Βelievers from all around the world came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and joined forces in prayer and worship to give the Almighty God all the glory, honor and praise He deserves! The atmosphere was electrifying as God’s presence was intensely felt, while the Lord’s angels prepared the hearts of the faithful to receive their deliverance, healing and blessing in the almighty name of Jesus Christ.

Then the man of God Harry preached a divinely inspired message entitled “THE MEDICINE OF PRAYER”, revealing the solution to every problem we face. He began by addressing the fact that many of us believe that, because we have prayed many times about a problem or a weakness and have not been given an immediate solution, we must stop asking God for the solution through prayer. The Word of God in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 shows us Apostle Paul’s perseverance in prayer, even though God revealed to him that His grace is sufficient. Apostle Paul makes it clear to all Christians that if an answer is not given to the first prayer, nor to the second, we must hold on and hold out ‘til we receive an answer. Apostle Paul did not surrender the weapon of prayer, firstly because he wanted to be delivered from the thorn in his flesh, and then because he believed that prayer is a salve for every sore and a remedy for every malady, be it mental or physical!

Therefore, the Bible makes us understand that troubles are to teach us to be consistent and persistent in prayer, until we receive an answer from God! Concluding his message, the man of God encouraged the congregation to look beyond their situation, saying: “Whatever situation you are in now as a Christian, it may be to keep you for a new level, it may be to strengthen your desire for God!”.


Ms. Blazhevska Oljivera from North Macedonia came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with everyone the root changes that have taken place in her life.

It all started 20 years ago, when Ms. Oljivera started smoking, and it did not take long for this bad habit to become an addiction. She smoked 60 cigarettes a day, which is 3 packs a day, without being able to do anything to reduce it, let alone quit. Many times she tried with her own strength to quit, but that was impossible. The only hours she did not smoke were the hours she slept, as she jokingly confessed. When she finally decided to quit smoking and admitted that she was hurting herself, a friend suggested that she come to the SCOAN Thessalonica to receive prayer and divine intervention for her weakness. So, immediately, began to search online to find the church in order to visit it. Two weeks before her journey began, she experienced unusual challenges! She was unable to sleep because of nightmares, she felt something pull her leg while she was sleeping, and finally she would be able to only sleep just two hours a day!

The problems persisted even when she had arrived in Thessaloniki. On the day she had to come to register for the prayer line, knowing the stop she had to get off from the bus, she came off a completely different bus stop. As a result, she had to search for the church building, walking about 10 hours until she found it! The same thing happened to her the next day, of the Sunday Service. Despite having visited the church the day before, she was once again unable to find the church!

After hours of suffering, Mrs. Oljivera finally arrived at the church, entered the prayer line and with faith asked God to become strength in her weakness! When the man of God Harry prayed for her, her life immediately changed! She was delivered from smoking after 20 whole years and her insomnia and nightmares are now gone; she now sleeps like a baby! Clearly ecstatic, she advised us all to seek God and she promised to help others overcome their smoking addiction, as God helped her!

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36) Therefore remain in Him and the blessings of God will not cease from coming into your life! Make God your source of strength, because when God is the source of your strength, no one can be against you!


Mrs. Magreth Shirima from Sweden attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to confirm the prophetic word she received and to thank God for the deliverance she was granted after the prayer of the man of God Harry.

On the day she stood on the prayer line, the Spirit of God located the unclean spirit that was destroying her life, and the man of God rebuked it in the almighty name of Jesus Christ, declaring her free. Then the man of God said to her, “Do you know what you are free of? From the spirit of death that has been chasing you for some time now. This has given you the fear of death. You think, ‘Am I going to die? Is this how I will die?’. No, this is not how you will die because Jesus Christ came to disconnect you from the chain of death! The prayer we did today is to break that chain, to cut that chain off from the spirit of death. Because many times you feel like you are dying and then coming back to your body. When you come back, you wake up from sleep and feel your body frozen, as if you are a dead person. This is because your soul has been going in and out of your body, but your time has not yet come for you to die. You still have job to do here.”. Overwhelmed and with tears of joy in her eyes, Mrs. Magreth confirmed that the prophecy she received was absolutely true, because the spirit of death really wanted to put an early end to her life!

She explained that it all started in 1995 when she began to feel discomfort in her lower abdomen. So she visited a doctor who had her undergo a series of tests that ultimately showed no problem. Then, the doctor decided to perform a laparoscopy, a very small and simple operation, completely harmless, that would give a clearer picture of exactly what is happening to her health. But when she woke up from the sedation, she was shocked to find that there was a very large scar on the bottom of her abdomen. As they explained to her, her papers were mistakenly confused with the papers of another patient who would have her uterus removed! Fearful of the mistake that could have deprived her of her future family, she denied having her own procedure. The problem with her lower abdomen remained unresolved, and other health issues emerged along the way. Her lower jaw was crooked and in 2006 doctors suggested she put on braces, but after six months she realized that her condition had deteriorated and surgery was inevitable! Although they assured her of the safety of the operation, some complications arose, so the operation would have to be repeated three more times. The second time she had to stay in the hospital for 17 whole days in order to recover from an infection that she caught in the hospital, which filled her mouth with pus. The doctors were shocked at Mrs. Magreth’s case and could not understand the cause of all these complications and problems, as it was the first time they encountered something like this. Indeed, in the latest complication, which lasted for 14 hours, they had to bring by helicopter from Stockholm a specialist doctor for her case, as the doctors who had taken her into their care were unable to handle the situation.

Her health problems did not subside and a new nuisance was added to them. This time in the upper part of the abdomen! The gastroscopy Mrs. Magreth underwent showed a small polyp which, according to doctors, should have been removed as its effects in the future were unknown. So during this easy procedure, as doctors called it, the doctor removed the polyp but also cut a vein, causing Mrs. Magreth to lose a lot of blood and faint. She woke up after a day at the Intensive Care Unit and there the doctors found she had septicemia! She spent the next four months in bed, and the fear of death began to take hold of her day by day, while she began dreaming of people who had died.

Excited and deeply grateful to the Almighty God who kept her alive despite the spirit of death constantly trying to kill her, Mrs. Magreth confesses that after the prayer line she no longer has any fear of death and sleeps like a baby! With faith in her heart, she promised to her Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to seek Him, follow Him and glorify Him always in her life!

The devil came to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. Let His holy name be glorified!

In the following photos, we see people who traveled from all over the earth thirsting for a word from the man of God concerning their problems.

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