The believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica lived an extremely moving and spiritually renewing experience! With hearts full of expectation, people of all ages and backgrounds gathered, bringing their struggles, seeking healing, deliverance and a new beginning for their lives. The atmosphere was filled with hymns of praise and faith, creating an atmosphere where hope and anticipation for God’s miraculous touch were evident in every person. People from different parts of the world gathered together with one common conviction: that God Almighty would answer their prayers and bring the solution they had been seeking into their lives.

In such an atmosphere, man of God George Athanasiadis welcomed the attendees to the arena of freedom with an inspirational message entitled: “A LIFE OF FAITH.”

He began his message by asking the believers how many of them have children or younger siblings, to remind them of that unique time when a child takes its first steps. He described how there is no faster way for a child to grow than to take those small but crucial steps essential for their life. In the same way, we as Christians want to become like the heroes of faith we read about in the Bible, forgetting that, as Christians, we too are commanded to walk the small steps of faith with patience, because there is no shorter path to spiritual maturity! Therefore, if we want to taste all that the heroes of faith experienced, we must begin taking small steps of faith now!

The first Biblical passage was taken from Luke 8:43-48: “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. ‘Who touched me?’ Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you’. But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me’. Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace’”.

To better convey the message of this story, he decided to recreate it live, as he said, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Thus, he invited a few believers to re-enact the scene, bringing the moment before everyone’s eyes. As he explained, he mentioned that when Jesus Christ asked, “Who touched me?” he did not mean who touched him like all the others, who were simply near him in the scene. He meant who touched Him with faith, with a heart full of expectation and hope, recognising His power! It was that touch of faith that made the difference! The woman with the issue of blood touched Him in faith, and that faith was Christ’s kind of belief, which is the transforming power of the universe; the power to change from what you are to what you want to be!

Despite the suffering and frustration the woman with the issue of blood was experiencing, she focused her whole heart on Jesus Christ. Although she was still sick and in pain, she did not let her condition stop her – she turned to Him in faith, believing that only He had the power to deliver her, and that’s because faith focuses on Jesus Christ and not on problems, the Prophet said!

Then he took his second biblical passage from Mark 9:22-24: “And many times he cast him both into fire and into the waters to destroy him; but if you can do anything, help us by showing your bowels to us. And Jesus said to him: If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And immediately the father of the child, crying with tears, said: I believe, Lord; help me in my unbelief.

Based on this, the Prophet urged believers not to seek faith in themselves when they feel weak, but to turn to God to receive the faith they need. “Turn to the Word of God,” he urged them, “For God lives in His Word!”.

He also encouraged God’s children to bring each story of the Bible to life, putting themselves in the place of the heroes of the faith. In this way, we can become deeply aware that God is absolutely reliable! He explained that Faith grows spontaneously the moment you realise that God is reliable. Then, we will receive what we desire!

In closing the message, he read from the book of Habakkuk 3:17. With this passage, he wanted to encourage God’s children to base their faith not on the blessings they receive, but on the unshakable Word of God – a Word that remains unchanging in time. He urged them to rely on God’s eternal reliability and not on the occasional blessings they may see in their lives! So, if you are currently lacking in faith or feeling weak, ask God to help you in your unbelief, just as the father of the demon-possessed child did, the man of God George, stressed!


It is believed by many Christians around the world that attending church every Sunday and praying to God is enough to live a victorious life. The reality, however, contradicts us. Yes, praying to the Lord is a matter of life and death, but there is a time to pray in faith and a time to act in faith. The story of Mr. Dimitris from Giannitsa gives us the key to enjoy a life full of blessings!

He had the joy of confessing God’s goodness in his life through 2 separate blessings. First, since last spring he had been in search of a job. As it was normal, he sent his CV to several companies. Living on his own, he needed to find a job. However, he did not get a response from there. Seeing that a few months had already passed and he was still unemployed, he began to fill himself with anxiety and frustration. He made the right choice, though, by bringing his problem before the Lord, so he joined in the laying on of hands, praying that God would answer his request.

And it happened! A few days later, he received a message in his e-mail from a government agency regarding a job offer in a well-known company in his place of residence. On the same day, he called the manager of the company, with whom they arranged to talk in person after 2 days. In the meantime, Mr. Dimitris prepared himself for an interview. When the time came to meet in person, the company manager hired him straight away, without even asking him any further details regarding his previous work experiences!

Today, he works as a driver for this company and apart from a good salary, he enjoys very peaceful working conditions, with his job being only a 10-minute walk from his home!

One would expect, of course, that having his health, a job, a car and a house of his own, he would be satisfied with his life. We know, however, that God’s children are created for something much greater – to have a relationship with Almighty God and to make a difference in this world!

Mr. Dimitris, however, had no joy in him, but disappointment! The reason was that he had turned away from his Creator because of sin.

One weakness he had was lust, which sometimes led him to watch pornographic content. There was also anger in his life. He used to get angry easily and, in fact, the anger often turned into something much deeper – offence and unforgiveness. Giving 2 examples, he mentioned that he once argued with his sister to such an extent that it took him 1 month to talk to her again! Within that month, she was hospitalised for a few days, with Mr. Dimitris still not speaking to her.

A more powerful example, which he mentioned, was the fact that due to some events, he has not spoken to his father for the last 2 years. In general, because of his father’s bad behaviour towards him in the past, he was filled with a lot of bitterness towards him.

At the same time, Mr. Dimitris knew that neither lust nor impunity were from God, and he wanted to get rid of them. Because he was trying in his own strength to say “No” to sin, any attempt to reconnect with God was futile, and this constant shifting from darkness to light and back to darkness had tired him out psychologically and above all spiritually.

On the verge of giving up everything good in his life, one day he cried out to the Lord with all his heart. He asked God to give him a word and bring freedom into his life – and it happened! During the laying of hands, Prophet Javier gave the following prophetic word to Mr. Dimitris: “Don’t give up, keep fighting! Whatever you are seeking will come, but don’t give up, keep fighting”.

This word acted as a tonic to his spirit. As he said, “I felt the strength in me renewed and my hope rekindled!” Today his relationship with the Lord has been restored and prayer and study of His Word is now a pleasant habit for him! Indeed, the prophecy came at the right time in the life of this young man, who now realises that a wonderful future lies ahead of him, and he has promised Jesus Christ to always be with Him and have Him in his heart! Finally, his advice to the crowd was that no matter how big or small the sin in our lives, we should run to God. God is willing and able to forgive us!

Repentance is not only feeling sorrow for the sins committed but also breaking away from sin! Real change in a person’s life begins with an inner decision to pursue a path of meaning. The essence of transformation is found not only in sorrow for mistakes but in a commitment to a new beginning, with faith, hope and renewal of spirit.



In life, we often face situations that fill us with disappointment and cause negative thoughts, while worries and fears can even affect our dreams, making them restless and dark. These difficulties are part of the human experience, but we are not alone! God has the power to bring light to our dark moments, to transform disappointment into hope and to fill our hearts with peace and trust in His plan!

Ms. Ilda came to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica full of worries. During the prayer, Prophet George Christodoulou prayed for her, and gave her the following saving prophecy, “I see that you are disappointed with your life! You are constantly trying to find joy but it is difficult for you. You are constantly in a sad mood! This happens mainly when you are alone at home. You think too much and most of your thoughts are negative! As God reveals this today, you will be free! But you must fight it, do not let negative thoughts affect your life, health and mind!”.


Hearing these words, Mrs. Ilda happily confirmed the prophecy, recounting some of the events that occurred before she took part in the prayer. She revealed that it all started after the birth of her baby! No matter how hard she tried to feel happy, even for this pleasant event, she couldn’t. This situation even affected their dental clinic, where she was responsible for approaching new clients. Since she did not have time because of the baby, the number of costumers they had decreased, which deeply disappointed her, as well as her family.

During the day, she often felt lonely and neglected. She was afraid for her future, her family and her job. These negative thoughts also affected her dreams, which became restless. Mrs. Ilda shared one of them and said that one night, she saw a big monster at the door of her house asking for help because it had been injured. Since she was a person who generally helped others, she told this monster that her husband was a doctor and could help him. When she opened the door slightly and saw how big this monster was, she immediately closed it! Later, she shared the dream with her husband and, to her surprise, he confided in her that he also had these kind of dreams!

Referring to her husband, Mrs. Ilda said that although their relationship was not bad, they faced various problems. He had his own routine – the gym, work and his friends – but this did not fit into her daily life, since she also needed time for herself and she also needed his support.

Mrs. Ilda often prayed to have a pure heart, full of positive thoughts about people, work, family and her life. Although she tried to focus on the good – her health, her family, her beloved job – the difficulty remained.

Now, Mrs. Ilda noted that she feels very good after the prophecy she received. She is determined to replace all negative thoughts with positive ones, to pray and to have her own quality time with Jesus Christ!

In order to commit to God, she promised to be positive and not have negative thoughts about people, life and her work and to always try to find the positive side of things and situations!

To the extent that you think the thoughts of Christ, to that same extent do you have the presence of God in your life. The extent to which you reject His light, to that extent will you be filled with terrifying darkness. Where disappointment and negative thoughts have become a burden in everyday life, God reveals His love and grace, renewing the heart and faith. Glory to God, who is always present, offering hope, peace and joy to His people!



Many of us carry burdens that we do not even know their source. Invisible chains, situations that seem to hold us back despite our efforts to move forward, and inexplicable obstacles that make everyday life more difficult. While we struggle to understand the origin of these problems, the truth may lie in deeper, darker paths that we do not even suspect. This was the story of Ms. Anna-Maria from Brazil…

Ms. Anna-Maria visited many different places to find a solution to her problem, until she ended up at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica. There, Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her and gave her the following prophetic word: “I see occultism in your family. Your ancestors were involved in astrology, witchcraft, cup reading, zodiac signs, interpretation, white magic on the moon, which means they were connected to unclean spirits. And all this now affects you, because these chains of darkness have not been broken, and they come with bad dreams, with seeing snakes chasing you in your dreams, with seeing dead people, with getting sick, with not being able to make a right decision in your life! But today they will be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ, as the Lord heard your prayer because you prayed intensely and with faith!”


Indeed, Mrs. Anna-Maria confirmed that the practice of white magic is common in her country. In fact, she had heard stories about this practice from her great-grandfathers, but she did not know the details, nor had she ever personally participated in anything similar.

She was facing various health problems, the most serious of which was bleeding that led to the surgical removal of her uterus! Regarding the indecisiveness that the Prophetess referred to, she confessed that she was very confused all the time and had difficulty making decisions about anything in her life, despite having good intentions. Her dreams, as the Prophetess also mentioned, were strange and did not make sense. For years, she felt very frustrated because she could not understand the reason why she had these problems and why she could not progress. However, she did not give up, and insisted on praying continuously!

During the prayer, she felt the power and fire of God, and was filled with joy that God had found her! Now she feels as if a great weight has been lifted from her and she knows that she and her family are free forever! Finally, she promised God to do His will 100%!

Each time you act on the Word of God, you step closer to God and hear His voice clearer, but each time you focus on this world and choose worldly consideration above God, you step closer to satan. Therefore, guard your heart and mind, and leave your problem in the hands of your Supporter!


Recurrent nightmares and bad dreams are not just unpleasant nighttime experiences, they often leave a strong psychological imprint that lasts throughout the day. Anxiety, fear, and mental fatigue follow people who experience these dreams, affecting their self-confidence, their concentration at work, and their mood. Poor sleep leaves them exhausted, reducing their endurance and productivity. Those who struggle with such experiences desire to find relief and regain their peace of mind, hoping to be free from the burdens they carry, even in their sleep.

One such case was Mr. Peter who came to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica looking for a solution to his problem. So, during the prayer line he received a prophetic word from the Man of God, George Athanasiadis, who told him: “Your headache is not normal. It is not a normal headache! It happens when you are attacked. It can be in your job, it can be in your house. All of a sudden you are attacked, and you have a headache out of nowhere! Look at you, you are a very well, well bodied man, very healthy, but out of nowhere, attack! Today you are free though. Every evil spirit that was attacking you, also in your dream, giving you headaches, chasing you, shooting you, all these things, it is over!”

Mr. Peter confirmed the words of the Man of God, stating that he had indeed experienced attacks and persecutions in his dreams, which were particularly complex and confusing. As he pointed out, the prophecy was absolutely accurate! Every time he woke up, he felt terror, anxiety and confusion – situations that often led to panic attacks.

These dreams also affected his work, as he had difficulty concentrating, while his mind remained constantly occupied with them. He wanted to remain calm and sleep peacefully, but dreams prevented him from fulfilling his basic duties as a man. In fact, once, when he woke up, he found that there were marks on his leg, which happened repeatedly for some time. He believed that these were attacks.

After praying, he felt that this prophetic intervention brought him freedom and relief. He also believed that God was offering him a new opportunity for a better and more virtuous life.

He promised to follow God’s will and keep His Word alive in his heart, wanting to focus on His will and not his own!

God is more interested in our future than our present situation! The difficulties we face are not the end, but part of our journey! God works to free us from everything that weighs us down and lead us to a life full of peace, without fear and pain!

See below some photos that capture the power of Jesus Christ at work in the lives of people who stood in faith, expecting a miraculous touch from God Almighty!

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In a warm and spiritually refreshing atmosphere, the believers raised their voices and hearts with hymns of praise to God. The auditorium was filled with deep feelings of gratitude, faith and joy as those present prayed and sang with all their hearts. In this atmosphere of faith and praise, the believers…

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With hearts filled with anticipation and faith, the congregation gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, eager to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere, the man of God, George Christodoulou, took the pulpit with a powerful message for every…

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In an atmosphere filled with awe, worship, and unwavering faith, people from all corners of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, hoping to witness the hand of God that would bring the long-awaited solutions they had sought in their lives. Soon, man of God Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love. Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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In a joyful and spiritual atmosphere, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica gathered to worship and praise God. The message entitled “MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES” was given by man of God Javier, encouraging believers to change their lifestyle one small step at a time and teaching…

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