On Sunday, 28 June 2020, the worship team of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, invited the body of Christ to enter the presence of God with thanksgiving and praise. By appreciating Him and blessing His holy name, the believers clapped before the miracle and prepared their hearts for the mighty works that would follow!


The awakening message followed entitled “APPRECIATE THE GIFT OF LIFE” by the evangelist Katerina Otamere that shook each and every conscience, leading the audience to redefine their way of life. She began by saying that we all know that tomorrow is a mystery and belongs to the Lord, as He is the only One who knows what the future holds. Nevertheless, we are living our lives taking many things for granted, while we do not know whether we are going to exist the next moment!


Reading from the book of James 4:14, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”, the evangelist mentioned that our way of life proves that there is no appreciation for the gift that is generously given to us from the Almighty God. As she mentioned: “We appreciate the gift of life, by working as if we were going to live a thousand years and living as if we were going to die tomorrow”. Contrariwise, many of us today remain idle and passive, allowing our life to go by aimlessly, spending our time on meaningless things. However, she added we are called to make the most of life because life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting value. So, it is time to start living a life with purpose Adopting a life-style that is on purpose provides an opportunity to enrich others by leaving your imprint in a positive way – this is what we are called to do as children of God!

Continuing, the evangelist underlined that our life is a solution to someone else’s problem and that if today we fail in making good use of it and in appreciating the gift of life that we are given, somebody, somewhere may never reach their destiny or can even lose their lives! Each and every one of us has a gift given from God to work on and to create with, since as children of the Great Creator we are also creators. Concluding, the evangelist mentioned that we are called to make history for the glory of God and, as Christians, our work should not end when our life’s journey ends, exactly as the work of Jesus Christ and the Apostles did not end. So let us appreciate the gift of life and let us start creating! And as we do so, the sky will be our limit!



On Sunday, 28 June 2020, Mr. Ashot Tsatinyan came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share his wonderful testimony which really touched the hearts of all the attendees.

He started by saying that when he was young, the thing which really made him happy was to write stories. Writing made him feel content and joyful. That was something that his teachers noticed; they admired his ability to write well and they believed that he was going to be a great journalist one day. Yet, when he grew up and started his own family, he had to work and support his family. Therefore, he forgot all about his dream, believing that by writing, he would not be able to reach his financial goal.

So, he struggled day by day, under difficult circumstances, doing various jobs. At the same time, he found out about the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and started to visit the Church every Sunday. By listening and applying the messages he heard, he gradually saw his financial situation improve. Yet, although his finances were increased, he felt that he had not fulfilled his purpose in life and he realized that there was something missing. As he kept on hearing and meditating on the man of God’s teachings he found out that God has given a good destination, a purpose and a calling to everyone. He realized that the calling is placed in the heart of every man, and that in order to discover it he had to look within him. This awareness led him to start thinking about his life, to examine himself and to pray to God to show him His purpose for his life, so he could feel content and happy. While he remained still and focused on Jesus Christ, he was confidently and faithfully waiting for God’s answer. Therefore, hearing and keeping the messages of the man of God he came to the realization that the thing that a man has in his heart – the thing that gives him satisfaction and joy, the thing that he loves and is able to do better, the thing that he desires the most in life – is God’s calling for this man’s life! As he remained focused on seeking his calling and God’s purpose for his life, he remembered the dream he had as a child – to become a writer. A light shined in him and pushed him to take action at once. He wrote two children’s books, in which he talked about God’s wisdom and love, just as he has been taught by the man of God Harry.


His goal is to become a problem solver, helping people to discover the purpose of their lives through his books, so they become happy and joyful! In his effort to publish and promote these books on the internet, he faced many difficulties but he did not give up. His vision was always the priority in his mind. It was his first thought when he woke up in the morning and his last one when he went to bed. Eventually, he was able to publish his books on the most popular commercial platform and the feedback was unexpectedly good! He was extremely glad as he watched the ranking number on the commercial platform increase dramatically from visitors from all over the world!


Mr. Tsatinyan is living proof that the greatest satisfaction in life is to be where God has planned for you to be! Full of enthusiasm, he advised us not to look at what we do not have but on what we do have and to glorify God!

A lack of focus is the real reason why people fail today. Success is a matter of decision, and the strong are determined to do whatever possible and proper thing it takes to get their goal! Adopting a life-style that is on purpose provides an opportunity to enrich others by leaving your imprint in a positive way!


TESTIMONY_Vivian Onyeje_2020_06_28

On Sunday, 28 June 2020, Mrs. Vivian Onyeje came back to the SCOAN Thessalonica in order to thank God for her healing and to share the events that took place during the past week with the people of God, sealing the prophetic word the man of God Harry gave her!

The previous Sunday, 21 June 2020, she had participated in the prayer line for deliverance from demonic attacks and family curses. As the man of God stretched his hand towards her to pray, she felt as if her body was burning and released a loud cry. Then, the man of God gave her the following prophetic word: “I was looking at blockage. There is a blockage in your system there. But now God has delivered you. You are free! What I am talking about has to do with your menstruation. Now, the thing that was blocking has come out. When you go to the toilet you will see something come out!”.


Mrs. Onyeje, startled and filled with gratitude towards God Almighty, listened to the man of God Harry reveal her health problem, something she had never shared with anyone before! Feeling free and light, she believed her problem was over once and for all!

When she came back on 28 June 2020, she confirmed once again that the prophetic word she received was entirely true! She explained that there was a blockage in her menstruation for almost 20 years. Her cycle was unstable since her menstruation lasted for three days, it stopped, and then it would come back for one or two days. Furthermore, during the past three months, she felt severe pain in her stomach, which sometimes stopped and other times it was so intense to the degree that she had to rush to the hospital for medical exams. At the same time, she started hearing some strange and disturbing noises coming from her stomach during the day, as well as during the night. Yet, it never occurred to her that the pain was connected to her menstruation. Even though the exam results came out normal without any pathological findings and the doctor was not able to trace any problem, Mrs. Onyeje was very worried about her health, as it was getting worse instead of improving. Therefore, when the SCOAN Thessalonica opened after the lockdown due to the pandemic, she took part in the prayer line on 21 June 2020, seeking divine intervention. Along with the prophecy, the man of God Harry gave her an instruction in righteousness! He told her: “Take note when you go to the toilet you will see something come out! Watch what will come out! You may need to take a picture for the glory of God!”. Mrs. Onyeje obeyed the instruction given to her. As she went to the toilet three days later, she felt a sharp pain and suddenly, something came out of her – the thing that blocked and caused disorder in her menstruation was flushed out of her system in the form of ivory-white foam.


Mrs. Onyeje showed the whole congregation the photo that proved what she was saying. Glorifying God, she added that after the prayer, the changes were immediate as the pain and the noises stopped! With her face shining full of joy she promised to always please God Almighty and serve Him in spirit and in truth!

Mrs. Onyeje realized that the prophetic word she received came straight from Heaven and that is why she did not find it difficult to obey it. The same thing applies to everyone! When we know the Word is God speaking to us, it will not be difficult for us to obey It; it will not be difficult for us to act upon It!  

The snapshots following indeed prove that He who works wonders, Jesus Christ, is still Alive and continues changing people’s lives by generously and openhandedly granting freedom, healing, breakthrough and blessing!

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