The atmosphere in the arena of freedom was filled with the presence of God when the worship team began to sing to the Creator of the universe. Each worship song became a prayer on the lips of the worshippers who waited patiently to receive a miracle that would change the course of their lives!

Man of God Giannis, led by the Spirit of the Almighty, wanted to assure God’s people that His presence is always with them through his sermon entitled “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.” He began by stating that many talk about God, study His Word and love Him, yet amid trials, challenges and difficulties, they tend to forget that they are not alone. They forget that, as children of God, we have what God says we have, we are what God says we are, and we can do what God says we can do! In other words, regardless of the fear we may feel and the difficulties that arise, the man of God pointed out, the Lord is always there!

Always guided by God’s Word, the Prophet read from 1 Samuel 17:31-37, where the secret of success is revealed: “What David said was overheard and reported to Saul, and Saul sent for him. David said to Saul, ‘Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.’ Saul replied, ‘You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.’ But David said to Saul […] ‘The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.’” The secret to success is simple and comes through the act of David who, despite his youth and in the midst of the trial, remembered how God had helped him in the past. This filled him with the faith that as God had helped him then, He would do the same regarding the Philistine. “As soon as the trial comes, start remembering the hardest times you have gone through in the past, and that will give you strength and encouragement to overcome the trial you are going through!” the man of God explained.

David had discovered the secret to success and was firmly convinced that he was not alone! He was aware that God was walking beside him, which is not the case for many Christians today. Unfortunately, Christians today wait for the difficult situation to come and then figure out how to deal with it, unlike David who had discovered the key to success and was rushing towards the problem to annihilate it! The man of God explained that we could also handle our situations as David did, today, but there is a necessary condition: we must have joy in our hearts! This is because when there is joy and pain, the pain will not last long. When there is joy and difficulty, the difficulty will not last long… But when there is joy and sorrow, the joy will disappear!

Concluding his God-inspired sermon, he encouraged the people of the living God not to let difficulties, trials, and challenges, take their joy away, because as a Christian, trials, difficulties and problems can touch you but they cannot destroy you, because you are not alone! The devil knows how to tempt us so that we fall out of our fellowship with God. He knows full well that if we join hands with God in the time of trial, we can move mountains!


During difficult moments, it’s true that people want a quick and seemingly effective solution. Is it legitimate, however, for a child of God to seek a solution without including God? The answer is in the following lines…

Many years ago, Mr. Samuel – now a resident of the Netherlands – lived in Pakistan. At the time he was facing problems of all kinds – including spiritual and financial. Moreover, his lifestyle could be described as unstable.

Wanting to get rid of his difficulties, he went to various churches to receive prayer. Not content with this, he visited witch doctors. He even went so far as to sleep with a witch. who had already offered him food to eat.

Since then, the problems not only didn’t diminish but multiplied. Explaining further, Mr. Samuel said that he’d become angry very easily. He was fighting with his employees in his business, and also with his children and his wife. His children were verbally abused and his wife was verbally and physically abused. Mr. Samuel had not hesitated to even ask her to leave their home!

In addition, he was looking at other women and watching pornographic content. He also began to drink large quantities of alcohol, the consumption of which cost Mr. Samuel hundreds of dollars a month! Apparently, it was impossible for him to devote even the minimum amount of time to prayer and Bible study…

Luckily for him, in 2017 he learned about the ministry of man of God Harry and 2 years later it was time for his appointment with Jesus Christ! Mr. Samuel received prayer from God’s servant at prayer line time, and since then it is no exaggeration to say that the Lord has completely changed his life!

As he said, he noticed that his character began to change after the prayer! The anger left and gave way to love for his family. Pornography, lust and alcohol consumption are now things of the past. Now, Mr. Samuel can pray to the Lord and study His Word unhindered!

Finally, his advice is to always remain faithful to Him and he promised to love the Lord and his fellow man! For her part, his wife, Ms. Rachel – who herself confirmed her husband’s sinful past – promised God to always stay close to Him!

Whatever your situation, do not run away from God, but run to God!


In today’s era, there is no true joy. People, to fill the void in their lives that only God can fill, find temporary pleasures that plunge them deeper and deeper into remorse and depression. A vivid example is Mr. Save from North Macedonia, who, tired of his depressive thoughts, decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, for a permanent solution.

Taking part in the prayer line, when the man of God Kastriot prayed for him, he gave him the following prophecy: “Many times you think of ending your life. You are very frustrated with life. You cannot control your mind. An unclean spirit torments you, even in your sleep! From today you will be free and look to repair your relationship with God. The God who set you free today will lift you and make you great! You are free!”.

Happy for his freedom, Mr. Save confirmed the prophetic words as true in his life. He believes the problem started in his childhood when he discovered pornography, which turned into an addiction that followed him into his adult life. This was followed by unpleasant dreams in the form of terrifying nightmares or sexual dreams that made him feel bad. For example, he would dream of killing other people or sleeping with older women. Thus, his sleep was disturbed, and he often found it difficult to sleep for several hours at a time, waking up at midnight in a bad psychological state. As if that wasn’t enough, the next morning he would always argue with his partner.

The worst problem, however, was the negative and suicidal thoughts. He felt frustrated in every area of his life and thought he was all alone in life. He believed that no one loved him. The emptiness he felt inside was great and, as he did not have an active relationship with God, he could not feel peace. One day, after drinking too much alcohol, he decided to take many pills at once so that he could die. To the glory of God, this did not happen. His family, out of concern, took him to a psychiatric clinic, where Mr. Save quickly realized that he would not be helped. He never attempted suicide again after that, but he thought about it constantly, and even prayed that something bad would happen to him, such as being hit by a car! At this point, Mr. Save noted that the kind of music he used to listen to was completely depressing, which fed the negativity in his mind…

When the man of God prayed for him, Mr. Save began to tremble, and he felt something like a snake moving in his stomach and leaving! After the prayer he felt free, and his mind was much clearer! He has decided to follow the Prophet’s instruction and start praying and reading his Bible more, as well as making room in every area of his life for God.

His promise to the Lord is to take care of himself and share his testimony with everyone!

Tribulations are to benefit us spiritually so that we learn to pray more!


In the arena of salvation, healing is like breathing! Ms. Rita from England came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to receive a Divine solution to all those health problems that were plaguing her!

Prophet Giannis, as he prayed for Ms. Rita in the prayer line, said: “You can get up! You won’t need these aids anymore! Get up and walk!”

For Ms. Rita, it all started when she broke her ankle. Specifically, one day she wanted to go to the toilet, but on the way she fainted due to high blood pressure, so an ambulance came to take her to the hospital. The doctor told her that she had broken her ankle and would need to wear a support boot and to carry crutches.

This health problem affected Ms. Rita as she could not move, work, or clean her house. She could not do anything on her own, she always needed support. She was worried and quite distressed about this health issue she was facing.

She noted that she had to walk slowly and was quite uncomfortable. In particular, she said that the support boot she wore on her left foot relieved the pain in her broken ankle because, as she pointed out, if she did not wear it, the ankle would break again because the foot would be level with the floor. Therefore, it was necessary to use it so that her ankle would not break again!

As far as her finances were concerned, she could not work and as a result, she had no income. To be able to survive, her children helped her and supported her financially.

Thank God for changed lives! Ms. Rita, by faith, took a second pair of shoes and brought them to church, because she was confident that the Lord would bring a divine outcome to her case and that she would no longer need the boot! Now, she can walk without any pain, kneel and do various exercises! As for the assist boot and crutches, she no longer needs them!

Having indescribable joy, peace and freedom, she promised God Almighty to serve Him with everything she has for the rest of her life!

When Jesus Christ heals you, He heals you effectively, and He does it for the salvation of your soul!


Many times, we humans naively believe that various health problems are only hereditary, while completely ignoring their spiritual background. The case of Mr. Watson from the UK proves that behind every situation there is a spirit…

During the prayer line, he received a prophecy from Prophet Kastriot, which was as follows: “Family curse! This problem (pointing to the epilepsy written on the placard) someone else also has it in the family, you are not the only one, and someone died from this problem! Thank God you found your way because as of today you will be free. That curse is broken!

“Today is one of the best days of my life!”, Mr. Watson said happily afterwards. Explaining further, for the past 3 years he had been having trouble with epilepsy, to the point of suddenly collapsing to the ground.

Due to the seizures, he couldn’t do anything with his life. He was unable to work, needing the help of his wife. On one occasion, he was even in a near-death state for 4 whole months, during which he was unable to understand what was happening around him. While in this state he found himself in a different, sunny place which he enjoyed. But there was also an unclean spirit there, and in between them was an obstacle. This demon laughed at him and invited him to come towards it. It was then that Mr. Watson regained consciousness.

Moreover, his nights were filled with nightmares, and when he woke up he would be in panic.

Regarding the other family members who had this problem, he said that his brother’s son died because of epilepsy, and his second child also suffered from this problem.

But now he knows that the demonic chains have been broken! Joyful, Mr. Watson advises God’s people to go to Him in all their difficulties, while promising to always be close to the Lord!

Just as this man did not let his difficulty turn him away from his Creator, you must not break your dependence on God because of your situation!

In the following snapshots, it is evident that before the power of God, no unclean spirit or demon has a choice but to submit to the eternal authority of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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