On the last Sunday of the year, believers gathered in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive encouragement, blessing and guidance for the new year. Along with the worship team, they praised God and thanked Him for everything He has done in the past year.
Later on, the man of God Giannis shared with the children of God a God-inspired message, entitled “FORGIVENESS IS NOT AN OPTION”, thus giving some useful “tools” to be able to make a difference in the new year. He explained that everybody always wants to make a difference, yet they are not determined nor informed on how to achieve that. In more detail, he said that many Christians consider themselves born again, without asking themselves the necessary questions; who they have offended, or who has offended them. As Christians, however, either we’ve been offended by others, or we have offended others, forgiveness is not an option, it is a command! So, we either obey God by forgiving, or we don’t obey Him by cultivating unforgiveness in our hearts.

The first Biblical text was taken from Luke 23:34: “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’” commenting that if the Lord forgave His tormentors, who are we to act in a different way? He even pointed out that the reason we find it very difficult to forgive is because of our emotions, because when you allow your emotions and difficult situations around you to control you, they prevent you from forgiving, and you become ineffective to God, in other words, a useless tool! God cannot use a heart full of unforgiveness, which is the reason why it is one of satan’s greatest traps.
Wanting to stretch the seriousness of the situation, he explained that the way we handle offence is the reason why the devil steals God’s blessings from us. So, to the question, “How can I forgive someone who deeply hurt me?” the Word of God, in Matthew 6:14-15, answers: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” We are all sinners, therefore we all need forgiveness. In fact, the one holding onto offence is the one who suffers the most!

The Prophet pointed out that in order to remove forgiveness, we must truly repent, that is, change our way of life, and that will only happen if we serve God, which means serving people in need. Finally, he urged the believers to leave the past in the past, and follow the example of Jesus, who lived a life of obedience to the Father!

Mrs. Olivia from Zimbabwe, resident of England, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify about what she has experienced in her life!
She started by saying that 6 years ago she had the desire to get a driving licence. Her husband was helping her by giving her lessons, but still she felt discouraged. One day, she forgot to put on the parking brake and the car started to roll on its own; from that moment on, she lost her confidence. After that experience, she felt bad because she couldn’t be independent and drive her daughter to school, she was forced to take the bus and lose a lot of time.
Feeling stressed for 6 years she tried to get the licence, and she failed the exams four times! Every time she failed, she felt shame and even more discouraged. Tired of her failure, she decided to trust her case to God, knowing that distance is no barrier to Him! So, she called the SCOAN prayer line, and then she went in faith, for the fifth time, to take the exam for a driving licence. To her surprise, on that day she had peace in her heart, and as a result she passed the exam and got her driving licence!

Wanting to share another testimony with the congregation, she said she wanted to to get citizenship of the country in which she resides, the United Kingdom. However, it wasn’t easy, because she had to pass two writing exams first. In the first examination she succeeded, but in the second she got scared, and so, before the test, she sought the hand of God. Therefore, she came and took part in the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. As the man of the God Harry prayed for her, he said to her: “Be strong with the Lord! Nothing happens in your life without God’s control. You have to be strong. Because your child needs you. It is true some challenges have been happening, but this challenge is not to destroy you, it’s for the glory of God! So be strong, don’t give up, don’t lose hope!”

After receiving prayer, she went back to England and took the exam, which had 24 questions. She pointed out that while this examination lasted 1 hour, she completed it in a few minutes! By the grace of God, she managed to get her English citizenship and her English passport! In fact, yet another prayer was answered – the Lord blessed her with a wonderful house and a wonderful car!
Her advice to the congregation is to trust God and to thank Him, because no matter what we go through, God is in control! Her promise to God Almighty is to serve Him and trust Him.
When God is involved in your case, then surely, better is not good enough, the best is yet to come!

Ms. Ethel’s life took a tumultuous turn when both her parents died unexpectedly, and she and her siblings were adopted by their aunt. That is when her life stopped progressing. Faced with multiple divorces and a troubled relationship, she sought a fresh start at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, hoping to leave her past behind as the new year approached!
Opportuned to join the prayer line, Man of God Giannis prayed for her, and an evil spirit began to speak out, “I am satan, she is suffering, I killed them—her mother, her brother, her father, and now she must go! I have caused three men now to not want to marry her. I don’t want her to succeed! Her money comes and goes, it’s because of me. She is my wife!” When the unclean spirit was cast out, Man of God Giannis reassured Ms. Ethel that God would give her back everything that satan had stolen from her. Ms. Ethel felt heat as the man of God approached, and then a profound sense of freedom!
Grateful for her deliverance, Ms. Ethel confirmed what the evil spirit was saying. She had a troubled childhood, marked by the sudden deaths of her parents, brother, and grandmother. Orphaned, she and her siblings moved from one relative’s house to another. Growing up she constantly had nightmares with dead people, and one of a black dog chasing her that would always occur before any school test, which made her fail every time. While other classmates progressed, she found herself stagnant, always falling behind the class for years. Her adulthood was marred by two failed marriages, mirroring similar issues among her siblings – she noticed that they were either unmarried or divorced. This made her realise that something was wrong in her family, but she didn’t know how to overcome it. Thankfully, a friend introduced her to the SCOAN Thessalonica!

Ms. Ethel not only looks forward to the new year, but also her new life, free from the constant nightmares, spirit of death, and they cycle of disappointment and stagnation. She promised to stay close to God, expressing her commitment to become a true Christian.
Your present situation, no matter how hard it is, is meant for your spiritual benefit because if your challenge causes you to depend on God, this means, your challenges are meant for promotion.

The Word of God rightly states that His people are perishing because of ignorance, which is no excuse. Although Mr. Mwenda from the UK did not know about his ancestors’ past, this did not prevent any demonic activity in his life…
Upon coming to the church, he attended the service, and at the time of the laying of hands he received a prophetic word from the Man of God Kastriot: “This is not the first time you have experienced God today. Today is the day of your deliverance! There is an idol in the family, from way back, from your forefathers. They worshipped idols! They had them as gods. Images of wood, of stone, and on them they sacrificed chickens, various animals, they had them as gods, supposedly to make their lives go well. These idols are demons! They have come into your life causing destruction! Disease, death… […] Thank God you came here today, because through you the whole family will be delivered! As of today, the past is over! God will be with you, in your home, in your heart, in your life!”
Words could not describe how touched Mr. Mwenda was! In confirming each part of the prophecy individually, he first mentioned that a few months ago he visited SCOAN Nigeria, where he felt the presence of God!

Regarding the idols his ancestors worshipped, he did not know anything about it, but he undoubtedly saw the negative effects on his daily life and his own people. In particular, he would sometimes see various reptiles and snakes chasing him in the dream. The next morning, he would be full of anxiety, wondering about the origin of these dreams…
His finances were not going so well either. For 8 consecutive years he had been working in his country of origin, Zambia. Due to certain circumstances, he was forced to resign. Upon his return to the UK, it took him long to find work, which left him without an income for 4 months, which was certainly a difficult time for him as a family man.
There is also a history of illness in his family. For example, his brother suffers from diabetes and hypertension, one of his nieces suffers from various health problems, and 3 of his siblings died in one year!
As he himself confessed, before he was left without work, his relationship with God was not at the level it should have been. That is, until he decided to draw closer to Him and seek His face – and God found him! Mr. Mwenda looks to his future with optimism and believes that his life will be a testimony that Jesus Christ is alive and still saves and changes lives! His promise is to honour Him for the rest of his life!
The first place to be victorious is in our spiritual life and in our mind because victory does not start around us; it begins within us.
Ms. Olivia came with her daughter, Heart, to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, for a blessed service. In fact, Heart is a miracle from the Lord, as her mother, after being unable to get pregnant for long, received prayer from Man of God Harry, and then conceived!
The blessings of this family, however, have only just begun, as when Man of God Kastriot approached them, he gave this prophecy, “Your daughter has a star. She has love. She will become a woman of great charity work. Remember this day! For her calling and her star to be fulfilled, you must lead her in God’s way to maintain it. Only God can sustain her and fulfill His promise in her life. The enemy is not pleased about it. Remind her of this day!”.
Confirming the words of the Prophet, Ms. Olivia spoke about young Heart, saying that she is indeed a child with much love. Heart likes to help people, whether they are on the street or in her environment. She is kind to everyone, and often gets praises from her school because of the help she offers to her classmates! Her character is unique and she is very mature for her age.
Ms. Olivia thanked God for her blessed child and promised to serve Him and teach little Heart the ways of God!
A true Christian should see giving as an assignment from God. No one is too small or too big to do the right thing!
In the pictures below we see the power of God sowing freedom, healing and deliverance!