A multitude of people from all parts of the earth visited the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, to give glory and honor to Him who reigns with power for us, the Lord Jesus Christ!

The message of the man of God Harry entitled: “THE PRIORITY OF LIFE”, touched the hearts of the believers, opening their minds to make decisions that will completely change their lives. Initially, he mentioned that many people do not fulfil their dreams because they do not set the right priorities, as it is one thing to set priorities and another to set the right priorities. Inspired by Matthew 6:33, which clearly states: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you…” he asked the church,What is the priority of your life?”. He stressed that what God asks of His children is to first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all the rest, such as the solution to our problem, the way out of our impasse, the cure, the freedom, and the blessing are within this priority that God has set for us.

The man of God then read the Bible verse from John 3:1-12, using the example of Nicodemus, the ruler of the Jews. As he mentioned, Nicodemus saw Jesus Christ preaching the same Word that he taught, with power, might and authority over unclean spirits and diseases, while he, himself, although he studied the Word of God, prayed and fasted constantly, could not do such. Nicodemus realised that he had climbed the ladder of success, being a teacher and a well-known ruler among his people, but the mission he had accomplished was completely wrong. In order to awaken the crowd, the man of God pointed out that the greatest failure in life is to succeed, but in the wrong mission! Nicodemus, though busy with the things of God daily, realised that he was not as effective as Jesus Christ. So, we understand, the man of God concluded, that the biggest mistake in life is to be busy, but not effective!

The man of God, wanting to emphasise the seriousness of setting the right priority in our lives, explained that people do not know what the next step in their lives should be, making life complicated. However, at the same time, giving them the solution to the problem, he made it clear with certainty that the right priorities simplify life! In conclusion, he accentuated, once again, the importance of seeking first the kingdom and righteousness of God, assuring the crowd that only by putting the right priority in our lives, life will become simpler and all of God’s blessings will follow, in the right time!


This was the case for Mr. Eduardo Coney, who took a step of faith and traveled from Maryland, USA, to receive a touch from Jesus Christ through the man of God, Grace.

As he stood in the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, the man of God gave him a prophetic word regarding a very dangerous issue, which he had not even mentioned to his family: “Your heart is weak. I’m praying for God to restore you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! When you move a little distance, you get tired and fatigue. This is because your heart is not as it is used to be. It is getting weak and sometimes you feel that it is not beating well. Arrhythmia. Because you did not tell me this and I am telling you, it means this problem is exposed so that it will be over in your life. You will see that after today, you will begin to experience a new heart! You have so many things, so many activities you want to do, and your heart is failing you and you are not very effective. Now, you will be effective in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!”.

Mr. Eduardo Coney confirmed this word concerning the condition of his heart and his numerous activities. First, he explained how frequently he felt his heart beating hard and fast. He recounted that when he walked a small distance, he felt a great weariness and it was difficult to breathe, although he was trying to hide it. Because of this issue, he had to go straight to bed after eating and his doctor advised him to eat small amounts of food. He understood that it was not normal because he did all the necessary tests, but the doctors did not detect any problem with his heart, which made him realise that it was a demonic attack. He was given cholesterol pills, which he took for three years without seeing any improvement. On the contrary, the problem was getting worse and worse.

As to his activities, Mr. Coney pointed out that he was indeed a very busy man and his heart was holding him back because of how easily exhausted he felt. He is a pastor in a church, a founder-president of a world-class non-governmental organisation (Spectrum International Children), whose main goal is to help children living on the edge of poverty, children with disabilities and abandoned children, and is also involved in the car trade. He said that although he was not afraid of death, he was worried that he would not be able to eventually finish the work he had started.

The miracles did not stop there for Mr. Coney, since he happily described that before the service began, he had a major hearing problem. In his right ear, he had been diagnosed with 50% hearing loss, and in his left, with complete deafness! Whenever he wore his hearing aid, he put it in his right ear because he could only hear a loud ringing sound from his left one when he placed it there. During the service, Mr. Coney’s ears «opened up» and by the end of the service, he could hear perfectly well out of both ears!

Feeling extremely joyful and blessed that God interfered and healed him with a brand-new heart, consequently increasing his life span as well as giving him the chance to complete and expand his work, he stated that he wants to stay rooted in the purpose of God for him. Lastly, he wishes to use the blessings He has given him in order to continue the work in which He called him to do!

No matter what your situation is, walk in the presence of God. As children of God, we have been called to patiently wait for God’s time in everything we are going through because God’s time is the best!

In the following snapshots, we can see that every unclean spirit, every demon and every disease is subdued before the power of the name of Jesus Christ, because the era of miracles has not passed. The Great Healer is still alive. His name is Jesus Christ!

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