Distance is not a barrier and God is not limited by physical boundaries or buildings! Worshippers of the name of Jesus Christ experienced the practical proof of the above, as regardless of circumstances, gathered to praise His name with reverence to receive their prayer requests, coming in faith and with a spirit of expectation!

In an atmosphere of devotion, the man of God Giannis addressed the congregation regarding our heavenly home, emphasising that whatever we have acquired on earth has no real value, so there is no point in boasting of what we have – either in the form of material goods or talents – because nothing of what we have is ours, but everything has been given to us from above, by God Almighty.

Prophet Giannis focused on those who prefer to be favoured by those around them, by making known their earlier achievements, thus discrediting the name of God and His servants due to one of the most common sins, pride. “Pride is a sin in us by nature; we must be cautioned and armed against it.” he urged and warned, and with these words, he came to the title of the message entitled: “ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR WEAKNESS”.

The biblical passage was taken from the book of the prophet Daniel 4:27-33, which specifically states: “Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.” All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon,  he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”  Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you.  You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.” Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.”

Explaining the above verses, the prophet pointed out that sometimes, if we go too far as a result of pride and arrogance, the Lord may permit poverty, sickness, setback, or any foolish thing in order to keep us from losing our salvation. Pride is a tool in the hands of the enemy to blind us based on what we see happening in reality, disorienting us, as he characteristically said. There is no such thing as a perfect man, as the Word of God teaches us, and focusing on how well one does everything, means losing touch with reality, which is serving people in need. By serving those around us, he continued, we serve God, and this is why we are here so that our lives may glorify Him, he stressed out. Pride does not allow us to see the problem someone else is going through and that they need help, but makes us turn the other way, thus rejecting God himself.

God did not create worthless people, and the life of each of us is a solution to someone else’s life and problem, he reminded the attendants, pointing out that we were born to help others, to make a difference in this world by being a strength in the weakness of our neighbour, glorifying and serving God in this way, he concluded.

Wanting to encourage the congregation, the prophet urged everyone to make the choices that would bring them the future they desire, meaning to make the decisions that would bring them closer to God, recognising their weakness and fight against it. “True humility means total dependence on God for everything” he stressed, pointing precisely to the way to fight our weakness, that is, first to recognise it and then to remain humble.

In conclusion, the prophet stressed God is always ready to restore His people to their proper position, provided they come to Him in humility and repentance, stressing the value of obedience and humility so that we do not lose our salvation!


Many women worldwide have experienced serious complications – to the point of death – to their health or the health of their children before or even during labour. It is a fact that causes great grief to those who experience such a loss. But this grief is not the portion of Christians!

Mrs. Roberta from Spain and her husband came to the arena of liberty to share the miraculous things God has done in their marital life. To begin with, Mrs. Roberta spoke about her first pregnancy, at the end of which she developed symptoms of pre-eclampsia, a very serious complication for both the mother and the baby, so she was forced to give birth prematurely by caesarean section. Her son remained in an incubator for 21 days, while she developed high blood pressure after birth and her health was not in a good condition.

Six months after the first birth, Mrs. Roberta got pregnant with her second son, which troubled the doctors, as her first birth created serious complications. Everything went well with the second pregnancy, despite the doctors’ recommendations, but not for her, as she was diagnosed with cholestasis, a disease of the liver. So the doctors very strictly advised her not to have another child, at least for the next two years, to avoid further problems, as she began to bleed internally during her second delivery.

Yet, almost twelve months after her second pregnancy, Mrs. Roberta discovered she was pregnant with her third child – a baby girl! However, this would be the third caesarean in three years, and she was now in danger of a ruptured uterus… Although she felt joy because of the successive blessings, she was also anxious because of the previous complications. Having two children who she had to keep on taking care of, and stay healthy at the same time to meet the demands of the role of mother and wife, Mrs. Roberta, exhausted and experiencing severe pregnancy symptoms, was in great distress and wondered what would happen to her third pregnancy.

The difficulties for Mrs. Roberta did not stop, as she developed high blood sugar levels, which made it extremely likely that she would develop gestational diabetes, a very serious disease, dangerous for her and her baby. Doctors pointed out to her that this pregnancy was of high risk because of previous caesarean sections and serious complications, and that she was now at a 50% higher risk of developing diabetes during her later life… With all this, Mrs. Roberta turned to God, wondering why she couldn’t experience a normal pregnancy. Upon hearing the above figures, she contacted the man of God Harry, and asked him to have her in his prayers while he advised her to remain calm.

When she finally had the test after a few weeks, it came back negative for diabetes, yet she developed cholestasis again, as it was in her second pregnancy, which could cause teratogenesis, premature delivery, or stillbirth, as she mentioned. This caused a lot of stress and anxiety to her, having the memory of her first child born weighing only 1800 grams and all she went through at that time to keep her child alive.

Mrs. Roberta asked God to help her complete the normal duration of pregnancy so that she could give birth to a healthy baby without any complications. Therefore, she joined the prayer line requesting a safe delivery, kneeling at the feet of Jesus Christ, asking to be with her, while everything around her seemed to be against her.

Finally, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, by a third caesarean and everything went perfectly for her and her baby! In fact, as she pointed out, she was the heaviest of her three children, and she also returned to her responsibilities very quickly, to the point that the nurses wondered how she could cope with the newborn baby and caring for both herself and her family on such short time – just a week after giving birth!

Mrs. Roberta’s husband, Mr. Javier, then took the floor, and confirmed the anxiety and stress he and his wife experienced during the pregnancies and the negative thoughts that plagued her, as well as the intervention of God through prophet Harry, feeling grateful for all that he has done in their common life!

The promise of the blessed couple with three beautiful and healthy children is to remain positive and optimistic despite adversity, teaching their children the way of God so that they can discern right from wrong and encourage them to choose what is right through the example of the Lord Jesus Christ! Finally, they advised the congregation to trust God, because only He can make a way where there is no way!

Our mind is often our enemy, so trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


As we understand from the Bible, faith is not a panic button that we press every time we need help. It is not something that is only used in extreme situations, but is seen in everyday life, from the simplest of actions. This was the mindset of Ms. Rosa from Thessaloniki when she got a burn on her foot, convinced that Jesus Christ would heal her!

Ms. Rosa accidentally spilt boiling water on her leg while she was cooking, causing a nasty burn full of blisters. Although she went to the doctor to have the area bandaged and was given painkillers, the pain, as she described it, was very severe. This unremitting pain prevented her from wearing her shoe and doing her chores normally.

Nevertheless, Ms. Rosa’s faith was not shaken. So, she decided to participate in the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica prayer line, where man of God Kastriot prayed for her. The healing was immediate and 100% effective! The pain was gone in an instant – the proof is that on the same day she was able to wear her shoe again!

Encouraged by the miracle she received, she advised God’s children to have faith and run directly to God in every problem. Her promise to the Lord is to love and obey Him so that His name would be glorified in her life!

For a man of faith who is focused on Almighty God, every problem is designed to further his purpose in his spiritual walk with the Lord! Don’t wait for a more opportune time, exercise faith now!


It is common for a family to experience a few disagreements over the years, but when disagreements become arguments, they destroy every sense of unity and love in the home. Someone who went through what is stated above was Mr. Koffi from the USA, but God had a special blessing for him and his family!

While he was in the prayer line, the of God Giannis said these Prophetic words to him, Brother, why is there so much quarrelling in the house? I see a lot of conflict in the family, you are fighting each other, especially with your youngest daughter. This is a problem. You have to stop doing this, it is not helping the family. You are a father, whatever you say will be followed by the others. Anger is an old weakness of yours, while you have a heart and love for God, you are still struggling with this weakness. We will pray today that God Almighty will deliver you. There is more, it’s not just anger. Take care of your family, there is no need to quarrel or fight. You are a father, pursue peace in the family, because I can see that the little one will go away.

Mr. Koffi then wanted to confirm the prophecy, saying that indeed there was a lot of conflict in the family. Particularly this conflict had become more intense in the last 5 years. While he, as the man of the house, is the head of the family, he often felt that his wife was the one leading. All of this brought a lot of confusion in the house, which made Mr. Koffi feel quite angry.

He then said that what was spoken about his young daughter was also true, as they had been quite distant in their father-daughter relationship for the last 2-3 years. Even though he is her parent, they did not communicate properly, so he does not know where his daughter is and who she associates with. This whole situation had exhausted Mr. Koffi because he wanted to know everything that was going on in his family so that they could discuss their issues and resolve them together. He also added that he often had rage attacks, but he always tried to push them away.

From today, Mr. Koffi will never again allow the enemy to steal his joy, as he promises to be close and faithful to God since He is the love and the solution to all our problems!

The more we walk in the natural, the more satan rises and becomes bigger.  On the contrary, the more we walk by faith, the more satan becomes smaller.



The enemy of our soul uses nightmares to connect us to himself and bring absolute chaos! Mr. Luca from Italy did not sit with his arms crossed, but came to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica with his wife, to escape the plots of the enemy!

As Prophet Kastriot prayed for Mr. Luca during the prayer line, he gave him the following Prophetic word: “You have committed relationships with unclean spirits in your dreams! This is an unclean spirit that comes and wants to ruin your relationships in the family! From today it will be broken! You will be free and healed!”

Mr. Luca then wanted to expose the dark works of the enemy, as he said that the demonic attacks in his sleep began three months ago when he started watching pornographic material. He reported that at least twice a week he was experiencing these attacks! He also said that he was worried about these dreams because he knew that they were attacks coming from the enemy. When he had these dreams, his thoughts were affected, and lust increased within him, causing him to do unseemly things in the physical!

He added that because of these attacks in the dream, his relationship with his wife was destroyed!

However, God brought the solution to his life as He delivered him once and for all from the spirit of lust! Praise be to His name! Having indescribable joy, he promised God Almighty to remain close to Him and away from sin!

Are you determined to get rid of shame, guilt, and remorse, once and for all? Open your heart to Him and let Him uncover every darkness in your life, remaining steadfast in your relationship with Him!

In the pictures below, we see the Spirit of God expressing His power through His anointed Prophets, generously giving blessing, healing, deliverance, and whatever else those who had the honour of attending the service needed!

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