Ιn an atmosphere of faith at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, the worship team and the people of God worshipped the Lord – believing that when you glorify God in your difficulties, He will reward you with His heavenly blessings.

In this atmosphere, the evangelist Eleni Otamere preached the message entitled “HOW DO YOU HANDLE YOUR TRIALS?”. She began by saying that everyone faces difficult situations and we are called to learn how we must handle them. The Word of God teaches us that, as Christians, when we go through trials and temptations, we should be happy!

Because the testing of our faith will bring promotion, promotion will bring reward and reward will make us someone with a difference. Therefore, we can understand that when we trust God in every trial, the greater the trial, the greater we will be! Next, she gave an example from the book of Daniel 6:11-13 and explained that Daniel did not allow to royal decree to interrupt his communication with God and that is why he was thrown into the den of lions. However, God shut the mouths of the lions and rescued him during his trial because Daniel stood for what he believed in without fear. By this, he became someone with a difference and he made known to all nations that his God is a reliable God that rescues and delivers!
In conclusion, the difficult situations we face are not meant to destroy us but take us to a new level in life. Trials are the ground on which we exercise our faith to God. As children of God, the quality of faith is not measured by our attitude to God when things are good but when times are hard – when our fate seems to hang in the balance. Closing her message, the evangelist pointed out that uncommon blessings always attract uncommon challenges, and underlined that as Christians it is our duty to have faith in the finished work of the Cross. So, anytime we are face to face with uncommon challenges let us not lose heart, because they may be to prepare us for the uncommon blessings that are waiting ahead of us! As children of God, the end has not come, but the best is yet to come!

The Kingdom of God counted one more victory in the name of Jesus Christ as one more soul was permanently delivered from the chains of darkness. Mr. Fisher Storgaard from Denmark was initiated to the kingdom of darkness 14 years ago. But, he received the freedom that he was looking for at the SCOAN Thessalonica!
While the anointing of God moved mightily among the people standing by faith in the prayer line and waiting for a touch or a prophetic word that would change the story of their lives, the unclean spirits inside Mr. Fischer’s body could not stand it any longer. Once he received prayer from the man of God Harry, the devil and his demons started aggressively confessing their dark and evil work: “I am the devil and I will kill him. He was in our community, the Illuminati. We took his spirit and soul and took them to the grave. He is dead now! I will destroy this boy. He wants to serve God and become a man of God but I have been beating him for 14 years now. He goes to church but no one can deliver him. I lied to him that I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so he allowed me to enter him because he thought I was God. Now he is mine. There is a covenant between him, the demons and me. They performed a ritual on him. He is dead! His spirit is dead! I do not want him to be delivered because I know what will happen when he serves God. He belongs to us… I am the fallen angel”.

The words the demons spoke shocked everyone who was present and saw with their own eyes that the devil and his demons are not a science-fiction scenario but a tangible reality. Then, the man of God Harry called on the name of Jesus Christ and commanded the demons out of him. They could not resist the authority of the name of Jesus Christ and fled right on the spot! Afterwards, Mr. Fischer stood up from the ground with his face glowing, and began to glorify and thank God for his freedom!

Even though Mr. Fischer did not remember anything that happened or what was said by the demons, he willingly exposed the evil works of satan and shared with us the nightmare he was living for the past years. Mr. Fischer never had a special relationship with God despite growing up in a Christian family. He used to smoke and take drugs and generally lived a sinful life. The great nightmare of his life started when he was released from six months of imprisonment. A friend of his, whose parents were freemasons, invited him to a party. There, he was given drinks and drugs, he participated in a mystic ritual and during the process, he was asked to kneel down and surrender himself to the devil. After doing so, the effects of this action became visible on the same night! While returning home, he had an accident. After the ritual, his life was never the same. Every night he felt like someone was beating him. Full of desperation which was an integral part of his daily life, he was led to seek the face of God. However, due to ignorance, he allowed a foreign spiritual presence to enter him, saying that it was the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This presence had no relations to the Living God at all. Once he realized that he needed spiritual and divine intervention, he started traveling to many places all over the world in order to find someone to deliver him from the demonic beings that had taken over his life. Meanwhile, he thought he was serving God in a Christian church in America but was surprised when its members called him to a meeting where they asked him to serve the devil in exchange for wealth and glory. At that time, he was forced to be baptized with baptism of demons!
Not knowing what to do, he waited patiently for the day of his freedom. When he found out about the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, he traveled from Denmark by faith, believing that God will put an end to his adventure. Today, Mr. Fischer is free and his soul belongs entirely to Jesus Christ. Now, he wishes to serve God with his life and promises to confess his experience to others so more and more people enter the Kingdom of Light!

Ms. Elizabeth Mapengo resident of the United Kingdom visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to glorify God Almighty with her wonderful testimony.
Last year, Ms. Mapengo and her sister joined the prayer line and as the man of God Harry was praying for her, he gave her the following prophetic word: “It is not that you do not love Jesus. You love Him. You have a heart for God, you want to serve Him. But there is one sacrifice your forefathers did and that is affecting you today! Your sister is here, I do not know her… Let me tell you that this sacrifice is causing you not to have a settled home! Unless this curse is broken, this ritual that happened and the sacrifice that was offered, all the females in the family can never be married! You all have similar bad dreams, a man coming to you to sleep with you, and you do not understand why this is happening! Even your other sister in your country, if you ask her she will tell you the same thing! I am telling you where the problem starts! It is a result of this sacrifice, this ritual they did. They slaughtered an animal and poured its blood and they made a covenant for all the females to serve this idol… And now you have decided to follow Jesus and you all became Christians, you want to serve God but this covenant must be broken! This ritual must be destroyed so you can be free to have a settled home! Glory be to God because today, with this prophecy I am giving you, deliverance comes! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I disconnect you and your families from this idol, this ritual that happened, those spiritual husbands that had been following you!”. Next, the man of God declared them free in the name of Jesus Christ! Through this prophetic word, the root cause of their problem was revealed and brought deliverance to her and her whole family.

The two sisters praised God and confirmed that the prophetic word was true! Indeed, the three sisters had the same nightmares! Just as the man of God said, they did not have a settled home; one of them was divorced while the other two, even though they were old enough, were not married yet. Ms. Mapengo stood before the people of God and explained that the ritual, the covenant that was made in the days of her ancestors had been affecting all the women in her family. More particularly, she mentioned that not just her sisters but her cousins and aunts are single and no one has a husband! Concerning herself, she stressed that after the age of 20, she tried to get married but it has not happened until now, at the age of 50! She added that, from a young age, she was seeing men trying to sleep with her in her dreams. She could not understand why this was happening, she thought it was just a part of life and that it was completely normal because of her young age! Growing up, however, she noticed that the situation was getting worse! The dreams turned violent and she felt as if she was fighting with someone all night on a daily basis! It was so vivid that many times she would see deep scratches and wounds that were bleeding in many parts of her body. That is how she understood that someone had slept with her. Other times, she would wake up in the morning with a bellyache and she would feel tired as if she had not slept at all the night before. She would also feel dirty, angry and sorrowful due to this situation.
The first relationship she had was physically and emotionally abusive. She had a child but the relationship was over when she was 3 months pregnant. She then moved to the United States where she has been living and working for the past 25 years. Nevertheless, the violent dreams of men trying to sleep with her were continuous and gradually getting worse, since she would have such dreams 2 or 3 times every night! Even if she fell asleep for 5 minutes, she would receive such an attack! Sometimes, while she was asleep, she would feel a foreign presence entering the room, walking and lying beside her on the bed! Despite that she wanted to get married, the situation she was going through made her lose hope and interest. She, therefore, decided to devote herself to work and care for her child. Later on, at the age of 40, she met a man who seemed to care for her and love her, and they decided to get married! Then, she started to hear a voice threatening her:

“You think that you are going to get married but this is never happening!”. The day this man proposed to her and gave her the ring, she heard that voice telling her the same thing. The dreams of spiritual husbands had also reached their peak and she would not dare talk about them with her fiancé. A part of herself was happy and excited while the other one was stressed and worried because she did not know what would happen. Five days before the wedding, the best man died in a car crash. They had to call off the wedding and find a new date a few months later, in December 2016. The big day was getting close but 4 days before the wedding, they found out that her fiancé’s best friend had passed away. So this time, they postponed the wedding for a year. Before the final date of the wedding, Ms. Mapengo was seeing dreams of the funeral of her fiancé and she would wake up crying! Indeed, three days before the wedding her fiancé died! Ms. Mapengo felt like a mountain collapsed upon her and started to fall into deep depression. Meanwhile, she was having problems with her son, with whom she had lost contact for some years and so, she started to think that there is no purpose to live on. She began to plan to put an end to her life.
During this time, she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and received the prophetic message and deliverance that changed her life completely! After the prayer of the man of God, she realized that the burden she was feeling, the depression and suicidal tendencies, had left her heart and were replaced with hope and a desire for life! Now her sleep is good since she and her sisters do not see any more nightmares. God also immediately restored the relationship with her son! Closing her testimony, she advised that some unusual problems we face are spiritual and only Jesus Christ can solve them! She promised to serve God for the rest of her life and make His Word the guide for her life!

Mr. Bernard Adewa comes from Kenya and permanently lives in London with his family. Ηe visited the SCOAN Thessalonica to express his gratitude to God by testifying for His goodness before the people.
The year 2018 was the year in which he suffered a lot, as he was jobless for an entire year. He has three children, lives in a rented house and the financial needs he had to cover were many. This situation made him have low self-esteem and confidence, and he felt unable to attend to his responsibilities as the man of the house. During that time, he was sick, had pain in the knees, his genitals and his rectum. He even had constipation for three months without knowing the reason why. He had visited a doctor that ran all the necessary examinations but could not diagnose anything. All of this caused him sleeplessness and whenever he managed to fall asleep, he would see animals attacking him in the dream, like snakes, dogs and cows. So, only the thought of sleep scared him a lot. Despite the fact that he studied business management in New Zealand, had two master’s degrees – one in business management and one in marketing – this situation made him feel pitiful and helpless since he could not find a job that responded to his qualifications.
One day, his wife sent him a video of the man of God Harry and after watching it many times, he continued to search for videos related to what was happening on Sundays at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations. As a result, hope and faith blossomed in him and he was thinking that his situation could change. He made the decision to visit the SCOAN Thessalonica and find out God’s opinion regarding his situation. Meanwhile, he started to work for the municipality as a cleaner in order to be able to earn a living for his family and gather the money he needed for the trip. Even though he faced obstacles to take this trip, he never gave up trying to achieve his goal.

After many efforts, he managed to come to Thessaloniki, joined the prayer line where the man of God Harry prayed for him and gave him the following prophetic message: “There is a spiritual attack against you, they want to kill you. All those spirits someone is somewhere sending them to you. That is why you cannot sleep well at night. You see strange things happening in your dream, like dead people chasing you, dogs trying to bite you and snakes trying to bite you. This is demonic attack. Everything that you are passing through is not ordinary; it is a result of a demonic attack that has affected you. Also, there is weakness in your manhood”. Later, he had the chance to meet the man of God in his office, who told him: “The sky is your limit. The job you desire is yours.”.
The next day, he received an email from a company in America in which they informed him that the vice president of the company would travel to London to meet him in four days. Indeed. Mr. Adewa went back to London where the interview took place in a very friendly atmosphere. Everything showed that he would be hired but the only thing he needed to do before that was a background check. Due to his joblessness, he had created a long financial debt and Mr. Adewa thought that he would not take the job since something like that could put the company into risk. However, after the extensive check of his financial and family background from the company, he was finally hired with an unexpected salary! As a cleaner, he was paid 400 pounds a month while in his new job that God gave him, he makes 5.000 pounds a month along with many privileges! After this amazing and unexpected change in his life, everything is settled and the needs of his family are more than covered. Also, the day after the prayer, the pain in his body disappeared and he now sleeps calm. Now he feels useful, happy and satisfied with the turn his life has taken. Having received this huge blessing, he advised us to be patient in difficult situations and strive to receive a touch from Heaven that will change our life. Lastly, he promised to love and seek God more and stay away from sin!
If you handle your difficult moments with care, they will soon turn into good moments. Therefore, focus on God and then you will be what God says that you are, you will have what God says that you have and you will be able to do what God says that you can to do!

60-year-old Mrs. Justina Ogene returned from Germany to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to glorify and honor God who gave her complete healing.
The main reason she decided to travel to Thessalonica was a sharp pain in her knees, which she had for the last 15 years. She visited many doctors to find the cause of the pain in her knees but they could not find anything. Her daughter was trying to help her by buying her vitamins that relieved her condition for a while but the pain would always reappear. During all these years, the same pain was affecting her back and her waist and as a result, she was becoming more and more cumbersome and felt tired. She could not stand upright, it was difficult to climb or go down the stairs, do house chores or cook for her husband. This was affecting her marriage negatively as her husband would get mad and react badly against her since he had to do housekeeping himself. Furthermore, due to the pain she felt, her performance at work also was affected. Consequently, they took her away from the initial position and even lowered her salary. Mrs. Ogene fell into depression and her whole family was worried because of this problem. In desperation, her only hope was Jesus Christ who was available to help her, as she believed. Her faith in God was what led her to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. When she joined the prayer line, the man of God Harry gave her a prophetic word: “They gave you food to eat in your dream and since then problems started. Your stomach started growing big but you do not understand how it happened… Jesus loves you, the Holy Spirit has already started to work. You need to vomit something; something will come out of you… Before you leave here today, you will that God will complete the work He started”. After the man of God prayed for her, Mrs. Ogene felt the power of God falling upon her and saw herself being delivered.

Exactly as the man of God prophesied, Mrs. Ogene vomited the spiritual food she was fed in the dream in the following minutes. After the prayer, she felt light and stood on her feet without any pain. She wanted to run, to jump, to dance in the presence of God and thank Him!

Confirming everything the man of God said, she mentioned that before her health problems began, she had indeed a dream that was unforgettable. A dream of dead people feeding her. Meanwhile, she stated that she did not remember ever vomiting in the past and wondered how it happened on the day of her deliverance. After the prayer, the changes are evident. Now she can freely do all the house chores and cook for her husband who was surprised by the change of his wife! Now all the pain is gone, she can go up and down the stairs, she can kneel and stand up without any help and her whole family is thanking God for His intervention. Depression has disappeared and has been replaced by the joy and peace of God. She is grateful to Jesus Christ and she advised us to rest in the Lord and put out trust in God. Finally, she promised to serve Jesus Christ more and more until the end of her days.
“He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him” (Acts 3:8-10). Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! He never said goodbye! Therefore, it is your time to trust in Him and receive what you are looking for in the name of Jesus Christ!
In the following pictures, we see people from all over the world who participated in the prayer line, waiting by faith for the divine intervention to their problem that will change the story of their lives!
God is great ….I am glad to see this wonderful testimonies and also divine messages from God..God bless prophet Harry and his ministries…It well with all the Evangelist..more grace to you all Amen..