With hearts full of anticipation and longing to experience the wonderful power of God, His children gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica! The believers sang along with the worship team to the Lord Jesus Christ and their voices opened the Heavens for showers of blessing. Every hymn glorified the one who lived, was crucified, rose again, and still reigns with power and might for us, the heirs of His eternal Kingdom!

This atmosphere of praise and peace was complemented by the sermon of Prophet George Christodoulou, titled “PROTECT YOUR FOCUS”. A message that undoubtedly is a key to opening the gates of heaven in your own life!

Starting off, he emphasised that many Christians, when they started to have a relationship with Father God, were very warm. They attended church every Sunday, studied and prayed heavily in their daily lives. However, when some events happened in their lives, for example an illness, they immediately left God. If anyone wonders why, said the servant of God, it is because of our focus. “Whatever you feel right now is a result of your focus!”, he concluded.

As he analysed deeper, he emphasised that if you believe what the devil says, you are what the devil says you are. Instead, if you focus on God, you are what God says you are, you have what God says you have, and you can do what God says you can do! That is, you will know that your illness, your problem, is temporary, because He is in control of your life!

Then he cited a corresponding example from the Holy Bible, specifically from the Gospel of John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus Christ never promised that we would be kept away from sorrows, that is, problems. With the Lord, however, even if you are sick, you will have peace, because Jesus is your Healer. He overcame the world for us! Therefore, if you are a man of vision, whatever stands in your way will not be able to stop you. Instead of pressure and tension to reduce your vision, it will even enlarge your strategies.

You should not break your relationship with God because of your situation, said man of God George. He even gave a second Biblical example, from Acts 16:22-26, in which the Bible describes that Paul and Silas were imprisoned. Although they were accused and beaten harshly and unjustly for preaching the Gospel, they did not allow themselves to break their relationship with God, but they glorified Him, in the midst of bonds! And suddenly, God set them free.

Finally, having pointed out how important it is to maintain a proper focus, the Prophet also explained how it can be done. In more detail, he stated that the more you focus on God, on His Word, pray, and meditate on the thoughts of Christ, the more you are filled with God and keep your focus on Him!


Pain, sadness and fear are emotions that deeply touch those who are dealing with the loss of loved ones or the anguish brought on by the illness of someone close to them. For many families, everyday life is filled with anxiety and uncertainty as they struggle to support their loved ones and at the same time cope themselves. However, even in these dark times, hope remains alive. Why? Because God is Hope, and He is there to support us in every difficulty. When everything around us seems unbearable and the weight of sorrow seems insurmountable, God is there to be our support and to restore our lives!

Ms. Giota, who lives with her family in Germany, faced a similar situation. Her child was born normal, however, when he reached the age of fifteen months, he started showing some disturbing symptoms. She and her husband noticed that the child was quite distant from the people around him, and seemed to be in his own world while appearing to make spastic movements. At the same time, he also delayed in walking. Stefanos, as he is called, did not show much interest in the things around him, had no imagination and could not speak. The only way he could communicate with people was by making sounds. He would also have severe seizures, which could last up to an hour and a half. He would scream, hit himself on the floor and roll on the floor. The seizures would only stop when little Stefanos was physically exhausted.

At the same time, Stefanos’ parents wanted to enrol him in a special school for children with autism. The child’s initial integration seemed very difficult, as he was extremely isolated. He could not support himself and do things such as eating, drinking water or even going to the toilet alone until he was four and a half. His mother also faced great difficulties with his sleep, since he slept at irregular times, which also made her own daily life difficult.

Ms. Giota felt very sad about her child’s condition but tried to support her husband, who was facing greater difficulty accepting it. Her life daily revolved around the child’s care because it constantly demanded her attention.

Three months after the diagnosis of autism, Ms. Giota became pregnant with a second child, Mario. The baby was born prematurely and died four months later. This loss heavily affected Ms. Giota, who now found herself facing the death of her second child, in addition to the challenges of her disabled son. The peak of her situation was when, sometime later, her mother also passed away, leaving her devastated!

This period was extremely difficult for her. Sadness and fear had taken over her life. She constantly feared she was going to die, was sick every day, and often visited the hospital without specifically addressing a health problem. In fact, at night she would have nightmares, where dogs and snakes would bite her, which led her to wake up with a racing heart and stomachache.

Overwhelmed by despair, she decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica. At the time of the prayer line, the man of God Harry prayed for her and an unclean spirit manifested saying, Please stop, God… She’s going to die!”. However, in addition to her, her son, Stefanos, also received prayer. An anointed touch was all he needed to receive complete healing from autism!

Since then, the life of the family has changed radically. That night, Ms. Giota had a dream of her son and in this dream he was about seven-eight years old and he was speaking normally. Her heart was filled with joy! Stefanos was blessed by God, and he gradually started to show signs of improvement. The spastic movements stopped, he started to speak and communicate better and today he speaks three languages: English, Greek and German! The autistic meltdowns stopped and his sleep was fully restored.

Ms. Giota now feels very happy and stress-free. The fear is gone and she can make plans for her future. Her husband supports her and they both grow spiritually. In their family, there is gratitude towards God and fulfilment in their life.

Finally, Ms. Giota’s promise was to follow God and speak about Him everywhere.

Acting faith makes those things that are against us be for us. It is what will help us turn obstacles into opportunities and the trials we go through into blessings.


Loss can be one of the most difficult experiences we face in life. It leaves us feeling empty and being cut off from everything we love. The pain of loss can be immense, affecting our soul and our body. Memories become heavy, and the sense of irreparability fills us with grief. However, through the pain, Jesus Christ can be the light that guides us out of the darkness! Faith in Him offers comfort and strength, helping us to find hope, even in the most difficult times!

Ms. Badia, a Paris resident originally from Congo, experienced a personal tragedy that almost cost her faith. As she came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, Prophet George Christodoulou gave her the following prophecy. “I see fear and sorrow in your life, disappointment. I see disappointment in your life. Did you hear the message today? Just because you have problems doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you. Whatever you desire, God has prepared it for you but you have to stay close to Him. You have a role to play. Stay close to Jesus, keep your focus on God and you will see, whatever you ask according to His will, He’ll give it to you. Then, you will come to give your testimony.”

She later confirmed that she indeed felt extremely sad the entire time, as in 2010, her baby was born with a serious heart condition. When the child was only six months old, it had to undergo surgery. Unfortunately, despite her prayers, the child died. This tragic loss overwhelmed her, and her relationship with God began to crumble. She couldn’t understand why God allowed her child to die, although she was a Christian. She felt as if she had lost a part of herself. Anger and disappointment drove her to despair, she felt worthless and unable to move on in life.

After the loss of her child, Ms. Badia was not only in grief but also felt a deep fear that prevented her from moving on with her life. Fear dominated her thoughts and her life. She admitted that she was afraid to make any decision for both her future and on personal choices. This fear caused her stagnation and a sense of weakness as she felt that anything she did would lead to disappointment.

While her feelings of depression increased, she began to have suicidal thoughts. She would watch the trains go by and feel the urge to jump in front of them to end her life. Moreover, when a man came into her life and proposed marriage, they would disappear without any explanation, leaving her with even greater disappointment and sorrow.

Following the prophecy and the Prophet’s instruction, she decided to turn to God again. Although she had been through many trials, she believed that God would restore her life. The prayer she received made her feel that a great weight had been lifted off of her. Her heart was filled with joy and hope and she felt free and light again! Having experienced this miracle of change, she promised God that when He would give her a child again, she will teach it His ways for His glory!

The good news, today, is that Jesus Christ never abandoned us, He never said goodbye. Whatever we ask according to His will, He will give it to us! Faith grows immediately the moment you realise that God is trustworthy!



In modern society, many people face psychological and spiritual challenges that affect their daily lives. Job loss, financial difficulties and the inability to concentrate affect plenty of people. Recurring dreams and nightmares point out the existence of deeper fears, creating a cycle of uncertainty. In our times, the need for support and guidance is more urgent than ever before, as people seek ways to restore their faith and regain the strength to move forward!

Mr. Josphat, from Italy, visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica seeking freedom from various unclean spirits that tormented him, and brought stagnation in his life! As he took part in the prayer line, the man of God George Christodoulou approached him and gave him a prophetic word: “Bad dreams! They poisoned you in your dream! Some unclean spirits give you food in your dream! Since the day you felt it more intense than other days, your life began to change for the worse! You started having chest pains and everything you mentioned on the placard. Because you came here today you will be free, but you have to focus on God, you must stay close to God to maintain your freedom.”

After receiving this prophetic word, Mr. Josphat confirmed the prophecy by saying that when he experienced such an attack in his sleep he immediately began to have problems at work, to the point that it caused him to lose his own business! Furthermore, he said that he had serious concentration problems because he had a lot of thoughts that affected his ability to focus on one thing and distracted him!

Now, after receiving prayer, he feels happy and restored! He feels that with the prophetic word given to him, his life has changed completely! He believes that God has a glorious plan for his life that can help people. In closing, he promised God that both him and his family will focus on Him and do His work!

The difficulties and attacks we face may be necessary to awaken us and bring us closer to God. No mortal man or devil can supersede the plan of God for your life. There is only one person that can get you out of the will of God – that is you. It is important to accept challenges as a means of strengthening and growing in order to keep you stable!


Many Christians today are dealing with problems and trials without realising that the situations they are facing are not mere challenges, but a battle between good and evil. A battle between the physical and the spiritual world. Behind their difficulties, there are often unclean spirits, who have come to steal, kill and destroy. So, when you find yourself in a situation where no human intervention can give a solution, then what you really need is a divine intervention!

Ms.Sarojini came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, to experience first-hand the power of Jesus Christ working in her life! During the prayer line, the man of God, George Christodoulou, spoke to her and said, “Your ancestors worshipped idols, that is why you have problems and you have suffered a lot in your life! This happened because your ancestors worshipped idols. This spirit found a door in your life to kill you, to destroy your life! Because you are here today, you will be delivered and you will see that your life will never be the same again!”

Shortly afterwards, Ms. Sarojini, clearly excited and grateful, wanted to confirm all that the Prophet had said about her life. She explained that her family had a tradition of sacrificing the blood of animals to idols and worshipping images of idols. She also worshipped them for twenty whole years. However, this idol became the reason her marriage was destroyed, her health deteriorated and her financial situation was shaken.

In 2008, she divorced her husband, as there was no communication between them. The fights were constant, anger was prevalent and there was no communication and no peace in their home. In terms of her health, she was diagnosed with diabetes and cancer, which affected her physical condition and her daily life.

Today, however, she feels deep gratitude for what Jesus Christ has done in her life, as she never imagined she would receive such a powerful word! She now believes that the best is yet to come in her life. She promised God Almighty to stay strong and be steadfast in her faith, full of hope and confidence for the future!

The beauty of our Christian journey are the trials, temptation, difficulties and challenges we face on our way to redemption. So regardless of your situation, you should remember that it’s not going to last for long; Jesus Christ will make the way!

Even if you have never been able to put an end to your problem by your strength, even if you have never recovered from that disease, even if you have never got the breakthrough you wanted, with God all things are possible! In the same way, the people in the pictures received the humanly impossible, you will too!

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