A special time was spent in worship as the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations- Tirana. The Holy Spirit moved with power, gifting healing, deliverance from spiritual and physical bondage, and different kinds of blessings for those who attended.

Prophet Kastriot welcomed the believers in the presence of The Living God and shared a wonderful and life changing message titled ”FAITH IS NOT AN EMOTION“. He emphasized the importance of true faith, which must be accompanied by actions, according to the Word of God and encouraged the believers by explaining: “Whatever situation you may find yourself in, don’t doubt your faith; doubt your doubts because they are unreliable.” He took the Biblical text from John 20:24-25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” He explained that regardless of Thomas following Jesus, he wanted first to see in order to believe.

Faith without works is dead, and we must walk in God’s path by obeying His word. Faith is not merely an emotion or feeling, but a deep relationship with God that is demonstrated through actions. Prophet Kastriot explained that “Faith exists at 3 levels: 1 – Knowledge of the truth. 2 – Acceptance of the truth. 3 – Commitment to the truth.”

Examples like Bartholomew show that faith is not just a feeling but a commitment directly connected to God. True faith attracts God’s attention, and the closer we draw to Him, the more our faith grows.

Prophet Kastriot stated that “Faith is there for our challenges. It must be confessed with the mouth, worked out in action and tested by tribulation.” Genuine faith must be consistent and expressed through real deeds, not just momentary emotions.


Ms. Helena’s testimony is a powerful story of transformation and healing. She shared that, for a long time, she struggled with various physical and emotional challenges, including frequent headaches, depression, suicidal tendencies, blocked vision at times, and overwhelming anger. These conditions greatly affected her daily life and well-being.

However, through her faith and the power of God, she experienced a remarkable healing and deliverance when prophet Kastriot prayed for her, headaches that once plagued her disappeared, and her emotional struggles with depression and anger were lifted. MS Helena’s testimony is a beautiful reminder of the transformative power of faith and the ability of God to heal and restore both physical and emotional health. Her story inspires others to trust in God’s power and His ability to bring healing and freedom in every area of life.

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ππˆππƒπ‰π€ 𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐄 π’π”πŠπ’π„π’!

ππˆππƒπ‰π€ 𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐄 π’π”πŠπ’π„π’! Me zemra plot pritshmΓ«ri, besimtarΓ«t u mblodhΓ«n nΓ« KishΓ«n e KrishterΓ« e tΓ« Gjitha KombΓ«ve – TiranΓ«, duke adhuruar AtΓ« qΓ« ishte, Γ«shtΓ« dhe do tΓ« jetΓ«. Barrat u hoqΓ«n dhe shpirtrat u rifreskuan nΓ« praninΓ« e Zotit. 𝐉𝐄𝐙𝐔𝐒 πŠπ‘πˆπ’π‡π“πˆ πŠπˆπ’π‡π“π„ πŒπ„ π’π‡π”πŒπ„ π…π”ππˆ...

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ππ„π‘π„ππƒπˆπ€ 𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐄 πƒπ€π’π‡π”π‘πˆ!

ππ„π‘π„ππƒπˆπ€ 𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐄 πƒπ€π’π‡π”π‘πˆ!

ππ„π‘π„ππƒπˆπ€ 𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐓𝐄 πƒπ€π’π‡π”π‘πˆ! NjΓ« kohΓ« e bekuar adhurimi ku prezenca e PerΓ«ndise ishte aty duke prekur zemrat e njerΓ«zve. BesimtarΓ«t iu bashkuan grupit te adhurimit duke lavdΓ«ruar dhe lartΓ«suar emrin e Tij. 𝐉𝐄𝐙𝐔𝐒 πŠπ‘πˆπ’π‡π“πˆ πˆπ’π‡π“π„ πŒπ„ 𝐈 πŒπ€πƒπ‡π„ 𝐒𝐄 ππ‘πŽππ‹π„πŒπ„π“ 𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐉! ShΓ«rbesa...

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