On Sunday, 29 August 2021, the choir of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, sang heavenly hymns which moved those in attendance to glorify God and thank Him for His grace that brought them in His Holy presence once again!


After a long absence from the house of God, the hearts of the believers, thirsty like a dry land, longed to hear the Word of God! The divinely inspired and revealing message that followed, entitled “RELIGION OF WORDS”, awakened the consciences of those present!


The man of God Harry began by saying that many Christians today take their relationship with God for granted, to the extent that they have ceased to play their role as children of God. As a result, they end up being Christians in name but not in heart; Christians through words but not through deeds. He emphasized what a danger is a religion of words if there is no corresponding action! You have nothing but a mental assent without action.

The man of God then revealed to all who wondered why there is no progress in their lives, even though they attend church and perform all their religious duties, that the best investment is help. More specifically, he said: “We begin to succeed with our lives when the hurt and problems of others begin to matter to us!”. In closing, he highlighted the importance of love, emphasizing that a person who does not love cannot be entrusted with the power of God – the power to heal, power to deliver, power to save and power to bless!



On Sunday, 29 August 2021, Mr. Armel Bimpalou came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with the rest of the believers the great change in his life!

In 2019, Mr. Bimpalou moved with his family from South Africa to Paris, France for work purposes. Being a Network Computer Engineer of Information Technology, he believed that this was the opportunity to make a new beginning and that his family’s financial situation would become better. Thus, when the bank inquired of him if he needed any overdraft credit, he refused because he was certain that a financial breakthrough was on the way for him and his family. Shortly, this daily routine became torturous for Mr. Bimbalou, as he had to travel for two hours to get to work and other two hours to return back home. As if that was not enough, he also began borrowing money because his salary was not sufficient enough, and was always over two days late due to his employers who always delayed in paying him. He borrowed money from others and credit from the bank in order to buy tickets for transportation to get to work and support his family. The anxiety and the uncertainty he faced led to depression. As the situation was taking long, he realised that he either had to find another job or move back to his country, which was not feasible for financial reasons.

Therefore, they decided to send just one member of the family to represent them in God’s presence, because their finances would not allow otherwise. Soon, Mrs. Maryche Bimpalou was at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and participated in the prayer line!


There were many personal prayer requests written on her placard, but there was also a hidden request she had written on a piece of paper and she was holding in her hand. The note stated her husband’s need to get the job he desired so much, a position in a multinational French telecommunication company, where he had already applied.

God was very quick to respond to their prayer request! Two weeks after she returned from the trip to Greece, the Bimbalou family received great news! The husband was invited to go to an interview in Toulouse and, after a surprisingly easy process, he was given the position he so much desired! On the same day he received a permanent contract, the company gave him a mobile phone, a laptop and a car!


Very soon, they moved to a big, brand new house with a beautiful view! Their children are now enjoying paid vacation from the company, something they had never imagined before. Their lives are far more pleasant and comfortable. Now he does not have to borrow money from others. On the contrary, he is able to lend money! Anxiety, stress, worry and depression are things of the past now!

Deeply grateful to the Giver of his blessings, Mr. Bimpalou advised the believers to completely trust God, as He is Mighty to do anything, and he promised to follow Him and support His work, as he knows that he is blessed to bless others!



Mrs. Apostolia Vamvakidou visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in Thessaloniki to glorify God and give Him all the honor He deserves. Recognizing that He had given her perfect healing, she stood before the congregation to confess and encourage the faith of those who are also waiting for a miracle.

Having been working in elderly care for a long time, Mrs. Apostolia Vamvakidou quickly developed acute low back pain, which made her job even more difficult. As she desperately needed her job, she was given no choice but to endure the pain. As time went on, she continued to perform her duties towards the elderly woman she had taken care of, resulting in an even greater burden on her health. Her daily life and sleep had been affected, and she had reached a point where she could not even take care of her personal needs. At night she tried to find relief by putting support pads on various parts of her body, but there was no improvement.

As time went on, the pain and stiffness got worse! Her performance declined significantly, resulting in a decrease in her salary, as she was unable to perform at 100% of her potential and meet the needs of the elderly lady she cared for. Despite her efforts to relieve the pain with massage, the problem not only did not subside but instead worsened! Until one night when the pain was so severe and the stiffness was unbearable, she urgently phoned her doctor and pleaded for help. When she visited him with difficulty in his office, he explained to her that it was acute back pain with paraspinal muscle spasms and tried to recommend rehabilitation, but it was impossible due to the intense pain. So he decided to give her a treatment regimen, a home treatment, to soften the muscles and then proceed with the rehabilitation. Before starting the medication, Mrs. Apostolia visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive prayer from the man of God Harry with absolute certainty that the Lord can put a permanent end to any unpleasant situation.

As the man of God prayed for her, a feeling of warmth overwhelmed her and her heart began to pound. Then, she felt a heavy object fall on her back twice and from that moment the muscles were released and her spinal cord was restored. Immediately, she started doing with her body all the movements she could not do before!


With joy and satisfaction, she praised and thanked God Almighty for the instant healing He gave her! After receiving her divine healing, she continues to work in the same job without any problem, while her earnings are back to their original amount! She can now sleep in peace without any difficulty or pain, and her daily life has been restored! Everything went back to the way it was before! Indeed, her doctor confirmed her healing with surprise, granting her a medical report which proves that she is completely healed, for the glory of God!


Having tasted God’s goodness and mercy in her life, she advised people who are also seeking their miracle not to limit God, because He is not limited by the size of our problem, but by our faith.

Therefore, let us reach out by faith in order to receive, and let us maintain this faith in every moment of our lives! Because God cannot work through us except by our capacity to believe!



Mr. Abdissa was one of the many international visitors at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, who received the touch of God in his life, on 29 August 2021. During the prayer line, the Holy Spirit located and guided his servant, the man of God Harry, directly to the root cause of his problems!

The Spirit of God emphasized the personal life of Mr. Abdissa, and the man of God prophesied the following: “You find yourself constantly surrounded by women. Satan is deceiving you so you will commit sin. The spirit of lust is tormenting you. If you go back and continue your worldly life, I do not see you making it through the next five years! The Bible teaches that there should be one man and one woman… That is how you will be satisfied!”.


Mr. Abdissa confirmed the prophecy he received from the man of God Harry, and he explained that it was a surprise for him since he was focused on the issues he was facing in his career and his academics. By reflecting on the word of prophecy, however, he realized that, indeed, sin had become the obstacle that delayed his progress and took God’s blessings away. He elaborated further by saying that for many years he was constantly surrounded by women with whom he had an affair. There were times when women insisted on being with him, even when he turned down every prospect of marriage or when he revealed to them that he was in multiple relationships simultaneously! Sin was deeply rooted in his life and, from time to time, when he tried to develop stable relationships that would lead to marriage, they would fail, and he would find himself involved with the wrong people. When he got married a year ago, he was full of hope for a new beginning in life. Nevertheless, satan kept trying relentlessly to reconnect him with the people of his past. Confirming the exact words of the prophecy – “satan is deceiving you” – he explained that last year after his wedding, many women from his old life would contact him for seemingly innocent reasons. Yet every time he maintained friendly contact with them, it led to serious conflicts with his wife.

Mr. Abdissa thanked God Almighty for interfering in his life in order to disconnect him from his past and guide him to the bright future He has promised in His Word! Filled with gratitude, he thanked God for the prophetic warning and revelation he received and promised to dedicate his life to God, by walking in His ways!

Here are some snapshots of what took place during the prayer line. People from all around the world walked by faith at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, acknowledging the Lord, Jesus Christ, as their Saviour, Redeemer, Deliverer and Healer. The miracles that followed evidently proved for one more time that crises cannot break the one who relies on God’s strength for everything!

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