Once more, believers experienced a unique Sunday at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, as the atmosphere was remarkably charged! The visitors who came from every corner of the earth opened their hearts to the Great Deliverer, praising Him in spirit and in truth!

This was followed by a revealing message entitled “STOP FEEDING THE BLACK HOLE!”, through which the man of God Giannis Michailidis shared valuable lessons to the congregation, thus touching their hearts. He began by saying that, according to scientific studies, there are black holes in the galaxy. The property of a black hole is to devour everything in its path, as there is a magnetic field around it which attracts everything in its vicinity. As this black hole consumes, it grows, and with it grows the magnetic field, so its ability to swallow everything gets stronger!

He said that if we observe our lives, we will see that many of us, although we have been Christians for many years, still struggle with some weaknesses. In fact, many of us have been fighting a particular weakness for many years, and we cannot overcome it! This is because there is also a black hole in the spiritual realm that “sucks us in”, he explained. As we feed it through sin, this black hole grows, and as a result, it swallows us more and more! That black hole is your weakness! “Its influence is greater than the influence of Jesus Christ in your life, which is why you find it so difficult to overcome it”, he elaborated. If we fail to see that there are powers that cause one to be bowed down in bondage, we will fight the wrong battle: we will continue to feed the black hole instead of our relationship with God!

Then he took his Bible passage from Matthew 19:16-22: “Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life? Jesus replied. […] If you want to enter life, keep the commandments. […] All these I have kept, the young man said. What do I still lack? Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth”. The prophet pointed out that not only did Judas betray Jesus, but the rich young man did the same when he decided to surrender to his weakness. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have money, but getting rid of everything that hinders you from having money hinders you in life! Jesus Christ was telling him his calling, his vision and his mission in this life, but the young man took his calling out of the way to go straight to what his weakness was telling him to do! Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver, that is, €833 one would say today, then went and committed suicide! So, our weakness makes us sacrifice something big, to get something small in return!

Wanting to encourage the congregation, he said that we should let the black hole of our weakness die of starvation! He explained that if we fail to give Christ His proper position in our heart, our faith will be in crisis! As we continue to succumb every day to weakness, it will continue to be our god, and at the same time our guide. In fact, he pointed out, anything you put above God becomes your god – as money was to Judas!

Taking the second biblical passage from Matthew 6:24, he stated that no one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will lean on the one and despise the other. This means that you cannot serve both your weakness and Almighty God! Many people today try to combine God with their gods, so they are not effective in their relationship with Him. God speaks to you and is interested in you, but you cannot listen to Him because the black hole is in the first place in your heart, not Him! So, it is easier to listen to the voice of your weakness than the voice of God. While your weakness is asking you to sacrifice things, Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for you! Furthermore, our weaknesses keep us from running our race with Jesus Christ!

The man of God emphasised the study of God’s Word, as it is the means that Jesus Christ uses to speak to us, to touch us, and to rekindle the fire within us. He went on to say that God uses His Word because only the Word has the power to cleanse us, purify us, change us completely, and bring us to our divine destination!

In closing, he said that true repentance is not only feeling sorrow for the sins committed, but also breaking away from sin. You need to do the most effective fasting, which is to abstain from sin! When you make the decision to maintain a steady focus on Jesus Christ, then you will have the power to do this fasting!


Ms. Lizette from Germany returned to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to testify before everyone the goodness of God in her life since her last visit, when she participated in the prayer line having various problems.

Although she was struggling financially, she managed to come to Greece, and one particular Sunday she received a prophecy from Prophet Michael that changed everything for her!

“Sister, may I speak to you?” was the prophet’s question after praying over her and the servant of God proceeded saying: “You are free! I want to tell you that a huge blessing is coming into your life now. I know you wrote it on a piece of paper. So God will bless you. You will have your breakthrough in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Hearing these words again, Ms. Lizette could not help but feel emotional. In the past, she had tried to take birth control pills, and since then she had started to bleed excessively. In fact, this bleeding was unstoppable for a period of 6 weeks! Desperate to find a solution, she wanted to see a gynaecologist, but the next available appointment was in 6 months! Losing blood daily, having to change the pads she wore every 3 hours, she was exhausted and she felt very uncomfortable being in front of people because of the bleeding.

Because the doctor she went to couldn’t help her and recommended her to see a gynaecologist, Ms. Lizette, knowing that no gynaecologist was available at the time, started taking ibuprofen on her own at the maximum dose to relieve the pain. She was afraid of dying and leaving her children alone in this world.

Furthermore, she explained that, as a divorced mother, she received no help from the state. In fact, they estranged her from her children because her ex-husband did not allow her to see them, as she had neither a job nor a house to live in.

In this depressed state, every night she was crying in bed, knowing that her children wanted to see her, but she could not find a job and a home to take them to.

Until she discovered SCOAN in Thessaloniki! Initially, when she sent a prayer request, the next day people she had been trying to contact for months called her to tell her that there was a house available for her and her children! Immediately after that, she borrowed money to come to church and take part in the prayer line.

As she waited for God’s servant to come and pray over her, she noticed that the sanitary napkin she was wearing was dry, meaning that the bleeding had stopped before she even received prayer! That same Sunday, she received an email offering her a job with a contract and salary! The good news didn’t stop there, though. Welfare officials called her and told her that her children could return to her since her ex-husband consented to it! Finally, with the bleeding stopped, her period was normal.

Ms. Lizette advised the crowd not to rely on their own strength but on the power of God and not to give in to temptation. She also promised to keep her attention focused on Jesus Christ, the One who never leaves His children without a solution!

Faith requires action and is there for our challenges. It must be confessed with the mouth, acted upon and tested in difficulty.


As much as science has progressed today, there are some diseases for which humankind has not yet found a cure. But that does not mean that there is no hope! After all, Ms. Apostolia’s testimony proves this: that there is no disease that Jesus Christ cannot cure!

It all started a year ago, when she began to sweat profusely, to such an extent that she had to change clothes constantly. This, of course, drove her blood pressure to extremely low levels, close to 5.

Ms. Apostolia went to an endocrinologist who prescribed several tests for all the organs of her body. Some of them were quite expensive, but she had no choice but to have them all. As the doctor assessed the results, he found that Ms. Apostolia was suffering from autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease, an inflammation of the thyroid. Although she took a special medication to simply relieve the pain – as there is no cure – she saw no difference. The pain was unbearable in all her muscles and especially in her knees.

As there was no one to help her, she was forced to work for a living. Of course, when she was working she felt broken, not only physically but also psychologically, since fear and panic entered in her life… The quantity and quality of sleep were by no means sufficient, since Ms. Apostolia slept only three and a half hours a day, and when she woke up, she did so with terror in her heart.

Therefore, she went to a psychologist to find a solution. However, not only did she not find a solution, but she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which explained the few hours of sleep. This doctor urged her to take some pills so that she could at least sleep at night. Then it got worse! The pain got worse, the fear increased, and as a result, she was filled with suicidal thoughts! To God’s glory, when she was very close to running into a car, she would call man of God Harry, and after each communication between them, those thoughts would immediately go away!

With problems appearing one after another, how could she be happy about her situation? Of course, sorrow could not keep her from coming into the presence of the Healer of every sickness and disease, Jesus Christ! When she received prayer from Prophet Sorin at a Sunday service, a demon spoke and said: “I have given her hereditary bipolar disorder, autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease!” The man of God rebuked the unclean spirit, and Ms. Apostolia received her much-needed deliverance and healing!

The positive changes did not take long to show, quite the contrary! A short time after the prayer, she realised that she was no longer in pain! She had the same tests again and all the results were normal!

To Ms. Apostolia’s surprise, however, the insomnia persisted, which is a symptom of bipolar disorder. Wanting to know what was going on, she called prophet Harry who advised her to be patient and trust God. She therefore continued to be in faith. Until at one particular Sunday Service, during the time of the mass prayer, as she was rebuking every demon to get out of her life, she felt a weight leave her, without even receiving a prayer from a servant of God! That night she slept for 12 hours!

Now, there is no pain, no pill, no difficulty sleeping! She wakes up calm and without fear! Her advice is to always trust in Jesus Christ and look to His finished work on the Cross, and she promises God that she will be available to use her as He desires!

Indeed, problems do not need an invitation to come. However, if God is with you – which He is – who can prevail against you? No one!


Mr. Kenroy from the UK came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to experience the God inspired service and to receive an answer to the requests he had for many years.

During the laying of hands, the Prophetess Evgenia approached him and gave him this prophecy: “I see a spirit of death in your life. This came from a family curse from long, long ago. Your father specifically had quarreled with a relative, and gave him this curse: ‘May you and all your descendants, all your children, your grandchildren be dead!’ That’s why you suffer and have dreams of dead people… Even if you want to move forward in life, you can’t. No success, no nothing. As this has been exposed, you’ll see, God will completely change your life and you’ll see a family breakthrough in your life.” Then, she rebuked the unclean spirit, declaring him free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After that, Mr. Kenroy wanted to confirm the genuineness of the prophetic word. He mentioned that before his parents divorced years ago, his father had a great dispute with a relative over a piece of land. The situation came to such a bad point, that witchcraft was involved! In fact, both his father and that relative were going to a witch doctor. Mr. Kenroy recalled in his memory that they had buried a charm in the yard of their house for protection, and they also found an charm that someone else put in their yard in order to harm their family!

For a long time, Mr. Kenroy suffered from bad dreams, often involving relatives and friends who are no longer alive. In many dreams he used to eat, often with the deceased. Another kind of nightmare he had was receiving injections or being shot, which was quite frightening.

Mr. Kenroy also added that his whole family is facing stagnation and difficulty in their professional and social advancement. He said for himself that he has faced many setbacks in these areas in particular. When he was studying architecture, as a matter of fact, at one point his entire department was closed down as it was deemed redundant! Very soon after that, he also lost his job, as he was working and studying at the same time, and he found it very difficult to find another one. Then he tried to get a degree in business administration, but his health was severely affected by hypertension. So he failed the first year and had to start over again. When he finished his studies, he tried to get a master’s degree, but he didn’t make it. During his life, he has opened up and has been forced to close three companies! One of them, as he mentioned, started to go very well and suddenly it went back to zero. Another example of stagnation was his second daughter, who has studied to be a lawyer but was struggling to get a job…

As for his health, it’s a mystery! Although he has faced many problems, and even this year he had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital twice, his tests are clean!

Mr. Kenroy confided that he came to the point of feeling desperate, that he’s constantly trying to do better, but he has nothing to show for it!

All the above confirms the existence of the spirit of death and the stagnation in Mr. Kenroy’s life, so he thanked God for touching his case and set him free. He knows that the Lord has his case in His hands and that the situation will change!

As children of God, our success starts in the spiritual realm. If you take care of the depth of your relationship with God, God will take care of the breadth of your success!


With Jesus Christ as her ally, Ms. Pamela from France came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica to receive a word from God.

During the laying of hands and as the Holy Spirit was working powerfully through Prophetess Evgenia, the following prophecy was given: “I see a moving object in your belly, and it causes you pain. When you walk, when you sleep. And it causes you sleeplessness, but you can’t understand what it is. This is a spirit, you are being attacked, it comes in and out, but as we pray today, the Lord will deliver you and you will receive a financial breakthrough! You’re going to get a big offer, you’re going to be the boss, and you’re going to come and give your testimony!” After God’s anointing delivered her from every negative influence in her life, Ms. Pamela wanted to confirm all that was revealed to her on that blessed day.

She began by saying that, indeed, she was experiencing severe pain in her stomach and arms, to such an acute degree that she was screaming! In her stomach she felt as if something was pinching her hard! At work, her colleagues suggested that she should eat less sugar to feel better, but she knew that nothing could relieve it. So, because no one could understand the amount of pain she was in, she pretended to be fine. The pain was there, from morning until night for over 10 years! Her daily life was equally affected, as the pain made it difficult for her to move, forcing her to walk slowly, one step at a time. She even experienced days when she couldn’t even walk!

As for the financial breakthrough mentioned in the prophetic word, it is optimistic that God will fulfil the word He has spoken to her and that her life will not will never be the same again! After the prayer, Ms. Pamela no longer feels the moving object that for years had plagued her and caused her pain! Joyful and deeply grateful, she promised God Almighty that she would follow Him all the days of her life!

 Every time your condition exceeds the natural, it becomes a curse that only Jesus Christ can break! Seek the face of God in faith, and you will soon see the results you seek!


Ms. Elsa from the Netherlands had the privilege of attending the Sunday service of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Thessalnica, where she received a miraculous prophecy that revealed the root that had been troubling her heart.

The prophetic word she received from the man of God Kastriot was destined to ease her pain and it was as follows: “I see that you have much pain in your heart. I see that although you believe in God, you are hurting inside. As if something is missing. You are missing something inside of you. You’re looking for it here, you’re looking for it there, and you’re not finding it. You rely on your friends, your children, to others around you, which is good, but there’s something more than them, which is Jesus Christ. Only He can fill your heart and you can rely on Him completely. So, from today, start having a close relationship with Jesus Christ, and your heart will be filled and you will never feel empty again.”

Ms. Elsa confirmed what the man of God told her, saying that she lost her husband four years ago and two of her children lost their faith in Jesus Christ because of that, which hurt her deeply every day. She also said that the prophecy clarified within her the reason she felt deep sorrow, which moved her emotionally, warming her aching heart. She also confirmed the emptiness she felt inside and that she was indeed trying in human, earthly ways to cover her pain, turning to people which was never enough for her.

Now, she feels the warmth of the Lord, and she has promised to read her Bible more and that she would put it into practice as she will be walking with Jesus, meditating on His Word daily, so that she will never feel alone again!

What you’re feeling now is as a result of your focus, so rely on Jesus Christ to help you in whatever you are facing!

In the photos below we see visitors from all over the world as they travelled to experience the divine presence, an experience that would mark the new beginning in their relationship with God!

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1 Comment

  1. Ivory Jane Dela Cruz

    Thank you for sharing the works of the Lord Jesus Christ through this blog, I am always blessed to hear the mighty works of our living God.


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