A wonderful experience of a lifetime was shared by those who came from Greece and from abroad to the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica! The Spirit of God was once again thunderously present, flooding the atmosphere with peace, hope and joy! The believers, having left every worry at the feet of Jesus Christ, praised and glorified Him exactly as He deserves, with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their strength!

After the worship team and congregation praised the Lord, it was Prophet Javier’s turn to preach the Word of God with a message that will undoubtedly encourage every believer! This message was entitled THE BENEFIT OF FAILURE”.

“How many of you don’t like failure? How many of you have experienced it? How many of you think something positive came out of it?”. These questions were the questions the man of God began with. And there was a reason, because immediately after that he pointed out that the people we admire, like a famous and talented athletes or a successful businessman, are the ones who have failed the most. Therefore, it is impossible to succeed if you do not experience failure, he emphasised! In other words, personal improvement and fulfillment in life come through the continuous process of learning from both negative and positive experiences.

However, many today are afraid of failure, but the fear of failure prevents us from achieving our calling; it paralyses us! So the Prophet pointed out that when others say, “The end has come,” Christians say, “The best is yet to come.”  When others say, “We are at a dead end, Christians say, “God will make a way where there seems to be no way.” When others say, “I am finished”, Christians say, “My problem is finished”, because Jesus Christ declared it on the Cross! We conclude, then, that the children of God must be tested – even through failure – to prove their authenticity as children of the Most High.

Then man of God, Javier, read from Exodus 2:11-12: One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.”. If Moses had never killed that Egyptian, he would have lived a comfortable and prosperous life as an Egyptian. This failure, however, led him away from Egypt, into the desert, to meet God, to free his people from the yoke of slavery! From a murderer, he became a deliverer! The lessons, therefore, that Moses learned from his failure prepared him for the responsibilities and challenges of his later success. Likewise, if the Israelites had never gone through all this slavery, their hearts would never have sought God.

Therefore, do not waste any more time thinking about the mistakes of the past, because no one can live a perfect life. Be ready to accept failure and learn from it! Because for every failure we overcome, we come one step closer to success!

The way we approach failure will determine whether or not we will succeed or fail, the servant of God clarified. In conclusion, he said: “If you fall 20 times, get up 21 times! Who knows if your promotion is hidden in the 21st time”. And with these beautiful words he ended his message, leaving behind smiles of hope for the people of God!


When you feel that no one and nothing can give you the solution you so desperately seek? Then it is the time to seek something more powerful than yourself. What situation are you in right now? Are you feeling sadness, pain, despair? Remember that Jesus Christ promised that no difficulty will last longer than we can bear. His strength and His ways are always there, ready to support us!

Ms. Ritsa came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to testify the miraculous works of Jesus Christ in her life, but also to expose the evil works of the devil in her life. Ms. Ritsa stood with faith at the laying of hands and received the following prophetic word from the man of God Javier: “You will not fall down, do not allow satan to tell you such things! Remember that, as Christians, thousands may fall from our left and our right, but we will not fall down! Put this message in your mind; you will not fall, God is with you!”. Deeply moved that day, Mrs. Ritsa thanked God for all that He had done in her life.

She began her testimony by explaining that in the last few months she had an overwhelming workload, which she had to manage on her own. This caused various symptoms in her body, such as intense fatigue, excessive sweating, anxiety, stress and tightness in her chest. At first, she believed that all this was the result of the tiredness she was experiencing at work. However, when she noticed that the symptoms were occurring two and three times a day, and that the pain was moving from her abdomen to her knee and from her knee to her neck, she decided to see a doctor.

She went through some medical tests and the results showed that everything was normal. Her doctor then mentioned that she might be experiencing panic attacks and prescribe medication for her. She, however, refused to take them! The pain continued and other symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision were added, often making her scared at work that she would faint.

This situation had a strong impact on her mental state, because it got worse over time. Her only support was her husband, but when he went abroad for professional reasons, she was left alone and began to confess daily that she could no longer bear her situation.

The night before she came to the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, she told to her husband that she could no longer bear the pain she was experiencing and felt that she was going to collapse. The prophetic word, therefore, came like a balm to her heart, as it was what she had been meditating on since the morning of that day.

Since then, Ms. Ritsa feels unspeakable joy and relief! She is now confident that God is on her side and that He has given her the right “weapons” to defeat satan! In fact, she advised the children of God to trust the Lord in every circumstance and promised to follow Him faithfully all the days of her life!

When we accept adversity, enduring every pain, then we would learn what we should know and our grief will turn to gain! So don’t give up! Your difficulties will not overwhelm you, but will bring you the peace you seek!


The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult trials a person can experience. The pain and grief that comes with absence is often unbearable, leaving a void in the heart that seems impossible to fill. However, in these dark moments, God is always there to provide comfort and strength. His love reminds us that life does not end with death and that there is an eternal hope, a future that no one can take away from us.

It was in such a desperate situation that Mrs. Konstantina, who had no hope for the future and decided to come to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica in order to change her life. During the time of the laying on of hands, the man of God Stavros approached her and told her the following prophetic word: “I see that you have put an end to your life. You say: ‘This has been life for me; whatever I lived, I lived, whatever happened, happened up to this point.’ But God wants you to open a new chapter in your life. In all areas of your life, in your finances and in your marriage and in your career. The Lord wants to bless you, so remove that limit you’ve set for yourself and see what the Lord has for you. There are already steps you know you can take in your life. And you say: ‘Maybe it’s not for me, maybe I shouldn’t go ahead.’ No! God wants to bless you. Move on with your life!”

It all started when her husband became seriously ill with coronavirus, marking the beginning of a particularly difficult period in her life. That year, her brother-in-law passed away at the age of 65, followed shortly afterwards by the death of her husband, leaving her in a state from which she was unable to recover. Despite her efforts to get back on her feet, her daily life was filled with pain and disappointment.

At the same time, the financial difficulties intensified when Mrs. Konstantina, who was working as a farmer, fell victim to fraud. A merchant took her produce without paying her, deceiving her and leaving her in an even worse financial situation. In a state of survival, convinced that she had only a few decades of life left, she sank into despair. Fear had taken over her heart, and she saw no hope for the future.

The cycle of deaths in her family continued, further aggravating her mental state. Her sister passed away during a heart operation, and shortly afterwards her sister-in-law died suddenly. In fact, she found her dead in the bathroom after a wedding they had attended. This endless sequence of losses plunged Mrs. Konstantina into even deeper grief, despair and mental exhaustion. Unable to bear it any longer, she even wrote a handwritten will, believing that she had no hope left.

However, after the prayer something changed radically in her life. As she said, she felt like she had won the lottery! It was an unexpected turn of events, a surprise that brought her joy and optimism again. Now, she intends to move on with her life without fear, full of determination and faith. She will attempt to pursue her professional career with courage and now believes that the sky is her limit. Finally, she promised to remain close to God, to love Him and to be faithful to His Word, finding in Him the strength and hope for the future.

There is nothing more ridiculous than to allow your present situation to cause you to doubt the fulfilment of God’s promises for your life. Life can often bring us face to face with moments of extreme sadness and trial, where losses and difficulties seem never-ending. Yet even in the darkest of times, hope is never lost.


Many times, our problems have natural causes and they are solved in natural ways. However, there are also issues that cannot be solved in any way, no matter how hard we try. That’s when we have to wonder if there is something deeper! Behind a persistent problem, many times there is an unclean spirit behind it. Only the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ can deliver us from such dark influences and bring true redemption!

Originally from Tanzania and a resident of England, Ms. Theresia came to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to leave her problem in God’s hands. Suffering with her health, the doctors told her one day that she had fibroids and cysts, and the next day that she had nothing! She realised it was something spiritual, as she was also facing nightmares of people wanting to grab her, animals chasing her, or even eating her in her dreams.

When she decided to come to the church, attacks followed. Issues at the airport and hotel only confirmed that someone was fighting her. Yet, despite the enemy’s constant attacks, there is Someone else more powerful – Jesus Christ! When the man of God Javier prayed for her, he gave her this prophecy: “All these problems you are facing are because your family was worshipping idols, so there is a chain that connects you and your family to them. As God has exposed it today, it will be broken, and a new beginning will start in your life!” Then the Prophet declared her free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Ms. Theresia confessed that she did not know about her family’s idol worshipping past, but the place where she comes from is called “the land of witches” by locals, famous for practising witchcraft and idolatry. In addition, her family gave her a name, which means idol in Swahili.

After the prayer, she believes that God delivered her and her family from the chains of idols. Now joy and peace overflow in her heart, and she promised God to serve Him with all her heart and tell other people that Jesus is still Alive!

Only Jesus can bring true freedom to the soul of man, but remember: those who have been set free by the Word of Christ must be ruled by His Word in order to maintain and increase their blessing!


Many people today face enormous difficulties with medical problems affecting their bodies, living daily with pain, limitations and uncertainty. Their struggle is often fraught with trials as they struggle with illnesses or physical challenges that seem insurmountable. However, in the midst of their trials, many find comfort in the belief that God is present, and as a result, they take heart. Although the road may be difficult, God is always there to meet us at the point of our greatest need, offering us peace, healing, or the strength to carry on in the most difficult times of our lives.

So did Mrs. Charlotte who during received a prophetic word during the laying of hands from the man of God George Athanasiadis, who said the following: “Pray against problem in the ovaries! Polycystic ovaries. Have you already been to the doctor? ‘Yes, he said I have a cyst in my right ovary.’ Well, the Lord revealed it today, and along with prophecy comes healing! So your problem is over, it’s a thing of the past.”

Mrs. Charlotte expressed her gratitude to God for the healing she received. At first, she emphasised that she had not disclosed her problem to anyone! Only she knew that she had been diagnosed with a cyst in her right ovary. However, after the prophecy and her intense prayers, she felt that God had offered her a Divine healing.

Mrs. Charlotte and her husband had been trying for some time to have a child. During this time, she suffered from haemorrhoids, which led her to undergo surgery to remove them. Through the medical examinations that followed, the presence of the cyst she had was revealed. Thus, as a consequence, this situation made her feel sad at times. Nevertheless, her faith in God remained steadfast. She knew deep down that God had a plan for her and now she believes that she is free from her problem.

Now, after the prophecy, she expressed her conviction that she had received her good health on that particular day and declared that she is full of gratitude to God. She promised that she would always testify about God’s miraculous work in her life and that she would serve Him until the end of her life!

There is something far more important than your situation, beyond your situation lies God’s purpose for your life. The challenge is not just to overcome obstacles, but to recognise the purpose that may lie behind them. God, knowing His plan for everyone, does not allow us to go through trials for no reason. Every difficulty, every pain, can become a lesson, an opportunity to draw closer to Him and to understand more deeply our Divine purpose!

In the presence of Jesus Christ, freedom, healing, blessing is like breathing! All the people below needed to receive from God was their faith. May you, by faith, receive what you need from the Lord!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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