In a warm and spiritually refreshing atmosphere, the believers raised their voices and hearts with hymns of praise to God. The auditorium was filled with deep feelings of gratitude, faith and joy as those present prayed and sang with all their hearts. The unity and love among the worshipers was evident as everyone felt the presence of God filling the space. It was a day full of anticipation for all that God would do in their lives.
In this atmosphere of faith and praise, the believers welcomed Prophetess Evgenia, who shared an awakening message entitled: “NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNING”. Her message was thought-provoking and gave directions on how to face the challenges of the new year through God’s strength and guidance.

The Prophetess began by emphasising the dual nature of man: the spiritual and the physical nature of man! These two natures are in constant conflict, as man daily battles between good and evil, flesh and spirit, light and darkness. She explained that spiritual people and natural people have a completely different perception of life. A spiritual man sees injustices as trials that prepare him for God’s reward, while a natural man places blame on others, creating grievances, conflicts, and discord about what happens in his life.
Wanting to give a living example through the Word of God, the Prophetess referred to the Pharisee and the tax collector, to whom the Holy Bible refers to. The Pharisee, although outwardly he appeared to be noble and spiritual, was actually praising himself and boasting as he prayed. His prayer did not show humility, but was full of pride. In contrast, the tax collector, a man despised by society because of his profession, prayed acknowledging his position as a sinner. Full of repentance he asked for forgiveness from God… This comparison revealed that spirituality is not judged by our outward appearance or words, but by the sincere attitude of our heart. “Packaging is deceptive”, emphasised the Prophetess, calling believers to focus on their own heart and their relationship with God!

As the New Year began, the Prophetess urged believers to leave the past behind. She passionately explained that clinging to the past only brings burdens and hinders progress. “Most Christians,” she said, “constantly talk about the past, which stigmatizes them, fills their hearts with pain and guilt, and prevents them from moving forward.” However, God’s Word calls us to look forward with faith and hope.
Then, she read from Isaiah 43:18-19, where the Bible says: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. This assures us that God can bring something new and wonderful, even in the most difficult and dry phases of our lives.
In closing, she called on believers to trust God in the battles of their lives because “When we involve God in our problems, victory is certain”, she emphasised.

Negative thoughts not only affect our mood, but they also determine our reality. It is true that our lives cannot rise above the level of our thoughts. If we constantly think about failure, we limit our possibilities and remain in mediocrity. Success requires a mindset of possibilities and faith. Without visualizing success, we cannot achieve it, as our actions align with our dominant thoughts. Unfortunately, however, we do not realise how negative thoughts have become lifestyle.
The same thing happened to Ms. Eliona, who, while visiting the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, received a word from God through Prophetess Evgenia: “You start something and stop it. You start, and then stop. Success will never come to your life by doing so. You have to finish what you start. And this disappointment that you feel does not suit the children of God. The Lord reveals this to you because you will continue like this for a lifetime and say, ‘Ah! I am not successful!’. Success is not like that, it is your fault, no one is to blame! God opens our eyes. Don’t start things and then stop them. You have to continue with whatever you start, be stubborn about it until you finish it and succeed in life, because this will also help your children in the future. And I see that you are a little lost with God. It is not good to lose our relationship with God, it does not help us. Read the Bible every day, fill your heart with the Word. God loves you!”

A short time later, Mrs. Eliona returned to the church with her wonderful testimony! She began by saying that since she was a child she had dreamed of becoming a professional in the field of hairdressing. So, she decided to go to a hairdressing school, which she graduated from with good grades. Then, she tried to find a job in her field, both because it was her dream, and also to do her internship. Unfortunately, however, she could not find a job in a hairdressing salon, because only experienced people were hired. Because she loved hairdressing so much, Mrs. Eliona began to go to houses and style people’s hair. This situation continued for ten years, until she began to think that she would never achieve her dream. Being in a difficult financial situation, as her school tuition had cost 5,000€, she decided to find another job to support her family. Thus, she ended up working in a factory, a fact with which she was very unpleasant to her.
The above made her feel very bad, thinking that she was a failure, and made her lose hope. Seeing worldly people succeed and she, as a child of God, unable to achieve her dream, she became more and more disappointed over time. However, because she wanted to take matters into her own hands, she decided to get additional certifications to help with her hairdressing degree. So, she started working night shifts to save money to take nail salon seminars. Two months after starting these seminars, she began to think that the years had passed and that she would not succeed, and she was seriously considering giving up. At that point, Mrs. Eliona received the prophecy, which gave her courage and strength to continue! Especially, when the Prophetess said “God loves you,” she was filled with motivation!
So, she decided not only to complete the seminars and pursue her dream, but also decided to take the exams to get a greek passport, something she had also not done due to negative thoughts that she would not succeed as a foreigner from Albania! So, she studied hard, took the exams, and succeeded! All that was left for her was to find a job in the subject she loved, and she began the search. When she started receiving rejections from the hairdressing salons once more, she began to doubt again. Then, God showed her in a dream Prophetess Evgenia, in a beautiful shop, telling her “Your place is here”. Waking up full of peace, joy, and strength, Ms. Eliona was sure that she would succeed! Determined, she began uploading photos of her work on the internet in order to find a job. So, due to her degree in nail art, she was called for an interview, to her surprise, at a hairdressing salon. Ms. Eliona, then, told them that she is also a hairdresser and has a lot of knowledge on the subject. They decided to try her out on both degrees, and on the second day they not only hired her, but also gave her the keys to the shop! With no experience, no previous experience in another shop, in fact, they let her take over the shop, praising her skills and character, for which she thanked the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica for!
Now Mrs. Eliona has her vision in the forefront of her mind, her relationship with God and her family has improved. She feels successful and wants to take her dream even further. Full of joy and fulfillment, she advised the listeners not to give up and promised God to follow Him and serve Him with her family!
Prophet T. B. Joshua said that not reaching the goal you set is not a failure, but not even trying is. Thus, as children of God, we should not be discouraged, as personal improvement and fulfilment in life come through the continual process of learning from both negative and positive experiences.

There is no doubt that each of us faces our own weaknesses in terms of our character, our behavior. And this is because as humans perfection eludes us all. However, a weakness that causes others around us to curse us requires immediate attention and correction. Fortunately, Mr. Ramson realised his problem and found the solution, which is always Jesus Christ!
That is why, from France, he came to Greece and took part in the prayer line. There, he received the following prophetic word from the man of God, Evgenia: “I will say exactly what I see. I see black doors around you, you try, but nothing happens. You are in a cycle of failure! Do you know where this comes from? It has to do with your character. You need to change. Because, do you know what happens with this bad character? You cause people to curse you. This is the message for you today. When you change, white doors will begin to open in your life!”

A little later, Mr. Ramson clarified that the bad character that the Prophetess spoke about had to do with his anger problem, something that he had had for several years.
Specifically, he often said words that hurt the people around him, when, for example, they did not agree on a specific issue. Deep down, he simply wanted to express his opinion, but anger led him beyond the limits…
Obviously, his relationships with his family and friends had been negatively affected, especially his relationship with his wife.
He understood that he had an anger management problem, but with his own, human strength, he was unable to overcome it. Until he brought his weakness to the One who paid with His blood on the Cross to redeem us! Mr. Ramson declared clearly at the end: “There is freedom in my life now!”, believing that the best is ahead of him!
Therefore, one of the things that gives satan authority, legal right over a person is sin. Thus, to live a life of freedom and access to God’s blessings, we must avoid anything that leads us to sin, even anger!
The following photos show what can happen when you decide to put your problem in the hands of the One who has every Heavenly solution. These images are proof that in the presence of God, no situation can remain the same.