A wonderful Sunday dawned for the worshippers of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. Believers from different parts of the world came to give all praise to the Lord of heaven and earth! An atmosphere of faith, hope and anticipation filled the place and the hearts of the faithful on that blessed day, as everyone was yearning for their divine appointment with Jesus Christ!

Soon afterwards, the man of God Stavros preached in revealing words a profound message entitled: “SETTLE YOUR MATTERS WITH GOD”, with the intention of encouraging and at the same time teaching the people of God how to remain steadfast in their relationship with Him.

He pointed out that from the Old Testament until today most of us Christians seek God because of our problems, since we have reached a point in life where we have exhausted all our financial resources and all our intellectual power! Having searched every corner of the planet for a solution to our problems, in the end, we are driven to a dead end! In such circumstances most of us turn to God to see if He has an answer for our case. In making this decision, we begin to build a relationship with Him, exchanging promises and commitments so that He will help us by giving us what we need! It is, however, very common when it comes time for our blessing from God to obliterate the promises we made, very easily forgetting who the provider of our blessing is! By giving all these profound examples, he reminded the crowd that Christianity is not just a religion that we only embrace when we are in trouble. On the contrary, it is a relationship! A relationship of father and son, father and daughter!

He then explained that the biggest problem for the people of God today is that they have unfinished business with Him! To emphasise, he read from Joshua 24:19-20: “Joshua said to the people, ‘You are not able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you’”. Indeed, God chose to have a special relationship with the people of Israel, and in the Old Testament we see how God systematically blessed them as long as they did not run astray of His ways. Sadly, however, the common thread among both the people of Israel and many Christians today, as revealed by the man of God, is amnesia! This amnesia, he explained, is not due to pathological causes, but is selective, as people have a permanent tendency to forget what God has done for them. In fact, we tend to make promises to God, to promise heaven and earth when we are in need, and when we receive our blessing, we do very little or none of what we promised!

Prophet Stavros emphasised that God is a jealous God! This means that God wants to have a reciprocal relationship with His people, but what happens in reality is that we only draw close to God when we realise that the source of our blessings is drying up, and we return to Him seeking healing, freedom, breakthrough, again. Many of us even wonder if God listens to us, because He has stopped answering our prayers… But God will continue to be unfaithful and powerless in our lives if we do not first settle the fundamental issues we have with Him! The most common cause of neglect towards our obligations to God is the dominance of worldly concerns in our lives. So, if we were wondering what the cause of our unanswered prayers is, the man of God Stavros explained that it is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our heart that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith!

Completing his message, he stated that it is necessary to make a genuine decision to follow Jesus Christ and fulfil all the promises we have made to Him over the years. Also, it is not too late to repent and ask for forgiveness, because the greatest love that Jesus Christ has given us is the opportunity to correct our mistakes! In concluding this God-inspired message, it is necessary to understand that our relationship with God is not just a hobby but is a covenant between us and God!


Who would have imagined that in the year 2023 there would be people facing the horrors of war? Who would have imagined that a young man who had Jesus Christ as his ally would become a channel of hope, generosity and love for all those people who saw their country bombed in a single night? We are talking about Mr. Maxim, a resident of Ukraine who saw the hand of God working powerfully in his life as he faithfully followed the instructions of man of God Harry! Deeply moved and with immense gratitude to God, he stood among God’s children and recounted all that God Almighty had done in his life!

In 2021, Mr. Maxim and his wife visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with the intention of staying permanently in Greece. After residing in the country for a few months, they had to return to Ukraine to renew their visa. Two weeks after they arrived there, the war broke out! As he described it, people were desperate, as no one expected it to really begin! So, he decided to contact the man of God Harry and inform him of the turn of events, waiting for God’s opinion on his situation!

People were terrified, there were bombings every hour, food was too little and too expensive, there were no jobs, the country’s economy had fallen and people were now homeless! The army was so small that they were taking men – ordinary civilians – training them for two weeks and putting them on the battlefield!

In these extreme circumstances, a glimmer of hope surfaced as Emmanuel TV, the television channel of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria, wanted to help the Ukrainian state by sending money, food and whatever else was necessary for their survival. Then, the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was also quick to donate a car to this charity project that had been set up! So Mr. Maxim, without wasting time, started to distribute food, medicine, clothing, in dangerous places where the Russian army had taken over! One of the problems they faced was the weather, as the war broke out in winter, and people could not cultivate the land to be able to eat and live. Their only hope was whatever aid other countries sent for them!

Their task was still not easy, however, because they often took essentials to places that were constantly being bombed! In fact, as he recounts, God had saved him from certain death, as on one mission, a few minutes before they were due to arrive at the meeting point to deliver the food, their car broke down so that they could not reach their final destination. Shortly afterwards, they learned that the place they were about to gather was bombed and no one would have survived! As a remarkable fact, one pastor expressed to Mr. Maxim the fact that most of the time when other volunteers went on a mission, there was always a victim, a dead person, but once they came, they did not mourn a single dead person from their mission!

The whole state of the war particularly affected Mr. Maxim, who harboured a great hatred for the Russian people. In fact, many times when he saw a Russian plane flying over the cities of Ukraine, he would pray for the pilot to die at that time, so that no Ukrainian would perish! This hatred very soon brought along an inexplicable anger, everything minor enraged him. Unable to manage his anger any longer, under the guidance of man of God Harry, he decided to enter the prayer line to eliminate the shackles of darkness in his life, and so it happened!

Now Mr. Maxim is happy, full of peace and optimism for the future! Anger and hatred are things of the past! Furthermore, his hatred for the Russian people and army turned into prayer, since the man of God himself advised him to pray for the salvation of their souls. In conclusion, he wanted to advise all people not to forget to forgive all those who have hurt them, so that Almighty God could also forgive their sins. He promised to have love, mercy and grace for all the people around him!

The quality of our faith is not shown by our attitude towards God when things are going well, but when times are difficult – that is, when our future seems uncertain! So when faced with the unknown, ask for God’s grace in your life and He will help you overcome your situation!


Ms. Anna came from Athens to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to receive the deliverance she had longed for so many years. Indeed, Jesus Christ answered her prayers to the glory of God! As Ms. Anna was in the prayer line, the Spirit of God located her and gave her a prophetic message through the man of God Michael. The prophetic word was this: “You have given up on life! You have given up in your life! Why have you given up? There is hope! Jesus Christ is your hope! You will receive it, in the name of Jesus Christ! Lord, let your hope speak in her life, in the name of Jesus Christ. You are free in the name of Jesus Christ!”. Tears of joy began to flow from Ms. Anna’s eyes as she received a word from the Lord that brought hope into her life!

Later, she confirmed the prophecy she received and even recounted the difficult situations she experienced from a young age. Indeed, she had given up on life because of the curses, black magic and voodoo that had been done to her and her family. She was born in Kuwait and grew up in Africa and the house her father rented was built on top of a cemetery from which the skeletons were not removed and in the past they used to hold many ceremonies in that particular spot.

Every night when she and her eight siblings went to bed, one of them was awakened at three o’clock in the morning by strange presences. Ms. Anna would hear her siblings waking up startled and talking to someone. When it was her turn, then at three o’clock sharp she would be awakened by a frightening presence with red eyes, tail and horns. This would happen for years and Ms. Anna and her brothers would tell their father about the incidents, but he would not believe them. Eventually after some years they moved to another house, but the attacks continued and even got worse.

Up until a few hours before her deliverance, Ms. Anna saw this presence following her every day, even in the physical. While she was walking, she would see this terrifying presence beside her! One noticeable feeling she had was that of spiders crawling on her, as well as needle and snake bites. These spiders would walk on her head and then go into her throat, making her feel like she couldn’t breathe. She also could not sleep at night for many years!

Apart from Ms. Anna, this presence was haunting the rest of her family and, in fact, three people have already died! As Ms. Anna grew older, she was constantly lonely! Even though she was around many people, she still felt lonely. Also, people close to her ended up moving away from her and not keeping a relationship with her. Even though she has two children, neither of them wanted to have a relationship with her. Her sleep was also a difficult affair as she would see men in her dreams trying to sleep with her and when she would wake up hating herself.

All this affected her professional life as well, as she could not work. Every time she got a job, within a few days she was dismissed and often she could not get another one, even though she had a very good CV and spoke four languages! So she lived on some help from the churches and the municipality!

With an uncertain future ahead of her, Ms. Anna decided to start looking for a solution in different churches as her situation was still getting worse, but every time she entered a church, the presence followed her inside the church! Because of this whole situation she got to the point of wanting to kill herself…

At one point she said a prayer while walking: “Lord, since I am Your child and You do not abandon Your children, tell me what I should do!”. Then, she opened her cell phone and saw the song “YOU ARE THE ALMIGHTY GOD!” on YouTube. Once she saw it, faith came into her heart and she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica!

All the glory belongs to Jesus Christ who answered Ms. Anna’s prayer! Immediately after the prayer, she said she felt at peace and that she had finally found what she had been looking for so long! The frightening presence that had been following her for so many years disappeared all at once along with the sense of pulse she felt. Now she feels free and happy, she can breathe freely and as she said she is returning to Athens in peace!

Full of love and gratitude to God Almighty for the mercy He showed her, she promised to continue the rest of her life as a soldier of Christ and to serve only Him forever!

God delivers His faithful servants from their troubles and clothes them with honour, and He is not far from those who worship Him in faith and truth. Therefore, continue to worship God without ceasing because He has never left you, but He has promised to be with you forever!


Mr. Bruno came from Amsterdam, Holland, to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to receive the Heavenly blessings that the Lord had prepared for him!

During the prayer line and as the man of God Sorin prayed for him, the Holy Spirit had this to say about his situation: “You have nightmares, attacks in the dream. Many types of them. Sexual ones and also the ones in which you see fighting in the dream, and when you wake up, from there on, you cannot see yourself moving on. You don’t feel well, you don’t feel right you cannot focus. Satan is attacking you and two, I see you using social media in a wrong way. If we allow it to be used by satan in our lives, it will destroy us. So, don’t use it in the same way, but use it for the glory of God! Today is the day of your deliverance, but you have a role to play, to maintain it!”

Happy and deeply moved, he confirmed by saying that the bad dreams he was having determined his whole mood for the rest of the day! Most of the time, he was faced with sexual assaults or attacks by demons fighting him. This also affected his health as it made him feel dizzy and not see very well!

He also added that he watched 6 hours of porn every day! He had been affected to such an extent that all he could think about was how to chase women.

Now, free from the chains of lust, he has decided that from now on, he will remove all Social Media applications and use the internet only for something that will glorify the name of God! He pointed out that he feels free to do God’s will, while his promise to God Almighty is that he will pray daily and maintain a lifestyle centred on prayer.

No man is above influence! Therefore, do not go where Jesus Christ would not go. Don’t say what Jesus Christ wouldn’t say! Don’t see what Jesus Christ wouldn’t see! Build a strong relationship with God, and then you will be able to say no to sin and yes to God’s righteousness!


Mr. Tosan Jaja, suffering from evil attacks and stagnation, came all the way from the United Kingdom, seeking for guidance and direction. Despite having a reputable job working as an IT Professional working with computers and electronic devices, Mr. Tosan was experiencing a general dissatisfaction with life, feeling unfulfilled.

Upon visiting the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, during the prayer line, he received a prophetic message that pierced through the monotony of his stagnation, bringing clarity and renewed aspirations toward his birth-given purpose. The Holy Spirit, speaking through Prophet Michael, gave Mr. Tosan this message: “Why are you not following your calling? I see doubts. Follow your calling, you know your calling! Calling is a personal thing. I see that you pray every 3–4 days, when you are in the mood. It doesn’t work like that! Prayer is the master key! You should pray all day! You should take your time to pray for your calling, it’s an important calling!”.

After the service, Mr. Tosan confirmed that the prophecy he received is true and he revealed that the calling he had been hesitating to follow is to be an evangelist! As the man of God mentioned, doubt was the reason behind his reluctance. More specifically, Mr. Tosan disclosed that he was unsure of his success in this calling due to dyslexia, a problem which caused him shame and made him hold back. He said that he didn’t feel adequate since dyslexia would hinder him from reading the Word, so he was not certain that he would ever be able to fulfil God’s plan for his life.

However, Mr. Tosan expressed his readiness to drop his shame and embrace his calling! Regarding his prayer life, he is now ready to take it more seriously in order to focus on the path the Lord has already paved for him. Lastly, Mr. Tosan promised to God that he will pray and stay close to God, no longer doubting his purpose, knowing that God will show him the way despite any physical shortcomings he may have!

Whatever situation you may find yourself in, don’t doubt your faith; doubt your doubts because they are unreliable!


Ms. Claudia Martos from Canada suffered from severe stomach pains and nightmares that made her life unbearable. Having learned about the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, she was convinced that she would find a solution to the mystery of her stomach pains. Indeed, God, moving powerfully during the Sunday Service, revealed the very root of her intractable problem.

During the prayer line, Mrs. Claudia was privileged to receive a touch and a message from the Holy Spirit through the servant of God, Prophet Michael, who revealed the source of her pain: “I see severe pain coming in your stomach. There has been pain in your stomach for years. This is not physical! This is why you have all these attacks. You have bad dreams! So, don’t worry; today is your day of salvation, this is your day of deliverance. You should not worry any more. All these years that you were suffering – it is over. You are a new creation!”.

After the service, Mrs. Claudia confirmed that everything the man of God said was true. Full of relief, she said that this issue started when she was young and its consequences were truly terrible. To elaborate, she admitted that she was living a miserable life. She was constantly worried, as she could not sleep well every night because of the pain. She was always stressed and even though the doctors did ultrasounds and x-rays, they couldn’t find anything wrong with her!

Regarding the bad dreams, Ms. Claudia explained that nightmares were not a rare occurrence. They often appeared, especially when she was watching news about issues happening around the world. So she avoided watching the news, being heavily influenced by it, but the nightmares were also caused by things that worried her personally.

Finally, thanking God for her healing and for the grace to move forward with the certainty that the endless nights of bad dreams and chronic stomach pains were now a thing of the past, Mrs. Claudia promised God to continue to serve Him with all she has all the days of her life!

Addressing the problem and neglecting the cause is like simply cutting off the branches of a tree and neglecting the root. When God heals, He goes to the root cause of the problem to heal effectively!

Below are pictures from the prayer line. God’s miracle-working power was miraculously manifested among those who sought God’s face in faith!

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