The fire of the Holy Spirit once again worked with power among the believers and the results were nothing but what the Lord has promised in His Word. With the angelic voices of the worship team filling the space, the hearts that needed to see God actually working in their lives were opened and filled with faith and hope for a better future. Every verse they chanted became a pleasurable prayer to the Lord’s ears and as a result, at the time of prayer, freedom, healing and deliverance became as easy as breathing.

In the message preached by Prophetess Evgenia, it was explained that that there are two categories of people: the warriors, who overcome the temptations presented to them and the defeated who, unfortunately, succumb to those temptations. Going deeper into the message, the Prophetess pointed out that the choices we make determine our future, because these are what ultimately rank us as either genuine children of God or children of satan. In fact, she mentioned that temptation is the presentation of evil in which we are presented with the following options: either to choose temporary pleasure, i.e. carnal sin, or permanent gain, i.e. our divine mission. Bringing as an example the Lord Jesus Christ during the period when he was tempted in the desert, she emphasised that He did not fall into temptation, as He did not come here on earth for political or economic benefits, but to do the work of God His Father. With these introductory words, Prophetess Evgenia reached the title of her message: “ARE YOU A WARRIOR OF CHRIST?”.

The biblical example she used was taken from Genesis 32: 24-29:  “So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.  When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, ‘Let me go, for it is daybreak’. But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me’. The man asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Jacob,’ he answered.  Then the man said, ‘Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome’. Jacob said, ‘Please tell me your name’. But he replied, ‘Why do you ask my name?’ Then he blessed him there”. The Prophetess stood on where Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me”, proving that Jacob was a fighter and would not give up unless he accomplished his goal of being blessed, regardless of the pain, because he only had victory in his mind. Generalising, the Prophetess said that fighters have a goal, they are determined, dedicated and patient, as victory and success are not a result of haste. Thus, the strong do everything possible and right to reach their goal. Warriors, she added, are also protectors, citing David as an example, who, in order to protect his sheep, fought a bear and a lion, not fearing their physical superiority against him. In fact, he prevailed against them! Furthermore, while God had announced to him that he would become king of Israel, he had the patience to wait with determination until that happened, and did not rush to take the kingship from Saul prematurely. Unlike many of us today who act before God’s appointed time and are discouraged by the obstacles that are certain to arise. Regarding Saul, she mentioned that he had no vision, and therefore no patience, which is why he failed to establish himself as king of Israel. Continuing, she emphasised that without trial there is no success, as he who persists wins. So, instead of giving up when difficulties arise, she urged, start thinking and look for different ways to overcome in order to reach success. Do so without feeling defeated, as warriors always find solutions to their problems!

The second biblical passage came from Exodus 14:15-16:  “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground”. Taking as an example the dead end in which Moses found himself, the Prophetess asked the people how do warriors deal with similar situations, the answer was simple. By being finding solutions and using their minds! Going a step further, the Prophetess mentioned that prayers alone are not enough, but our role is also needed, since without obedience, there is no reward! She explained that we are graded for everything we do in our lives and it’s not what we do, but how we do it!


When the problem has reached a dead end and there seems to be no hope, Jesus Christ is the hope! This testimony is proof that life never closes the door to opportunities. Mrs Sifelani suffered from demonic influence in her life – the spirit of a giant man tore her family apart, destroying her marriage and trying to make her stay all alone. Once she realised that the problem was spiritual, she visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica to seek the power of the Holy Spirit.

When she stood at the prayer line,the man of God Michael prayed for her, the unclean spirit in her manifested through her and said: “I am the giant man! I’m destroying her! I destroy everything! I ruined her marriage! I ruined her! I want her to suffer, she is constantly crying… She will suffer in her marriage! ». The man of God then rebuked the demonic spirit and declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Ms. Sifelani described her daily life in the past as a captive of the enemy of the soul. Initially, in her dreams she saw the giant man sleeping with her. In one of the nightmares she had with the demon it said to her: « I want to kill your husband so that you will stay with me! ». When she woke up, she felt tired and very angry. In fact, her children were afraid of her because of her behavior. Also, in her sleep she felt someone touching her, and when she would open her eyes she would see a tall male figure. She used to see the same figure when she would try to pray also. Her behavior was generally affected, and she liked to be alone and in the dark. People around her used to tell her that she behaves as if a man lives inside her…

Without knowing why, Mrs. Sifelani lost her attraction to her husband, and began to treat him indifferently, even badly, despite the fact that he treated her well. In fact, she was telling him to find another woman and sleep with her, so that he would leave her alone. As she described, she did not want to see him, so she left to Ireland. Then, her husband at the time found another woman and had a child with her. Mrs. Sifelani, some time later, felt alone, and prayed to God to give her a husband again. She remarried, but trouble soon began. She regretted this marriage, and started feeling that she wants to be alone again. Her husband became so indifferent to her that she would even forget his name! Under the influence of the demon, she treated him badly and drove him away from her. He on the other hand, refused to sleep in the same bed as her and would rather go to the couch instead…

Her health was also affected. She used to experience severe pain in her legs that she sometimes walked on her knees!

Trying to find a solution, she visited various churches, but she did not think anything would happen. The problem only improved for 2-3 days… Then, she visited a witch doctor who gave her some items to use. Unfortunately, things got worse. By the grace of God, she discovered man of God Harry’s ministry, where she received her freedom!

Now, Ms. Sifelani does not suffer from leg pain, nor from mental or emotional problems. She is now happy and healthy! Her marriage is going well and she can enjoy it freely. Her husband is also happy with her! They now sleep in the same bed without any problems, and they have love and attraction for each other! She feels free and thanks God for His miracles in her life. Her advice to those going through similar situations is to always trust God and His plan, and her promise is to stay away from sin and follow the Lord!

Jesus Christ does not mind doubt, as long as you seek the answer from Him in the midst of doubt! No matter how complicated your situation may seem, never admit that His ability is not enough to deliver you, bless you, heal you, and save you!


After all, sometimes the fact that someone dislikes us deeply, to the extent that it doesn’t even cross our mind, is dangerous! Therefore, we always need God’s protection to follow us every hour and moment. We need his protection not only on us but on our family also, as you will read in the following lines…

During the laying of hands an evil spirit manifested itself through Mrs. Sylvie, saying, “She is good. Do you know? She is so good! She’s a very good person! I won’t leave her! She’s a very good person! She’s so good! She obeys too much! She doesn’t listen to me!  I am a great woman! She is mine”. After the man of God Stavros let the demon confess its destructive action, he cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ, then said to both her and her daughter: Jesus Christ will give you back what the devil stole from you! Be sure to follow Jesus all your life!”.

The life of Ms. Sylvie from Ireland’s took an unexpectedly negative turn when she married her husband. Instead of this marriage being a cause of joy for two families, her husband’s family did not want her at all! While she constantly tried to approach them to build a good relationship with them, and especially with her mother-in-law who she took as her very own mother – as Ms. Sylvie grew up without parents – her partner’s mother constantly rejected her, until her last day on earth.

Not giving up the effort, at one point she fervently urged her husband to build a house for his mother, in order to provide her with a better quality of life. Her mother-in-law, however, not only did not feel grateful, but accused them of a complete lack of interest in her! In addition, the rest of his relatives believed that Mrs. Sylvie controlled him and his money. The situation had already got out of hand by then. Her husband, therefore, warned Ms. Sylvie to stay away from his family, stressing that they were not good people.

So, as all this was happening, she noticed that her life was not going well. Whatever they tried to do with her husband, like a second child for example, but to no avail.

During the course of the service, her daughter, Mrs. Siobhan, also received a prophecy from Prophetess Evgenia: “You have a lot of nerves, and you are driving your parents crazy. This is a mental problem. Because they are talking to you, and you don’t understand, you want to do your own thing. But because God loves you, He wants to deliver you from it today! So you won’t be like that, you’ll be obedient now”. (Addressing her mother) “You will see her change from today!”.

As her mother confirmed, Ms Siobhan was being negatively influenced by her friends. No matter how many conversations she had with her parents to come to her senses, they were in vain. She preferred to spend a lot of time with her friends and on her cell phone. When she went out for a walk, she never came back at the time set by her parents, she always came home later!

Despite her daughter’s repeated misbehavior, Mrs. Sylvie never gave up hope, and tried to bring her closer to the Lord. Until the Lord came to her!

Happy and calm about the beautiful blessings they received, they both promise to do more things for God and with God from now on!

Trials cannot break him who relies on God’s power! Despite the fact she was hated for no reason and despite the fact that her daughter ad a problematic behavior, this woman never lost her hope in the Lord, and Jesus Christ rewarded her.


Indeed, where God’s anointing is present, blessing, healing, and freedom are like breathing. Once the darkness comes in contact with the light of the Savior, it has no choice but to leave, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Just as it happened in the case of Mrs. Vesela.

When man of God Stavros prayed for her, a demon manifested through her and confessed: “I am destruction! I entered through her past!”.

After the service, Mrs. Vessela confirmed these words saying that she has been suffering from diabetes for 30 years and this health condition affected her eyes as well. Later, she added that when she was little she had been visited by a woman who performed witchcraft on her by throwing flour on a wall and as a result she cast spells on her. She mentioned that even her sister was facing problems with her period and although she has been married for several years, she has not been able to have a child until now.

But all these are now things of the past, because when Jesus Christ comes into our lives, he puts an end to our past and gives birth to a bright future for His glory! After the prayer, Ms. Vessela immediately felt free like never before than ever and the burden she had is now gone in the name of Jesus Christ! She is now very happy and has promised to serve God for the rest of her life and be faithful to Him.


Death is something that all people will experience one day and is considered a normal outcome when one is old and has spent many years on this earth. But what happens when a series of sudden and unexplained deaths take over a family? What happens when members of a family die prematurely one after the other? This was the case with Mr. Borkeley from the small Caribbean island of Montserrat.

When the Spirit of God was moving among the crowd through Prophetess Evgenia, the Lord exposed the spirit of death that was killing the members of Mr. Borkeley’s family, giving him this prophetic word: “I see misery in your heart! You have gone through difficult situations in your life in the past. There were deaths. There is the spirit of death in your family, but it shall be broken today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever you do you will succeed, because you are intelligent, you are creative. The reason you couldn’t make it is because an unclean spirit was stopping you. When that spirit tells you that you won’t make it, then you believe it too. But with God, this does not exist! After that you will succeed and you will come to give your confession”.

A little later, Mr. Borkley confirmed all that the Spirit of God had revealed to him and explained that he indeed had sorrow in his heart as he watched loved ones in his family die one after another! As he said he lost his mother, his father and recently also his cousin. Each of them died of various causes with cancer being one of them. As far as he was concerned, there were times when he could also have died while working. However, the protection of the Lord was with him and kept him until the day he received his complete freedom.

Death was also dominating his dreams, because even there he saw the enemy chasing him with the intention of killing him…

In terms of business and finance, he revealed that he is working on a business idea and while he really wanted to succeed and bear fruit as the Prophetess of God said, the unclean spirit made him believe that nothing he did would succeed.

After the prayer, Mr. Borkeley’s joy was indescribable and he advised every believer facing similar problems to find a living church where God is working, because only then can they find a permanent solution to their problem.

As God’s children we should remember that it is God’s will to bless us and deliver us from everything that is not of Him. Therefore, instead of trying to do it alone, let’s leave all our problems to the One who bore all our problems on the Cross of Calvary.

In the pictures below we see the fire of the Holy Spirit burning everything that is not of Jesus Christ through His anointed servants.

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