The greatest thing satan aims in order to drive people of faith away is to break their relationship with God. However, there is no other name by which they can be saved, except the name of Jesus Christ! For the sake of Jesus Christ, people from different parts of the world gathered in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. The atmosphere of faith was palpable as people congregated in order to enjoy the beauty of His holiness!

Prophet Sorin delivered an essential message, a reminder about the importance of stability in our relationship with God, in our fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and in our proper attitude when faced with difficulties, challenges, and all forms of discouragement. He reminded the congregation of what Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:8-10: What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

Under the light of these verses, the prophet spoke of the three principles derived from our Lord’s example, which can serve as three pillars for our own walk with God as we seek to maintain stability. He described how Jesus Christ is the perfect example of a life of stability. He specified three basic and fundamental principles that believers should apply.

The first principle is our fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He explained that Jesus relied entirely on the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, His ministry of healing and casting out demons was done by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was submitted as an atoning sacrifice with the help of the Holy Spirit, and finally, He was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit! Furthermore, he explained that Jesus Christ did nothing without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that those who truly desire to worship, follow, or serve Him must do so in spirit and in truth! There is absolutely no one who can get to know Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit. A mere copying and imitation of Christianity will not save anyone, as the man God emphasised.

The second fundamental pillar mentioned by the man of God is a deep engagement with the Word of God, as God does nothing without His Word! God and His Word are one, and when we know that the Word is God speaking to us, it will not be difficult for us to obey Him, and it will not be difficult for us to act on it! The reason the servant of God mentioned the above, is that many Christians pray to have dreams and receive God’s wisdom to do the impossible, but they keep their Bible closed! If our hearts are not engaged with the Word of God on a daily basis, the Word cannot influence our behaviour and character. God’s Word is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to nurture us and to furnish us with everything we need to succeed on earth! The prophet therefore encouraged listeners to study the Bible as it has the power to sanctify, it is food for the soul and a map for our lives. It has the ability to renew our minds and souls!

The third pillar, according to the man of God, has to do with the challenges that many Christians avoid. Our attitude in difficult situations matters because it is our greatest opportunity to strengthen our stability, thus our commitment to the glory of God. A steadfast servant is one whom God desires, one who will say, “Thank you, Jesus,” even when everything seems unfavourable because although some people see trials, tribulations or challenges as poison that kills one’s happiness, desire and zeal to move forward in life but to people of God, trials, tribulations or challenges are a tonic to their spiritual growth; they are a driving force to a higher aspiration in life.

In closing, the man of God urged the congregation to allow the Lord to do His will as it is perfect and best for us! so as children of God, let us take care of the depth of our relationship with God, and God will take care of the breadth of our success!


Mrs. Simutinta came from Norway to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with the people of God how God intervened in her life and brought full restoration!

A few months ago, Mrs. Simutinta visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica while pregnant and received prayer from the Prophetess Evgenia, who also gave her a prophetic message. The prophetic message was as follows: “I see a spiritual husband coming to your dream. Demons come and make love to you. But as it is exposed today, you are free in the name of Jesus Christ, so don’t worry. God loves you and the best is yet to come in your life!”.

Several months later, obviously grateful for what God had done in her life, she returned to give her testimony. She confirmed that from the age of six she began having nightmares about the spiritual husband to whom Prophetess Evgenia referred! Her spiritual husband slept with her in her dreams and sometimes even in the physical, he would come and have intercourse with her! Also, snakes appeared in her dreams!

Every time she had these nightmares, she would tell her mother and she would use idol-worshiping methods to help her. More specifically, she explained that she used three different methods. One of them was to scratch parts of her body, such as her face, and put some idol-worshiping products on the blood that came out of the spots! Other times she would put fire on the scratch, then cover it with a blanket so that the smoke get into her body, and other times she would use some leaves, which she would boil in a pot and then put on her body. In this way, her mother was trying to help her stop these nightmares. When Mrs. Simutinta grew a little older, she told her mother that she no longer wanted to go through this process.

These nightmares had a big impact on her life! After these nightmares came disappointment, sadness, and setback. She felt like she was sad and even gave up on her relationships. In fact, due to this problem, she had four children with three different men. Although she attempted to get married once, she failed to get married to her then-partner.

Her career was another area that was negatively affected, as the jobs she did were not corresponding to her degrees. When she was in a job, she remained in the same position when she should have been promoted to the position of manager.

Her emotional life was also disappointing. Although she raised four children on her own, when her first daughter reached the age of 17, she decided to leave her mother’s house and live with another family! She also told the rest of her siblings that their mother was evil, with the intention of distancing themselves from her! At one point, even the police came to check on Mrs. Simutinta, but they eventually left without doing anything to her. In her attempt to find a solution, she visited some churches, but there was no positive change.

During her last pregnancy, the doctors told her that there was a problem with the baby, and that they would have to perform a caesarean section. Then, she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, seeking a solution to all her problems! God Almighty literally changed her whole life in a miraculous way! As soon as she returned back to her country, after the prayer, she visited her doctor who told her that there was no problem with her pregnancy any more and she finally gave birth to her baby naturally within two hours!

For the first time in her life after all these years, the spiritual husband stopped coming in her dreams! Now, her mood has changed and she is happy! She feels empowered and can enjoy motherhood and time with her children!

She advised all attendees not to consider the dreams they see recklessly because they can have a negative influence on their lives. She also advised everyone to go to a living church and receive an anointed prayer from a real man of God! Finally, she promised to sin no more and to study God’s Word as she would dwell in His presence and seek God’s face all the days of her life!

It is obvious that idolatry is a trap by the devil to steal, kill and destroy in your life. Even if you appear to be receiving some kind of help through such methods, remember that when the devil gives you something with his right hand, he is taking something away with his left hand that your life depends on!


The Word of God in Luke 12:8 states that: I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. With faith in this word, Mr. Theophile came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to testify before men the wondrous things that Jesus Christ did in his life! Two years ago, he participated in the prayer line, seeking an answer for the problems he was facing, and the solution was not long in coming, as he received a heavenly touch from the man of God Harry!

He began by saying that before attending the church, since 1996, he was having serious trouble sleeping. He could not sleep more than 2 hours a day! This affected his daily life because during the day he was constantly tired. It also affected him negatively in his professional life, because as a teacher that he was, while teaching, he felt indescribable fatigue. Sometimes he could not keep himself awake from fatigue and he would sleep on the desk, which caused comments and ridicule from his students! He added that for about 20 whole years, it was impossible to find a permanent job. Growing up, it was difficult for him because he could not plan for his future, which was uncertain. So, he never managed to have his own house or car, always paying rent because he did not have a steady income.

As for his family, when he took part in the prayer line, he held his nephew’s citizenship papers because he believed that if he brought this problem to Jesus Christ, He would give them the solution. The government – for unknown reasons – delayed issuing the necessary documents for 12 years, when they were informed that this process could be completed in 6 months!

In addition, he mentioned that before coming to the church to receive prayer, while at the airport, out of nowhere he began to have severe pain in his shoulder. It was so intense that he could not even give the passport that was in his pocket to the police officers! This pain made it difficult for him because he couldn’t do the simplest things, raising his arm up or getting dressed, he needed help from other people.

After the prayer, what God did for Mr. Theophile cannot be comprehended by a human mind! First of all, he no longer has the shoulder pain, he has a steady job and by the grace of God Almighty, he was able to buy his own house! Also, his nephew not only got his citizenship papers right after praying, but he got a permanent job and received a promotion because when we come to God in faith, God is faithful and a rewarder to those who seek Him!

In concluding his testimony, he advised God’s children to trust God in every situation they face and he promised to stay away from sin and close to Jesus Christ, the One who delivered, healed and blessed him!

Whatever situation you find yourself in as a Christian, never doubt God’s ability to deliver you, heal you, bless you, to give you a breakthrough, along with salvation!


It was truly a day of salvation for Mrs. Patience from the United Kingdom at the SCOAN Thessalonica service, as Jesus Christ broke every satanic activity that was meant to cost her her life!

During the prayer line and as it was her turn to receive prayer from the Prophet Stavros, the latter told her the following: “You are attacked by all these problems you have! This is not normal! The devil wants to kill you! He wants to kill you prematurely and if you are not delivered today, I see you soon having a stroke! You have a chronic headache, wondering ‘What’s wrong? I’m healthy, what is this headache?’ so it starts until it kills you one day! This is a generational curse in the family, from today it will go away!”.

Then, confirming the accuracy of the prophetic word she received, Mrs. Patience mentioned that for the last 2-3 years she had been suffering from frequent and severe headaches. In particular, every month and for a period of 6 days, the headache – to the extent of turning into a migraine – would occur. Although she was taking painkillers and drinking a lot of water, there was no improvement.

In fact, she gave the example of one particular morning when she woke up in order to prepare her children for school. As soon as she tried to get out of bed, she realised she could not do so and she became very dizzy. At the time, she thought it was something transient, however that day, the headache did not subside, and she even had to go to work! Also, after a medical examination, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure.

In addition, she did not find peace in her dreams either, since she would see some of her close relatives forcing her to eat food, as well as her dead grandparents. Although she knew that it was not normal to associate with the dead, she could not do anything to stop it… Moreover, she said that in the past, God had saved her from several accidents with her vehicle.

As she explained, this generational curse has harmed other members of her family! For example, Mrs. Patience’s mother would suddenly collapse, only to be later diagnosed with hypertension, heart problems and depression. Her sister also experienced terrible headaches, while her father’s sister passed away before the age of 30 due to a heart attack…

For Jesus Christ, however, nothing is difficult! Through His servant He has now brought redemption and Mrs. Patience has peace and joy within! Finally, she promised that she and her household will worship the Lord every day of her life!

What is impossible for our Lord? Remember, with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)!


Ms. Ghislaine from France used to live with a burden in her soul, which was lifted off of her in one moment after the redeeming prophetic word she received from the servant of God during the Sunday service!

As the Prophet Sorin was praying for her, he told her: “I see disappointment in your life from relationships. This disappointment is keeping you back. So, every form of disappointment that is connected with grudge, unforgiveness and pain of the past, you should leave them behind. We forgive and we are forgiven. God will make a way for you!”.

After the end of the service, Ms Ghislaine mentioned that everything started when she divorced her husband after 3 years of marriage. Later on, when she wanted to find a new partner, every one of her attempts was in vain. Although she was approached by various men with the intention of marrying her, none of the relationships prospered, either due to the people around her who were against a prospective marriage, or due to misunderstandings amongst themselves, or because they did not share the same vision in life. Also, during her sleep, she would see men standing in the distance as if it was an obstacle in being with someone in life…

Consequently, there was tension with her son at home since she was trying to manage everything on her own, lacking a male role model in the house. Due to these tensions, she would sometimes cry. By the grace of God, however, she never ceased praying to Him in order to receive her freedom.

Now, her emotions are joyful and peaceful! She states that she has already forgiven those who hurt her and she feels free from the pain of the past after receiving the prophecy! Lastly, she promised the Lord that she will make His Word the standard for her in order to always do His will!

Holding onto offence in your heart is extremely dangerous! Unforgiveness imprisons you and keeps you a hostage of the enemy! Ask God to help you release forgiveness because you need to forgive so you can be forgiven!

The following pictures show people from all corners of the earth being touched not by the hand of man, but by the hand of the Most-High God, receiving salvation, freedom and every type of heavenly blessing, in the name of Jesus Christ!

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With faith as a shield against every difficulty and trial, believers from different parts of the world came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica in order to see the miraculous hand of the Lord working in their lives. Then the man of God George Athanasiadis took the floor and welcomed the believers with…

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With faith and devotion, believers from different parts of the world gathered in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica creating an atmosphere full of spiritual revitalisation. Later, the man of God Stavros gave a message full of wisdom, entitled: “THE PROOF OF AUTHENTICITY”. He began by saying that every branded…

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As believers from every corner of the earth gathered in the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive a blessing, an atmosphere of deep faith filled the place. A little later, the man of God George, preached an encouraging and optimistic message to the children of God…

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