirm the prophetic words given to her from heaven, she mentioned that she would feel this object in her stomach many times, moving and biting her, just as the man of God described. She felt like a pregnant woman!

In addition, another disturbing fact was that many times she found blood in her saliva! As she suffered for six long years from this moving object, she visited a doctor to be examined and see what was going on. When she went, much to her surprise, he asked her if any of her family members had stomach cancer! She replied that no one in her family had such a history, so the doctor decided that she did not need to undergo further tests.

Regarding her dreams, she felt that she was experiencing a spiritual battle as she was having various strange dreams. For example, she had seen that outside the window of her house there was a large black figure, an evil presence.

Relieved, free and happy after the package of blessings she received, she wanted to promise God Almighty that she would worship Him in every way!


Ms. Neusa Gomez came from Germany to attend the revival organised by the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in the heart of Thessaloniki, in Aristotelous Square! As she took part in the prayer line, Jesus Christ, the problem Solver, revealed a prophetic word to His servant, man of God Harry! “Sometimes something goes wrong! Ugly thoughts enter your mind when you are very smart, very intelligent. If you concentrate, if you decide you want to do something you can do it successfully, without any problem, but when that thing comes at you it’s like you have a mental problem. People talk to you and you don’t listen to what they’re saying, it’s like you’re in another world. Jesus Christ loves you, that’s why I spoke to you, so you know what you’ve been set free from today. Secondly, you have to be careful who you hang out with, not all friends are sent to help you, and not all friends are from God, some have come to kill, steal and destroy!”. Stunned, Ms. Gomez wanted to confirm every word the man of God Harry said to her, immediately after the prophecy she received!

At the age of 19 she was confronted with thoughts of not being pretty enough or good enough, leading her to not want to go to work. Her daily life was not pleasant at all, she was constantly sad and even when people around her addressed her, she could not answer because her mind was not there! Of course, she knew that the thoughts that she had were from the enemy of her soul, the devil, as she would receive attacks in her dream at night. All she could do, as she mentions, was to pray to God to be free from it.

As for her friends, she said that they were not sharing her joy and she felt that they did not have her best interests at heart. She felt that they were jealous of her and that they were not really people who were interested in her well-being. She joyfully expressed that she was thankful to God for her freedom because her mental state had recently become worse. Her negative thoughts were multiplying and even when she prayed, the thoughts would not go away.

All these problems also affected her academic life, because every time she wanted to study, something inside her was telling her to just lie down and do nothing.

Ms. Gomez feels happy that Jesus Christ has touched her life and promises that she will continue to pray and be faithful to Him!

When you talk negatively about a situation, you make the situation worse and you are not ready to change it. As Christians, we need to trust God and He is more than capable of changing the story of your life!


Pastor Viorel Dan Avram travelled from Romania to Greece in order to see with his own eyes the name of Jesus Christ moving with power and might in the lives of those who believe in Him! Once again, God surprised everyone!

As Mr. Viorel was taking part in the prayer line, the man of God Harry, told him the following words, which were directly from the Spirit of God: “Pray against problem in the prostate. I am seeing there is in the early stage, something is swelling over there. So, Jesus loves you! I will join you in prayer so that this thing will not increase to become something bad. OK? This thing, ifs it continues like this, it will turn to prostate cancer. So, I don’t know if you have been to the doctor to check, to see what is wrong, but whenever you go, you will know there is something going on. You want to urinate and by the time you finish, you still want to continue. So, when you think is finished, it is not finished! If you understand what I am saying. After you finish urinating and want to go, another one is coming again! So, this will stop in Jesus’ name! It will not happen again! And I see you are doing the work of God, which is very good, so continue to do it and after the service I will see you and discuss, so that you will grow. OK?” Then, the man of God declared Mr. Viorel free from the problem he was facing, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After the service was over, he confirmed that the prophetic word he received was true. Obviously thrilled with the divine intervention in his life, he stated that for the last six months he had been having difficulty urinating. More specifically, when he finished urinating, the exact next moment he would have the same need again. Although he acknowledged the existence of the problem, he did not really know the root cause of it.

To the glory of God, however, this prophecy, having exposed the root cause of the problem has already given Mr. Viorel the healing he was looking for, as he pointed out, moments after the prayer from the man of God, he felt a power moving in that specific area working to heal him!

Finally, gratitude was evident on his face because he was surprised at the words he heard from the man of God, while he also expressed his joy at the fact that he must continue to perform the work of God!

The above testimony proves that you should not measure your Christian life by your situation, because, as a child of God, your trials can only test you, they cannot destroy you!

Below are pictures of the people who gathered in Aristotelous Square to receive an anointed touch from the Holy Spirit!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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