At the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, the choir called on the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of the believers. They allowed the worship to take the place of their problems by creating an atmosphere of faith, which makes it easier for miracles to happen.

Then, an awakening message from the man of God Harry followed, entitled “WHAT KIND OF HISTORY ARE YOU MAKING?”. He began by explaining that, because life is too short and every minute that goes by does not come back but becomes history, we should all consider the following question: “If today was your last day on earth, what would people remember you for?”. Taking his biblical quote from the Gospel of Mark 6:1-6 he explained that even if Jesus with His teachings and His words was writing positive history daily, His compatriots could not focus on what Jesus had to say to them and offer them. They preferred to focus on what they knew about Jesus on the outside, by judging Him for irrelevant things like His origin, His family and His educational level. Not only did they make negative history, but they also managed to not become shareholders of the healing and liberating power of God because of their unbelief.

The man of God also pointed out that, “as we are trying to overcome our trouble, we are making history – history that people and children yet unborn will read about!”. In Jesus’ case, His problem was how to fulfill His mission and His vision! In other words, His main concern was to restore the relationship and fellowship between God and man. On the other hand, the problem of the majority of us today is how we are going to survive, get healing and receive our deliverance or breakthrough. Nevertheless, the diseases and the like are just hindrances, as many more that we have to overcome without letting them affect us on our way to redemption. Closing his message, the man of God Harry encouraged the audience to make the decision, from that day on, to make history for the glory of God, as what humanity needs are role models who make a positive impact in history!


Mrs. Rocky Bizimungu from U.S.A. came to the Synagogue Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, just a week after the prophetic word she received at the prayer line, to confirm the words from the man of God through the Holy Spirit and to testify of her total healing!

Since 1997 she had pain in her stomach and symptoms of acid reflux. The pain was so intense but she did not pay attention to it and she did not think it was serious enough for her to visit a specialist. However, day by day the situation was getting even worse and the pain was spreading to various parts of her body! She was severely affected by factors in her daily life such as not being able to remain standing for long periods of time, nor could she remain seated in the same position. She could not sleep at night and as a result, she was not productive in her work, because it was impossible for her to remain focused on anything she did. So, she decided to quit her job and from life in general! In 2006, after the encouragement of her husband and because the pain was no longer bearable, she consulted a doctor. After examination, she was diagnosed with gastritis and she was given medication which she would have to take for the rest of her life. Despite the doctor’s instructions, there was no progress in the condition of her health.

As she participated in the prayer line, she waited with faith in her heart that God would bring a solution to her problem. As the man of God Harry approached her and prayed for her, he gave her the following prophetic message: “They gave you food in your dream! You ate food and after that your stomach got in trouble. What you are experiencing, what you are writing on the placard, all these are as a result of the evil attack and you have been experiencing this for long now!”.  

From this day on her life totally changed, as the pain and the acid reflux ceased! Healed and happy, she is rejoicing of the wonderful intervention of God in her life! Now, she is happy in her daily life, being able to do what she could not do before, while the medication and the visits to the doctor belong to the past! Aiming to encourage everyone who faces problems, she advised that they should find a real man of God, so that God through him would give a solution to their problem. Closing, she promised to praise God all the days of her life!

If the situation you are in now does not guarantee your future, do not despair; the end has not come, the best is always yet to come!”


Mrs. Patience Mngomezulu comes from South Africa and resigns in the United Kingdom. She preferred to take place in the presence of God once again, in order to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God Harry last April, when she participated in the prayer line.

As the man of God was praying for her, he gave her the following prophetic message: “Satan just wants you dead, that is why you find it difficult even to cross the road. When you want to cross the road, something is telling you that a vehicle will hit you and kill you. This is an evil attack!”. Mrs. Patience, indeed, confirmed that many people from her close circle found themselves in car accidents – amongst them was her sister and some friends of hers. That is how the obtained the fear of having an accident. Until last April, when she came to participate in the prayer line, that fear had paralyzed her. Something was constantly telling her that as she was crossing the road, she would not be able to estimate the time and the distance, the traffic lights would change and a car would hit her. Because she was terrified at the idea of going out alone to the market and crossing the roads in town, she always made sure to be with one more person, so that she would feel safer. She would not trust herself at all anymore! That fear was also affecting her dreams, since she would see herself in the dream being a part of a car accident. Furthermore, many times death tried to take her life. One day, as she was getting off the bus, another bus passed right in front of her and, by the grace of God, she was not hit. Another time, because of snow, she lost control of her car and crashed into another one. She was convinced that something bad would happen to her, unless she would do something to find a permanent solution immediately.

After the prayer and the intervention of God Almighty, everything changed for the better! Now she is feeling safer when she is on the street, because the evil spirit that was threatening her life vanished, in the name of Jesus Christ! She is now free from the fear of an accident and free from every nightmare that would terrorize her. After the wonderful deliverance she received through the prophetic word, she is feeling happy and safe because the constant concern that was burdening her now belongs in history! Now, happy and blessed, she advised us that we should focus on Jesus Christ, no matter what we are facing, because He is the only One who can help us. Finally, she promised to worship God for the rest of her life!


43-year-old Mr. Tarisai Nyamhingura from Sweden visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, for the second time but this time with the purpose to testify and confess the amazing changes he had noticed in his life after his last visit.

Since he remembers himself from a young age, Mr. Tarisai had severe stomach pain, resulting in taking various medications and constantly visiting doctors. However, even when he grew up and got married, this same problem continued to follow him. Furthermore, it was affecting his social life to a great extent as he could not eat with friends and his family in a restaurant or someone’s house. This was happening because the diet he followed was very specific and restrictive. If he did not pay attention to what he was eating, the consequences were constant defecation, in the form of diarrhea, nausea, exhaustion and weakness of his immune system. Also, he was facing the problem of constipation and many times he would go for about 6 to 7 days without using the bathroom, which as a result caused bloating and discomfort in his digestive system, fatigue and a bad temper. Because of constipation, even fasting was a problem for him, as this would aggravate the problem! At the same time, he was facing another health issue as the sugar levels in his blood were rising and he was diagnosed with prediabetes!

Naturally, all these problems affected his quality of life in general, as in his family life and also his finances. At first, he would avoid attending gatherings with family, relatives or friends, since at each table there where foods with forbidden ingredients for him that would lead him to suffer in pain! The fact that he was avoiding every social gathering with family and friends, made people around him see him as antisocial and awkward since they could not understand the torture he was going through. His health condition affected also his marriage since he was not able to fulfill his marital relations with his wife. Also, many times he had to take off from work, resulting in a decrease in his salary.

When Mr. Tarisai decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, having heard what God is doing through the man of God Harry, everything changed forever! With a simple touch he received in the prayer line, his life would never be the same! When he went back to Sweden, he realized he had been completely healed once and for all! Now he is able to eat whatever he wants, without having consequences to his health, since the pain in the stomach belongs to the past! Also, constipation belongs to the past, because his bowel movements are now normal and finally his blood sugar levels are within normal parameters, eliminating any danger of diabetes.

Mr. Tarisai has made a new beginning in his life, enjoying the companionship of his loved ones fearlessly and the marital relations with his wife have now been completely restored! His financial state has recovered because he does not need to be away from his job anymore and he receives the full salary that he deserves. Having many reasons to thank God, he consulted us to believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to all fundamental issues of life and the solution to every problem that doctors cannot solve. Finally, he promised by the grace of God to be with Him until the end of his life.

In the Word of God we meet many cases of people who with just a simple touch from Jesus Christ received their healing, their freedom and their blessing by faith. As it was back then, in the same way today we receive by faith a touch from God that changes the history of our lives forever, because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!

The following snapshots are from the prayer line that took place that same day. The anointing of God attracted people from all over the world who were ready to receive with an open heart the grace of God in their lives!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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En un ambiente cálido y espiritualmente refrescante, los creyentes alzaron sus voces y corazones con himnos de alabanza a Dios. El auditorio se llenó de profundos sentimientos de gratitud, fe y alegría mientras los presentes oraban y cantaban con todo su corazón. En este ambiente de fe y alabanza, los creyentes…

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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Con corazones llenos de anticipación y fe, la congregación se reunió en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, ansiosa por experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En esta atmósfera, el hombre de Dios, George Christodoulou, tomó el púlpito con un poderoso mensaje para cada creyente titulado…

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En una atmósfera llena de admiración, adoración y fe inquebrantable, personas de todos los rincones del mundo se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, con la esperanza de presenciar la mano de Dios que traería las soluciones que habían buscado en sus vidas durante tanto tiempo. Pronto, el hombre de Dios Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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Con gratitud y asombro, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica para alabar a Jesucristo. Las voces de los creyentes se llenaron de amor y fe y se elevaron al cielo a través de oraciones. Cada canción estaba dedicada a Aquel que se sacrificó, resucitó y reina para la salvación del mundo con poder y amor. Así, el Profeta llegó al título del mensaje, que era «TU MISIÓN COMO CRISTIANO»…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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En un ambiente alegre y espiritual, los creyentes de la Iglesia Cristiana De Todas Las Naciones – Tesalónica se reunieron para adorar y alabar a Dios. El mensaje titulado “TOMA LAS DECISIONES CORRECTAS” estuvo a cargo del hombre de Dios Javier, animando a los creyentes a cambiar su estilo de vida paso a paso y enseñándoles…

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