In the heart of San Diego, California, the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica organised a two-day revival with the man of God Harry aiming at one thing only; to glorify the name of the Lord. His presence was intense on both days, and He did not stop working miracles among the crowd, not for a minute! The angelic voices of the worship group lifted the hearts of the believers, creating a literally sacred place for deep connection and communion with God. The testimonies of people who experienced God’s hand in their lives increased the faith of those who were also expecting to receive, and indeed, the time of prayer was proof that only faith pleases God. Lives were changed, the burdened entrusted their needs to the Lord, and all who attended experienced the power, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ!

The intense presence of God was confirmed by a young girl, who did not hesitate to stand before the crowd and share her supernatural experience with them. By God’s grace, her eyes of faith were opened, and the Lord showed her that the stadium was full of angels!

On the first day of the revival, the message of Prophet Harry was based on the principles of Christianity and was entitled “YOUR PRIORITY AS A CHRISTIAN”. He began by stating that when we look at life, we see that it is full of challenges such as sicknesses, family problems, and financial problems. Therefore, it is necessary to set priorities in our lives to get the results we so much desire.

In order to make it clearer, he read from the Book of Matthew 6:31-33:So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  In other words, the Prophet of God explained that many believers are too busy with worldly concerns when the first area in which we need to prosper is our spiritual life! Only then can we maintain every blessing from God.

The man of God did not miss the opportunity to speak about the fact that several people have received advice in the past to become doctors, lawyers, or any other profession that would bring them enough money. Unfortunately, many have followed this advice, thus becoming what they were not created to be, because they never asked the Lord what His will for them was. That is the greatest failure in life, to succeed, but in the wrong mission, he explained…

In summary, the man of God stated: “Lest you end up like the masses out there who are wondering and unsure of their goals and dreams, your priority must be clear!” Seek the Kingdom and righteousness of God, and everything else will add up!

While our priority as Christians must be to walk according to the will of God, that is, by faith, this can only be done through love. This was the title of the message on the second day of the revival, “FAITH WORKS WITH LOVE”.

One of the greatest challenges of Christians today is that while they have faith, they do not put it into practice. Reading from Galatians 5:6, the Prophet noted that if you don’t have love, then your faith is useless, dead. On the day the Lord calls us to Him, only faith, hope and love will remain; the greatest of these is love!

Then the man of God read from 1 John 4:20-21: Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.

Characteristically, the Prophet emphasised that “Love is life, if you have no love, you have no life!”. Wanting to support the above view, he also referred to the Gospel of Matthew 5:43-48:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,  that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?  Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”.

We understand, that Jesus Christ does not know us by our name, but by our love! And He Himself first set the right example by loving – and forgiving – even those who crucified Him!

Reaching the end of the message, the man of God emphatically stressed out that Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with the Lord. This is what Jesus Christ preached during His time on earth. So, if you don’t want your faith to be in crisis, make sure you have a relationship with your Creator, make sure you are full of love!

God works in mysterious ways and can choose anything to express Himself. So, during the prayer line, Prophet Harry presented the crowd with an anointed sticker, citing cases of people taking items such as handkerchiefs to the apostle Paul to be anointed and become instruments of healing, blessing, and deliverance. The man of God, after assuring the believers that they would also get an anointed sticker, instructed them to visit those who were unable to attend the anointing due to various problems and give them the sticker to touch, in order for them to receive healing or deliverance! In fact, he gave this anointed sticker to a believer, and the moment he touched it, an unclean spirit began to manifest through him!


When your breakthrough and success are on the way, the devil will use every possible means to hinder you. This is the hard lesson that Mrs. Adriana from Florida, USA, who was on the first day of the Revival held in San Diego, learned. Mrs. Adriana and her family were facing various problems that had brought them to a dead-end. She therefore decided to attend the Revival hoping that they would find the solution they were looking for.

However, her way to the Revival was not easy. Despite their efforts to come to Greece to receive prayer, they encountered many obstacles. One of the first problems they faced was the purchase of airline tickets, which proved to be complex and full of difficulties. The devil, knowing the importance of this revival for Mrs. Adriana and her family, did everything he could to discourage her and prevent her from attending.

But the biggest obstacle she faced was when she broke her toe while she was preparing to depart for the revival. This accident prevented her from walking and made her already challenging course more difficult. Still, she didn’t give up. Her determination to help her daughter, who was dealing with a serious heart condition, was much stronger.

Mrs. Adriana knew deep down that God had something special for her in the revival. This conviction made her even more determined to reach her destination. When she finally arrived and the man of God Harry prayed for her, she felt an immense peace in her heart. Immediately, the pain disappeared and she was able to get up and walk without any difficulty. In fact, she was able to climb two floors using the stairs, which seemed impossible just hours before the prayer.

Mrs. Adriana’s message to those facing various problems is clear and full of hope: “We must pray without ceasing and have faith, knowing that God has our breakthrough”. Finally, she promised to serve God, acknowledging the strength and grace He has shown her.

We must not forget that trials cannot break the one who draws strength from God. Her story is an unshakable example that despite difficulties and obstacles, faith and determination can lead us to great miracles and personal victories.


Mr. Aristide and his mother from Sacramento, USA, were among the thousands of believers who were blessed by God’s anointing on the first day of the historic revival! Having been truly blessed, they quickly wanted to come and testify about the glory of God in their lives.

Mr. Aristide was suffering from chronic health problems such as thyroid and knee pain wanted to stand with faith at the prayer line and learn God’s opinion about his situation. More specifically, 5 years ago, he got some discomfort in his knees and decided to visit the doctor. He gave him medication, but it didn’t help… Regarding his thyroid, he explained that 8 years ago doctors discovered that his thyroid had grown to the extent that his voice was even affected… As a result of this problem, he would even stop breathing every night up to 36 times!

So, when he stood with faith in the prayer line, he received the miracle he so much desired! The moment the man of God, Harry prayed over him, he felt a fire in his thyroid area and an intense burning in the chest. Immediately after the prayer, nothing was the same! Now he can walk normally without any pain and his breathing is fully restored!

But God’s blessing was not limited to Mr. Aristide only, as his mother was also blessed! During the prayer line, the man of God Harry had a Prophetic message for her, which was as follows: “This is the spirit of the water, it has been affecting her, but now you are free. Your parents have given you to marine gods. They offered you as a sacrifice they did it because they did not know. They did it out of ignorance, they did it for protection, they thought the marine spirit would protect you. They took you there for protection and instead of protection, problems started occurring in your life and if you notice, there is broken home in the family – marry and remarry. Divorce not only you the whole family. This has become a family curse. The same thing happening to you, is also happening to others. Now God has exposed this. You are free and you shall never see yourself swimming in the water with fish in dirty river”.

Mr. Aristide’s mother explained that in addition to the spiritual problems she was facing, she came to the prayer line because of a pain she had in her waist. A pain that no medication could cure in the past 9 years!

Wanting to confirm the Prophetic word, she explained that she often saw herself swimming in the sea. In fact, she knew for fact that her grandparents worshiped the gods of water gods. So, when she decided to follow the way of God and not continue worshiping these gods, health problems, accidents that could have cost her life, and nightmares began. The last dream she saw before her divine encounter with Jesus Christ was an octopus trying to choke her, but it did not succeed! After the prayer, the pain in the back disappeared and now she can sleep in complete peace!

Mr. Aristide and his mother advised the people of God to come close to God, because nothing is impossible for Him! Finally, they both promised to serve Him forever!

When your condition surpasses the natural, then it becomes a curse that only Jesus Christ can break! Trust God, and you will see that nothing is impossible for Him!


In today’s digital age, the internet has become a powerful tool that can be used for both good and evil. Unfortunately, satan has cunningly taken advantage of this powerful means to mislead God’s children and lead them away from their faith. Through misleading content, negative influences and misinformation, it aims to sow the seeds of doubt, confusion and temptation. Nowadays, the internet, with its unlimited access to all forms of information, has become a battlefield where the minds and hearts of believers are targeted. Young Carlos, who stood in the prayer line during the second day of the revival with the man of God Grace in San Diego, California, also fell into the trap of the internet, and received a highly instructive Prophetic word: “You have been exposed to satanic things in your life, and those things are now causing you spiritual problems. You have been experiencing attacks because of that, and mostly through the internet. You watch things that are not good for you, for a child of God. The internet is good, but the bad use of the internet can cause spiritual problems to us. That satanic exposure you came across is now affecting you and you need deliverance from that. Today is your day of deliverance! You are disconnected!.

Mr. Carlos from California obviously grateful for God’s mercy in his life, did not take long before confirming the words of the man of God and giving valuable lessons to God’s children regarding the devil and the influence he can have in our lives through the internet.

It all started when at a young age he showed a special interest in a certain type of music called « Underground Hip-Hop ». As he explained, this music was clearly from the devil and as he listened to it, he turned away from God, believing that he does not exist and actually ended up becoming an atheist! At that time, he was deep in darkness, he had suicidal tendencies and in order to find a solution and freedom, he visited a psychiatrist. However, he noticed no improvement at all in his case, which is not very surprising since it was of a spiritual nature.

While browsing the internet he was prone to scrolling on the phone, seeing all kinds of videos, haunted houses, things that did not build up his spirit. Thus, even though in 2019 God visited him, while he wanted to follow God and serve Him, something was holding him back. After the prayer, it is now obvious to him that it was the devil who was stopping him, through his spiritual influence on the internet.

Having experienced darkness, Mr. Carlos urged the people of God to be careful on what they watch on the internet because it is the place where the devil lurks. Finally, he promised to follow God for the rest of his life.

Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and forces that cause pressure and tension in our lives. As God’s children we must watch and pray because behind everything there is a spirit. If the Spirit of God is not behind what we are occupy ourselves with, then the spirit of the world, that is of the devil is certainly behind it, because there is no neutral kingdom.

Having traveled from every part of the earth, the children of God could not miss the opportunity to receive prayer and be touched by the Holy Spirit! As the people in the pictures received their miracle, may you receive yours, in the name of Jesus Christ!

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