The evangelists of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, dedicated the service and the man of God Harry to Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the worship team sang anointed songs, and the hearts of the people of God were united with His Spirit. Everyone glorified God as they were anticipating to see the Holy Spirit come into the midst of the congregation to minister healing, deliverance, blessings and salvation!

Next, one of the evangelists brought a powerful message titled “LIVE FOR THE ETERNAL LIFE”, which awakened all the attendees. He started his message saying that, often, we are not content in our lives because we think we have the wrong job or that we live in the wrong country, with the wrong people… So, we end up hoping and wishful thinking about meaningless things to happen to us, and we keep thinking that if we lived in another place, for example, our lives would be different. Yet, the Word of God teaches us that we are not in the wrong place! (Acts 17:26-28) “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,  so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’” God has given us every treasure we are looking for in order to succeed in our lives. The evangelist also pointed out that it is not a mere wishful thinking that brings about contented life but a rightful focus. Next, he referred to the Gospel of Matthew 6:25-33 emphasizing the last verse that says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”, clarifying what we should be paying attention to. He added that today we experience our belongings, our job, our children rather than God. But, satisfaction in life is not about having children, money or other worldly possessions. You have to experience God!

Many Christians today have changed the course of the history of their lives by taking shortcuts – thinking they can make it by themselves. Yet, Jesus Christ has never left us alone. He taught us that God’s time is the best, and He gave us a tool in which the treasure of knowledge and wisdom is included. God’s Word is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to nurture us and to furnish us with everything we need to succeed on earth. On the other hand, the devil is constantly trying to convince us to look at our past – the same way he did with the Israelites, when they wished they could have returned to slavery because of their temporary hunger. Yet, we must not allow the bad experiences to remove us from the way of salvation. The evangelist encouraged the congregation not to look back, unless it meant to glorify God Almighty for what He has done in our lives. He advised everyone to have a clear purpose as they walk in the way of the Lord, by saying, “When your purpose in life is clear, your life will have meaning”. He explained that, as children of God, our lives have no limitations or boundaries, apart from the ones we create. He concluded by advising us to make the decision to live for eternal life without looking back because we were created for the glory of God!


One word from Jesus Christ is enough to change the story of those who want a new beginning, with Jesus Christ being involved in anything that concerns them. Mr. Cedrick Keti received such a word in his last visit from France to the SCOAN Thessalonica, and since then his life has never been the same. The invisible hand of God touched his heart through the man of God, filling the void of his soul, and everything in his life began to have meaning.

The Spirit of God, through the man of God Harry, spoke directly to his situation, revealing that, “I am seeing you are a traveller! You travel from one country to another… The issue is not the fact that you are travelling. The issue is what have you made out of all this travelling around… nothing! You are asking for breakthrough, but you need to sanctify your life… You need sanctification! Not that you did not experience breakthrough in the past. God gave you breakthrough, but today you have nothing to show. Remember the first time you travelled how wonderful everything was… But from that point, the problems came one after the other. It is like you did not find it easy to settle down in one place, something was pushing you to go to different places. If a friend told you, ‘Come over to this country. Here it is better than where you are’, you would just pack your luggage in a single day and you would be gone… you would blow up everything you were trying to build and try to make a new beginning. Even now you are still thinking, ‘Where will I go next?’. The solution does not lie in travelling or in the number of countries you travel to, looking for breakthrough, but in what you do with Jesus in your heart. In the past, you used to pray very well, but now your prayer life has gone down. Your reading of the Word has gone down and, therefore, your whole life is going down. The Bible says, ‘seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you’. So, stop looking for every other thing instead of the Kingdom and His righteousness. That is why I said that you need to sanctify yourself. Make yourself available for the Lord. You are not making yourself available! It has happened oftentimes in the night while you were sleeping you felt somebody tapping you… your heart starts beating and you feel the tap physically. Do you know who is tapping you? It is your angel. He wants you to stand up and pray, but you are sleeping. Something within you is many times telling you that you need to pray and you say, ‘When I finish my job, when I finish what I am doing, I will pray’, but when you finish you are very tired and you do not pray. Jesus loves you and after your coming here in Greece you need to invest in your spiritual life. Then, you will see the breakthrough you are looking for!”.

Acknowledging God’s involvement in his life in the months that followed, Mr. Keti wanted to share the unprecedented changes that he noticed, after receiving this prophetic message. So, he travelled from France to Thessaloniki to show his gratitude to the God he serves. He confirmed the words of the man of God in great detail, explaining that he had travelled to many European countries when various friends drew his interest to business opportunities in those countries. Even though he had a good job in South Africa where he lived, he decided to give it all up and start looking for a job in European countries, in the telecommunications sector, in which he specialized. After travelling to France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, some time later he was offered a job for a world-renowned company. In fact, the position he was offered was the one he searched for in the aforementioned countries the prior months. This position offered him everything a person would want from a job. A very high income, a house and social prestige are some of the privileges that Mr. Keti was enjoying after signing the contract with this international company. However, the moment he received what he longed for, he felt a vast void in his heart… Suddenly, this job was not what he really wanted and, as a result, he started thinking once again where he could go after France, where he was working. Highlighting how true the words of the man of God were, he mentioned that his heart was constantly upset. It was indeed impossible for him to settle in one place and felt a continuous dissatisfaction inside him. Everyone who knew him thought he was very happy, since he did not seem to miss anything in life. Yet, he felt that by travelling to various countries he would find the satisfaction and fulfilment he lacked. At the same time, he suffered from the spirit of lust, which prevented him from performing 100% of his potential.

After the prayer he received, his life changed radically! Following the instruction of the man of God, he started investing in his spiritual life and spending more time with God, and the dissatisfaction he was feeling became a thing of the past in the name of Jesus Christ! By the grace of God, the void of his soul has been filled and he enjoys the job that God Almighty has given him. Furthermore, during the global pandemic, a period that everyone around him was losing their jobs, by God’s mercy not only did he manage to keep his position, but he received a promotion after completing a project of a budget of one million euro. He thanks God, because he now understands that true joy comes from loving Jesus Christ and not from the things we amass.

The same day he shared this wonderful testimony, he entered the prayer line and the Spirit of God revealed to Mr. Keti His glorious plans for him.

When the man of God came close to him, he revealed that, “An even bigger breakthrough is coming… Many things happened in your life too fast. Under one year so many things took place, which is a reason to be grateful to God for what He has done. Remember, you have a mark from God on you. God has put a mark of greatness in you! That is why something inside your heart is telling you that one day you will be great! Do not deviate from the way of the Lord! All that you have become today is by the grace of God and all you will be in the future will be by the grace of the Lord. When you appreciate God for the little things He has done in your life, remember, greater ones are coming… You are blessed!”.

Indeed, Mr. Keti confirmed that he feels that he is going to be great, and this is something that God has revealed to him in a vision too. Full of anticipation for what God is going to do in his life after the prophetic words of the man of God, he promised to surrender completely to God and to do what is necessary for His work!


Mr. Tomi Vasilev from Bulgaria, who currently lives in England, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with the deep awareness that only God could save his life from the point of complete and total destruction!

Indeed, during the prayer line, the Spirit of God located him and the unclean spirit that was destroying his life was exposed, as the man of God Harry gave him the following prophetic word: “Pray against the spirit of lust. You love God and have a heart to serve Jesus Christ, but when this spirit comes, it causes you to commit sin and get away from the way of the Lord. This is an attack, and satan wants to use this to destroy your life. That would be thorough destruction! I want to join you in prayer. We need to pray against it, so that you may be disconnected”. Then, the man of God prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, and the light of God disconnected Mr. Vasilev from every chain of darkness!

Relieved and delivered, he confirmed that everything the man of God said was the absolute truth and continued to give more details about the situation he was facing in his life. As he explained, a new employee got a job at the place where he works as a hairdresser, to whom he had to teach the art of hairdressing. As a result of this closer relationship, they began to have feelings for each other, even though Mr. Vasilev was already married and the father of two children. Moreover, in the past two years, he has been a pastor of a church and therefore knows the Word of God well! But this woman constantly tempted him and expressed her desire to marry him. However, Mr. Vasilev knew that this would mean the destruction of both him and his family, just as the man of God Harry had prophesied. As part of his efforts to free himself from the difficult situation he had been caught in, he cut off communication with this woman and confessed the truth to his wife. Shocked and deeply hurt, his wife took a long time to decide whether to forgive him or divorce him. Although he had apologized to her and claimed he wanted to change and make a fresh start, his wife was feeling that he was distant and seemed to not be free from the influence of this other woman. Mr. Vasilev continued to communicate with this woman from a distance, via the internet and telephone, as he simultaneously taught the Word of God every Sunday at church! This situation filled him with guilt and made him feel horrible before God, because he knew that what he was doing was wrong; yet he also knew that he wanted to serve God! Deeply exhausted from his struggle with the spirit of lust, he made it to the prayer line at SCOAN Thessalonica. There, the Holy Spirit saw that his heart really wanted to be set free and met him at his point of need!

Full of gratitude to God Almighty who saved him and his family, and gave him a new opportunity to continue to serve Him with truth and purity, he apologized to God for the deeds of the past. Finally, he promised that from now on he will pay special attention to his interactions and will avoid any spirit that is not from Jesus Christ!

The Word of God informs us that we are not innocent victims, but architects of the situation we are in. But, when we acknowledge and admit our wrongdoings, and we run to God genuinely for repentance, then our mistakes can be corrected! Therefore, if you have made a mistake, no matter how big or small, do not run from God, run to Him!


Mrs. Beatrice Njine, who lives in Germany, attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to thank and honour God Almighty for the wonderful deliverance she received. When the man of God Harry prayed for her, her life changed radically!

Mrs. Njine had visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in the past and took part in the prayer line. When the man of God stood before her and prayed for her, a demonic being started manifesting through her and it confessed: “I blocked her finances. I steal every blessing from her. She tried everything, many jobs… but she cannot succeed. I make people hate her. I make people hate her. I control her since she was young. I tried to prevent her from coming here, I canceled the tickets two times. I entered her since she was a baby”. Then, the man of God addressed the evil spirit that was destroying her life, and it was immediately cast out!

Surprised and free, Mrs. Njine testified that when the man of God was praying for her an inexplicable peace filled her heart; a kind of peace she had never experienced before! Describing her life, she mentioned that her finances were blocked indeed, because every effort she made in order to succeed soon ended up in failure. She got into a variety of businesses but unfortunately, everything collapsed within a few months. For instance, she tried to open a poultry farm in her country Kenya; however, in less than two months the business was destroyed. Moreover, she was not able to save any money for a certain purpose. Without any reason and even without understanding how, she used to spend all her money. She would keep buying things that were not necessary. She was able to spend 1000 euros in a week and that was how the devil stole every blessing in her life.

Furthermore, she confirmed that some people hated her for no reason at all. More specifically, she met a woman who told her that she hated her, but she did not know the reason why either! That was why her so-called “friendships” did not last for more than two weeks! That was affecting her in a negative way by adding more stress. She became more introverted, and she used to spend more time home by herself. She avoided contacting people because she was afraid of rejection and, little by little, she was becoming depressed. Even her sleep was upset, and she used to see men having sexual intercourse with her in her dreams. At the same time, her spiritual life was not progressing. Although she loved God, every time she wanted to pray or read the Bible she would suddenly feel very tired, and she would fall asleep. All these unpleasant experiences led Mrs. Njine to persistently seek her deliverance. She had booked flight tickets to come to SCOAN Thessalonica in the past but something happened both times and the trip was cancelled!

Happy and blessed after her deliverance, Mrs. Njine described that the changes in her life were immediate and radical! First, her relationship with God has increased to a higher level. Now, she does not have to push herself to pray or study the Bible. Her sleep is normal and the dreams with the spiritual husbands are gone! Apart from that, when she went back to Germany, all those people who hated her also changed their behavior! They called her on the phone, and they wanted to be with her to the degree that she did not have any time to be alone. She stopped wasting money and she began to save some. With the money she saved, she was able to buy two pieces of land in Nairobi the capital city of Kenya, despite the fact that the property value is very expensive in that city!

Glorifying God for His endless joy and mercy, Mrs. Njine advised us to seek deliverance from Jesus Christ, because sometimes deliverance is the only solution to our problems and only Jesus Christ is the One who can deliver us!

In the following pictures, become witnesses of the love and power of God. Visitors from all over the world were healed, blessed and delivered with just one touch from the man of God Harry. As satan’s captives secured their freedom in the mighty name of Jesus, they also received the grace to enter into a new dawn!

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  1. Denise

    I read and listen many testimony and deliverance messages and I am so happy for the ways God uses the man of God to heal and deliver many people I wish for the same in my life and my son life if only I could have been there for my deliverance , I pray for God to open doors that I can bring my son so he can have a normal life again and I can have someone to call my own and be happy

  2. Denise Josiah

    I have a son his name is Teejay Prince he suffering with Brains seizures,and when he regains consciousness he is very aggressive to me or people it’s causing police report on him he has to be hiding from the police I can’t have a relationship with anyone because of him please man of God please help him he was not born that way he went and work in the interior and came back like that,man of God please help him he can’t live with me or any one please help him man of God

  3. Gail Fraser

    As i read through this article my heart could not stop appreciating how good God is.He is too good and merciful.
    Thank you Jesus for the life of your servant man of God Harry.God bless you


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