The Sunday Service brought the children of God closer to experiencing His majesty. The choir celebrated the love and kindness of God, singing for His glory!

Then one of the evangelists began his message entitled “THE BATTLE OF THE MIND”, by saying that thoughts are an integral part of our everyday life and explained that there are three sources of our thoughts. There are thoughts that come from God, from the devil and from ourselves. The majority of thoughts are not from God; they are aimed at getting us away from His presence; that is why not all thoughts should be entertained. But to distinguish God’s thoughts from the rest of the thoughts, we should focus on the Word of God; Philippians 4:8 advises us: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

Along the way, the evangelist pointed out that God created us to be successful. When he looks inside us, he sees the success He created, and it is up to us through faith to receive this success by meditating, testifying, and acting upon it. However many times during our time of trial we forget the promises of God, our faith is shaken, we let negative thoughts lead us. To the extent you think the thoughts of Christ, to that same extent do you have the presence of God in your life. The extent to which you reject His light, to that extent will you be filled with terrifying darkness! That is why today we must decide to think the thoughts of Christ, which will eventually lead us to the success we so much desire!


Ms. Despo Christophi from Cyprus visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to give all glory to Jesus Christ for the breakthrough she received in her life, when Prophet Harry prayed for her on the prayer line.

Ms. Despo studied Internet Marketing and Social Media for 2 years and when she got her degree, she decided to find work based on her degree. Then, quite suddenly, fear and various negative thoughts came to her that made her believe she did not have the skills to do such work; thoughts that prevented her from succeeding in what she wanted for herself. For one and a half years she was at home doing nothing, which caused her to be surrounded with more and more negative thoughts that weakened her. Her appetite for work, her vision and dreams seemed to be moving farther and farther away from her, causing her to fall into depression! When she realized that she could no longer continue to live her life this way, she decided to move from Cyprus to Thessaloniki, despite the objections of all, to work and get out of the cycle of failure that had embraced her.

As soon as she came to Thessaloniki, she learned of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, and began to attend the service every Sunday, listening to the messages from the man of God and the evangelists. The Word of God began to act in her heart, it began to change her and give her courage. By the grace of God, negative thoughts disappeared and she began to believe more in herself and her potential. Making the first step towards success, she began sending her resume to several companies that were seeking for employees in the field she had studied. In order to bless her new beginning, she registered for the prayer line to receive prayer from the man of God Harry and finally be completely delivered from the negative thoughts that tortured her. After the divine touch she received from the man of God, she was sure that God opened the way in front of her and that He had already blessed her.

Immediately after the prayer, she received a phone call informing her that she urgently needed to be hired at a job specializing in what she studied! As she found herself there, she realized that the Lord had prepared something even better than she had expected. He had prepared for her a management position of both a physical and electronic store! Now, not only does she work in the field of what she studied, but she is dealing with something that surpasses her every expectation! Everyone around her was surprised at how everything was done so quickly and without any difficulty! Her everyday life has changed completely as she is cheerful, active and joyful. Fear belongs to the past and now she looks only ahead! Ms. Despo advised us that we cannot be afraid and at the same time believe in God. We must remain committed to the Author and Finisher of our faith, to Him Who has already prepared everything we need! Finally, she promised Almighty God that she would not let fear stop her again in any area of ​​her life.


Mrs. Irene Kalandranis from Thessaloniki, filled with joy and full of gratitude came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to thank God and to give Him all the glory for the financial breakthrough she received in her life, through her wonderful testimony.

Mrs. Irene and her husband faced financial problems for many years. This situation caused them anxiety and uncertainty about the future, as they could not cope with the needs of their family. At that time, Mrs. Irene’s father wanted to give them an apartment in Athens for economic gain. This apartment was not lived in for many years and was in bad condition, while at the same time it was in a remote area in Athens, in an area without special demand. Therefore, in order for the couple to use this apartment for economical gain, they would have to invest enough money to repair it. This led them to a dilemma, because in their difficult financial situation they did not know if such an investment would be profitable. Mr. Irene considered that it would be better to rent to tourists daily, not monthly. All her relatives were against her proceeding with the renovation of the apartment because they believed that there would be no economic benefit, since in their opinion no tourist would prefer the particular accommodation that was too far from the center of Athens. Then she and her husband decided to seek advice from the man of God Harry, who encouraged them to move forward with this investment.

By obeying the instruction in righteousness given to them, the couple began to carry out various maintenance and work that the apartment need. By the grace of God, the house has been rented for three years nonstop, yielding in satisfactory income to their family! Stress and uncertainty about the future are now in the past and they can now cover all their financial obligations. After the financial breakthrough Mrs. Irene received, she advised us to run to God, whatever trouble we are facing, and He will give us the solution! She also advised us to seek direction from God’s anointed servants here on earth and promised the Provider of her blessing to follow Him throughout her life and to serve Him with all her heart.

Indeed, the path of obedience is the path of blessing! “And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God”. (Deuteronomy 28:2)

In the following photographs we see once again that God’s anointing acts by releasing deliverance, healing and blessing to the people who have come from every part of the world with faith that they will receive their own touch from God.

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En un ambiente lleno de fe y anhelo por la presencia de Dios, los creyentes de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica se unieron en alabanza llenando el salón de himnos y oraciones. La Profeta Evgenia comenzó su mensaje con un par de palabras de oración, preparando los corazones de los creyentes para un…

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