Upon coming to the city of New York in the United States, the man of God Michael was in search of a place where the ministry of God would begin. Through divine guidance, he knew that the borough of Queens was that place. Specifically, Maspeth-Woodside and this is where one can find the Christian Church Of All Nations – New York (formerly known as International Revival In New York). Even though this is a newly established ministry, in its early stages for the man of God Michael, the power of God remains the same. Therefore, as the power of God worked through His servant Prophet Michael while serving under his mentor Prophet Harry, millions of people will continue to receive the knowledge of saving grace and to see the undeniable evidence that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The purpose and mission of the church is simple and clear – to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).
God uses the man of God Michael as an instrument of healing, prophecy, deliverance, blessing and salvation. Healings of hepatitis, cancer, paralysis, barrenness, heart problems and many other sicknesses and diseases occur, proving that Jesus is who He says He is, He has what He says He has, and He can do what He says He can do! Every manner of sickness and disease bows and submits to the indisputable authority of the name Jesus Christ.
Anointing does not work through plans, methods, or machinery. It works through suitable men. Man of God Michael is simply utilizing the power that has been given to all believers. (Luke 10:19) “Jesus is disappointed that men lack the necessary faith to release the power that has been given to them.” God has no hands but our hands to do His work!
Right from the start the focus of CCOAN – New York has never been on the healing but will forever be on the Healer, whose name is Jesus Christ. As the Word of God says the only genuine reason for receiving is salvation (Matthew 6:33). Man of God Michael is not the healer, but he knows the Healer – His name is Jesus Christ!
The name given to the church is testimony to the prophetic insight given to Prophet T. B. Joshua, and his calm and determined focus on that vision.
“Your future must move into you before you can move into your future.”
It is not about the messenger but the unchanging message. It’s not about the miracles but the Miracle worker. It’s not about the man, but the Maker. It’s all about Jesus Christ. The eternal message of our Lord Jesus Christ will last forever, even in the face of life’s uncertainties. This is what we are born for, what we are living for and what we are going to die for.
Wherever the road may lead us, the vision that gave birth to this ministry many years ago is the same vision that wakes us up in the morning, sends us to sleep at night and is preparing us for the journey tomorrow. And what is that vision? One way; one job. The way is Jesus Christ; the job is to talk about Him to others for the salvation of their soul.
“For those whose lives are centered in Christ, better is not good enough – the best is always yet to come!”