Once again, a beautiful service took place in the arena of liberty! Believers from all over the world tasted the glory of God as Jesus Christ met them at the point of their need, giving them the miracle they were looking for! The atmosphere of worship brought in the presence of the Lord, and the hearts of the people were ready to receive the Word of God with faith.

Later, Prophetess Evgenia, through a powerful message: “I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE, YOU ARE BECAUSE I AM”, helped the children of God to understand that we need each other in order to succeed in life!

She said that despite our differences, God created us to have communion with Him and with people. But when we don’t have communion with Him, we won’t be able to have communion with people, concluding that our union with Christ is the basis of our unity with one another. She mentioned two different categories of Christians, the social Christians and the antisocial Christians.

Antisocial Christians usually prefer to be alone without communicating with other Christians, and it is hard for them to achieve things in life. On the contrary, social Christians are in a good mood with a smile on their faces and so, they find solutions to various problems.

She then took her biblical quote from the Book of Genesis 2:18: “And the Lord God said: It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him”explaining that God created man to have communion with others and not be alone. But many of us have a list of people we don’t like, of people that hate us and treat us bad, and we end up discriminating. However, the Prophetess mentioned that God does not discriminate. In fact, our relationship with God depends, far more we think, upon our adjustment to one another.

The second biblical quote was taken from the Gospel of Luke 15:20-24, the story of the prodigal son: “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be call your son’. But the father said to his servants, Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the thicker calf here, and slay it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they began to be merry. The prodigal son had a weakness, he had a liking towards the world, and that’s why he wasted all the money of his father with a dissolute lifestyle. So, upon his return, his father didn’t reject him due to his weakness, but he embraced him and took him back with love. Nevertheless, many of us would have rejected him because of his weakness if we were in the position of the father! The Prophetess of God, highlighting the importance of not rejecting anyone, mentioned that when you reject someone on account of their weakness, you also reject their strength.

Our Lord has never rejected anyone, but He always gives us chances and He forgives us, because He wants us to be saved. In the same way, we need to improve our relationships with other people. We have to learn to give second chances! In conclusion, the Prophetess advised everyone to respond with love by giving a second chance, as it was given to them!


Mr. Dimitris Makos from Thessalonica, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica seeking God’s intervention in his life. His changed life is one more proof that there is nothing impossible for Jesus Christ!

Mr. Dimitris began his testimony by saying that he grew up in a dysfunctional family environment. From a young age, he saw his parents fighting in an intense way. The quarrelling started with simple disagreements, progressed to shouting, and developed into violent fights. It was a traumatic experience for him as a child. But as he grew up in such an environment, it was only normal for him to begin doing the same thing. More than often, he would participate in the fights, going so far as to hit his mother and sister. When this started to happen more and more frequently, on a daily basis, he felt awful about himself! He was distressed and deeply grieved, unable to see a way out of this problem.

As a young man, he tried many times to escape from this environment by going out with friends, however, he could not get away from his problem, because it was deeply rooted in him. The situation he was experiencing had been going on for so many years, without seizing, that he was carrying it within him, preventing him from being happy. For this reason, he isolated himself, cut himself off from his friends, became a loner, and he did not want to have any contact with other people. He also mentioned that this condition held him back in his studies. While he was a student with high grades, his family problems did not allow him to concentrate on his studies. Thus, his performance dropped! As he said, he barely got into a university, and then gave up as he was not in the right mental state to pursue the studies.

Mr. Dimitris and his family sought help from psychologists, and monasteries, where they received some very good and useful advice, but the problem could not be solved. The shouting, fighting, and violence continued. It was a huge burden on him to see his mother and sister crying.

One day, while he was looking for a solution, he started searching on the internet, using the keyword « miracles ». As he watched various videos, one of the videos of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, came up as a recommendation. He watched it and was struck by the fact that people received an answer to their problem on the spot! So, he made the decision to come and see it in person! During the message, as he listened to the preacher, he began to receive direct answers from the Word of God concerning the problem he was facing.

Wanting to make some changes in his life, he moved and got a job. Unfortunately, he was unable to keep the job because the problems tormenting him inside created trouble with the people he was working with. As a result, he lost his job and moved back to his parents’ house since he could no longer cover his expenses. Frustrated with his life, full of negative thoughts and depression, he wanted to find a way to pleasure himself, and this led him to masturbation…

Along the way, his parents became ill, and he had to take care of them. When his condition worsened, they both died. Filled with guilt and remorse, Mr. Dimitris, thinking that he did not do his best to take care of them, was nearly driven mad.

But the Word of God, which had been planted like a seed in his heart from the first time he visited the church, caused him to return to receive forgiveness and guidance from God. The Spirit of God located him during the laying on of hands through the man of God Stavros who revealed what he was going through in his life, saying: “You know it was a narrow escape! The devil wanted to drive you crazy, to drive you out of your mind. Listen to this! The devil doesn’t attack useless people! You’re not useless, you’re very useful, you’re blessed by God with a mind and abilities, that’s why the devil wants to destroy you. I am telling you this now, so that you don’t leave Jesus Christ again, because if you leave Jesus Christ, I don’t know if He will show the same grace in your life. God has a great future for you, but make sure you don’t leave Him again!”

Repentant and deeply moved that God had located him by giving him a divine prophetic word, he felt from that moment that he was no longer alone in this life, but Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, was with him! He stated that after the prophetic message, his life fully turned around! The bad mood, the negative thoughts that nearly drove him crazy, the bad behaviour he had, the depression that plagued him daily, and the addiction to masturbation were gone! Every chain that bound him to the darkness was broken! He testified that he has begun to see life from a different aspect. He is optimistic, and he is eager to pursue his studies, believing that God has a bright future to give him.

Furthermore, he advised all young people to listen to what God has to say about their situation because Jesus Christ is the only One who can guide us, show us the future he has prepared for us, and make a way where there is no way! Finally, full of gratitude, he promised that he would never leave Jesus Christ again, he would follow Him all the days of his life!

Your present situation, as hard as it may seem, is for your spiritual progress. Suffering and sorrow bring us closer to God! If the situation you are in now does not guarantee your future, do not despair; the end has not come – the best is always yet to come!


A day of divine redemption and salvation was the Sunday Service for Ms. Justine! As she already experienced what it means to be rejected and abused since her childhood, she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to seek the face of the Lord!

As she came by faith, while Prophet Stavros was praying for her, an evil spirit manifested through her, saying: “I destroy her and her family! They will not prosper, and she thinks she can. How did she come to England? She is destined to die! I am the spirit of her ancestors! How will she make it? How will she lift her family up? I stopped her, nothing she does will come to pass, and she will suffer until she dies! I want shame to come upon anything she does! I cause quarrelling between all her brothers, they can’t be together, they fight wherever they go! She thinks that she will bring peace in her family. I will destroy her. She is the only thing that is stopping me, every time she says: “Jesus, Jesus!” She is now in the second marriage and the man left her. She didn’t do anything to him, but he just hated her! I made him see her as a lion. Her first husband ran away from her and I killed him!” Then, the man of God rebuked the evil spirit and declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ! Apart from her deliverance, the prophet also gave her a prophetic word, saying: “No matter what the devil has destroyed in your life, God Almighty will restore it! He will bring a breakthrough and a husband to live with you for the rest of your life! So, don’t worry! You will come back to give your testimony for all the blessings of God in your life!”.

Later, Ms. Justine confirmed everything about the destructive actions of that evil spirit in her life. She said that everything began during her childhood, when instead of receiving care and guidance from her elders, she was being sexually and verbally abused by her uncle from the age of 4 years old! Generally, as the years were passing by, life without her parents and no one to stand by her side, life was very difficult…

An important problem that she was going through was the bad relationship that her brothers had amongst themselves. She was trying to cover all their needs, financial or material, she even provided them a place to stay! One time, she had to go to her country of origin, in Nigeria, with the role of the peacemaker, in order to settle the relationship between them. Unfortunately, their conflicts wouldn’t stop…

Moreover, Ms. Justine spoke about her journey from Nigeria to England. In this journey, she needed to pass through a desert where she unfortunately faced a stranger, a man who physically abused her! Even if she managed to reach England in 2002, it took 15 years to receive all the legal documents that were necessary.

Concerning her family life, everything was going well with her first husband. They believed in God and went to church every Sunday. Until, one day, her husband left her with another woman that he met in that church, because she told him that she was pregnant from him. As if this was not enough, he took all of his wife’s belongings and gave them to his new partner! Years later, she saw a dream of her former husband asking for forgiveness. The next day, she heard that the man had passed away that night!

When she received the documents that she needed, she met her second husband. In the beginning, everything was going well, as she started her studies at the university, and her husband treated her nice. However, after some time, he didn’t even want to speak with her! When he explained why he was behaving like this to a common friend of theirs, he said that he saw a lion in her face, ready to kill him! Then, in 2021, he left her.

In the end, she said that her cousins from her mother’s side of the family were facing the same problems she had; they never had children, while from her father’s side of the family, her ancestors used to worship idols.

In conclusion, Ms. Justine expressed the joy she felt, as she managed to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica on her third try! She is convinced that her life will be filled with the blessings of God, and she promised to serve the Lord and live according to His will!

Even if your present situation does not guarantee your future, the end has not come! Remain steadfast in your faith in Jesus Christ, and He will exalt you in His time!


Ms. Virginia Hamunzala came all the way from Germany to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica with several challenges, seeking the intervention of God in her life’s affairs. With expectant faith, she was surprised to see how God began to work even before she arrived at the Sunday Service.

The day before, while at the Apostle Paul and Silas prison, Ms. Virginia knelt down to pray, asking God to flush out anything in her system that was not of Him. At that moment, she began to feel sharp pains in her abdomen. Just a few hours later, she discovered that her period, which had been missing for six months, had begun to flow again! But this was just the beginning…

During the prayer line, Ms. Virginia was privileged to receive a touch from the Holy Spirit through the man of God Stavros, and the evil spirit that was behind all her suffering began to speak, saying: “I am the spirit of darkness! She can’t do anything in her life, she doesn’t love her husband! I’ve destroyed them all! They can’t progress in life, I’ve tied them! I’ve locked them in a cage! I gave her food in the dreams! I’ve caused her to buy things; she buys whatever she wants!”.

At the end of the service, to confirm how the evil spirit was afflicting her life, Ms. Virginia specified that indeed, she had bad dreams in which she would see herself eating with dead loved ones, including her late daughter who had passed away.

Having recently lost her job, and seeing that her children were struggling in school, she felt that nothing in her life was working. Even in her marital life, though she and her husband never quarreled, she said that for no reason at all, she was experiencing a loss of affection towards her husband, all this causing her to feel as though her life was going in a downward spiral…

Ms. Virginia stressed that even though she has applied to several jobs, she has yet to receive an answer. As such, she remained jobless. Despite this, just as the evil spirit confessed, Ms. Virginia admitted that she saw herself spending money without restraint and regretting it afterward when it came time to pay the bills; but having no job, this uncontrolled spending put a strain on the family’s financial situation.

In the end, with profound gratitude, she expressed her gratitude for the breakthrough she has received, believing that God delivered her and her family from everything that was holding them back! In closing, she promised God to continue serving Him all the days of her life!

Just as Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua has taught us, you have the right to claim blessing, healing, protection, freedom, deliverance, because He was unjustly nailed to a cross so you could have a life that is fulfilling! Therefore, be bold and exercise your rights as a child of God!

The following photos demonstrate believers who came to the presence of God in order to receive an anointed touch that would change the history of their lives. As they received prayer for the prophets and the prophetess of God in the name of Jesus Christ, breakthrough, freedom and blessing are guaranteed!

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With faith as a shield against every difficulty and trial, believers from different parts of the world came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica in order to see the miraculous hand of the Lord working in their lives. Then the man of God George Athanasiadis took the floor and welcomed the believers with…

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