What all the believers at the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica observed was the happiness, peace and rejoicing on the faces of the other people! And how could it be otherwise, after all, since they were in the presence of Him who lived, was crucified, rose again, and He continues to reign in power and might for us? In such an atmosphere of reverence, it was very easy for God’s children to leave all their problems in His capable hands, lifting their hands to Heaven in praise and gratitude!

To this atmosphere of faith was added the message of the woman of God Evgenia, entitled “HOW TO BEAT TEMPTATION”, a message that can be a turning point for your own life, if you implement it!

She began her message with a riddle, drawing the attention of the believers. “What is it that comes quietly, without warning, is insidious and alluring? It does not force you, but gives you the opportunity to choose?” The answer is temptation! Temptation can come in a variety of ways, such as in your health or in your character.

Giving some examples, the Prophetess mentioned Adam and Eve. These two individuals were deceived because the serpent told Eve that if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she would become a god herself. Consequently, Eve was tempted, dragging Adam along with her. The result? Sin and death entered humanity…

Simultaneously, the Prophetess gave an example of David, who found Bathsheba beautiful in appearance and desired her. Being tempted, David actually killed her husband and committed adultery with her. As a consequence, their first child died. In other words, temptation is the presentation of evil. It is an opportunity to choose temporary pleasure rather than permanent gain.

And for those who think that God is the one who tempts, the Prophetess read from James 1:13-16: “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.” Based on these verses, the Prophetess stressed that God is love and He does not hurt anyone, it is the devil and our fleshly desires that cause us to fall into temptation. For this is what satan aims at when he tempts good people – to overthrow their position as children of God, cut off their dependence on God, their duty to God and their communion with God.

Temptation, however, can come not only from our carnal desires, but also through doubt. Like the disciple of Jesus Christ who doubted His resurrection, Thomas. Doubt in itself is not a sin, however it becomes a sin if it turns you away from God. Therefore, “Whatever situation you may find yourself in, don’t doubt your faith; doubt your doubts because they are unreliable,” the woman of God emphasised!

Concluding her message, she did not fail to mention how to overcome temptation. Through daily study, but also through meditation of the Bible of course! Because God’s Word has the ability to quicken us spiritually and helps our spirit govern our senses!


In life, we often face difficulties, temptations, and challenges that plague us and rob us of joy in our daily lives. Desperate to find a way out, we often turn to people who are far from God’s will. However, in such moments, instead of looking for temporary and dubious solutions, it is the right time to turn to Jesus Christ! He is the source of the true solution and hope we need!

Mrs. Carmelita from South Africa came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to testify about the wonderful works of the Lord in her life. A few months ago, Mrs. Carmelita took part in the prayer line, where an unclean spirit manifested through her when the man of God Giannis touched her, saying the following: “I don’t want to talk! Destruction! I destroyed everything in her life, her money. I destroyed them all, I destroyed her career, she is very smart!”. “This happened in her life by witchcraft,” said Prophet Giannis, with the unclean spirit adding: “I made her sick, pain, I attack her head, whatever is good, I attack it! All day long she cries out the name of Jesus Christ, I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t do what I want!”.  After the man of God declared her free, nothing in her life was ever the same!

It all started at a young age, when her father was excessively violent at home. As she described, their father’s strictness was so extreme that they often felt like they were living under military discipline. This difficult situation had its roots in their grandfather who was involved in witchcraft, creating a dark shadow over the family. She and her siblings had many supernatural experiences, which deeply scarred their daily lives. Her brother had seen a mysterious woman wandering around the house during the night, while she often sleepwalked, without any awareness of what was happening to her.

At school, teachers considered her “foolish” because she had a hard time concentrating in class. This weakness eventually led her to drop out of school at 16 and look for work. However, the lack of self-esteem that accompanied her throughout her life made her feel useless and unworthy. Everything she tried to achieve ended in failure, reinforcing the feeling that she had no value.

At that time, she began to worry and become very agitated. She couldn’t explain exactly what was happening to her, which made her even more upset. In one particular case, this trembling cost her a job opportunity. During a job interview, she started shaking uncontrollably in front of the interviewer and she couldn’t say a word!

Later, she managed to find another job, but wherever she went, her coworkers seemed to dislike her. In one notable case, her boss verbally attacked her, even though she was trying to improve her work for the good of everyone. This disappointed her, but it didn’t stop her from trying.

Then, when she got engaged, she visited a witch-doctor with her mother. The witch-doctor claimed that someone wanted to ruin her engagement and gave her various herbs and objects to protect her relationship. However, when she got married, tensions soon arose! The constant fights with her husband made her believe that he was to blame for everything. Although she thought she loved him, she realised that she felt no affection for him, and as a result, she gradually pushed him away from her.

She later admitted that the traumatic experiences she had in her childhood, particularly due to her relationship with her father, caused her to lose all sense of compassion for other people.

Another serious problem that tormented her was fear, which dominated her life. Tensions with her husband, which began with her own bad behaviour, escalated into outbursts of anger on his part, with him breaking objects in the house. This made her fear that the situation would soon escalate into physical violence.

In an attempt to help her, her mother took her to a fortune-teller again, who advised her to get a divorce. However, her husband decided to seek a way out through faith. When he spoke to her about God and tried to reach her through the church, she did not want to.

During the divorce, her mental state worsened. She drank heavily every night and smoked 20 cigarettes a day. Her health began to fail, as she lost a lot of weight and had difficulty eating. During this time, sadness dominated her life and nothing could bring her joy or relief.

After some time, she believed in God through the ministry of the Prophet T. B. Joshua. Through this experience, she came to know the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica and she decided to visit it.

Her visit changed her life forever. After the divine deliverance she received, everything became new! She rediscovered the love and affection for her husband! Although they had divorced, they decided to remarry and now their relationship is completely restored! The inexplicable tremor that had been plaguing her disappeared, and now she can communicate comfortably with others, without any difficulty!

Even at her job, the change was evident! Her relationships with her colleagues improved, while her manager, observing her transformation, believed in Jesus Christ!

Mrs. Carmelita feels that she is alive and that she is finally living her life! She advised God’s children to seek the truth through the light of God’s Word and the truth will set them free! Finally, she promised to serve God all the days of her life!

If your problems seem unbearable and nothing can provide a permanent solution, then it is time you leaned on Jesus Christ, because with God, you can face life’s final deadline with confidence! Therefore, do not despair, the best is yet to come!


We humans are vulnerable: even a seemingly minor health problem can have a significant impact on our quality of life. However, God is so Almighty and Wise that He even solves the problems we had forgotten we had! His plan is perfect and He guides our steps. Through faith in Him, we discover solutions to every difficulty and walk without fear into a life of hope and victory!

The story of Mr. David from America is another proof of God’s perfect plan! Several months ago, he suffered an injury while playing sports. Since then, he has had difficulty with any form of exercise. He particularly enjoyed running and playing soccer, but he had to give up soccer and reduce his running significantly, because after intense exercise the pain became unbearable. In fact, even in the laboratory where he worked, he could not move with the same comfort. Being a very active and athletic person, he was having a hard time, and so he finally had to seek medical help.

The doctors prescribed him various painkillers, even though they found no explanation for his pain. The painkillers, unfortunately, did not help him and after spending a lot of money and time, Mr. David gave up. He accepted that this was how his life would be from now on, unable to do the things he loved. So he stopped looking for a solution and he stopped thinking about this problem in general.

Having a love for the ministry of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, he had long planned to visit it, but this was difficult. Greece is a long way from America, and requires time, money and appropriate circumstances for a visit of such magnitude. Fortunately, God had something much better in mind – revival in San Diego with Man of God Harry!

Mr. David joyfully attended the arena where the crusade took place, received prayer from Man of God Harry, and returned home, with a strengthened faith, but continuing his life as normal. He realised, however, a big difference – the pain was no more! In fact, he had forgotten that he had suffered from this problem, as after prayer he was completely healed!

He now exercises and works normally, continuing his active life without the slightest inconvenience. Giving all the glory to Jesus Christ, he advised the people of God that it doesn’t matter when they feel their miracle, immediately or later, as he did, but to keep believing that they will receive it! Finally, he promised God that he will continue to follow Him and remain faithful to Him for the rest of his life!

Satan wants to distract us from our purpose in order to steal our blessings and eventually our salvation by using our condition. As we read in the sermon, temptation comes in many forms – don’t take the bait, but focus where you need to! Appreciate God for what He has done in your life and He will do it again and again and again!


There are times when people feel lost, full of fear and uncertainty about the decisions they need to make in their lives. Dilemmas, failures and difficult experiences can affect their relationships, health and peace of mind. Nevertheless, God is always present, ready to provide direction and solutions. By His grace, every problem can be addressed and every heart can be renewed, leading people to a life of meaning and faith.

Mr. Emmanuel visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica and took part in the prayer line. There, Prophetess Evgenia prayed for him and gave him a prophetic word that revealed the source of his problems and the direction he needed to take in his life. The prophetic word was this: “I see that you cannot make a right decision in your life! Even if you do, it doesn’t go forward. This is a spirit of death coming to attack your health, so that you don’t fulfill what God has put in your heart. Fulfill them and see what happens! From today the spirit of death will be broken! This comes from idols to which they were sacrificed in blood!”

The prophecy he received was absolutely accurate and he joyfully confirmed what was revealed to him, shedding light on the events that concerned him. He began by saying that he was a man full of anxiety and uncertainty, accurately confirming the prophecy given to him. He was seeking a life partner, yet he remained trapped in fear and uncertainty about when, whom and where to proceed to marriage. Though he felt a calling from God to serve in His work, questions and doubts about how to fulfill it held him back. Of course, this internal struggle was not the only obstacle in his life!

Mr. Emmanuel said he came from a family that practiced idolatry. His relatives sacrificed animals such as cows, goats and lambs in the hope of gaining protection, wealth and good luck! Although he attended these rituals, when he was younger, he decided to move away from them as he grew older. His relatives hoped that he would follow their path and take a leadership role in these sacrifices. However, Mr. Emmanuel, influenced by his mother’s Christian faith, refused! He saw with his own eyes that these sacrifices were not bringing the protection and prosperity he had hoped for, but on the contrary, his family’s situation was getting worse every day, contrary to what they had expected.

Regarding his personal life, he said that in his first marriage, while everything seemed in harmony at first, his wife came to believe that Mr. Emanuel did not love her, leading to a breakdown in their relationship. He was forced to leave his wife, only to discover later that she was having a parallel relationship with another man! Meanwhile, when she asked him to return, after the failure of their new relationship, he decided to reject this offer and never come back.

The tension and grief he experienced directly affected his health. Suddenly, he developed hypertension and prostatic hyperplasia, while suffering from severe neck pains due to the nature of his job as a lift truck driver. Despite being treated with medication, his condition did not improve, making his work even more difficult. However, the only thing that could give him relief was his job, because it provided him with financial comfort.

But God, because He had many blessings for Mr. Emmanuel, gave him a second prophetic word using his servant, Man of God, Stavros, who said to him: “You are free today! The problem was in your dreams! You were having dreams that you didn’t see what was going on in your life, they weren’t clear. You don’t know what’s going on with you! You’re thinking strangely, you don’t understand yourself. Today you are free and you will start to understand yourself! You are free!”.

The prophecy he received from Man of God, Stavros, was also true and gave him even more courage to fulfill God’s calling on his life! So he went on to confirm that another area that was affected in his life was his dreams because they were bad and dangerous! Many of his dead relatives often appeared in his dreams, either in social gatherings or in moments of daily activities. Sometimes he would have dinner with them, while other times he would attend parties and other gatherings. One of the most disturbing dreams was when he saw his father dying and someone telling him that his sister was going to die. The next morning, after he woke up from this dream, he immediately contacted her and urged her to pray against this attack from satan!

After receiving miraculous prophecies from the Prophetess Evgenia and man of God, Stavros, Mr. Emmanuel felt a profound change within himself! His doubts and fears about the future receded and he now feels ready to fulfill God’s calling on his life! The sadness, disappointment and confusion were replaced by the peace and hope that Jesus Christ offers!

So, wanting to give all thanks and glory to Jesus Christ for what He had done in his life, he promised to follow Him faithfully and never return to his old habits or the dark moments of the past!

Regardless of the difficulties or challenges we face, His grace is able to bring hope, peace and restoration! For this reason, let us not forget that no one can grow without challenges and resistances!


In modern times, many people are trapped in lust, feeling powerless to break the cycle of sin. Shame and guilt often weigh on their hearts, making them believe there is no way out. But there is hope! Jesus Christ is the source of strength and freedom they need! He does not condemn them, but lovingly calls them to trust Him. In their most difficult times, Christ is there to support them, strengthen them, and show them the way to a life of freedom and peace. With Him, all things are possible!

So when problems seemed to surround Mr. Michael, he decided to turn to God for solution, strength and help! So he visited Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive a divine touch from God. During the laying on of hands, Prophet Stavros, approached Mr. Michael and gave him the following prophetic word: “You are a good man, a very good man, but this weakness disturbs you. I am glad you are here today, for you will be set free! You know what weakness I mean; it is lust. God also has a calling for you, to work for Him.”

A few hours later, after the service was over, Mr. Michael was very happy to give more details about the prophecy given to him. First, he stated that this problem began at a very young age because he found himself committing things against God’s will. One of these was watching pornographic material and masturbation.

After such acts, Mr. Michael usually felt ashamed. However, as he reported, he could not find the strength to stop this bad habit and break the cycle of sin.

Now, after the prophecy, Mr. Michael emphasized how happy he is because this problem has been exposed and he knows he is now free!

Mr. Michael even confirmed the prophecy, concerning his calling, which was to work for God! He even mentioned that he was having dreams with Prophet T. B. Joshua encouraging him to keep believing in it! Finally, he promised to read the Word of God and serve Him!

In conclusion, we understand that we have all been included in God’s master plan, but nothing great comes easy! It takes faith, dedication and perseverance to overcome challenges and walk the path God has laid out for us!

There are problems and situations that man cannot solve. But there is no problem or situation that Jesus Christ cannot solve! As the pictures below testify, trust in God, and you will not be disappointed!

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