With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. As the worship team led the congregation in praise, the room overflowed with hymns of gratitude, lifting their voices to Heaven! Every hymn and every prayer reflected complete trust in the Lord—the One who saves, heals, and renews the lives of His children. The atmosphere was filled with the intense presence of God, encouraging each heart to draw closer to Him!

In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!” A message intended to remind us of the importance of faith and devotion to God, no matter the challenges we face!

The Prophet began by mentioning that people often pray to God with faith, asking Him to intervene in their lives. However, despair and doubt can lead them to question God’s presence and love, when the answer seems delayed.

To support his point, he referred to the story of Daniel and read from the Book of Daniel 6:10-16, 26: Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before… So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions’ den. […] ‘I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom, people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. “For he is the living God  and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed,  his dominion will never end’.”

As he read these verses, Prophet George emphasised that, despite the threat of death, Daniel did not stop praying or praising God. Instead of hiding due to the new decree, he opened his windows toward Jerusalem and prayed with complete trust, as he used to do. Daniel did not rely on alternative solutions or human strategies but he firmly believed that God would deliver him—even from the lions’ den!

Moreover, the Prophet highlighted that Daniel’s faith was an act of complete trust in God. This faith was not a momentary emotion or a desperate act, but a way of life. If Daniel had chosen to close his windows or pray secretly, he would not have brought the same glory to God. His example teaches us that God does not honour the alternative solutions we devise to avoid faith but responds to undivided devotion and trust in Him.

Later on, the Prophet explained that faith is not a panic button pushed only when in trouble; it is a lifestyle of trusting God, in both good and hard times. He used the example of people who pray to God for blessings but simultaneously choose their ways to solve their problems. For instance, someone may pray for financial prosperity but then invest their money in gambling, believing they will be blessed quickly. Yet, the Bible teaches us that “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle!” he highlighted. True trust in God leads to peace and discipline, even when circumstances seem uncertain!

In conclusion, the Prophet emphasised that satan cannot touch a believer who walks in faith and fully trusts in God! Daniel’s example shows us that faith requires sacrifice and complete dedication. Even when everything around us seems adrift, we must remember that God is working the answer our prayers right now. Faith is not a temporary condition but the foundation of our relationship with God, Who calls us to completely trust Him —in both good and hard times!


In a generation plagued by society’s challenges and the demands of daily life, many people, especially the young, feel lost and trapped in dead ends. Insecurity, disappointment, and a lack of perspective, often result in despair. However, there is true hope, a path that leads to real joy: seek your solution in Jesus Christ, the only true source of strength and salvation. Ms. Maria came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to give all glory to God Almighty and testify to the miraculous work He has done in her life!

It all began when, at just 17 years old, Ms. Maria began experiencing intense grief. Outwardly, her life seemed ideal. Her friends and family thought she was happy and cheerful, but within herself, she felt an unbearable emptiness. The situation worsened when she reached her senior year of high school. Instead of preparing for her final entrance National Examination with confidence, she was overwhelmed by thoughts of failure. She believed she had no hope of success as she struggled with concentration. Every time she tried to study, she would immediately forget what she had studied, making her feel helpless.

Sometime later, a good friend invited her to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica. Her life changed radically! The void that had tormented her for years was suddenly filled with peace and a sense of fulfilment she had never experienced before. As she tearfully recounted, it was the first time she felt the power of God touching her heart. This experience made her realise that God works in unique ways, using the right people!

With determination and faith, Ms. Maria decided to join the discipleship program at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, with the purpose to gain valuable life knowledge and deepen her relationship with God under the guidance of the man of God, Harry. Through his advice and encouragement, she achieved something she had considered impossible: her admission to the School of Business Administration in Grevena. Although this was a significant accomplishment, her heart longed to study in Thessalonica. Filled with faith, she confided her desire to the man of God, Harry, who assured her with absolute certainty that she would succeed in transferring to the school she desired!

Encouraged by his words, she proceeded with faith through the process. Even though she did not meet all the standard criteria for the transfer, her application was accepted!

As Mr. Maria began attending classes, she initially showed determination to succeed. However, as time passed, she struggled to meet the academic demands. Failures accumulated, and by her third year, she failed nearly 31 courses, leaving her deeply discouraged. At that time, something unexpected happened: a new law was enacted, granting students from technical institutes the opportunity to obtain a university degree. Faced with this new opportunity, Ms. Maria once again sought the advice of the man of God. He encouraged her not to let this opportunity slip away, urging her to take the additional courses needed for a university degree.

Initially hesitant, as the prospect of more courses felt even more overwhelming, she ultimately decided to trust his advice. With faith and determination, she moved forward, knowing God would be with her every step of the way. After tremendous effort and the invaluable guidance of the man of God, Ms. Maria managed to reduce the number of courses to just one to get her degree. However, this final course, though seemingly easy, became a significant obstacle as she had failed it multiple times before.

Unable to overcome this difficulty, she decided to once again share her problem with the man of God, Harry. He advised her to meet with her professor and request a re-evaluation. Although the idea seemed simple, it seemed impossible to her. She knew this particular professor was known for his strictness and was convinced he would refuse such a request. Nevertheless, she decided to act! She sought out the professor during his office hours according to the school’s schedule, but he was never there. One day, however, when she least expected it, she noticed a slightly open door. To her great surprise, the professor was inside the room!

Summoning courage, she expressed her desire for a chance to retake the course. As she feared, the professor categorically refused. Despite her disappointment, she returned home with the conviction that having followed the guidance of the man of God, Harry, God would make a way. A few hours later, when she turned her computer on, she saw an email from her professor! To her amazement, he had decided to grant her the opportunity to retake the course! Filled with faith and confidence that God was with her, she studied and retook the exam. This time, she succeeded! Thus, Ms. Maria managed to obtain her degree by the grace of God!

Deeply moved, she advised the children of God to find a mentor, as it was the only thing that helped her, and to follow the instructions of the man of God. Finally, she promised to serve Him for the rest of her life and glorify His name throughout her life!

When your life seems to have reached a dead end and your efforts appear fruitless, that is the right time to seek a mentor! Someone who can guide you in life, as we all need well-informed, inspired people to succeed in this life!


Many times, we see in fantasy or fiction films people going through incredibly tragic situations. Situations that, if someone told us their neighbour was experiencing, we might find it hard to believe. However, the reality of life shows us that as long as the battle between good and evil exists, the devil will always do his best to steal, kill, and destroy. And the question that arises is, what will you do with Jesus Christ today?

However, Ms. Acqueline made the right decision by coming to the Arena of Freedom — the Arena where there is a solution to every problem, all the way from the United Kingdom as she declared!

During the laying on of hands, Prophet Stavros prayed for her when a demon manifested, saying: “I have been in this family for a long time! She is working, but she has nothing to show! They used to serve me; I am the spirit of the ancestors! I’ve killed four of her siblings; they died in November. Her brother had a headache, and 2-3 days later, he died! She has one sister left, who hates her! They used to kill cows to appease me, but they stopped. She wants to worship God – what a disgrace! Who is she? ‘God, God, T.B. Joshua!’ She must serve me; if not, nothing will work!” After allowing the unclean spirit to speak, the man of God commanded it to leave, and Ms. Acquelline was free in the name of Jesus Christ!

After this remarkable deliverance, she shared more shocking details about the destructive actions of the demon in her life. Indeed, she remembered as a child seeing her family members serving an ancestral spirit. Each year, they performed various rituals, sacrificing cows or goats after receiving the necessary advice from various witch doctors.

Regarding her career, she had been working for many years but without any significant outcome.

As for the deaths in her family, she lost two brothers and two sisters, all of whom had gone through multiple divorces before passing away, just as Ms. Acqueline herself had been divorced in the past. The common thread in all these deaths was that all four occurred in different years but in the same month—November!

She still has one sister alive, but their relationship is far from good. Despite her efforts to approach her sister and even apologise for mistakes she did not commit, the results were insignificant. Her sister had even been hospitalised in the past due to bone cancer, and it was Ms. Acqueline who cared for her and prayed for her. Not only that, but she also prayed for her sister with anointed water—one of the means God uses to bless His people—which she had obtained from the Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria. Having unwavering faith that God would heal her, she saw her sister walking again just a week later, despite having previously been bedridden! Unfortunately, she waited in vain for their relationship to be restored, as her sister became upset when Ms. Acqueline refused her invitation to participate in water spirit rituals.

As if all this weren’t enough, one time, while riding in a taxi to work, another car crashed into them on the side where she was sitting. A similar accident almost happened a second time when the other driver stopped at the last moment, just before colliding with Ms. Acqueline’s vehicle. She prayed every time she left her house for God’s protection.

Even in her sleep, she found no peace. She dreamt of her deceased relatives, and a few days before receiving prayer, a man came to her in her dreams, attempting to sleep with her.

At the same time, she suffered from high blood pressure and sleep apnea, relying on an oxygen machine to breathe while sleeping.

Sorrow and sadness overflowed her life until she laid her problems before the Cross of Calvary, where the price was paid for her salvation, healing, and freedom!

“I feel like I want to fly with joy!” These were the words she said to the camera about how she felt after receiving her blessing. Finally, she promised to serve God Almighty all the days of her life!

This woman saw Jesus Christ as the only solution and didn’t look for alternative options. That is why He gave her a new life—because God also understands the language of sighs, tears, prayers, and the genuine desires of the heart of a faithful person!


It is widely accepted that one’s childhood can determine to an overwhelming degree one’s later adult life. If, for example, a child experiences a difficult situation in their family, it is more likely that some faults in their character or behaviour will present in adulthood. This is the human perspective. What, therefore, is God’s perspective? The answer lies in the following lines!

From faraway Australia, Ms. Vanessa decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, seeking the face of God for her future. Seeing her heart, the Lord told her through Prophet Stavros: “I see that you have passed through a difficult childhood, but God has a calling for you. He wants you to help people who have passed through the same thing, to help problematic children from problematic families. Whatever you passed through you should be happy because God used it to give you some life lessons. If you continue to be faithful to God, you will see that you will be a great philanthropist in the future. This is your calling, you may try other things, you are free, but I am telling you what God has called you to do.”

These words were a balm of relief to Ms. Vanessa’s heart and mind! She shared that her childhood was filled with difficult situations, which continued until she left her childhood home just over a year ago. By the time she managed to get back on her feet, she was desperate to escape her past circumstances.

Regarding her calling, she confirmed it wholeheartedly. She recalled that someone had once told her she would help others in the future, as long as she remained faithful to the Lord, echoing the servant of God’s words. It is her desire to help children who have faced unpleasant situations, just as she did.

Feeling assured of what Jesus Christ wants to accomplish through her, she promised to strengthen her relationship with Him!

If you don’t know your purpose in life, you are likely to be overwhelmed by the happenings around you and begin to take actions that can destroy relationships beyond repair. This young woman knew her calling in life, may you also discover God’s purpose for your life!


When frustration and procrastination prevail, many people surrender to routine, believing nothing can change. Dreams seem distant, goals seem meaningless, and life is reduced to the bare essentials. Yet, every day offers a new opportunity. Even small moves or decisions can bring hope and light. It is never too late for a fresh start, to find joy, and to give one’s life new purpose. Everyone deserves a second chance, and hope can return, as long as the first step is taken.

Ms. Lydia experienced something similar. She came to the Christian Church Of All Nations — Thessalonica, seeking guidance in the darkness of her daily life. During the prayer line, Ms. Lydia received a prophetic word from man of God George Christodoulou, who said to her: “I see disappointment in your life. You also don’t have goals in your life, you think that your life is over and you say, “What should I do? Just the daily stuff. I have done what I have done,” and you let the days pass without doing anything for your life. Don’t give up! God does not want us to give up on life. Moses was 80 years old when he started the work of god, so it is never too late to renew your relationship with God and start doing things.”

Ms. Lydia from Australia confirmed the prophetic word in her life, stating that she was indeed experiencing frustration, particularly in her relationship with her family, which prevented her from moving forward. Through the Prophet’s words, she realised she needed to leave the past behind and focus on the future and God’s plan.

After the prophecy, she felt her life opening up to new horizons. Filled with newfound hope and strength, she feels she received the boost she needed to continue. Finally, she promised to dedicate her life to God and to trust Him completely.

When Jesus becomes your Coach, you will be asked to see what is not yet seen, to do what is not yet done, to say what is not yet said. The future always offers opportunities for renewal and change, provided there is faith, determination, and a willingness to trust God’s plan for our lives.


In a challenging time, many marriages are tested by intense conflict, lack of communication, and frustration. When two people struggle to coexist, relationships often become strained, and love appears lost in the tension. However, no marriage is perfect, and every difficulty can be an opportunity for growth. God can be the foundation for marriage restoration. With faith, prayer, and His help, wounded relationships can be mended and resurrected. Trusting in God’s power and seeking His guidance together can lead to reconciliation and relationship renewal.

Similar was the example of the life of Ms. Sylvia from Switzerland who, during the prayer line, received a prophetic word from man of God George Christodoulou, who said to her: “You are very strong-minded, but you use it for wrong purpose, this why you have problems in your marriage. Being strong-minded, if you use it for God’s glory, to do the work of God, it will come out for good. When you use it to prove that you are right in your household, that your husband is wrong, and so is everybody else, this will lead you to destruction, this is pride.” When she told him that her disband doesn’t like to hear about God, the man of God answered, “In God’s time he will listen. The Word of God teaches us, if you have a husband who is not a believer, don’t divorce him, because you don’t; maybe through you, your husband will become a believer. Therefore, through your character, he will believe in Jesus Christ and agree and cooperate with you to solve your marital problems.” “My husband and I have stayed in different houses for more than 10 years, and whenever we try to lie together, I have a dream that a woman comes and laughs at me.” “This is a spiritual attack. We will pray now and speak later in the office.”

Sometime later, an unclean spirit manifested through her at the laying of hands, while man of God Stavros prayed for her: “Her family did witchcraft. I destroy them because she has a star. She is doing a lot, she is working for the family. Some people in the family are doing witchcraft, they talk to her because they need her, she always helps. I want to destroy her because she has a star, she sees God. I have been in her body since she was a child.

A few hours after the service, she confirmed what was said, stressing that everything the man of God said about her life was true. She admitted that she would often come in conflict with her husband, as he found it difficult to express his love. When he would return from work, Ms. Sylvia had hopes that he would show interest in her – all in vain, which made her feel frustrated and angry. This emotional upheaval led her to frequent outbursts of anger, which in turn disrupted her marriage to such an extent that she felt the need to distance herself from her husband completely. In this situation, she even began to consider divorce as a solution.

However, after the prophetic word, she reconsidered her course of action and decided to give her relationship another chance. At the same time, she made the decision to control her anger and trust in Divine intervention, to become an example of love and kindness to her husband. She hopes that this attitude will open his heart and bring harmony to their home.

After the prayer, Ms. Silvia claimed that there had already been a breakthrough and blessings in her life.

She then confirmed the words of the unclean spirit that manifested through her. She began by stating that there was witchcraft in the family, and that her whole family was affected financially because they spent all their money on magic. Specifically, they went to people, witch-doctors, who fed them and made them feel extraordinary.

As for her, Ms. Sylvia had emigrated to Switzerland to work and become financially independent, having grown up in extreme poverty. Nevertheless, she ended up supporting her entire family by providing money for the education of her sisters’ children and grandchildren. She financially supported over twenty children in the hope that future generations would have a better future.

She also revealed that for a long time, she was tormented by nightmares, which deprived her of sleep. She often woke up in the middle of the night and resorted to prayer until late at night. In addition, she stated that she had experienced demonic attacks, with a recurring dream in which a woman laughed ironically whenever she tried to have affection with her husband.

Today, she feels grateful to have been set free from all these shackles and is determined to remain humble in her marriage. She has promised to follow Jesus Christ for her entire life, leaving behind the mistakes of the past. She firmly believes that God’s love has helped her to correct her life and find inner peace.

The greatest love that Jesus Christ has given us is the opportunity to correct our mistakes. This love calls us to live in humility, faith and forgiveness, always seeking God’s truth and light.

The following images illustrate the power of God manifested among believers, giving deliverance, healing, and spiritual victory in the glorious and powerful name of Jesus Christ!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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In a warm and spiritually refreshing atmosphere, the believers raised their voices and hearts with hymns of praise to God. The auditorium was filled with deep feelings of gratitude, faith and joy as those present prayed and sang with all their hearts. In this atmosphere of faith and praise, the believers…

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With time already ticking down to the arrival of the new year, the children of God gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica! They were waiting to hear a message that would give them the right advice and the truth is that God did not disappoint them, as the message of Prophet Javier was entitled “RENEW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!”…

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With hearts filled with anticipation and faith, the congregation gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, eager to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere, the man of God, George Christodoulou, took the pulpit with a powerful message for every…

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In an atmosphere filled with awe, worship, and unwavering faith, people from all corners of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, hoping to witness the hand of God that would bring the long-awaited solutions they had sought in their lives. Soon, man of God Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love. Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”…

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What all the believers at the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica observed was the happiness, peace and rejoicing on the faces of the other people! To this atmosphere of faith was added the message of the woman of God Evgenia, entitled “HOW TO BEAT TEMPTATION”, a message that can…

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In a joyful and spiritual atmosphere, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica gathered to worship and praise God. The message entitled “MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES” was given by man of God Javier, encouraging believers to change their lifestyle one small step at a time and teaching…

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The believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica lived an extremely moving and spiritually renewing experience! With hearts full of expectation, people of all ages and backgrounds gathered. In such an atmosphere, man of God George Athanasiadis welcomed the attendees to the arena of freedom…

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