An atmosphere of faith prevailed at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, where the choir gave praise and thanksgiving to the Lord of heaven and earth, creating an atmosphere of faith and hope in the hearts of the attendees.

Evangelist Stavros Michailidis addressed the congregation with a message titled “OBEDIENCE IN EASY AND DIFFICULT MISSIONS”. The evangelist began by saying that when many of us were young, we had great aspirations and big dreams for our lives but as we grew up we never managed to fulfill our aspirations or dreams. All along this effort to succeed, we chose many different options and dark roads, which were immersed in sin and, finally, having experienced a life of frustration and stagnation, we decided to turn to God and ask Him what His plan for our life is, without any intention to follow it. Yet, as God’s children, we know that if we do not walk in the path of obedience, we will not fulfill our destiny.

The evangelist emphasized that there are easy and difficult missions, and by reading the story of the wealthy lord in Luke 18:18-25, evangelist Stavros explained that the lord approached Jesus and asked Him for a difficult mission. While it seemed as if he was ready to perform it, Jesus saw beyond the external phenomenon, telling him to sell everything and follow Him and become his disciple. This man eventually proved to be unwilling to obey the call of Jesus. The evangelist, therefore, pointed out that many people today, just like the rich lord, have become comfortable with their spiritual situation and are not willing to pay any price. “You should never be content with your spiritual level, because there is always a higher level to reach!”

Then the evangelist pointed out that there are two seasons. A time to walk with God and a time to walk for God. The first season is of training and sacrifice, in which we must sacrifice our temporary pleasure for our eternal gain. This is the season we must do something for God that we have never done, so we can receive something from Him that we have never received. But today, while we are asking God to show us what our calling is, we are unwilling to walk with God, to taste of Christ’s cup or have His baptism. On the other hand, the time to walk for God is the time for God to send us so that we can represent Him in all nations! At this point, the evangelist exemplified Peter (Luke 5:8-11), who had long been determined to obey a difficult mission and to follow Jesus Christ! So, when Jesus came on to his ship, Peter approached him with humility and left everything to follow Him. He was willing to pay the price, in contrast to the rich lord, who sacrificed his opportunity with Jesus for the temporary enjoyment of life, losing his eternal gain! In closing his message, the evangelist reminded all of us that if we are to be called God’s children, we must always be ready to go to places, whether it be good or bad, and accept missions, whether easy or difficult, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Mr. Harry Vologiannis, a resident of Thessaloniki, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to glorify and honor God for the financial breakthrough, as well as the deliverance he received from God in his life.

He was one of the “lucky” ones of this life, since he began his professional career in 1990 as a distributor of yarn, supplying clothing manufacturers with the help of his family. This particular profession has ensured great economic prosperity and wealth. However, in the year 2000 he decided to change his career. He created a brokerage company, which consisted of two departments. One part of the company was engaged in the reconstruction of old buildings, which he resold, and the second part had purely a real estate objective of wide range. By 2009 things were going very well. The real estate company undertook the reconstruction of an old neoclassical hotel in Nafplio, an investment in which Mr. Harry put all the money he had. This happened during the financial crisis, which began in 2009, and the project did not go well because there was an economic downfall. All the investment money was lost in a moment’s notice. At the same time, there was stagnation in real estate transactions, the crisis made the whole market suffer. Therefore, Mr. Harry was literally left without work. The financial deadlock he faced was something unprecedented for him and his family. He made a great deal of effort to cover his family’s inflexible spending, but without success. This situation caused him tremendous anxiety, panic attacks, fear of death, daily dyspnea and stomach aches. Suspecting he might have a heart attack, he went for a medical exam, which showed that all his symptoms were psychosomatic. He was given antidepressant drugs, but they did not manage to solve his problems.

A few years ago, an acquaintance introduced him to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, which he then visited. Even though he was not aware of spiritual issues, just as Mr. Harry passed the threshold of the Church, he felt immense peace and serenity. This has been going on for some time. When he was outside the Church, the symptoms came back. When attending the Sunday Service, the symptoms would recede! So he decided to take part on the prayer line, where the Lord delivered him from the fear of death and all the psychosomatic problems! He began to experience peace and tranquility for the first time in his life after many years. Then, the Lord granted him financial breakthrough! While there was stagnation in the company’s brokerage business since 2010, suddenly it began to make important real estate sales, which were of great commercial value. A large stream of revenue began flowing, allowing him to cover all his obligations! In time of financial crisis, where most brokerage companies have been left without real estate, his company thrives because Mr. Harry made Jesus Christ the Lord of his life!

After the blessings he received, he advised us to leave all our affairs and cares in the hands of God and give daily, quality time to our Lord Jesus Christ, so He may take reign over everything we do and care about. Finally, he promised the Giver of his blessings that he would try with all his might to obey and daily apply the Word of God in his life.

Whatever you are dealing with, whether it is health problems, mental issues or financial stagnation, do not despair! The Almighty God is close to you to support your position. And when God supports your position, healing, deliverance, and blessing is on the way!



Mr. Kendi came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to glorify God for the wonderful deliverance he received during mass prayer.

Mr. Kendi lives and works in Thessaloniki the past few years. His work provides him with good pay and is a job that many would like to have. It is eight hours a day, five days a week, offers a good salary and, in fact, he is provided with insurance, gifts and bonuses. Nevertheless, in the last four months, he was constantly tormented by negative thoughts and negative emotions. It all started with the thoughts that he was not happy with his work and that he was not professionally established. So, a feeling of inferiority was born. He felt that he deserved nothing, he did not accomplish anything in life, and what he did, did not express him … Progressively, this had an impact on his family as he began to feel that no one from his family members loved him and did not respect him, leading him to constantly quarrel with them. These negative thoughts overwhelmed his mind all day long, and they even changed his behavior at work, which did not go unnoticed by his boss. Many times, Mr. Kendi saw another character coming out of himself, which made him feel remorse and frustration shortly afterwards.

This whole situation led him to the presence of God, in order to find a divine solution to his uncontrolled state. The Spirit of God located him during mass prayer on Sunday. As Mr. Kendi prayed, he began to command according to the man of God’s instruction: “Every spirit that came to steal, kill, and destroy my life, my family, my career come out in the name of Jesus Christ!”. At that time, he suddenly began to vomit the demonic influences and the poisonous substances that destroyed his life.

Simultaneously, all the weight he felt in his soul disappeared! Today, happy and blessed, he confesses that he is truly free! The week after the prayer, he went to work with a different mood! The peace of God has returned to his heart! All the negative thoughts that tortured him broke away! His way of thinking is now positive, accompanied by positive words and positive actions! He now recognizes that his work is the blessing of God in his life and that as a child of God the best always comes!

Our thoughts have the capacity to bring us closer to God or to move us away from Him. If the Word of God does not dominate our heart, then someone else will dominate. The dominion of the Word of God in our heart is the dominion of Jesus Christ!

In the following pictures we see people who witnessed the living power of God! When the power of God is present, healing, deliverance and blessing follow!

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Los fieles de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica vivieron una experiencia sumamente emotiva y renovadora espiritualmente. Con corazones llenos de expectativa, personas de todas las edades y orígenes se reunieron. En tal ambiente, el hombre de Dios George Athanasiadis dio la bienvenida a los asistentes a la arena de la libertad…

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El poder del Espíritu Santo era especialmente tangible en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, atrayendo a todos los creyentes a una conexión más profunda con Dios. En este ambiente de paz, los creyentes dieron la bienvenida al Profeta Stavros, quien predicó un mensaje muy instructivo y revelador…

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