The worship group of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, in perfect harmony with the Spirit of God that had filled the auditorium, «opened the Heavens», creating an overwhelming atmosphere of faith and anticipation in the hearts of the believers.

Evangelist Olina Michailidou shared a revealing message entitled “SOMEONE IS PRAYING FOR YOU”. She explained that there are many people whom God intended to become great. While today they should stand and testify the greatness of God in their lives, they live as ordinary men because they do not allow the Word of God to dominate their hearts. She also noted that satan constantly monitors us because he wants to see if the difficulties and problems we are going through can stop us from running the good fight of faith. Yet, he watches with fear and terror because he knows that there is Someone who prays for us and promised that He will not leave us nor forsake us.

Reading from the Gospel of Luke 22:31-32: “And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon, satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail’”, the evangelist explained that Jesus prayed so that we may not lose our faith because He knew there would be problems and blows that would come and shake our faith. However, trials exist to bring us closer to God and cannot destroy His grace in our lives. In fact, tribulations are to teach us to be more stable and persistent in prayer. God never lets us get tested more than we can endure! Every test, every challenge and every obstacle that comes our way is meant to teach us some necessary lessons, so we can move on to a higher level rather than face the same challenges again and again. If God allowed us to enter the “furnace of fire” it is meant for us to come out like gold and not meant for us to stay there. Let us not forget that Jesus prayed that our faith should not fail! And it will not cease as long as we stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ. In closing, the evangelist clarified that there is nothing more ridiculous than to allow our present situation to cause us to doubt the fulfillment of God’s Word or promises for our life. All the difficulties we faced in the past were meant to maintain our unity with Him, so that today nothing can break this unity! Jesus loves us, supports our position and prays for us!


Anatoli Asimenia from Serres attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to share the marvelous way in which God intervened in her problem and thus came to thank and honor Him.

The problem began three years ago, when one day she felt a heavy pull on her ears. At first it was transient but later became permanent. This pull caused her vertigo, and it was so strong that she felt as if her brain was being uprooted. At some point she fell down and could not see anything but dark circles! Her daughter then moved her to a hospital, where she was hospitalized for ten days. During the medical examinations, she was given five bottles of cortisone, but eventually she was discharged because they could not figure out the cause of her symptoms. Then Mrs. Anatoli visited an orthopedic doctor, an otorhinolaryngologist and a neurologist, but they could not help her because the could not find anything wrong with her. All they could do was prescribe her painkillers and tranquilizers. This unknown condition affected her life as well, as she could not cope with housework. It was impossible for her to bend, lift up, sit normally or lie down, causing her to suffer all night. Her psychological condition was in a very bad state, since no one could understand what she was going through and many claimed she did not feel pain, she just had trouble with her nerves.

Thus, she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, and receive a permanent cure in the name of Jesus Christ. During the mass prayer, after the man of God prayed for Mrs. Anatoli, she began to command also according to the instruction of the man of God: “Whatever is not of Jesus Christ to go out in the name of Jesus Christ!”. Then she heard a hum and she felt the air coming out slowly from her ears. Indeed, as soon as the man of God put his hand on her forehead, the air came out with force, and full of relief, Mrs. Anatoli found everything returned to normal right away! Since then she has been totally fine! The pulling that she felt in her ears has disappeared! She stopped taking medication and now she can move, sit and lift weights without any difficulty! She even sleeps comfortably with no inconvenience! Mrs. Anatoli’s mood has been uplifted and so she advised us that we should follow Jesus Christ with faith because away from Him there is only pain, tears, and death. Finally, she promised to follow Him for as long as she lives.

As a child of God, the situation you are in is not to destroy you, but to raise you and bring you closer in your relationship with God.


Ms. Vasiliki Nikolaou from Thessaloniki came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to express her gratitude to God for the healing He granted her.

In the year that pasted Ms. Vasiliki faced a problem called irritable bowel syndrome, which caused her bloating and swelling in her abdomen, as well as a disturbance in her bowel habits. So every day she either had diarrhea or constipation. As a high school student, she could not attend all classes regularly, since she was unable to be on time in the morning or was forced to leave school during the day because she felt uncomfortable constantly asking for permission from teachers to use the bathroom. Also, due to this syndrome, she followed a particular diet and avoided eating certain foods that aggravated the problem. Still, she did not have the easy of going where she wanted because of the fear that she would have to leave her friends and quickly use the toilet. This situation created anxiety, nervousness and intense concern. Not being able to cope with this alone, she visited a doctor who gave her various medications and a specific diet. This offered her temporary relief, but did not offer a lasting solution.

So, she decided to surrender her situation to Jesus Christ, believing that He would give her the permanent solution she wanted. So she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, and received prayer from the man of God, Harry. After prayer, she was filled with joy because she found herself free from the symptoms of this syndrome. Swelling and pain are past, while visits to the toilet have become normal. In addition, she tried to eat foods that were previously banned and to her surprise she had absolutely no discomfort! When she actually went to the doctor and underwent examinations, the doctor found nothing abnormal and confirmed that she was cured. Now she has the ability to do various activities without limitation and anxiety. Happy and free from the disease, she advised us to have faith and trust in God, because only He can heal us. Having experienced the power of Jesus, she promised to glorify Him with her life and to testify Him to the people.

For a man of faith, when the problem comes, there is always a future! Every miracle we receive is in the fulfillment of the purpose of salvation of our soul, because it includes all the blessings of God.

In the pictures that follow, it turns out that the era of miracles has not passed. Jesus Christ continues to work and destroy the works of satan in the lives of people today.

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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