In a particularly intense worshipful and enthusiastic atmosphere, God’s faithful believers gathered before their Creator with hearts open and thirsty, ready to receive the Word that was about to be spoken to them by Prophet Kastriot.

In a highly instructive message that covers the widest range of problems facing humanity today, the man of God spoke about the words we speak as the cause of most of the situations we find ourselves in today. Although there is institutionalised freedom of speech, he pointed out that not every word that comes out of our mouth actually builds others. This is because many times we say things without thinking about the impact they may have on those listening to us and thus, with our words, we become the architects of our situation. Our words have the power to build or destroy and we need God’s wisdom to know when to speak and when our silence is more precious than gold, because « YOUR WORDS ARE THE BRIDGE TO YOUR FUTURE », which was also the title of the message he preached to the people of God!

As children of God, we are called to speak according to the Word of God and the Word of God is love, peace and forgiveness! The words we speak determine our future and have power, because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Then Prophet Kastriot biblically supported his message, taking a quote from James 3:1-6: Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. […].  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell”.

By our words, he continued, we will be judged and there will be no excuse then; for this reason, we must realise the responsibility of every word we speak. That is because as Christians, our key responsibility in life is to trust the Holy Spirit, to keep His Word in our mouth, in our heart and in every conversation!

In conclusion, the man of God urged believers to bring their burdens before Jesus Christ because he is the only One who can lighten their load. He also advised them not to say words without reasoning, but instead reflect Jesus’ character with their words in every situation.


No one believes that a person can change so drastically and effectively, but there is someone who can do it – his name is Jesus Christ! Indeed, He resurrects every dead area of our lives and reignites our hope for a better, brighter future. This is what happened in Ms. Eleni’s case, who came to testify God’s miracles in her life and to also say a big, “Thank you!” to God and to the ministry of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica!

Mrs. Eleni began by referring to her previous testimony and explained the problems she was dealing with. From an early age, she faced serious problems. She had pancreatitis, self-destructive tendencies and an addiction to eating cement, causing her serious mental and physical health problems. Conflicts with her family and social isolation worsened her condition, which created suicidal tendencies in her life.

At the same time, while she was a very good student from a young age, due to the substances she was taking, her restless life and her deteriorating mental state, her academic path was destroyed. In particular, she failed her final exams, which would determine whether she would enter the university or not. As a result, she used to cry every day. After thinking about it and after being persuaded by her parents, she retook the exams and finally entered the Faculty of Computer Science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. However, her frustration continued!

Because she worked every night as a bartender, she was too tired to attend the classes, which took place in the morning. She also drank alcohol, smoked weed, and occasionally did drugs, which prevented her from thinking clearly. Every time she tried to study, she did not know where to start from, since she never showed up for class. This situation was hard for her and filled her with despair. Consequently, a belief was created in her that she would never finish her studies at the university.

When Mrs. Eleni met the ministry of the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, where she believed in God, her life changed dramatically! She stopped the drug abuses, and was filled with joy and peace. In fact, in 2020, she decided to make a drastic change in her life. With the encouragement of the man of God Harry, she began to attend classes at the University every day and she set a goal of finishing her studies, which seemed impossible to her. Everything seemed like a big mountain, but with the support of the man of God, but also of God himself, hope was reignited in her! She began to take notes and devote time to her studies with a compass an advice given to her by the man of God in a meeting she had with him: « Eleni, it is good to finish what you start! »

During the COVID-19 period, she passed 20 classes and continued to work hard to pass the rest. Despite the difficulties and shame she felt at the fact that her fellow students were all younger than her, her determination did not waver! She still had 12 lessons left, which she passed slowly but surely. In the last course left for her to get the degree she failed, the exam period was over and she would have to wait for the next one… However with the guidance of the man of God, she went to talk to her professor and asked him to give her a second chance. Despite her professor’s initial negativity, he eventually gave her a chance – and she passed the course! So, by God’s grace, she not only changed her lifestyle and returned to her studies, but eleven years later, she managed to complete them and graduate successfully!

In addition, she also obtained her driver’s license, which her parents did not encourage her to do before, due to her restless life and drug abuses!

She and her family are now very happy, full of hope and gratitude to God Almighty for not allowing a single soul to perish in the darkness of the world. Mrs. Eleni stated that her self-confidence has increased and that God proved to her that nothing is impossible. Finally, her advice for God’s children is not to give up, to finish what they start and always have faith. Furthermore, he promised God to continue serving Him and not give up!

Trusting God does not consist in prayers alone; there are times to pray in faith and times to act faith. In other words, there are things we must do ourselves and others we must expect of God. This story is a living testimony of the power of faith and perseverance, and an example for all who face difficulties in their lives. It’s never too late to act in faith!


Undoubtedly, we have all experienced the tough side of life, because life is not a playground, but it is made up of positive and negative experiences. However, the key is to always run to the Lord for grace, mercy, and protection. Mrs. Vanessa, however, took many years to see the beautiful side of life, and to finally feel joy and peace.

Having been encouraged by the testimonies of other people who came to the Christian Church Of All Nations  – Thessalonica to receive prayer on YouTube, she travelled from the UK to join the prayer line herself. It was then that she received the following prophecy from the man God Kastriot: “Spirit of death! You see yourself dead in your sleep. You also smoke in your dreams. You had a dream long ago that you died. This is an unclean spirit that has come into your life. From today, you will be free from both smoking and this spirit of death!”

Delighted to receive what she had hoped for, her freedom, Mrs. Vanessa later confirmed every word of the prophetic word. About the spirit of death, it all started when she began to be irritable and aggressive towards others, when she was young.  That sometimes led her to overconsumption of alcohol, even 3–4 bottles per week! She observed her life not being able to move forward… Because of the above, from 2008 onwards, she began to have suicidal thoughts, as she felt dead inside. She was even thinking of throwing herself in front of passing vehicles to kill herself! She had lost all desire for life… “My life was like an endless car accident,” she said.

As for her dreams, she recalled one particular time when she saw that she was in Heaven, that is, that she had died. In addition, sometimes when she was lying in bed she felt paralysed, as if someone was preventing her from moving. Moreover, apart from smoking in her sleep, she did so in reality, although she knew that it was leading her to her death.

In addition, Mrs. Vanessa had been experiencing various health problems since the age of 7,some of which were very serious. For example, in 2005 she had a serious back issue, which recurred in 2014. This time she had to use a wheelchair for a period of time. To walk again, it took a total of 36 therapy sessions with a medical specialist. Also, many years ago she had difficulty walking normally because every time she walked, her legs would make a strange characteristic sound. To get help, she went to a private clinic three times a week. She even went as far as Spain to find a solution!

For every health problem she went through, no doctor could give a permanent and 100% effective treatment, while the money Mrs. Vanessa gave over the years was a considerable amount…

After the prayer of the prophet Kastriot, Mrs. Vanessa declared that she is a new creation in Jesus Christ! Mrs. Vanessa is determined not to let the devil ruin her life any longer, and has promised God to thank Him daily and to stop smoking!

The proof that Jesus Christ is Alive is in the changed lives! With the Lord’s help, this woman is a new creation in Christ, may you too come before Him in faith and humility, that He may bring forth in you a new future!


Lust can ruin your marriage, your studies, your finances, and certainly your calling! Mr. Peter from Slovakia, came to the Christian Church Of All Nations Church – Thessalonica with his wife, to experience the anointing that heals, the anointing that delivers, the anointing that blesses and saves!

Prophet Giannis, as he prayed in the prayer line for Mr. Peter, said to him: “There is something in your life that the devil is using to destroy your life! That is lust! You saw something in the past, that you shouldn’t have seen, and that gave the devil direct access to get in you! That’s what’s fighting you! You’re trying to concentrate, to do things in your life, but you keep thinking about women! If you aren’t delivered today from this, the devil is clever enough to destroy the marriage, your job and your calling little by little! For I see a heart very willing to do God’s work! I see a heart that wants to work for God! Today, as God Almighty revealed the root cause of your problem, you will be free! From now on, be close to God and watch what you see! Pornography! God can’t be with you on this! Don’t do things that Jesus Christ wouldn’t do!”

Mr. Peter, as he explained after the service, at the age of five found pornographic material in his home. He pointed out that sometimes he watched pornographic material with his brothers and sisters, a common thing among his family. At first, he felt fine, but then he felt guilty when he watched it.

These actions affected him to a great degree, as it was very difficult for him to concentrate, because he was constantly thinking about women! He also found it difficult to concentrate on his work, so he was often irritated.

Regarding his marriage, he sometimes had thoughts about other women, and he pointed out that if this had continued, he would have certainly divorced his wife in the process, due to those immoral thoughts about other women. The thoughts about women had become an obstacle to his calling. However, after the prophetic word, he mentioned that his heart is ready to follow God!

Feeling indescribable joy, peace, and freedom, he promised God Almighty that he would serve Him with all his heart!

A Christian must be careful in everything he does, for God demands to always do the right thing! If you notice that in your life there are things that do not glorify God, it is not too late to confess your sins and make a new start with Jesus Christ!

In the photos below we see the Spirit of God moving mightily among the crowd, bringing healing, blessing, restoration, and freedom from all that causes confusion and failure in the lives of believers.

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