Kastriot Sinaj is the pastor of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Tirana.
He was born on July 16, 1980, in Bilca, Berat, a small village in the southern Albania and spent his childhood in his village.
At the age of 18 he emigrated to Europe for a better life. In 2005 he got married and had two children. He worked different jobs, but never felt fulfilled in anything he did. He was always looking for what was missing. Outwardly he had everything: he had an exemplary family and children, a job and sufficient financial income, but inside he always felt empty.
Satisfaction in life is not about having children, money or other worldly possessions. You have to experience God!
Trying to understand why he felt empty inside, driven by many dreams and visions, he decided to make an appointment with the man of God Harry. The man of God made him understand that all people have a calling from God, and if you do not know what your calling in life is, you will always feel empty, regardless of your achievements in life.
If you follow the direction of your calling, you will surprise yourself; you will make a difference in your world.
At that moment, the Man of God Harry invited him to become one of his disciples. After making the decision to become a disciple, his life was filled with joy. During his training under the man of God Harry, he discovered his calling to serve God. And as he was trained under the influence of the Holy Spirit, on September 3, 2023, God anointed him to fulfill His mission. Man of God Kastriot started ministering with great signs and miracles. So, by preaching Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, he became a channel of light where there is darkness, he became a channel of healing where there is disease, he became a channel of hope where there is despair.
When you allow God to transform you by the power of the Holy Spirit, He will discreetly begin to show you the way!
According to the Gospel of John 14:12-14, “Verily I say unto you, whoever believes in me will do the works which I do, and even greater works, for I go to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Whatever you ask of me in my name, I will do”.
When Jesus becomes your Coach, yου will be asked to see what is not yet seen, to do what is not yet done, to say what is not yet said.