The Holy Spirit was present in the church during the Christmas celebration. People from all over the world traveled to attend this special Sunday Service in which the Savior of the world played the main role. Every part of the celebration stated an unquestionable message: “Jesus Christ was born, He lived and He died on the Cross to restore the relationship and fellowship between God and man, once and for all!”
Many were the Christmas hymns and songs as well! Each and every one of them spoke to the hearts of those present, who were attentively watching the event. “Holy Night” created a variety of feelings since every lyric described the Holy night the Messiah was born. A night that actually changed the course of human history forever. Afterwards, modern songs like “MaryDidYouKnow”, “The King Shall Reign”, “Haveyourself Α MerryLittleChristmas”, “Noel” and “O Come Emmanuel”, touched the hearts of the young people who realized the amazing grace that lies in living in Christ Jesus!
The Sunday School children also presented a special program that started with singing and dancing, and ended up in a pantomime which transferred a very loud message to those watching! A young man, chained up by the devil and his agents, approaches Jesus Christ. Then, the angels of God after a battle against the powers of darkness, break every chain that held him bound and include him in the family of the Heavenly Father!
Later on, the story of the Prodigal Son was presented in order to touch the believers’ hearts! The workers of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, along with the youth, did their best to convey the message of this parable as well as possible and to become the reason for all people who have drawn away from God to come back to Him! Filled with a great sense of humor, the play peaked when the father accepted his son back with tears of joy. One of the most important messages was, “God is always ready to readmit His people, who come to Him in humility and repentance, to the right position in His glory!”.
Therefore, if you feel like a prodigal son today, if you see your dreams being shattered on the rocks of your wrong choices, if you realized you lost your way and you are heading for destruction, then, listen to the voice of God telling you, “All of us made mistakes, all of us made decisions we regret and all of us can be forgiven and start over. It is not your failure that matters to God, it is not your weakness that matters to God but your willingness to get out of it!”. Therefore, if you realized that your life needs a change this Christmas, do not let the guilt of your sins rob the peace you receive from Jesus Christ’s forgiveness. Jesus Christ is ready to forgive you and take you back as His child. This Christmas, may you receive the new life the Savior of the world came to bring!
After the special celebration, the man of God preached a short but meaningful message, intending to advise the people of God to review this year which is coming to an end. He pointed out that it is an opportunity to look back and see how many of our actions did not glorify God. As he explained, the activities that benefit our flesh come from the spirit of the world and destroy our soul and our relationship with God. So, this Christmas is a chance to reconsider our life and make some important decisions!
Summarizing, the man of God encouraged the people by saying that everyone made mistakes in the past and we have all acted as prodigal sons. However, we should stop condemning ourselves because there is no mistake Jesus Christ cannot forgive. Mistakes are correctable! Hence, we should thank Him for He has forgiven us and He has put an end to our past. Let this year’s Christmas be a new page in the story of our lives!
Below we see photos of people who decided to approach God and seek divine intervention for every issue troubling them, so this New Year will be a year with a difference, in the name of Jesus Christ!