As the worship team along with all the believers exalted and blessed the holy and supreme name of Jesus Christ, the Heavens opened, and the Spirit of God filled the church and the hearts of the attendees.

Then, evangelist Eleni Otamere highlighted in her revealing message titled “How pure is your heart?” that true Christianity lies in the purity of the heart and in how willing we are to have such a heart. She pointed out that it is impossible not to be offended at least once in our lives and she added that a heart that wants to receive from God must be free of offence and its fruits, which are unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, envy…

By reading the well-known story of Joseph from Genesis 45:4-7, the evangelist explained how Joseph was thrown in the pit and afterward sold as a slave in Egypt by his own brothers! He received the greatest betrayal from his own people because they could not accept the special love that his father showed him, and their heart was full of envy. After a long way of challenges, he managed to reach the purpose of God for his life. He was a torchbearer of the grace of God and stood as an example, as a man who remained focused on his goal, on the vision that God had given him, eliminating any bitterness and hatred in his heart, even though he had received hatred, envy and malice from his brothers. Joseph knew that a man with a heart full of unforgiveness – disobedient to God – would not be able to receive the promise of God for his life. Because, when you are holding offences such as bitterness, anger, hatred, pain of the past and so forth, you are building a wall. Hence, the evangelist called us to think of how many times we have blocked God from blessing us due to the wall of offense that we had erected!

She then mentioned that, in contradiction to Joseph, many Christians nowadays, easily receive offence in their hearts, lose control and rage against the people that offend them. Hence, our inability to forgive becomes power in the hands of the enemy. In particular, the evangelist emphasized that “Unforgiveness due to offence is one of the traps satan, the enemy of our souls, uses to hold us in bondage”. However, as Christians, whenever we are tempted, we should always remember that our foundation, defence or answer is quite simple: the written and eternal Word of God. So, we should keep our hearts always occupied with the Word of God so that we will be able to resist when temptation comes. Finally, concluding her message the evangelist highlighted that we resist the devil by not becoming offended, and encouraged everyone by saying that: “You will receive in a moment what you have been seeking for years, the moment you let go of your offence!”.


Mrs. Rumyana Mihaylova rushed along with her husband to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to share with us the wonderful changes God brought in her life! Her overwhelming testimony is another proof that God is not limited by education, age, possessions or our social status in order to bless us – whether He blesses us or not depends on our faith and our obedience to His Word!

Mrs. Mihaylova and her husband had to move from Bulgaria to Germany to seek for a better future due to the financial problems they used to face. At first, Mrs. Mihaylova worked as an office cleaner, but she stopped working when she gave birth to her daughter. She visited the SCOAN Thessalonica to give her testimony regarding the miraculous way she attained her daughter through the prayer she received from the man of God Harry. At the same time, as she had the chance to meet and speak to the man of God, she came up with an idea, and she asked for his instruction on whether she was able to materialize that idea or not. The reply the man of God gave her was: “Go for it!”. Specifically, her idea was to become a designer and decorator of weddings, birthday parties and similar events. Yet, she was troubled that she did not have a corresponding degree or any other kind of education on this matter. Neither did she have any money to start her business… Still, she knew that the word she was given by the man of God was instruction in righteousness and that meant that she could make it! Later on, during the mass prayer and the laying of hands, a simple touch by the man of God was enough to erase every thought of doubt and fear in her mind. Instead, boldness and confidence ruled her thinking!

As Mrs. Mihaylova returned to Germany, she immediately obeyed the instruction in righteousness she received from the man of God. She worked and invested in her new business with the help of her husband. Many people were interested as she advertised samples of her work, which were completely professional, through the internet! Soon enough she received more than seventy offers per day to work in various cities all over Germany, and they were willing to pay for her accommodation and transport as well! The idea was actualized by the grace of God! She is already booked until January 2021 and her next goal is to have a group of companies!

Joyful and full of gratitude towards God Almighty, they advised everyone who is facing insecurity and fear because of financial trouble and unemployment to jump off the boat of fear, because God is there ready to uphold and help them! Their promise to the Giver of their blessings is to follow and honor Him with their lives!

We think right when, by an act of faith, we begin to think not of our limitations or shortcomings, but of our righteousness in Christ Jesus!


As Jesus Christ proves every Sunday at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, people swarm about from different parts of the world to taste His power. Having tried many things but to no avail, they place their last hope in God with faith in their hearts. One of these people was Mrs. Nina Ivanova, a resident of Crete to participate in the prayer line and receive an anointed touch from the man of God Harry.

She stood praying with expectation, waiting for the time of her own miracle. While the man of God was praying for her, the prophetic word he gave her touched the depths of her heart. So, he turned to her and said: “I would like to talk to you because I see a lot of disappointment in your life. Not once, not twice, not three times; but one disappointment follows another. We need to forgive because we need to be forgiven. If we do not forgive, neither will our Heavenly Father forgive us. Release forgiveness to those who hurt you, to those who disappointed you and you will see that God will forgive you and your way will be opened!”.  Mrs. Nina Ivanova, surprised, asked the man of God with what kind of prayer she could forgive those who harmed her, and he encouraged her to pray with him as follows: “Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive all those who have disappointed and hurt me, in the name of Jesus Christ! Forgive me, as I am also a sinner”. So she did, believing that forgiveness brings freedom!

Later on, Mrs. Ivanova gladly confirmed the prophetic word she received from the man of God Harry to be true. She did say she was never happy. Her marriage was in crisis and the quarrels were taking place daily. There was tension and the atmosphere was electrifying when she was in the same room with her husband. The content of their discussion was only accusations against each other and negative words. When they were apart they felt calm and happy, and the reason why they continued to live together as a couple was their child. They had both reached the conclusion that there was nothing to attract them to each other. Also, an old relationship of her husband had caused her bitterness and pain that she had never overcome. On the other hand, her financial situation was not good at all, as she was unemployed for a long time and this caused her embarrassment, uncertainty and health problems. At the same time, she began to have nightmares. She would see snakes and dead people in her dreams and when that happened, she would not feel well the next day. Health problems started at a young age. From the age of 22 she began to have stomach problems, as she vomited frequently, and had back and leg pain. Furthermore, recently, she developed nodules in her lungs because she was a smoker and, also, had severe anemia. In addition, she was diagnosed with a 4.5 cm fibroid, which in a month and a half increased to 7.5 cm, and the treating doctor advised her to have immediate surgery.

All this caused her sadness, anger and frustration. She felt that the joy and satisfaction of life was a lost dream of hers. Having no other way to free herself from the burdens of her soul, she decided to seek a solution from God. So, instead of proceeding with the operation recommended by the doctor, she came and took part in the prayer line. She found out that her decision was conclusive, and immediately after the prophetic word she received, the belief was formed in her that everything has become new! Immediately, she felt the power of God came upon her, and she gladly declared that she was ready to obey the instruction of the man of God, and to forgive all those who hurt and disappointed her. The belief that the blessing of God came into her life was established in her and she promised that from now on she would serve God and follow His ways!

When you forgive and let go of offence, something will happen to you that cannot be explained by the natural mind! You will receive in a moment what you have been seeking for years, the moment you let go of your offence!


Mrs. Prisca Nyirongo from Italy visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to give all the glory to God Almighty for His wondrous intervention in her life!

Mrs. Nyirongo is a married woman – mother of two and was facing serious financial issues with her family. She was working 22 hours per week to help her husband with the family income, but there was no substantial help, as the earnings were minimal. The expenses were more than the income and as a result, they left a lot of bills unpaid and had to borrow money to survive. The lack of financial stability in the family strained the couple’s relationship causing them to fight on a daily basis. Also, Mrs. Nyirongo used to have nightmares. Dead relatives and friends visited her in her dreams, and she ate with them. At her place of work, there were also problems as she was rejected by her colleagues and fought with them as well. In the duration of all these problems her health was also affected. She could not sleep, she lost her appetite and, as a result, she was constantly tired.

She decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, searching for a financial breakthrough and solution to her problems. So, she attended the prayer line and received a simple touch from the man of God Harry. That was enough to change her whole life!

That same night when she got home, Mrs. Nyirongo slept like a baby! From then on, she is not only sleeping during the night but also during the day! The nightmares stopped and she no longer dreams of dead people! She also received a financial breakthrough! After the prayer, she received a call for an interview and on the 27th of the same month, and she was hired for an eight-hour shift! After a while, her work hours increased, therefore, so did her salary! So from having a low salary, she now has an increased one. The problem with her colleagues had ceased and she is not fighting with them anymore! Also, the relationship with her husband has been repaired! They are now living like the best of friends on their honeymoon! Their bills and financial obligations are now being paid completely! Not only do they not borrow money to survive but they financially help their brethren! And in addition, they also started saving! Happy, full of gratitude and hope for the future, Mrs. Nyirongo advised everyone who has problems similar to theirs to prepare their hearts before they come to receive prayer, and she assured them that God will intervene in their problems. Lastly, she promised to love, worship and praise God with news hymns until the end of her life! This testimony once again is proof that without trials there is no promotion! So, when you receive your promotion after your trial, remember that you are blessed to bless others with your life!

In the pictures below we can see how the anointing of God acted, exposed and destroyed the works of the devil in the lives of those who came by faith in the name of Jesus Christ!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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