The service of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica was very special once again! The prayers and thanksgiving of the believers created an atmosphere of gratitude, and in great harmony with the worshippers, they raised their voices to the Almighty God who rules the earth and Heaven!
After the wonderful worship came the time for the preaching of the Word of God. The sermon of Prophetess Evgenia titled “GOD IS HAPPY WITH YOUR CHANGE!” helped the crowd realise that God is a caring Father who receives joy when we ask Him to change us!

Undeniably, we all have some bad habits, which can turn into addictions if we do them continuously. Because of these, even though God gave us a good destiny, it can change if we don’t know where we are destined to be!
Later, the woman of God took her reading from Matthew 23:25-26: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean”. From these verses, we understand that many Christians are extremely attached to traditions and religiousness. These cannot open our spiritual eyes so that we can truly change. In other words, Christianity is not a religion, but a true relationship with God, she concluded.

As a negative example, the Prophetess brought up that of the Israelites. The miracles that the last of them saw were not few, but that did not prevent them from complaining about the things they didn’t have. In other words, they were superficial Christians, which is the reason why most of them did not enter the Promised Land…
A positive example was that of Zacchaeus, whose story the Prophetess read from Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus acknowledged Jesus Christ and accepted Him as his Lord. Also, he recognised that he had been unjust to people as a tax collector because he was brought to remorse by his conscience, which guided him to repentance. This is our only hope in order to receive the grace of God: repenting from our mistakes, she added. When you truly repent and get tired of your bad habits, then you will be accepted by Jesus Christ and you will overcome! Thus, not only will God be happy with your change, but you will also start attracting others to follow Jesus Christ!

Mr. Charles came from Canada to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with the purpose to receive the Heavenly blessings that the Lord had already prepared for him and his family!
While the Prophetess Evgenia was praying for him, she told him: “The devil is chasing you in order to kill you, in the dream. He comes to you and sometimes you feel exhausted and incompetent to do things. You are not incompetent, you have skills! This is a lie that satan puts in your mind. God gave us skills and we all have talents we should discover and use! This is what you must do, discover your skills and move forward, not to be depressive, because you have depression as well. It’s as if you are not living and you have suicidal tendencies, all of those are attacks. Those photos of your family you are holding… They are all going through the same thing, but as you will be delivered today, you will not cry anymore, you will be happy! You will not feel incompetent anymore, you have skills and God will bless you, because God doesn’t want us to be sad, He wants us to be happy!”.
Truly, as he later confirmed, he had experienced accidents, especially with his car. Specifically, he mentioned that while he was driving and the light was green for him, suddenly a wall showed up in front of him, and as he managed to pass it by, he realised that it was a big truck! He mentioned that similar things were happening for a long time. In the beginning he thought it was random, but when it happened more than 3 times, he saw that something was off. However, he still couldn’t imagine that this was something spiritual. It was difficult for him to understand that all this had a spiritual background.

Moreover, he confirmed the depression he was feeling for a long time. His life seemed to be in a dead end, a loop of failure that was lasting for years. He would face problems which in the beginning seemed like they could be solved easily in a few minutes, but in the end those problems would last for days, and then he would be disappointed. Moreover, we noticed that he would start tasks without completing any of them. Although his friends recognised his talents and skills, as well as the fact that he’s intelligent and competent, he had a hard time believing it. The negative thoughts he had for himself prevailed, letting disappointment rule over his life.
The main reason he decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica was about his family. He had problems and worries about his family, as no one was progressing in their life. As he gave some examples, he mentioned his sister who, despite earning a good salary from her work, was facing various issues and sickness all the time. The enemy was creating these situations all the time, in order to waste all her money. A similar situation was with his mother-in-law who lost her siblings, and her husband was her only support in life. However, their relationship was not very good! After the prophecy he received through the Prophetess, he believes that freedom, restoration and blessing have finally come for him and his family!
In the end, Mr. Charles promised to God Almighty, the Giver of this blessing, that he will never give up again, and he will move forward with faith, using all the talents that God gave him!
God also understands the language of sighs, tears, meditation, earnest heart desires and wishes of the man of faith! So even if you can’t share your problem and worries with somebody, remember that He who knows all the hearts will bring the solution at the right time!

Ms. Aneta from Poland visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with fervent prayer and a deep conviction in her heart that the Lord will reward her faith and locate her – as He did!
During the prayer line, the woman of God Evgenia began to reveal, through the Holy Spirit, the hidden matters of Ms. Aneta’s heart, giving her the following prophetic word: “You are a good person. You have a heart for God, you are called to serve Him. But I see anxiety and worry in your heart, anxiety for your children, what will happen to them… Everything will be fine! You shouldn’t worry, because you’ll cause a problem to your health… If you continue like this, you’ll have a heart attack. Also, when you get anxious you get stomach ache. So, cast all these burdens to the Lord and He will take care of them. From now on you will be calm and happy!”.
Wanting to confirm the prophecy, later on, she confessed that indeed all that God brought to light through the Prophetess was 100% true! In fact, she ardently prayed that she would receive a prophetic word from God that would affect her life and her family, and she was faithfully waiting for God to speak to her about this, so that is why she was not surprised with the prophecy!
As she later explained, the children, who are actually her husband’s, only visit them twice a year. As a result, there was never much time to spend together and, as they are going through puberty, they found it difficult to give their hearts to God and trust Him. Thus, Ms. Aneta became increasingly concerned about the salvation of their souls and not only that. She worried about which school they would choose to attend in the future, and much more.

Her anxiety created many health problems, such as stomachache, difficulty in eating, bloating and noises in the abdomen, as well as allergies to milk and gluten. In addition, she was not eating properly and she had diarrhea…
Furthermore, due to the intense stress, she was experiencing chest and heart pain and her heart was sometimes beating very fast. Additionally, she was having difficulty with breathing and she couldn’t sleep… After consulting doctor, they assured her that all of these health problems were because of her anxiety, but she didn’t want to take any prescription, believing firmly that God would intervene and deliver her in His time.
So, after the prophetic word and the healing she received, she feels twice as blessed! Ms. Aneta has decided to truly cast all of her burdens to the Lord! In addition, she feels that God has healed her wounded heart and filled her with confidence, stating that she is a good person, something she had doubted for years.
As a child of God, to rise to a new level of faith, you must go through the furnace of trials and come out victorious, because a man of faith never worries about anything!
Nothing is impossible for our Lord! Every demon, every sickness and disease will submit to His omnipotence! The following photos prove it demonstrably!