The Sunday Service at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica was another chance for the family of God to come together before Him and leave every burden to His feet. The attendees gave all the glory, the honor and the praise to the Living God, thanking Him for all He has done and will do in their lives!

A powerful message followed, titled “THE UNIVERSITY OF GOD”, in which evangelist Giannis Michailidis delivered priceless lessons that can change the course of our life! With this message, he guided everyone present to a deep introspective reflection concerning the type of relationship they maintain with God.

He began by stating that although through the Word of God it is known that there are only two kingdoms – the Kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness – many of us live our lives like there is also one neutral kingdom. We say and do things that we should not as children of God and, more specifically, he mentioned that the church is the University of God because here we learn what God is asking from us. However, many Christians nowadays go to church without thirst or hunger for the Word of God; indifferent, inconsistent, just like a student who goes to school without studying or bringing his books! Meanwhile, we try to get the attention of Teacher-God by asking for the solution to our problems, and at the same time, we wonder why the Lord is not answering our prayers! The evangelist explained that this happens because we are unwilling to know, to learn, and to apply the Word of God to our life! He explained that everyone should be striving for a mutual relationship with God, which means that since He gives us what we ask for, we should give Him what He asks for as well. “It takes the maturity that comes from faith to realize that our responsibility to God is a commitment and fellowship with him rather than sacrifice”, he clarified.

Next, he read from Psalms 14:2-4 and explained that God was looking for a man who seeks Him, but He could not find anyone. That is because we are unwilling to obey His Word, and we choose to not know His truth by keeping our Bible shut! Nevertheless, the solution and the answer of God to this wrong attitude is found in the Bible, particularly in the book of Joshua 1:8, where the Word of God advises, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. Therefore, we understand that God is asking us to read our Bible because through it He speaks to us, He teaches us and He guides us towards a prosperous life. Concluding his message, the evangelist encouraged the people of God, saying, “Let us not wait for God to play our own role in this mutual relationship. If we want our life to change and receive an answer to our prayers, let us play our role and start looking at how to maintain a mutual relationship with God. Let us stop looking for a miracle, because the greatest miracle we seek is our relationship with God. When we receive it, all other miracles will be added to our life!”.


Mr. David Anserlian, a 26-year-old jeweler, traveled from California, USA, to attend the Sunday Service at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. The reason that led him to make another transatlantic trip was that he received something so incredible that he absolutely had to share with the people of God!

Mr. Anserlian and his family have been making jewelry for many years while maintaining a beautiful jewelry store in Los Angeles. Describing his “bright”, yet difficult road, he stated that he started making jewelry with great interest, learning the job close to his father from the age of 16. However, despite their long-standing business in high-end jewelry, the experience they had gained and the passion with which they created their own jewelry, was not enough for any significant development in their work!

The financial difficulties they had been facing since 2008 and over the span of a decade, resulted in them not being able to achieve any of the business goals they had set! As an example, he mentioned that they aimed to invest by purchasing a house, which in the long run would accumulate profit, however this seemed unattainable! In addition, they could not afford their fixed monthly expenses and loan installments, which amounted to $6,000 a month! Every first of the month they had to deposit this amount, but when the end of the month came around and they had not yet collected the money, they felt awful, because it did not occur just once, but many times! For a whole decade, they struggled to overcome their financial situation, making every possible effort and working extra hours, yet they were not able to achieve any results! Eventually, negative thoughts of discouragement, thoughts that they would not succeed began to overwhelm them, as it seemed that they had reached a financial impasse.

In search of God, Mr. Anserlian decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean and visit the SCOAN Thessalonica in August 2018. He wanted to receive a spiritual breakthrough for himself, because he believed that if he received this, then all the areas of his life would be opened at the same time! By the grace of God, he took part in the prayer line and he received an anointed touch from the man of God Harry.

Hence, with the power that exists in the name of our Savior, Mrs. Jirunsun Cook received her deliverance at SCOAN Thessalonica. Truly, remarkable blessings in all areas of his life and the family as a whole took place, as well as an incredible financial breakthrough! The impossible occurred! Within the next six months, they accomplished what they were unable to accomplish in the prior 10 years! Their work began to increase and since then they are consistent with all their financial obligations, without having to work overtime! They have also managed to buy the house they wanted, worth $675,000 by paying 20% of it cash in advance. In fact, they renovated the house and, in addition, they managed to build another house next to their old one! Indeed, God blessed them more than they expected!

Concluding his testimony, Mr. Anserlian advised everyone to continue to trust God in every situation, because He always provides! He promised to serve God and live in His house all the days of his life!


Where the anointing of God is present, darkness is exposed and goes away, as it is written in the Book of Philippians 2:10, in the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow! Hence, with the power that exists in the name of our Savior, Mrs. Jirunsun Cook received her deliverance. Defying the distance of kilometers from England, where she has lived permanently for the last 13 years, she stood at the prayer line with belief that Jesus Christ can give her back not only what satan has stolen from her but much more.

Thus, when the man of God began to pray for grace and mercy in the lives of those who no longer had any other hope of salvation than Jesus Christ, he reached Mrs. Cook. Once he touched her and prayed for her, the demon inside her could not resist the fire of Jesus Christ and the power of prayer! «Destruction! She wants to destroy me, but I will destroy her too. I am a demon! I will kill her and there will be no more missions… I cannot stand being here, let me go! Do not save her, she wants to destroy me… She will go back to her country, Thailand, and tell everyone the truth. But there is no way I will let her do it! I entered her in many ways… from the dream!”, the demon proudly confessed!

With a word highly influenced by the Holy Spirit, the man of God Harry commanded the demon to come out of the woman’s body, setting her free from the bondage of darkness, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Immediately after her deliverance, Mrs. Cook wanted to further expose the dark works of the devil in her life and therefore she gave more details about what had been going on in her life for many years. As she explained, it all started at the age of 17, when she had a nightmare! In this nightmare, three men slept with her and then killed her! That same day, she was hit by a car and those present at the incident believed that she had died! The accident was so severe that she broke the bones of her face and her left hand. The doctors did everything to save her and despite the fact that they managed to keep her alive, her life was never the same again! She could not distinguish what was right and what was wrong, and in fact, he began to have relationships with various boys, which is something she would not do before. The fact that she was constantly in various relationships made her lose her interest in school and she could no longer concentrate on her studies! Therefore, she was forced to drop out of school for a year and, later, when she was at university, she abandoned her studies once again. She was very self – centered and she suddenly developed a very strange habit; she started pulling her hair for no reason.

At the same time, she was not able to study the Word of God and, in fact, at night she could not sleep because she had many nightmares. More specifically, many times a man would come to her in her dream and try to sleep with her, but she would always wake up before that happened. Other times, a woman came to her dream to fight with her and other times she used to see dead people! In order to shed light on the demon’s words regarding her country, Thailand, she revealed that she is carrying out a great project in her country that aims to protect children aged 3-13 from sexual and physical abuse. She works on missions, fighting child trafficking and teaching children the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, she feels calm and satisfied, while her heart is filled with the love of God! In fact, she already observes the hand of God working in the mission she has undertaken! After the prayer, she and her husband became sponsors of 2 children from Pakistan, who will now have the opportunity to go to school and stop working. Finally, full of impatience for the bright future that unfolds before her, she promised to work for God, carrying out the work to which He has called. She also promised to obey His will!


Mr. Anserlian Loufti from Los Angeles, USA, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica along with his family. Having faith in their hearts that God is Able to solve their problems they decided to travel overseas and come to the presence of God.

Mr. Anserlian suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart arrhythmia. Even though he knew that there was something wrong with him, as he used to wake up during the night because of those problems due to the fact that he had a busy lifestyle, he neither paid much attention to them nor visited a doctor. However, something shocking happened to him last year! One of his cousins, who was a year older than him, fell into a coma because of high blood pressure and he passed away a week later… Mr. Anserlian, being a father, a husband and a grandfather with lots of responsibilities, he got scared and decided to take some time and check his health. It was January when he decided to visit their family doctor for precautionary reasons. The doctor told him that he had to visit a cardiologist right away as he had detected that there was something wrong with his heart and had him run a series of tests to confirm that he suffered from heart arrhythmia. Yet, because of the pandemic, all the doctor’s appointments in his country were canceled and his appointment never took place… Believing that nothing happens for nothing and nothing happens by chance, as soon as the USA borders opened and traveling to Europe was permitted, Mr. Anserlian booked tickets for his whole family and by the grace of God they arrived in Thessaloniki.

Mr. Anselian was very surprised by the prophetic word he received through the Spirit of God during the prayer line, “Sir, you need to pray against heart problem. Because sometimes your heart is not beating well, you have arrhythmia, it is not beating properly. You must attack this problem first, so that the problem does not attack you first and one day you fall asleep and do not wake up again… Let us attack the enemy’s plan with prayer because it is not yet time for you to die!. Then, the man of God prayed for Mr. Anserlian, disconnected him from the darkness and brought him to the light, thus interrupting the destructive plans of the enemy for his life!

After the prayer, Mr. Anserlian healthy and full of joy and gratitude, thanked God for the healing he received and he acknowledged God’s blessing in his life! Moreover, just a few minutes after the service, he was notified that his bank account was credited with 5.000 dollars after 3 months of waiting for the government’s financial support to all the companies that were stricken by Covid 19. That was another confirmation that his prayers were being answered and that a whole new chapter of blessings was about to start!

Mr. Anserlian blessed and healed, promised to God that he will read His Word more, in order to please Him with his life.

Once again it is confirmed that, while death is at work upon those who operate in the natural, life is at work upon those who walk by faith, because Jesus Himself is the very Bread of life!

The following photos are from the prayer line which took place at the end of the service and prove that Jesus Christ is still Alive, Faithful and Available to all those who are faithful and available to Him. God is still changing people’s lives, He is still generously giving away deliverance, healing breakthrough blessing and, above all, the salvation of the soul and eternal life!

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