Michael Kalaitzoglou is the pastor of the Christian Church Of All Nations – New York. The Founder is Jesus Christ Himself! As it was, so it is, Jesus Christ empowers His disciples to change the world today!
His life’s journey thus far entails the mystery of God’s undeserved grace, which takes unlikely people and puts them into His palace for eternity.
Born on December 10th, 1984, in Athens, Greece, Michael was brought up in a family of genuine believers in Jesus Christ. When his mother conceived him the family received prophecies from members of their congregation that “a prophet will be born”. This encouraged his parents to do all they could to bring the truth and the light of God into his life. This, in turn, inspired exceptional love for God’s will to be done in his life, while seeking His face, all the more. In the year 2000, when Michael was just 15 years old his mother passed away, but a short time before her passing she showed him a DVD of Prophet T.B. Joshua and his ministry in Lagos Nigeria, the Synagogue Church Of All Nations International, and told him that this is a true man of God and that young Michael should follow him because she would soon be passing away.
Therefore, he grew up following an unconventional way of discovering God’s call for his life. The words of his mother resonated with him making him eager to seek out this true man of God.
As he grew older and closely followed the teachings of the late Prophet, he grew a particular interest in one of the people of God that Prophet T.B. Joshua had raised in his church. This man was the Prophet Harry. At the time Michael was not aware that Prophet Harry was of the same nationality as himself. As soon as he realized that Prophet Harry was moving back to Greece and beginning his ministry, SCOAN Thessalonica, Michael left his life in the United States where he was living with his family, and moved to Thessalonica, Greece.
By now, it was undeniably evident through the revelation God had given him that the next step towards his destiny was to be by Prophet Harry’s side and to learn at his feet. By the grace of God, the man of God Harry took him in and he became a disciple.
Michael would ultimately spend 6 years of his life at the feet of a man who God led him to – his mentor, man of God Harry. Prophet Harry trained him to become suitable, so that at God’s appointed time he may answer the divine call for action.
The greatest lesson that the man of God Harry taught Prophet Michael during his discipleship was that processing is greater than the result and that character is the divine oil that keeps the anointing of God in a person’s life burning. Along with many young people from all over the world, he denied what the world had to offer, in order to be a partaker of a unique kind of training to build character. After receiving the divine anointing, God started to use him to heal, deliver and utter prophetic messages under the supervision of his mentor!
In December 2021, at the instruction of the Holy Spirit, he departed from Thessalonica, Greece and began his own journey, back to the United States specifically, to New York.
God had opened a new door for him to begin his ministry. Through divine inspiration, the International Revival In New York, church, (INRI N.Y.) was born and opened its doors on June 12, 2022, with a clear mission, to bring the message of salvation to the world and as the name states- revival to the city of New York.
In the same way, God began using Prophet Michael under the supervision of his mentor; he continues to do so in this newly established ministry that the Holy Spirit has given birth to.
As the legacy of the late Prophet T.B. Joshua was passed down to his son Prophet Harry, in turn, Prophet Harry has already begun to build upon that legacy, raising people to do God’s work on this earth through the fire of the Holy Spirit. Since 2022, when Prophet Harry gave his blessing to the man of God Michael to begin his ministry in New York, many events have transpired and the Spirit of God has spoken once again! The International Revival In New York served its purpose for a season, but the season has changed. After the passing of the late Prophet T.B. Joshua, Prophet Harry was instructed by the Holy Spirit to change the name of his ministry, as he has been led by God to establish ministries all over the world. Therefore, SCOAN Thessalonica was renamed to CCOAN – Thessalonica (Christian Church Of All Nations), and for the sake of the people that God wants to save, similarly, the INRI N.Y. has now been changed to CCOAN – New York. By initiating the unification of our ministries the instruction of God has begun coming into fruition. Therefore, moving forward through divine instruction the INRI N.Y. will be called Christian Church of All Nations – New York.
All authority in heaven and on earth has been invested in the name of Jesus. Jesus Christ has power indeed but only among those who are committed to the glory of God!
Let him who glories not glory in himself but in the Lord! Therefore, there is no room for any man’s boasting of their own ability and power but all power belongs to the Lord.
This is the kind of power anyone can experience through God’s servant Prophet Michael here at CCOAN – New York.
As his father Prophet Harry and grandfather Prophet T.B. Joshua, he has dedicated his life to the service of the less privileged, the orphans and the needy in society, particularly invested in the youth. A mentor himself to many, coaching and shaping the leaders of tomorrow. The stories of the Book of Acts have come alive and the unworthy recipient of God’s divine mercy cannot but stand, day in, day out, as a beacon of light, hope, and inspiration. His life’s story proves that:
“Everyone has a calling. If you follow the direction of your calling, you will surprise yourself, you will astonish yourself – you will make a difference in your world”. – Prophet T.B. Joshua
“You are looking at an imperfect man which God turned into a man of faith!”. – Prophet Michael
His life is proof God is not looking for perfection but for availability!