The Choir of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, through the heavenly hymns sung by them, motivated the believers to allow the Living God to interfere in their cases, so they can find rest in their hearts. The atmosphere of faith touched the heart of God and miracles started unfolding!

A powerful message from the evangelist Olina Michailidou followed titled: “SHARPEN YOUR SWORD” with which she aroused the interest of all and awakened the hearts of those present.

It began by emphasizing the fact that every Sunday people come to church acknowledging their weaknesses and repenting of their wrongdoings. They gladly accept God’s plan for their lives again, giving a new promise to God that they will follow Him and will not make the same mistakes again. Soon, however, many of them prove incapable of keeping their promises and forget God’s plan, being carried away by everyday life. Thus, they live carefree, unaware that the enemy lurks and devises plans to make them break their promises and seize the blessings they have received. Many of them justify their failure to keep their promises, and hold God responsible for losing their blessings, saying that the Lord allowed this to happen. But, the evangelist explained, the truth is that what makes people break their promises to God is the lack of awareness that anything close to Jesus Christ receives attack! Then, as she read from 1 Samuel 17:34-36, she clarified that David saw the flock of sheep entrusted to him by his father as a mission and a responsibility towards God, as a talent that he had to protect and to multiply, and not just as a job. He knew it was a blessing from God and he knew he would be attacked. He knew that it was a blessing given by God and that he was going to receive attack. So, being aware of the enemy’s tactics, he prepared by drawing up a battle plan to protect his blessing. He was determined to keep his blessing and refused to fail.

If we too are aware of the value of God’s blessings in our lives, then we must have a battle plan. The evangelist clarified that knowing that anything close to Jesus Christ receives attack is a battle plan, and added: “The greatest thing satan aims is to break our relationship with God”. To achieve this, the devil monitors our weaknesses and uses them to turn us away from God. Therefore, the only way to maintain God’s blessings in our lives is to build a love relationship with Jesus Christ. Thus, the evangelist made it clear that the Word of God in our hearts is our sword, our weapon and our defence. Reaching the end of her message, the evangelist encouraged us all to sharpen our sword and raise it before satan, cutting with it everything he uses to destroy our relationship with God!

Young Mr. Nikos Panapakidis attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to testify before everyone how God turned failure in his life into a great success, after the instruction and prayer he received by the man of God Harry!
He started by taking a look back at the journey of his academic life, as this was the main problem that always worried him. From the beginning of his schooling, he was always a mediocre student, as it was very difficult for him to concentrate on studying his homework and to assimilate the material he had to learn, no matter how many hours he would study. His grades would only barely help him make it to the next class as they were not satisfactory enough at the end of the school year. That is why he tried to raise his score by showing a good character and participating during class. This continued until the last year of high school when he set as a goal to enter an automation university in Thessaloniki, where he lived. He did his best with endless hours of studying and going to night school, but in the middle of the school year, he realized that he had not managed to study the whole syllabus and prepare in time for the national exams. So, when he took the exam he failed.
The shock he suffered when he failed for the first time disoriented him from his goal and he decided to study at a graphic design college. But, he soon realized that this was not what he wanted to do with his life. So, he was determined not to give up, but to give exams again and keep trying until he would go to the university he wanted. So, he decided to take a second exam in order to enter the automation university, but once again he did not pass, and that was even worse for his emotional state. Not knowing what else to do, he consulted the man of God Harry, who advised him to stop taking exams with the syllabus of the general high school in which he had studied and encouraged him to enroll in a vocational high school. Furthermore, he assured him that if he would do that, the way before him would open and he would be able to enter whatever university he would like. Immediately, he followed the instruction of the man of God and studied for another two years in the vocational high school, in order to have the right to retake the national exams with the syllabus from this high school. And God acted in his life! His academic career and his grades skyrocketed so much that he could not even believe it. He graduated from vocational high school with a grade of almost 20, and managed to obtain an electronics degree with a license to practice!
Encouraged by the changes that took place in his life, he took the national exams again after first standing in the prayer line in order to receive the academic breakthrough according to the will of God in his life!

The results of the exams were: “In order of success: Fifth, in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering at the International Hellenic University”. Happy and excited, young Mr. Nikos Panapakidis thanked the man of God Harry for his instruction, prayer and the direction given to him, and advised us all to put our problem in the hands of God, and then God will take over it on His time. And his promise to the Giver of this wonderful breakthrough in his life was to follow Him for the rest of his life!
Whatever the situation you face, never misinterpret God’s silence as rejection. Victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit but for those who endure!

Mrs. Chrysoula Kourtoglou came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share her marvelous testimony of reconciliation with us! This is not the first time that Mrs. Kourtoglou shares a wonderful testimony with us, as God keeps on working and restoring her life!
She began her testimony saying that her husband and she were a very loving couple who lived in harmony for many years without any relationship problems. She was always longing for his companionship, and she felt calm and peaceful near him. A very serious issue that came up many years later disturbed this beautiful relationship. Her husband wanted to start his own business and that is why he took a loan of 3.000 euros from a loan shark. Yet, he was not able to handle the situation, and he left his wife to handle the settlement and the payment of the debt with the money she received from the welfare. It took more than two years when Mrs. Kourtoglou was finally able to repay the debt. The amount she had to pay was 9.000 euros because of the interest! However, her heart was full of complaint, bitterness, anger and unforgiveness!
This situation deeply affected their relationship and it was a significant factor for its future! Little by little, she started having negative feelings for her husband, to the degree that she hated him! She did not want to see him in the house and all she did was to try to get him out of there. She neither cooked for him nor washed his clothes. They slept in separate beds and tried to make his life difficult in any way she could! They lived separately for 8 years under the same roof; they were just staying together for their children’s sake! Nevertheless, when other people were present they acted as if everything was fine. The children who had to live in such a bad family condition felt grieved, insecure and upset! The unforgiveness due to her husband’s mistake brought even greater pain and sorrow in the years that followed! Still, Mrs. Kourtoglou was seeking God and she was praying, but she was not able to get over that fact and expel the unforgiveness in her heart.
As she attended the Sunday services in the SCOAN Thessalonica, a particular Sunday she heard the man of God Harry preaching a message titled “MISTAKES ARE CORRECTABLE (PART 2)”. It was then that she felt the Word of God lose and free her heart since she realized that she needed to forgive because she needed to be forgiven! The moment she made the decision to forgive her husband she felt very relieved and she returned happy back to her home. As she stood there watching her husband for a long time, and she realized that surprisingly enough, she no longer had those negative feelings! She felt her heart full of warmth and love for her husband like she used to do in the past. From that day, the peace of God returned to their household! They now live in harmony, and they care about each other! She characteristically said, “I now love my husband, I respect him and I appreciate him!”.

Furthermore, Mrs. Kourtoglou added that during the last six months she suffered from insomnia! As a result, she constantly felt tired and exhausted, she could not do her housework and she was not able to communicate with her children. Therefore, she decided to visit a doctor who suggested taking sleeping pills. Due to the fact that she felt even worse when she took the medication and there was no improvement at all, she stopped taking them. She knew she had to find a permanent solution to her problem, so she turned to God! It was Sunday, that she was watching the prayer line, and she noticed a visitor’s placard that stated the same problem she faced “Insomnia”! Immediately she thought it was her opportunity to ask Jesus Christ to deliver her as well! That day she prayed to God earnestly along with the man of God Harry, so that she would be free from insomnia.
Later, when she returned home, Mrs. Kourtoglou sat on her sofa and she fell asleep, whereas it was not bedtime yet. And she slept until the next morning! Ever since her sleep has been fully restored! She now sleeps early, normally and with no interruptions until the morning. She gets sufficient rest, and she is strong enough to do her daily chores. The solution she was looking for came from God Almighty in just a moment, as she approached His throne in faith! Closing her wonderful testimony, she advised all the couples who go through a crisis to make the Word of God a standard for their lives, and then, they will see amazing results!

Mrs. Argyriou Maria rushed from Germany to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive prayer from the man of God Harry, hoping that the Spirit of God will locate her and bring a solution to the dead-end in her life! Indeed, Jesus Christ met her need, as the man of God approached her and gave her a prophetic word, “I am seeing that there is a lot of disappointment in your life. You have been disappointed and hurt not just once or twice but many times. The time has come for you to trust the One who will never disappoint you – His name is Jesus Christ. So, dedicate yourself to God, surrender your life in His hands, and you will realize that the disappointment of the past will be turned to joy. Also, forgive all those who hurt you and broke your heart, and move on with your life. God will bless you”. Then, he prayed for her and commanded in the name of Jesus every chain of darkness in her life to be broken, declaring her free!

As Mrs. Argyriou confirmed the prophecy was a hundred percent correct, because the disappointments came one after the other in her life. At the age of one and a half, her parents abandoned her with her twin sister to the hands of her grandparents, but when they had become seven years old, they took them back again. This sudden uprooting caused a lot of pain and disappointment. The relationship of their parents was very bad and, finally, after 10 years they separated. This caused her even greater disappointment. The reward for her effort to keep a good relationship with her parents was to be cursed by her irritable father! Furthermore, at the tender age of seventeen years, she had to take up the responsibility of the whole house because of her father’s absence. Later, a friend of Mrs. Argyriou, whom she trusted completely, proved to be far from a friend, adding even more disappointment. Her trust for people had been shattered entirely. Her life was full of problems and responsibilities that did not allow her to think for herself. She reached the age of forty and she was alone with no perspective of having her own family since no one ever showed any interest for her neither had she ever had any relationship in her life. Joy was completely nonexistent. She had reached a dead-end…
However, when she heard this prophetic word she was pleasingly surprised since lately her thoughts were similar to everything the man of God said, and were leading her to forgive all those who hurt and disappointed her! And… she did so! Now, she wants to move on with her life and focus only on Jesus Christ, because she knows that only He will never disappoint her and that she will always be safe with Him. That is why she promised to trust Him in her life always!

The coming of believers into the presence of God is not accidental, but a predetermined divine appointment with Jesus Christ! This is exactly what Mrs. Moumen Fatma from France felt when she entered the atmosphere of faith that prevailed at SCOAN Thessalonica. She felt the presence of God strongly, and was assured that she was indeed in His house and that this day was her divine appointment with Him!
The problem that led her to travel from France to Greece in order to take part in the prayer line was the pain and discomfort in her right leg. This pain greatly affected the quality of her daily life. Not only did she stop riding her bike as usual with her husband, but she was unable to cope with the household chores. In fact, she lay in bed most of the day…

After the man of God Harry approached her and prayed for her, he asked her to stand up, walk and do everything she could not do before. Immediately, Mrs. Fatma, taking a step of faith, got up and started walking by herself, praising God! From that moment on she started to move her leg freely and lift it like never before! Now, she walks normally and the pain is gone! Full of gratitude to God, she promised to follow Him and serve Him until the end of her life!
Whatever your situation, remember that the choices you make today determine your future, your destiny and your relationship with Jesus Christ! Therefore, begin to involve God in your affairs!
In the photos below we see determined people from different parts of the world exposing to the light of God the works of satan in their lives. When evil is exposed before the almighty name of Jesus Christ, it loses its power. We are all witnesses of Him, that today, as then, Jesus Christ continues to bless, heal and deliver!