The children of God gathered with a yearning to worship and thank God for everything He has done, everything He is doing and everything He is going to do! In an atmosphere of faith, thanks to the hymns sung by the worship team, those who attended received their heart’s desire as they made God their heart’s delight!

Afterward, the man of God Harry preached a deep message titled, “WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE?” in which he shed light on this matter of great importance. Reading from Genesis 37:23-24, 28, 36, he explained that if Joseph did not know the purpose of his life, he would have been overwhelmed by the rejection and cruelty of his brothers and he would not have the strength to fight.

When Joseph was thrown into the dry pit, he knew that the end had not yet come and he believed that he was one step closer to the throne. This happened because Joseph had an independent mind, which gave him the ability to think deeply and to not allow the situations around him to affect him. Hence, it takes a reflective mind to discover that beyond our situation lies the promise of God for our lives. Our situation might indicate we are heading downwards but a man of faith is always getting one step closer to his divine destination!

The man of God continued by saying that Joseph had active faith and believed that something good can come out of the destruction! And that is exactly what happened! Because acting faith makes those things that are against us be for us! Therefore, it is not enough to know the purpose of our life. We need active faith in order to fulfill it! If we know the purpose of God for our life, we need to have active faith, learn every lesson and gain all the wisdom we need for the position waiting for us! Concluding his message, the man of God affirmed that no matter what our situation is right now, God has greater plans for our life! He encouraged the congregation to learn to focus on Jesus Christ because focusing on Him in the midst of trials puts everything else in perspective!


Full of gratitude, Mrs. Charoula Tsakonidou – Katsimari visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to share the wonderful miracle that Jesus Christ performed in her life!

As she described, at the age of about fourteen, she had some medical exams in the Children’s Hospital of Athens, where the doctor diagnosed her with an abnormal heart murmur. Right afterward, he advised her mother that Mrs. Tsakonidou – Katsimari should never give birth because this would put her life in a big danger. When she heard it, she felt very bad and occasionally puzzled she kept thinking about it…

Later on, when she met her husband, she got pregnant. Excited with this fact, she decided to bring her heart problem to God and put it completely into His mighty hands. So, she participated in the prayer line seeking a safe delivery. Indeed, God honored her faith and without any complication to her health, she gave birth to a healthy and cute bouncing baby boy! Happy with the intervention of God in her life, she advised us to listen to the scientists but to remember that our Creator always has the final say. Furthermore, she promised to teach her son the Word of God and that she will be an example of mother and wife!

Once again it is confirmed that the Word of God is the solution to every fundamental issue of life. And as children of God, His Word should be the foundation of our faith!


With the presence of God moving powerfully among the people that came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica after the lockdown caused by the global pandemic, the prayer line took place for the glory of God. Without distance being a barrier, God Almighty proved once again that He has not changed. His divine anointing remains the same yesterday, today and forever and is enough to uproot every evil spirit that torments the lives of His children.

In such an atmosphere, the Spirit of God located Mr. Salomon Amadi, who allowed God to work in him by opening his heart with faith in Him. “When you were small, a witch-doctor gave you a mark on your body”, said the man of God while revealing to Mr. Amadi the root cause of his problem. “This mark they gave you was supposed to be for your protection, so that you will not die, you will not have accidents, you will not get trouble… But, since then your life is full of accidents and troubles. You have fear of death! You fear that: ‘Am I going to die? Is this how I will die?’. This is the first time that I see you and I am telling you exactly what God is telling me right now! You are connected through this mark they gave you on your body and this is a demonic covenant. That is why they always come to you in the dream. Bad dreams, nightmares! Either they chase you, or they kill you, or they shoot you or hit you with an axe. This kind of attach is demonic and it started right when you were small. It has been happening like that in your family… Premature death, people die before their time comes!”, said the man of God before he prayed for Mr. Salomon and broke every chain that kept him in bondage for all these years.

Next, Mr. Amadi confirmed everything the man of God said and he explained that he remembered that at the young age of nine his father took him to a witch-doctor who indeed made some marks on his face and on his chest so that he was protected from everything bad. Still, the times he almost lost his life were not few! While he was traveling, the bus he was on flipped over five times, and he got out from the window escaping death miraculously. Moreover, he had a serious accident with his motorcycle in which his life was in danger once again. However, the demonic attacks were not limited to the natural realm. In his dreams, he saw people chasing him to kill him! At the same time many people close to him died prematurely, something that made him feel afraid of death even more, just like the man of God Harry prophesied. Words were not enough for him to describe his gratitude to God, who located him and put an end to a very bad chapter of his life. Mr. Amadi promised to serve God with everything he is!

Any situation we may face as children of God, we should always remember that those who bless God in their trouble or difficulty prove their sonship!

The photos below are evidence of God’s intervention in the lives of the people who refused to subdue to the voice of their situation. They involved God in it and He honored them by abundantly giving His love and blessing!

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