Another thrilling day at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, as God’s presence filled the atmosphere and the believers glorified and exalted our Lord in the beauty of His holiness!
Evangelist Stavros Michailidis delivered a unique and highly contemplative message to the people of God entitled, “THE SPIRITUAL MIRROR”, through which he touched the hearts of everyone present. He began his message by giving the audience a riddle, which was as follows: “What is the object that we all, regardless of age, use daily since antiquity, is one of the first things we look at every morning after waking up, and most of us, if we do not use it, do not even go out of our house”. Attendees quickly made sense of it, giving the correct answer, which was: “The mirror”…

Continuing, the evangelist stated that the mirror is one of the most important objects in our lives, as it is directly involved in our social life and has played a decisive role in the course of our lives, even if we do not realise it. Thus, the mirror is responsible for our appearance and thanks to it we are beautiful, well-groomed and attractive today…
However, he explained, the Word of God teaches us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body and inviting the crowd to deep thinking, prompted them to consider whether their spirit, their inner man, is as beautiful as their outer man. In other words, he made clear that the real thing about us is not our body but our spirit!
Taking his scripture from 2 Kings 22:1, 3-5, 8-13, he read the story of King Josiah, who as soon as he heard what the Word of God was saying, was shocked to discover that what he and others believed about himself, was not necessarily God’s opinion and that there were wrong aspects of himself that he didn’t know… We understand, then, that God’s Word is a mirror, showing us who we really are! The evangelist showed us that if we are honest enough, we will come to realise that the reason most of us turn away from God is because our image in that mirror frustrates and terrifies us. Whereas, we should do the opposite, run closer to God every time we discover that what we see is not in accordance with His Word! Thus, we understand that God gave us the Bible to show us the way of salvation and to teach us how to live for Him.

He pointed out that the Word of God is the only place we can learn His opinion for us and about others because people’s opinion about us has absolutely nothing to do with that of God. This is because the opinion of others is based on our outward appearance, while the opinion of God has to do with our real selves. Our inner-spiritual self!
Finally, the evangelist stressed that as we take care of our external appearance, we should also take care of our heart. For this reason, we need the mirror of the soul, the Word of God, to see what God sees when He looks at us, because, “Beautiful people are those who mirror Christ!” he mentioned! He also clarified that if we do not see ourselves the way God sees us, then we will not see our real value and if we do not see our real value, then we will not be able to fulfil the purpose which God has created us for. So, as we look in the mirror of our soul, the Word of God, if we do not like what we see, it is up to us to change it!

Just a few days have passed since the day when Mrs. Nadia Grande from Australia participated in the prayer line and received a saving prophetic word from the man of God Harry. As the Spirit of God moved and His presence was tangible, the man of God Harry addressed her and said, “This has been in the family. Satan has been causing this. This is a generational curse from your mom’s side, but Jesus loves you and today is the end of it”. Feeling grateful to God for His mercy in her life, she wanted to come again to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to give all the glory to Him and to share with His children the changes she saw in her life.

Greeting the crowd full of joy, she began her testimony with a flashback to her childhood. Growing up in a very strict and difficult environment, as her father criticised her daily for everything she did, she began to experience panic attacks from the tender age of 9 years old. Later, at the age of 16, as her problem worsened day by day, her mother started taking her to various doctors to help her. However, this was impossible and, thus, when she reached the age of 22, she was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and was admitted to a psychiatric clinic and had to take medication. But neither being admitted to the psychiatric clinic nor the medication could solve her problem, all they did was numb her body!

As the years passed, she suffered and even stayed at home until the age of 43! Constantly bearing in mind that people are criticising her. She had negative thoughts flooding her mind, depression and anxiety taking over her daily life and she began to constantly bombard herself with thoughts of jumping from a tall building or stabbing herself every time she would see a knife. Suicidal thoughts were a daily thing in her life and her condition was hopeless. She acknowledged that only a genuine man of God could put an end to all of this by revealing the root of her problems and that is exactly what happened!
Confirming the part of the prophetic word concerning her family, she pointed out that, indeed, it was a family curse, since many members of her family, such as her brother and nephew, suffer from the same disorder. In fact, her cousin suffers from bipolar disorder and her mother from anxiety and depression!
Excited by the divine package she and her family received, she was now ready to share with God’s people the wonderful changes she had seen in the last few days after the prayer she had received.
After her divine appointment with Jesus Christ in the prayer line, all the negative thoughts she had are gone, she no longer has suicidal tendencies, and panic attacks are now a thing of the past! God’s peace and tranquility are in her heart, and she advised all people to trust God and visit a living church because that is the solution to their problem. Finally, she promised God, the Giver of all her blessings, that she would trust Him even more and follow Him all the days of her life!
Regardless of the situation you are going through, you should not lose your trust in your God and doubt your guard!

There are no words to express the infinite goodness that the Heavenly Father shows to His children by destroying every demonic influence in their lives. This is exactly what he did for Dr. Alex Renner, who did not hesitate to travel from the United States of America to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to attend the first service of the New Year.
His long journey was not in vain! During the prayer line, as soon as Dr. Renner received prayer from the man of God Harry he surrendered to the Holy Spirit and the anointing of God made him emit blood from his mouth! At that moment, the man of God gave him a prophetic word, through which he explained: “This is poison in your body! They fed you spiritually in the dream. It’s an attack! This was supposed to kill you. You should have died by now. Even at night, you see dead people, who died a long time ago. You are now free by the grace of God! So live your life by the grace of God!”.
Then, Dr. Renner wanted to explain the problems that led him to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and to confirm the prophecy he had received, having witnessed the miraculous events that take place in the house of God. He, therefore, admitted that he was surprised by the prophetic word and narrated a shocking event he saw in his dream. To his surprise, he saw that he had drunk bleach that is used to wash clothes! In fact, the next morning, Dr. Renner could even smell the bleach! When he asked his wife if she could smell it, she could not and that frightened him! He also confirmed that he did indeed see dead people in his sleep, such as his parents and friends! Even though this happened every six months or so, he wondered why this was happening and it made him worry.
Then, Dr. Renner added that four years ago, he was in a coma for two weeks and had experienced two serious accidents that almost led to his death! Because of what he lived through, he decided to become more disciplined in the things of God… His health, however, still needed to be restored, as he was in a pre-diabetic stage, suffering from hypertension and arthritis which appeared from time to time. Many times, he had pain in various parts of his body and legs, which made it difficult for him to walk. While taking medication for these problems, he stated that they were only helping him handle the situation, and were not offering a permanent solution…
To the glory of God, Dr. Renner’s faith was never intimidated! After the prayer he received, he walked comfortably, without any problems at all and he is now convinced that he is free to live a holy life! Finally, the promise he made to the One who blessed him so generously is to stay away from sin and keep the instruction from the man of God Harry, that is, to live a life that will glorify God daily!

The Word of God in the book of Exodus 14:14, emphasises: “The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace.” Therefore, let us, leave our problems in the hands of the One who bore all of our problems on the Cross!
In the pictures that follow we see visitors from different parts of the world taking part in the prayer line, believing that one touch from the anointing of God, through His servant, is enough to give them a permanent solution to their problem!
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