The atmosphere was particularly charged with the presence of God as the worship team sang hymns at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki. Those who attended gave all the glory, honor, and worship to the Living God, expressing their gratitude for what He has already done and for what He is about to do in their lives.

The above was followed by an impressive message entitled “WHO DO YOU TRUST?”, through which the evangelist Aggelos Panapakidis delivered valuable lessons that are able to change the course of our lives! With this message, he led the believers into profound meditation, by posing the following questions to the congregation. “Who do you trust? Do you trust the one who received grace or the One who gives grace? Do you trust the one that was saved or the one that saves?”. Wanting to provide an answer to these questions, he said that as Christians, our key responsibility in life is to trust the Holy Spirit, to keep His Word in our mouth, in our heart, and in every conversation we have. He went on and added that when God is the source of our strength, then no one can be against us! Therefore, when we face a challenge, and that challenge causes us to depend on God, it means it came to promote us!

Then, reading from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”, he explained that our Lord came into this world with a purpose. He came to die on the Cross so that we can be forgiven of our sins. Because Jesus Christ knew the purpose of His situation, the fear of His situation, of His death, disappeared! So, whenever we also face a difficult situation, we should remember that the purpose of our situation is to glorify God!

Concluding his message, the evangelist encouraged the congregation with these words, “Do you feel as if life has been unfair to you? If so, then look at Jesus Christ with faith! He was unjustly nailed to the Cross so that you can be forgiven of your sins and have life in abundance!”.


It is a fact that God has good plans for our lives. He wants to give us the future we desire, and He is able to fulfill all the desires of our hearts! The testimony of Ms. Antouela Memousi, who came from Germany to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, during a recent gathering, proves that God’s goodness, power, and grace are at work today just as they were in the past!

She began her wonderful testimony by saying that from a young age, the issue of marriage had caused her frustration and fear as she saw people around her suffering in their relationships. She ended up thinking that, there is no such thing as real love… Although she received many marriage proposals, she rejected them and drew away from the opposite sex, having a negative attitude towards them. As she mentioned, her character and behaviour lacked femininity, she was more like a tomboy.

At the age of 25 – 26, she accepted God as her Lord and Saviour and, as she started to listen to His Word, she was set free from many things she was unaware of! As soon as the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, opened, she made the decision to stay close to this church for the rest of her life, close to Him, serving Him, since only in His house she felt full of joy, comfort and true love. She felt that she lacked nothing and that she needed nothing else in her life!

One day, while she was studying the Word of God, the subject of marriage came to her mind again as she read the following passage in the book of 1 Corinthians 7:20, “Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them”. What Mrs. Memusi understood was that she had God’s permission to not get married! She held on to this verse, making it part of her life! However, the man of God explained to her that marriage is from God and that, many times, we interpret the Word of God according to our own way of thinking, which is not necessarily God’s way! Despite misunderstanding this verse, and despite frequent counselling from the man of God, Mrs. Memusi continued to not want to get married.

One day the man of God called her into his office and announced to her, through a prophetic word, that God wanted her to get married to someone from her home country! It was as if the sky fell on her head when she heard it, as she mentioned! Having reached the age of 37, marriage was something she neither wanted nor could accept, as she felt content with God and all she wanted was to follow Him… She knew, however, that God was speaking through the man of God Harry, and so she asked for a week’s time to think about it… This time proved to be enough for God to break down the wall of her own thinking, which was limiting her, and for His will to be fully settled in her heart! So, since this was His will for her life, she began to pray and ask God to give her a husband who would be first and foremost serious, love God and his wife, hard-working, and would not smoke or drink. At the same time, her husband was praying that the woman that would come into his life would have the same things too. Before they even met, they had already agreed! At the same time, Mrs. Memusi seeked advice from the man of God on how she would recognise the man that was from God, since she had never had any relationships before and did not know how to approach the opposite sex as a woman! He replied, “Go and God will speak to you.” So she did!

When she met her husband for the first time, she liked his appearance and, in the conversation that followed, she realised that they sahw things from the same point of view! He asked her about the church, and he expressed a desire to meet the man of God Harry! Moreover, he is Albanian, as she is! In her heart, she got the confirmation that he was the one, but she said nothing until they entered the man of God’s office, and he told her: “Congratulations! This is your husband! Don’t worry about anything. I am your spiritual father. You will have everything from God!”.

Obeying God’s will for her life, at the age of 38, she got married to the man God gave her, and he turned out to be the best for her! A husband who truly loves, respects, appreciates and stands by her! In addition, at 39, a child was brought into her life in a miraculous way! First of all, her pregnancy was very easy, without any unpleasant symptoms! In the fifth month of her pregnancy, she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive prayer so that she would have a safe delivery and, indeed, she did! She also prayed that God would give her a blonde child with blue eyes! And God did not deprive her of that either, as she came into God’s presence with her blue-eyed blonde baby girl!

Concluding her amazing testimony, she advised the congregation to lend a sensitive ear to God’s voice, so they receive what they have never thought nor dreamed of! Her promise to the One who completely changed her life is that she and her household will serve Him forever!

If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct our lives, the sky will be our limit! Make the decision today to make Jesus Christ your life’s coach!


Ms. Crystaline Kiwitz came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, with the hope of finding a ray of light in the dark areas of her life filled with disappointment.

While the man of God Harry was praying for her during the prayer line, the Holy Spirit revealed the following to him regarding her, “People disappoint you all the time! It is in the nature of people to disappoint one another, so do not let the disappointment wear you out. Just look to Jesus Christ! He paid the price, so that we can enjoy a good life in Christ Jesus! It does not matter what you are going through, but how you handle it, this is what matters. I want you to forgive and forget those people who disappointed you. Jesus Christ loves you!”.

Evidently happy, Mrs. Kiewiets wished to confirm everything that the Spirit of God showed to the man of God Harry by giving more details concerning her life.

She explained that there has always been disappointment in every area of her life, from her friends to her family. Notably, as to her personal life, she said that she has never been married and has no relationship at the moment. Although, given her age, she believes that she should have been in a relationship by now, with the prospect of marriage. She even pointed out that she often feels bad when she sees women her age having children and being married, because she would like to be in their position!

Concerning her job, she confessed that she is not on the level she should be, taking under consideration the devotion she has shown to her career all these years. She was disappointed by her family as well because many of their decisions let her down. As a matter of fact, her relationship with a friend was ruined due to a misunderstanding, something that cost her a lot and added one more bit of disappointment in her life. Also, she had relied on some relatives that could not help her after all! Her family and the constant disappointment was one of the main reasons she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to start a new beginning in her life.

She is now ready to start to forgive the people around her, as the man of God advised her, in order to see the mighty hand of God working in her life. Furthermore, she has decided to give people opportunities and not to be afraid of disappointment and she recognises the fact that she needs to forgive and forget so that she can live a free life. She feels excited, full of hope and she truly believes that this prophetic word has changed both her life and the life of her family. Finally, she promised that she will continue to live according to God’s will, to follow Him with all her heart and to share with other people what Jesus Christ has done in her life!

We thank God for His grace in the lives of His children. We thank Jesus Christ for never abandoning His faithful followers and we thank the Holy Spirit because although we were undeserving of His grace, He made us worthy and shed light on every dark area of our lives!


That Sunday was the day when every demonic activity in the life of Mr. Peter Johnson from England was shattered in the name of Jesus Christ, during a special gathering at the church!

With faith, Mr. Judeson took part in the prayer line where the Spirit of God located him, and through the man of God Harry, he was given the following prophetic word, “The spirit of death is attacking you. You have already started seeing dead people in your dream when you sleep. People who have died long ago, you see them. And many times when you sleep, your breath ceases! Satan wants to kill you! That is why you receive this attack. You have already started worrying about your life, about your health, and what is happening. Because you do not feel like before, you feel that something is wrong, somewhere, especially with your heart. Jesus Christ loves you. Today all this is exposed, so you will be free from it!”. Afterwards, the man of God rebuked the demon, declaring Mr. Judeson free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Mr. Judeson, excited that the Spirit of God exposed the root cause of his problems, confirmed that everything that the man of God mentioned is true.

First, he stated that there is a history of premature deaths in his family! His father lost his life when he was only 40 years old, while his mother and his father’s siblings never passed the age of 50. As it was expected, the loss of his family members affected him a lot mentally. In fact, when he recently turned 50, he was feeling weary and he was quite worried given what happened to the members of his family.

Moreover, seeing dead people in his sleep was very a common phenomenon! He was going through difficult times and more specifically he was having the same nightmare over and over: He would see the scene of his father’s murder repeating itself over and over again in his dream. Unfortunately, Mr. Judeson was present when the incident took place and according to him, it was not just a bad dream, but a real experience.

As if this was not enough, many times in his sleep, his breath would cease! He realised what was happening, and his wife was very worried about him. As a consequence of the challenges he was facing, the fatigue never left him and his weight increased at an abnormal pace at the same time.

He then realised that everything he was facing was not normal. Therefore, he visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, knowing that in the presence of God, freedom is like breathing!

Truly, after the prayer line, Jesus Christ turned Mr. Judeson’s sorrow into joy and put an end to every problem that was making him suffer! Now, he is convinced that his life will change for the better, and he promised his Creator that he will follow Him for all of his days!

This story is another proof that no devil or situation can separate you from the love of God! No matter what challenge you are facing, draw near to Jesus Christ and He will give you rest!


At every Sunday Service of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, attendees have the opportunity to experience all that is described in the Book of Acts, for the God we serve is faithful to His Word, He is among His children, and so, we can see lives being changed and blessed. One of them was Mrs. Alla Kukushkina, who travelled from Montenegro to Thessaloniki, in order to attend the prayer line and receive an answer to her problem.

When the man of God Harry prayed for her, he gave her a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit, and he specifically said to her, “Pray against the spirit of anger. You love God, but when the anger comes, you forget about God and you forget yourself. This has become a big weakness. I’m telling you this so you know what to pray for when you get back. Don’t allow this anger to become a part of your character. It is not your character, it’s an affliction!”.

Mrs. Kukushkina joyfully confirmed the prophetic word she received, stating that whenever the spirit of anger came over her, it made her lose her temper. Just as every unclean spirit comes into our lives to steal, kill, and destroy, the demon within her destroyed her relationship with God, by bringing various obstacles. It did not even allow her to come to Him and be filled with His Spirit.

Her relationship with those around her was greatly affected as well. One day she felt love and the next day hatred for the exact same people! Of course, her relationship with her husband was also negatively affected… This not only made her wonder, what was the reason for her behaviour, but it also made her feel guilty, because she did not want to act in such way! While her husband was seeing the outbursts of her anger, he had realised that she was afflicted by a spirit of anger, she on the other hand considered it normal! Although anger is a common human emotion, her outbursts of anger did not resemble anything normal nor common at all!

After the prayer, Mrs. Kukushkina feels her heart open, she has left her problems in the past, and she now knows how to pray with power and how to fight the enemy of our soul!

Finally, she promised to build a new, sincere and close relationship with God, and to return to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with a wonderful testimony!

Just because something is common, does not mean that it is normal! As children of God, we ought to honour Jesus Christ with our character and to examine every part of our character under the light of His Word!

The following pictures show visitors from all over the world, who took the decision to come before God with faith, in order to receive their miracle, full of hope that Jesus Christ is always ready to heal, deliver and bless us for His glory!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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En un ambiente cálido y espiritualmente refrescante, los creyentes alzaron sus voces y corazones con himnos de alabanza a Dios. El auditorio se llenó de profundos sentimientos de gratitud, fe y alegría mientras los presentes oraban y cantaban con todo su corazón. En este ambiente de fe y alabanza, los creyentes…

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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Con corazones llenos de anticipación y fe, la congregación se reunió en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, ansiosa por experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En esta atmósfera, el hombre de Dios, George Christodoulou, tomó el púlpito con un poderoso mensaje para cada creyente titulado…

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En una atmósfera llena de admiración, adoración y fe inquebrantable, personas de todos los rincones del mundo se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, con la esperanza de presenciar la mano de Dios que traería las soluciones que habían buscado en sus vidas durante tanto tiempo. Pronto, el hombre de Dios Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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Con gratitud y asombro, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica para alabar a Jesucristo. Las voces de los creyentes se llenaron de amor y fe y se elevaron al cielo a través de oraciones. Cada canción estaba dedicada a Aquel que se sacrificó, resucitó y reina para la salvación del mundo con poder y amor. Así, el Profeta llegó al título del mensaje, que era «TU MISIÓN COMO CRISTIANO»…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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En un ambiente alegre y espiritual, los creyentes de la Iglesia Cristiana De Todas Las Naciones – Tesalónica se reunieron para adorar y alabar a Dios. El mensaje titulado “TOMA LAS DECISIONES CORRECTAS” estuvo a cargo del hombre de Dios Javier, animando a los creyentes a cambiar su estilo de vida paso a paso y enseñándoles…

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