In a joyful and spiritual atmosphere, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica gathered to worship and praise God. Hymns and praises echoed throughout the auditorium, creating an air of hope and divine presence. Everyone in attendance felt the renewal and hope that only God’s grace can provide. The hymns created a positive pulse, filling the room with optimism.

The message entitled “MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES” was given by man of God Javier, encouraging believers to change their lifestyle one small step at a time and teaching them the power we have to change our future through small habits. He began by analysing how the small decisions we make every day affect our future and how the situation we are experiencing is a result of the choices we made yesterday. Therefore, we are the architects of our situation, and we cannot blame others or our lack of knowledge for our bad choices. Adopting a life-style that is with a purpose provides an opportunity to enrich others by leaving your imprint in a positive way, he pointed out.

He went on to say that in life things don’t just happen, but life is about choices and how we respond to each situation, giving an example from the Word of God: Acts 9:1-6: “Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting’, he replied. ‘Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do’”.

The Prophet explained that Apostle Paul had learned the teachings of the Pharisees from a young age. He had full confidence in these teachings and was confident that he was not only doing the right thing in zealously persecuting the followers of Christ, but that he was doing the will of God. But when Jesus opened his eyes, he directly made the right choice.

In other words, Apostle Paul had been taught much, but one encounter with Jesus Christ changed his entire outlook on the world! So he made the decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly, despite the consequences, with no turning back. Today many of us fail to follow the purpose for which God created us because we refuse to give up the old way of thinking, the things we have learned that are holding us back.

The Prophet explained that Apostle Paul received humiliation, imprisonment, defamation, persecution, and yet, he continued to praise God because he felt complete and fulfilled in going forward in his calling. So, despite his difficulties, he had joy in his heart, because no state of being is as rewarding as living in tune with God! “Satisfaction in life is not about having children, money or other worldly possessions. You have to experience God”, he pointed out.

He then went on to say that, as Christians, we are called to do great things. The Word of God teaches us that whatever we sow, that is what we will reap. So, instead of thinking about how we can succeed, we should think about what kind of decisions we make every day, urging the people of God to think.

The hard truth, he continued, is that the one who crosses his hands will write no history. If every day, little by little, we play our part, we will reach to our goal! We only need to do our part, and God will take care of the rest. Just as He turned David from a shepherd boy into King, and Paul, the church’s prosecutor, into an Apostle! Constantly, then, we must remind ourselves of our goal. Successful people do not just drift to the top. It takes focused action, personal discipline and a lot of energy every day to make things happen.

“If, so far, you have not made the right decisions, do not despair. Regardless of your past, life does not completely close the door on opportunities,”  the Prophet encouraged the crowd. He added, in conclusion, that God has given us talents and abilities for a bright life. God does nothing in vain! Thus, each one of us has been created with a great purpose. So let’s make the right decisions and make a difference in our circle, in a world that needs positive influences!


Life’s problems, whether they are physical pains, emotional trials or spiritual battles, can become unbearable and deprive us of peace and joy. Often, human efforts are not enough to provide a solution, leaving us in despair. However, God is the only one who can intervene with His power and grace. He reveals the roots of our problems, He heals, restores and brings complete freedom and renewal to our lives!

Mr. Augustine visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, seeking a solution to the problem of his alienation from the Word of God and the constant pains he felt throughout his body. While participating in the prayer line, the Holy Spirit did not pass him by. The man of God George Athanasiadis prayed for him and gave him the following prophetic word: “Brother, you write hypertension on your placard, but this is spiritual! You have nightmares, people chasing you in the dream! Your mother didn’t die of hypertension; it was a spirit! They attack you like this, so that you will die prematurely. God, who exposed this, also brings the solution! You are free!”.

Mr. Augustine, relieved, confirmed the prophecy. As he explained, this prophecy revealed the cause of a problem that had been plaguing his entire family. Many members of his family suffered from hypertension, taking daily medication without knowing the cause of the disease. He was diagnosed with hypertension when he was in high school, after frequent headaches and dizziness. Doctors told him that the disease was incurable and gave him medication, along with the advice to adopt a healthy lifestyle: eat right, avoid sugar, salt and oil.

Despite his efforts, his daily life was strained by medication and physical fatigue. He often slept late and woke up even later, which made him impatient and deprived him of control over his life. His dreams also plagued him because almost every night, for years, he saw people chasing or fighting him. When he decided to visit a country, he would dream of people from there appearing to him even before his journey. Many times he would wake up with body aches and bruises. During the day, he felt that these battles continued in the physical.

At the same time, his spiritual life had suffered serious consequences. He found it difficult to read the Word of God, and there were times when he would not open the Bible for three days. Instead, he had turned his attention to his finances, business meetings and loans, discussing business ideas and other worldly matters with worldly people. This distraction from God’s work became evident when he saw Prophet T. B. Joshua in his dream calling him to come, but he refused, claiming he was busy. Then he knew something was wrong!

Even his relationship with his wife was shaken, as she complained about his long working hours. Also, tensions grew due to his dreams where he saw members of her family fighting him, which was emotionally taxing. After the prophecy, however, the situation began to change for the better! Mr. Augustine started praying, reading the Bible, and his dreams became positive. His relationship with his wife improved significantly.

The Lord even spoke again to Mr. Augustine through the man of God George Athanasiadis, giving him the following prophetic word: “God honours faith the most, and you made a confession of faith! God wants to bless you, so put worry aside! You already confessed and thanked God for what He has done in your life. Put worry aside, trust in God and your blessing is coming!”

Mr. Augustine accepted the word of the man of God and he wanted to point out the following details. He said he was concerned about his family’s financial situation. Despite his many business endeavours, things were not going well and as a result, he was losing money. This often caused tension with his wife, who accused him of unnecessary spending to no avail.

After all of this, Mr. Augustine said that his life has changed completely. He advised believers to trust God for every problem and to take care of their relationship with Him so that they don’t miss out on His blessings!

Finally, he promised God to serve Him with everything he has and to let the Lord direct his steps while, focusing on His work!

As Christians, whenever we are tempted, we should always remember that our foundation, defence, or answer is quite simple: the written and eternal Word of God. Life often brings challenges that test our endurance, our faith and our relationship with God. However, no matter what your situation, if your purpose is clear, difficulties will not stop you, but they will encourage you to exercise your faith as a Christian! It is certain that only God has the power to bring solutions beyond all human understanding, demonstrating His unchanging love and care for all of us.


One could say that Mr. Yao’s life in the UK was a vicious circle of failure, and if one word could clearly describe what was happening, it would be the word collapse. That was because the cause of his problems could not simply be attributed to a bad dream. No, it was something much more, something that only the anointing of God could expose and also bring the solution!

So, he attended the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, during which he received a prophecy from Prophet Stavros: “Pray against the spirit of death. There is a spirit attacking you, this is why all you face is not normal. Pray against it, and we will pray together today. Whatever chain that has been existing in your family will be broken today! Also, you see some dreams. Some people coming to you, they want to take you with them. But they don’t have any more authority! Even if they come, command them, ‘Go out in the name of Jesus, I am delivered! You don’t have authority over me!’”.

For over 2 decades, Mr. Yao experienced very painful situations. Firstly, many years ago he developed severe back pain, which evolved into a syndrome that caused nerve damage. Since then, his life has changed dramatically. For example, because of the pain, he found it difficult to stay focused on what he was doing. Still, he was not able to do various physical activities, he could not even stand up for long periods of time, nor could he sit for long periods of time. At the same time, because of the nerve damage, his body could not hold his urine; he was going to the restroom 5-6 times a night!

Unfortunately for him, none of the medications he tried helped him. In fact, he added that other members of his family also faced health problems, such as high blood pressure.

As for his career, Mr. Yao has studied Law with a Master’s degree in Criminology. One would expect that an educated man would have a good job. Nevertheless… All the applications he sent out to find a job were rejected, with direct consequences of course on his finances.

His marriage was not successful either. Although he has been married for more than 20 years, he only lived with his wife for the first 8 years because she was living in another house with their children and they were on the verge of divorce. They had admittedly tried to reconnect, but they failed.

As for his sleep, in his dreams he saw other people chasing and fighting him. The nightmares were so intense that many times he would punch the air and the wall while he slept! The bad dreams started many years ago and they were very frequent.

Because the quality and quantity of sleep was affected, he would wake up tired in the morning. He tried praying to God to find a solution, but the more he prayed, the more the demonic attacks intensified.

Now, after the prophetic word he firmly believes that a breakthrough has come in his life, and he promised God Almighty to follow Him and be fully committed to Him!

When man faces difficulties that seem insurmountable, faith can become the strength that strengthens him. The spiritual attacks and trials of life are not invincible when we rely on God. With the Lord by your side, you can be sure that beyond your present situation is revival, renewal and redemption.

In the following pictures we see the anointing of God moving among His believers, sowing blessing and destroying every chain of the enemy, in the name of Jesus Christ!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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