The hymns from the worship group, the testimonies, the message and the anointing of God, captivated the attendees who traveled from different parts of the world to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to receive a solution to their problems…

Then, a special message by evangelist Adamos Krasas followed, entitled “REACH THE FINISH LINE”. He began his message with… one of Aesop’s fables. Filtering the fable through the Word of God, he gave the crowd lessons that were imprinted on their hearts.

In more detail, he spoke about the well-known story of the tortoise and the hare, who both agreed to compete in a race. At the start of the race, the hare ran extremely fast, taking a massive head start over the tortoise. However, just before the finish line, the hare decided to steer off course and nap under a tree. This decision brought victory to the tortoise, who stayed firmly on course, reaching the finish line first!

The evangelist connected the story with the biblical passage from 1 Corinthians 9:24, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. Through this verse, he pointed out that, life is a race that we must run without veering off course.

Analysing further, he pointed out that the hare possessed all the natural talents to run the race, unlike the tortoise. Yet, perseverance and effort overcomes natural talent! When you have the right character, you do not need to have all the natural talents, because the right character will teach you patience, and everything you need to learn to be a winner, because the winner is not judged by the beginning, but by the finish! The tortoise stood firm in its purpose, and as a result, it overcame the natural talent of the hare. Thus, we understand how we overcome by keeping our purpose, our vision and our mission in the forefront of our minds.

The evangelist urged those in attendance to embrace the mentality of the tortoise, because while the hare had a huge head start, despite having a tough start the tortoise did not give up. Instead, it took small, steady steps, believing in its cause. So, just as the tortoise took small steps, as Christians, we are commanded to follow these small steps of faith with patience in Christ Jesus for there is no shortcut to spiritual maturity.

Citing the best example, our Saviour, the evangelist stressed that Jesus Christ had a difficult beginning in His life: He was born in a manger, and a few days after His birth, Herod commanded his soldiers to kill Him. From an early age, Jesus Christ faced persecution. In the Book of Isaiah 53:4, it states the following, Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, afflicted!”.Our Lord was tested in all things and remained Faithful to His purpose, overcoming on the Cross and giving us eternal life!

The tortoise eliminated all the negative thoughts that had “surrounded” it. It opened its eyes of faith, and the fear was silenced. It did not allow the disparaging comments of the other animals to affect it, but continued in faith. It subjected its mind to discipline so that its mind would become its servant, not its master. Thus, the evangelist explained, the proper management of our minds is the ability to think positively, for thoughts can bring us blessings or deny us blessings. No man can think positively except through the help of the Holy Spirit! The hare’s wrong way of thinking led it to give up the race for a while and take a nap under a tree. It could have finished the race, but it did not, because it let its mind dictate to it what to do.

Closing his message, the evangelist said that many people, because of external circumstances such as emotions or negative thoughts, have turned away from God’s plan. He also stressed that by our choices, we become the architects of our situation. We must not, therefore, let wrong choices lead us to wrong results. If we have made wrong decisions, we should correct them in time, so that we can finish the race. Because the greatest love Jesus Christ has given us is the opportunity to correct our mistakes!


Mrs. Eugenia Tsakonidou attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with the people of God the miraculous change that the Lord performed in her life, once again proving that Jesus Christ has never said goodbye!

The problem that Mrs. Tsakonidou was facing was of a financial nature. Being divorced, she was raising her two boys alone without having a steady job. Every day was a new challenge for her, as the “load” she was carrying was too heavy. The things that worried her caused her to feel pressured as to how to cope with her obligations: taking care of two teenage boys, feeding, clothing, extracurricular activities, house rent, fixed monthly bills, and whatever else might arise.

The jobs she found were short term and she would often find herself unemployed. So, she tried doing something of her own: she rented a small olive grove and put a chicken coop in it to sell fresh eggs. Investing time, energy, and money, she expected, in due time, to harvest the corresponding results, which never happened, as one day, just before the harvest, she discovered that the seed for the olives of the olive trees and the chickens had been stolen! Her disappointment was great…

Her life was a cycle of failure that repeated itself and caused her pain, sadness, uncertainty, and insecurity! As a result, she cried herself to sleep many nights and when she would finally sleep, the thoughts of her obligations which she could not meet would wake her up, and hence she would not sleep. Her children, not fully understanding the situation, often asked her when they would be able to live a more comfortable life as a family. She tried to comfort them by offering them what she could, but at the same time, she felt very disadvantaged, as she often compared her family to others.

This situation lasted for about seven years until she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. Listening to the messages of the man of God Harry, not only about the salvation of one’s soul but also about daily life, little by little her unbelief and doubt were unlocked. She stopped being narrow-minded and her way of thinking changed. She kept the words of the man of God within her heart, “You were created to be the head, not the tail!”, and “You cannot succeed at something if you don’t love it!”. So, she began to ask God to make her the head of her own business, which had never occurred in the past, as she pursued any job that offered her a daily wage.

Then, her love for coffee gave her the idea to take up a new project: to open her own coffee shop. Taking the initial steps, she became well-informed by attending seminars and approaching people who had a similar business, so that she could get as much information and knowledge as possible about the varieties and the procedure of the job. Then, during the first lockdown, she found a place to rent and started the paperwork. With the guidance from the man of God Harry, however, she was not discouraged and focused on the solution rather than the problem. She found two jobs, and was able to cope until the measures were lifted, as the rents were rolling in. After the quarantine was over, she found capable people who offered to help her, and very soon, the logo, the colours, the business name, and the handiwork that needed to be done all came together and a very beautiful professional space was formed, and her idea was finally materialised!

This new business move turned her from a person with no self-esteem to a person with a vision! She finally believed that she could make it along with God and that if we have an idea, a vision, we should never give up, but keep going because God supports our position.

Later on, the period of the second lockdown arrived but this favoured her business! Many other businesses were closed so over the Christmas holidays people visited her store and bought many gift sets, skyrocketing her income in just two weeks, helping her financially, thus making her products instantly known!

Today, her coffee shop, in addition to a wide range of coffees, offers nuts, sweets, and gift sets with a variety of products. It also has a corresponding online store, and the ability to ship all over Greece! Customer reviews on the business’ website are very good, positive and encouraging. Her children are satisfied and happy, they stand by her, sharing her vision and future dreams and plans for the business. She feels proud of what has happened in her life, although she acknowledges that it is not due to her own abilities, but to God’s grace working miraculously in her life!

Her advice to everyone is to run to God no matter what problem they face because He has the solution. Her promise to God is to serve Him and thank Him for what she has done in her life. She also promised to be a channel of blessing for other people through her blessing, as she recognises that we are blessed to bless others!

Poor is not the man who has no money, but the one without a vision for his life. If you are a man with a vision, no matter what obstacle comes your way, it will not be able to stop you. So, it is time to do something different to change your life from failure to success!


Ms. Rosaria D’ Agostino from UK came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to thank God for intervening in her life and giving her a wonderful healing!

It all started during her teenage years when she began to menstruate. Although she was at the age that her menstruation should begin, she noticed that it was not coming regularly, once a month, but infrequently, up to 4 times a year! Since she saw other girls her age experiencing the same thing, she did not realise that what she was going through was not normal and so, she did not disclose this problem to her mother. Later, when she realised the existence of the problem, she felt frustrated and very anxious.

In order to find a solution, she went to a doctor, who diagnosed her with oligomenorrhea. Explaining in more detail, Ms. D’ Agostino said that the doctors diagnosed that there were cysts in her ovaries, which was the reason why she could not have a regular menstruation every month! So, the doctor put her on medication, but unfortunately, this medicine did not help her, but in turn caused negative side effects! She was suffering from headaches and stomach aches making her feel tired and weak! As a result, two weeks after starting the medication she decided to stop taking them. In addition, the doctor advised her not to eat foods containing flour, including potatoes, as this would make her condition even worse. Ms. D’ Agostino followed the doctor’s advice for 6 months and when this period of time had elapsed, she started eating these foods again and, to her dismay, she started having stomach pains again. As if all this was not enough, the doctor’s words that she would find it difficult to get pregnant if this problem continued, filled her with great anxiety.

As expected, due to the hormonal imbalances that came with the problem, Ms. D’ Agostino was irritable and argued with her family quite often. Her mother confirmed what her daughter did not know what was going on. However, after noticing that she could not eat all foods because they caused her stomach pain, she suspected that she had a problem with her menstruation. She also confessed that, indeed, Ms. D’ Agostino was stubborn and would not take anyone’s advice! Her mother even pointed out that there were times when she did not talk to anyone for a whole week! Ms. D’ Agostino may have felt anxious about the problem she was facing, yet she never lost her trust in God! Having seen the power of God at work through the ministry of Prophet T. B. Joshua, pastor and founder of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria, she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, believing that the Lord has the solution to her every problem! God, being the loving Father that He is, healed Ms. D’ Agostino through man of God Harry and she stated that even before she received prayer, she felt the anointing of God very powerfully. During the prayer, she felt calm and had absolute confidence that her problem was now a thing of the past!

Now, her menstruation has been fully restored, fatigue, weakness and pain are a memory, and she can now eat all kinds of food without any problem at all! She added that she enjoys a meaningful relationship with her mother and the rest of her family members, which her mother confirmed! Her advice for God’s children is to trust Him because He can do the impossible! Concluding her wonderful testimony, she promised to give Him the first place of her heart as He deserves!

Even if you realise that you cannot receive human help, do not despair! Jesus Christ’s power is available to bless, deliver and heal you!


Mr. Christian Djoussa from Ireland, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to see the power of Jesus Christ, who continues to work to this day! After taking part in the prayer line, God’s anointing spotted him as the man of God Harry gave him a prophetic message saying, “Be careful the people you are partnering with. Because I see they have eaten a lot of your money. They will tell you,  ‘We will do this business, we will do that’. Before you know it they have taken the money and you are just sitting there waiting. Not anyone that comes to you and say, ‘I want to partner with you’, you should partner with. I do not know you and you do not know me. You have to be very careful because not all of them are sent from God. In fact, most of them are sent from satan to withdraw all the money from you. Most of them. So, you have to pray very well and ask God for His grace. The person that wants to partner with you, you must put his picture, his name, before God and pray about it. Let God give you instruction to go ahead. If not, if you do not have that peace of heart to partner with somebody, do not partner with the person because his mouth is sweet. Be careful and prayerful. No matter what, just do what God puts in your heart to do and be careful of your partnership with people. Even if they say let me be your prayer partner, be careful even for that. If you begin to tell your problem to somebody that wants to be your prayer partner, and the person is not sent from God but he is an agent of darkness, the problem will multiply. Read your Bible and seek God’s direction before you do any partnership.”

Feeling both awe and great honor that God’s anointing had chosen him, Mr. Djoussa wanted to confirm the accurate prophetic word he received from the man of God Harry.

Regarding his business activities, he said that several times he trusted people to partner with him to develop businesses, but always ended up losing large amounts of money, and never received profits from those businesses. More specifically, he said that, 10 years ago, he wanted to import over 1.200 pairs of shoes into Cameroon. There, he worked with some people who knew about such business and guaranteed him that it would bring him a profit. In the end, all he received from this transaction was a great loss. Trying to investigate the cause of this failed business move, he asked his associates, but all they had to tell him were stories and excuses. Thus, he lost over 20.000 euros! Since he is the owner of a factory that imports fish products to Africa, many people have recently approached him for cooperation, even putting a lot of pressure on him, but they have not been able to take any further action because of the pandemic.

Regarding his spiritual and business life, he states that he will be very careful from now on, as God, through the prophecy given to him, has kept and protected him. Before he makes any partnership, Mr. Djoussa said, he will make sure that it is God’s will to do so.

In closing, he said he believes this prophetic word was revealing, and he feels deep gratitude to God for protecting him in this way, and finally, he promised to continue to get closer and closer to Jesus Christ!

If we want to have a life of prosperity, we must daily involve the Lord in every affair. Our daily decisions and actions should be well thought out in the light of God’s Word. By doing this and acknowledging the power of prayer, the Word of God will become a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths!


Mrs. Mercyline Odhiambo traveled with her son, Waldemar, from Finland to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to be released from the evil presence in her life.

When they joined the prayer line, an unclean spirit was exposed from within her, confessing all the difficulties it had caused in her life and her family: “Don’t touch me! I hate you so much! I have caused her many things. She will never get married. Why should she? She is mine! I am many things. Nobody in her family will become anything! No money will stay in the family. No favor, no money – that’s my job! We make sure there is no money in the family. No friends will stay, I want her to be alone! I entered her through her family!”.

Later on, the man of God gave her the following prophetic words, “Jesus Christ has set you free. From now on, all the blessings that satan has stolen from you, from your family, God will give them back a 100 times. See this boy? This is a great child. He carries the promise of God in his life. Don’t look at him now, the future will be great. Take care of him, whatever he needs, guide him to the way of the Lord. If you see him doing bad things, talk to him, that he is for better things, not for bad. Because when God is calling you to do something great, satan will come and give you something stupid to do, so that you destroy the grace of God in your life. So, guide him in the way of the Lord, and the future will be awesome!

The deliverance came as a big surprise to Mrs. Odhiambo, who believed that, because she was a child of God, it was almost impossible for any unclean spirit to enter her. Nevertheless, she confirmed that the words the demon spoke about her and her family were true.

First of all, throughout her family, even though there were earnings, they could never see where the money was going. Even when there was some money in hand, extra expenses would occur, and it would disappear before anyone knew it. So, even after working for so many years, they cannot yet show the fruit of their labour. In the same way, Mrs. Odhiambo felt that she was constantly having expenses – they were never ending! Last year, in fact, she had to move 3 times and had to, all 3 times, pay 1/3 of the rent, due to the early termination of the contract (which is usually 11 months in Finland)!

The family faced problems in the academic field as well. Although her mother is an intelligent woman, she never finished high school. Her older brother, who was accepted on a scholarship to a university in America, was unable to complete his studies. Her younger sister also went to America on a scholarship, finished her studies, but was unable to find a job in her field in order to begin her career. Therefore, she was forced to work in “menial” jobs that did not utilise her knowledge and skills adequately. Mrs. Odhiambo used to feel that she would never be able to complete her studies either.

As for the “evil eye”, there were times, at night, when she heard a demonic voice discouraging her with words such as: “You think you will finish your studies? Let’s see if you will!”. Similarly, her younger brother confided to her, frightened, that he felt an evil presence, something eerie watching him at night!

On the subject of marriage, loneliness had become intense and obvious in the family. Mrs. Odhiambo’s older sister is, like her, a single mother with a son. In fact, she was planning to marry a man who died unexpectedly! Moreover, both her brothers were facing many problems in their relationships. Her mother’s sisters also had issues with their marriages. One of them has been married at least twice. Even her mother left Mrs. Odhiambo’s father for another man who, in the end, did the same to her!

Mrs. Odhiambo herself could never stay with a man for very long – either something bad would happen, or she would get tired of the relationship, needing her “space”. As she remembers, from a young age she didn’t have much interest in this area and would get into relationships just to have a good time, not wanting to end up with someone permanently.

Regarding the prophecy about her son, Waldemar, God had spoken to her many times, in different ways and with different people, about the great future that awaits him, and the prophecy of the man of God Harry, was the confirmation that brought assurance to her heart!

Her experience at the church, as she described it, was wonderful, as God’s presence was profound, and there was a beautiful atmosphere that helped her remain open to His Spirit. She is immensely happy and excited about her deliverance and the blessings that await her family, as well as the grace of God in her son’s life. Finally, she promised her Creator to bring more people close to Jesus, where the true joy of life is!

If you are sinking in the stormy sea called life, remember the One who walked on the waves! Jesus is the One who can handle every problem of life, fundamental or not, granting healing, freedom and blessing in every form to those who accept Him into their hearts!


From the prefecture of Viotia, Greece Mr. Vassilis Dimitriou, rushed to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to be freed from what was destroying him and to receive strength from God Almighty to move on with his life!

The moment he stood in the prayer line, the Spirit of God spotted him and gave him the following prophetic message, through the man of God, Harry: “It’s time to become hot in your relationship with God and not lukewarm because you can’t serve two masters at the same time. Either you will love one and hate the other, or the opposite. The reason I say, ‘It’s time to become hot,’ is because if you don’t, there will be bad consequences from now on. The Lord has kept you up to this moment and given you opportunities to do the right thing. Now, it’s time to do it and not waver. You used to be on fire, hotter, now you are slowly loosening up, cooling off, but God will help you take the step! Anything that doesn’t please God, you will throw out of your life and then you will see where the Lord will take you! I see you among many people, talking to them about God, teaching them about the Lord! No matter what you do in your daily life, God has destined you for preaching the good news to other people, for souls to be saved! Still, you have a role to play!”

Shortly afterward, Mr. Dimitriou confirmed the prophetic word he received regarding God’s calling for his life and his relationship with God. Specifically, he said that he accepted Jesus Christ into his life five years ago. Initially, his relationship with God was very close, he worshipped the Lord, studied His Word, prayed, and confessed to Him, as He set him free from drinking, smoking, and many other bondages that existed in his life. After some time, however, he began to fall behind, spiritually: not repenting for the acts of sin he was committing or the desires of the world that had come back into his life, such as smoking…

Living away from God and finding himself unemployed, he was overcome by a strange fear that affected every single decision he wanted to make. Then, he began to pray and seek God’s grace and mercy in his life, and made the decision to visit the SCOAN Thessalonica!

After the prayer line, Mr. Dimitriou thanked God Almighty for preserving him during all this time and for giving him a second chance to fulfill His life’s calling. Finally, he promised the Lord to always invest quality time in his relationship with Him!

The greatest evidence of God’s love is the opportunity He gives us to correct our mistakes! When you take God’s Word into your heart and make it an integral part of you, that Word by its very nature will change you, change your thinking, and you will find yourself called to act!


Mrs. Christine Kanzayire travelled from the USA to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, to receive healing from the chronic pains that had been plaguing her.

In fact, she had been afflicted with severe pains in her leg since 2015. These pains, accompanied by swelling, made it very difficult for her to walk, which made it difficult for her to work and life in general became hard. She had to lean on the seat and keep her leg straight and outstretched to sit down or stand up – a normal, everyday movement for most of us.

Since she was unable to do simple everyday things such as chores, walks and generally anything that involved standing, she began desperately searching for a solution to her problem. Over the years she visited doctors to find out what was wrong, but to no avail! She then went to a “traditional doctor” who prescribed her various herbs and such, charging her continually until the costs amounted close to $10,000! The problem not only did not improve, but began to get worse and worse.

Understandably, having faced unremitting pains and the resulting difficulties for so many years, her psychological condition reached a very bad state. She felt very poorly, unproductive, almost depressed, as she described it, with no peace within herself.

When she decided to place her request in the hands of the Lord, arriving at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, she felt the presence of the Holy Spirit all around her. During her participation in the prayer line, when the man of God Harry prayed for her, she received immediate healing! She immediately felt the pain leave her leg, and confirmed her healing by walking and doing all the movements she could not do before, and that with great ease!

God took over her case, that’s why Mrs. Kanzayire feels very good, excited and happy! She praised God for her blessed healing and promised to walk for Him for the rest of her life!

When God is involved in your case, anything that happens to you will be to bring you closer to Him and to glorify His name through your life! Continue the good fight of faith with complete trust in Him and He is willing to meet your every need!

In the pictures below we see the Spirit of God moving in power and might, bringing freedom to the captives, healing to the sick and every kind of blessing to those who seek His face!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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En un ambiente cálido y espiritualmente refrescante, los creyentes alzaron sus voces y corazones con himnos de alabanza a Dios. El auditorio se llenó de profundos sentimientos de gratitud, fe y alegría mientras los presentes oraban y cantaban con todo su corazón. En este ambiente de fe y alabanza, los creyentes…

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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Con corazones llenos de anticipación y fe, la congregación se reunió en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, ansiosa por experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En esta atmósfera, el hombre de Dios, George Christodoulou, tomó el púlpito con un poderoso mensaje para cada creyente titulado…

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En una atmósfera llena de admiración, adoración y fe inquebrantable, personas de todos los rincones del mundo se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, con la esperanza de presenciar la mano de Dios que traería las soluciones que habían buscado en sus vidas durante tanto tiempo. Pronto, el hombre de Dios Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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Con gratitud y asombro, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica para alabar a Jesucristo. Las voces de los creyentes se llenaron de amor y fe y se elevaron al cielo a través de oraciones. Cada canción estaba dedicada a Aquel que se sacrificó, resucitó y reina para la salvación del mundo con poder y amor. Así, el Profeta llegó al título del mensaje, que era «TU MISIÓN COMO CRISTIANO»…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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En un ambiente alegre y espiritual, los creyentes de la Iglesia Cristiana De Todas Las Naciones – Tesalónica se reunieron para adorar y alabar a Dios. El mensaje titulado “TOMA LAS DECISIONES CORRECTAS” estuvo a cargo del hombre de Dios Javier, animando a los creyentes a cambiar su estilo de vida paso a paso y enseñándoles…

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