The choir of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, tuned to the frequency of Heaven, called on the people of God to open up their hearts, to make themselves available to His manifested presence and everything that He would do!

This was followed by the powerful message entitled “GOD’S STANDARDS”, through which evangelist Giannis Michailidis clearly expressed that our spiritual development and our service to God and to people is determined by whether the motives of our actions are according to God’s standards or our own standards.

He began by saying that we all want to ascend to a new level in Christ Jesus, but we are not all willing to go through the necessary trials to reach that level. He clarified that a new level comes with greater responsibilities, and God prepares us for it through trials, temptations and challenges, according to His own standards. Reading from Matthew 19:16-22, “Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, ‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?’ […] Jesus replied: ‘[…] If you want to enter life, keep the commandments’. […] ‘All these I have kept’, the young man said. ‘What do I still lack?’. Jesus answered: ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions […] Then come, follow me’. When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth”, the evangelist noted that in the end the young man left sad despite his specific question to Jesus, which superficially showed that he had the spiritual curiosity and full awareness of who he had before him. However, God was not in the first place in his heart! This makes us understand that no matter how responsibly and consistently we apply and obey the commandments of the law, we cannot follow God Almighty and serve Him in everything, if God does not occupy the first place in our hearts! Consequently, the young man’s motivation behind everything he did throughout his life was not according to God’s standards! The evangelist added: “After our hard work, God will still have to mark it!”.

Then, he read from Matthew 7:21-23 for all those who had invested their lives to God’s work, not according to God’s standards, but according to their own, thinking that they please Him. Yet, they served God for material, classic and selfish reasons. And they realized their mistake at the end when God graded their work with the following words: “[…] I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness”. Furthermore, the evangelist advised all those who wonder what the purpose of God for their lives is, to live in the Word of God, saying: “When you take God’s Word to heart and truly make it part of you, it will, by its very nature change you – and when it does you will be called to act, act with God!”. He made it clear that if we still do not know what to do, it simply means that the Word of God is not an integral part of us. More specifically, he said that if we do not see ourselves the way God sees us, we will not see our real value. And if we do not see our real value, we will not be able to fulfill the purpose which God has created us for. In conclusion, the evangelist urged us all to start reading our Bible according to God’s standards, until the Word becomes an integral part of us, and to make the most of life because life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting value!


Mrs. Goodness Geisler returned to the SCOAN Thessalonica, full of gratitude towards God Almighty, to excitedly testify of the complete restoration of her health after her deliverance. Her overwhelming testimony is concrete proof that broken things can become useful in God’s hands!

Mrs. Geisler was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia 6 years ago in a psychiatric clinic in Germany, where she was also hospitalized. Her adventure started six years ago. One day as she came back from church, she lied down and fell asleep. When she woke up she was not the same person anymore! Ever since that moment, she lost touch with reality, and she could not communicate with the people around her. She did not understand what she was doing and it was clear that she could neither take care of herself nor her children. The police took her to a psychiatric clinic, while her children (1 and 3 years old) were under the care of another government institution. Her condition was considered so severe and dangerous that during the first days she was in bed with her hands and legs tied with handcuffs!

After two weeks of being hospitalized, she realized where she was! So, her life changed radically in just one day! The medical report mentioned that she suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The doctor told her that she would have to take medication for the rest of her life and that she should be under constant medical observation. For the next 6 years, Mrs. Geisler followed doctor’s orders, yet she could not work or have the custody of her children. She felt like small insects walked all over her body. That was the reason she could not stand the clothes she was wearing, and she wanted to take them off. Moreover, she felt the same unpleasant sensation when she touched other objects such as spoons. She always felt weak, hypotonic, she could not move her body parts easily, and she was not even able to climb stairs. She used to sleep for long hours as well. Even her vision was affected and it became blurry. She felt disappointed and desperate about her condition! At the same time, during that period she had a lot of negative and suicidal thoughts!

At that point in her life, she found out about the SCOAN Thessalonica, and she decided to partake in the prayer line. Her testimony begins from the moment she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on Sunday. She entered the prayer line having faith in the love of God Almighty, and she received her miracle indeed! As the man of God was praying for her, an evil spirit manifested inside of her and confessed: “I want to finish her, because she is too good… I destroyed everything… her children… Her marriage is not good at all…” Next, the man of God with the authority of the name of Jesus Christ rebuked the demonic spirit that caused the insanity, and it was cast out!

After the prayer and her deliverance, the changes were immediate and wonderful! Now, she is able to communicate with the people around her very well! The sensation that insects were walking all over her body disappeared, as well as the unpleasant feeling she used to have about her clothes or other objects! She is full of energy now! The negative and suicidal thoughts that were torturing her belong to the past now! With tears in her eyes, she added that when the man of God Harry was praying for her and she was being delivered, God was touching and healing her children in the institution they were! So, the same day one of her children got healed from asthma and the other from some difficulty he had in sleeping! Even the doctor who was treating her, verified the changes during their next appointment! For the glory of God, Mrs. Geisler presented the new medical report she received from her doctor, which stated that she is now mentally, psychologically and physically well and able to work and take care of her children!

Now, she has a job, and she needs to wake up very early, she sleeps normally, she is strong enough to wake up, she is energetic, and she feels great! Furthermore, she is able to take care of her children who are 7 and 9 years old now. With a heart full of joy and thanksgiving, she promised to live the rest of her life for the glory of God!

No matter the prison you are in, it may humiliate you, but it cannot destroy you! 


Ms. Aisha Nabbanja from the United Kingdom visited the SCOAN Thessalonica in order to participate in the prayer line, seeking for her deliverance.

During the prayer, an unclean spirit was manifested and said: “I have made her go around the world and achieve nothing. Nothing, no marriage, no nothing! Why does she study? Why does she get married? She will never achieve anything in this world… I entered her from her mother’s womb!”. Right afterward, the man of God Harry rebuked the unclean spirit and drove it out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Ms. Nabbanja, indeed, confirmed everything that the unclean spirit confessed to be true for her life. Strange things were happening to her from her mother’s womb. She was born in the eleventh month of the pregnancy and her parents were divorced as soon as she was born. Then, because her mother had to work to support her, she left her under the supervision of her grandmother. But, at some point, she was taken from her grandmother and ended up growing up with many different families, without stability in her life… Later on, while studying law in Uganda, she found it very difficult to get her degree. She understood everything, attended the courses, but could not perform well on the exams. At the last moment, she was either sick or had a panic attack and her hands would be shaking. Even when she finally got her diploma, and extra certifications, while she had new, pioneering ideas for work in her field, she never managed to work in a good position.

Also, her marriage failed. She married a man 30 years older than her in Uganda, whom she ended up divorcing when they moved to Italy in 2015. She left for the United Kingdom and, as it was considered as an abandonment of the marital home, the court did not justify her and as a result she did not have the right to claim her own children. She was allowed to visit them, of course, but due to her financial difficulties, she was unable to… Consequently, her children believed that she had abandoned them and refused any contact with their mother. For 5 years now, that she is living in the United Kingdom, no relationship of hers could last more than 5 days! So, she lives alone in the world and has not seen her children for years… In her dreams, also, she had demonic attacks. She would see spiritual husbands and wives who wanted to use her sexually. Furthermore, she would see herself being chased, attacked and fed. She would see various animals and even people being buried.

Mrs. Nabbanja, therefore, confirmed in detail all these words that the unclean spirit confessed as it was exposed in the light of God. Nothing worked properly in her life. In every sector she would experience disaster and failure. Acknowledging that something was wrong with her situation, she began visiting various pastors in her country, as well as all over the world who she hoped that could deliver her. In the end, she found out about the SCOAN Thessalonica, and this time her hope was strengthened! As the man of God Harry was praying for her, she felt a power coming upon her and around her and she felt she touched the sky! Now, finally free, happy, and strong, she does not stop thanking God who delivered her from the unclean spirit that tormented her since birth! Now, she really believes that her life will move forward! Finally, in front of everyone, she promised to serve God and to study His Word daily!

By building great habits we close the door to the influence of satan in our life! At the same time, good habits will always increase and improve our relationship with God!

Below are photographs from the prayer line that same day. They depict the anointing and power of God which once more was manifested with miraculous results in the lives of the people who genuinely sought Jesus Christ!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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